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File: 29 KB, 245x368, 23-thomas-pynchon-2.w245.h368.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9695037 No.9695037 [Reply] [Original]

Will he write another one ?

>> No.9695045

I don't know, Tom. Will you?

>> No.9695056

i hope not

>> No.9695069

pls no

>> No.9695076

but why?

>> No.9695077

I hope so. Don't know how likely that is though since he's an old fellow.

>> No.9695111

I don't see how he couldn't at least have something published when he dies. He seems like someone who writes about things he sees and eventually fits it into a book, so I can't imagine him stopping writing ever

>> No.9695148

Well, ha! You guys are just great. . . Maybe Tom is writing that story about the Civil War, who knows!

>> No.9696024

I bet Pynchon, McCarthy, Morrison, and Gass correspond with each other regularly, each fine tuning their final magnum opus and placing bets on who will die first and release the work post mortem. They're each far beyond the average lifespan, especially Gass

>> No.9696033

Pynchon is almost certainly my favorite writer, because what I enjoy most in books are goofs, gags, jokes, pranks, and rambunctious behavior, and his novels are full to the brim (so to speak) with these. Every novel somewhat resembles one of those novelty snake-cans: you open the book --- and POP! your face is instantly bombarded by rubber snakes, and you fall back to the floor, cackling. "The mad mind!" you think, "The genius, to do it!" and then you think, "Hm, what will he do next, this trickster?" And you pick the book back up from where you dropped it upon the floor after being besieged by the heinously hilarious rubber snakes and --- BZZZZZZZ! You get a shock! Hahahaha! You've been pranked by the old "Pynch-meister" (as they used to say in Uni), that "card"! "Did that pinch?" he asks, chortling childishly and excessively. Observe him carefully in his state of nature as he inserts a pair of plastic "buck-teeth" into his mouth and politely displays them to you. "Do you like these?" he charismatically asks you, eyes a-twinkling. "Do I look handsome?" He pulls out a mirror. "Ah!" and he places a hand to his naughty mouth, and you have fell to the floor with laughter again as he snaps his suspenders and exits stage-right, then appears again, hauling a large and golden gong.

>> No.9696042

unfinished posthumous work.

>> No.9696102

I'm legit concerned for Tommy ever since the election, it can't have improved his outlook. Do you think he even wants to write a book about it, or does he just sit in his room staring at an unlit reefer and crying?

>> No.9696110

What if his dedication to secrecy is so great that not even his family know his writing career, and no one reports his death because no one knows his real name?

>> No.9696122

Tom stop shitposting, just go finish up those rough drafts.

>> No.9696194

I dunno. I was exited when I first heard that BE would take place in the not so recent past but then it was like W Gibson without the technical detail. So he better sticks to history i guess.

>> No.9697034

We just need to get him on drugs again

>> No.9697096

Working on it right now.

>> No.9697106

He's already writing. Pynchon is one of those people who will always be writing. Will he finish his next book? Who knows. But he's certainly writing it.

>> No.9697107

Pynchon almost certainly voted for Trump.

>> No.9697118

I can't wait to see how you've deluded yourself into thinking you can possibly justify this claim

>> No.9697170


>> No.9697172


>> No.9697196

It follows naturally if you've actually read Blood Meridian and GR.

>> No.9697212

Bleeding Edge was his best work

>> No.9697221

I'm not going to bother any of you with the details, as you have no reason to believe me, but I have it on good authority that Pynchon is a Green Party supporter.

>> No.9697224

I hate this mockup photo of him. He almost definitely does not look like that.

>> No.9697225


I just screamed as you said this. My dad piped up to ask if everything was okay and I yelled "God bless you!"

Don't fucking do that again

>> No.9697231
File: 272 KB, 940x1015, 5a17f9d53ae4b8ba795b508c369578e146a838301f7e33f5e6c6c638289c40dc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He almost definitely does not look like that.

Anon, I...

>> No.9697240

I like the consitancy of this poster.

>> No.9697248

Fuck I feel sad now.

>> No.9697256

Claiming-to-know-personal-details-about-Pynchon is a pretty easy and common troll on /lit/ recently, but this is something I can believe.

>> No.9697308

How are those two books related?

>> No.9697323

I used to think that was the picture of some guy kidnapping a kid.

>> No.9697325

pynchon is actually ecofascist

>> No.9697425

they both could have only be written by someone who voted Trump.

>> No.9697461

Like Tarzan?

>> No.9697604

delicious macaroni

>> No.9697868

You should really learn to read.

>> No.9697997

or maybe get him into a nice room filled with an assortment of racetams, amphetamines and psychedelics

>> No.9698004

>hasn't read vineland

>> No.9698854
File: 140 KB, 600x400, easy on the bananas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9698875
File: 269 KB, 509x209, who.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did they see?

>> No.9698885

The old man by the pillar is looking down absentmindedly

The two on the left probably feel the same moral indignation/surprise Pynchon does at seeing some scumbag paparazzo jump out and take a picture of someone without their consent.

Look how pissed Papa Pynchon looks...

>> No.9700595

This is the correct answer. He lays out, clearly, so many times, how corrupt and lost he finds the system, yet people who still buy into red vs blue as if it was football or something refuse to see that the only way Pynchon would have voted for either of them is if he was trolling.

>> No.9700599

yo when we do the /lit/ meet up lets wander around the upper west side looking for pynchon, but don't take his picture like some faggy journalist, just be cool like "sup brah"

>> No.9700608

he's a father, and he's gotten less radical in his newer writings.

he was probably a bernie supporter who begrudgingly cast a vote for hillary as the lesser of two evils.

>> No.9700614
File: 101 KB, 893x653, 1497383580611.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

L-Leland ?

>> No.9700700

He signed a petition against Trumps policy on the arts funding before he got elected...

>> No.9700853

bullshit, he didn't sign shit



no, you just got lazier in your interpretations, im sure pynchon likes neither hillary nor trump but cant wait to see cnn get sunk for what they did to him, he's probably more anti-cnn than all of /r/the_donald

>> No.9700880

>no, you just got lazier in your interpretations,
riight, like i've been following him for years and read him in chronological order

>> No.9700894

I don't want to believe that Pynchon supports any political party or candidate, but then again I don't want to believe that Pynchon lives in New York city as opposed to a cabin in Montana from whence he mails his bombs.

>> No.9701015

the pynchon as mysterious outcast persona is kind of baffling considering how beat/hippy/ and all around humanist his works are. of course there's lots of esoterica underneath it all, but his writing is warm in a way that suggests a compassionate and well socialized man

>> No.9701030

His reclusiveness lends itself to all kinds of wild speculation, but the reality is probably he's just a guy who values his privacy

>> No.9701893
File: 2.51 MB, 286x258, 1496804726214.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9701901

Some say he's collaborating with Hideo Kojima right now

>> No.9701910

well he's about that age of people who were deeply affected by the strength of japanese capitalism in the 70s and 80s so that seems about right, although if he really wanted to be relevant he would team up with a chinese or arab, japs are kinda passe

>> No.9701914

Glad to see people are still posting about Pynchon's civil war novel that he's working on. I brought that here almost a year and a half ago, and on good authority.

>> No.9702002

>magnum opus

That would be boood meridian

>> No.9702075

That would be The Passenger his renovelisation of the famous tv series Dexter

>> No.9702570

>how beat/hippy/

This Pynchon is a hippy meme needs to fucking stop. You clearly didn't read episode 4 of GR, or Vineland, or Inherent Vice.

Dude wasn't a hippy, although he lived among them.

>> No.9702574

He's less angry, OK, but IV and BE aren't less radical. You didn't read them closely because they are deceptively simple.

>> No.9702666


He clearly experimented with psychedelics and partook in popular flower cturr of the 70s. If he wasn't a hippy, he was surely a sympathizer