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File: 99 KB, 500x610, bully.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9696443 No.9696443 [Reply] [Original]

When will you realize that there is no morality, no "the good people win in the end", just pure chaos?

>> No.9696448


When will you realize there is no assured 'wrong' victory, there is no "this is final and won't change", just pure chaos?

>> No.9696487

There is victory on a personal level, one man can live a far more rewarding and pleasing life than another

>> No.9696520

>one man can live a far more rewarding and pleasing life than another
unprovable claim

>> No.9696532

I remember seeing a post from some facebook meme page that called out former bullies for sharing stuff about how much bullying affects people. It was pretty good and I hope lots of people who were bullied in school shared it to shame their fellows.

>> No.9696533
File: 29 KB, 144x216, sort.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there is no morality
wow buddy that's so profound, good job! make sure to study for that psych 101 test!

>> No.9696536

Is that Jordan Pleberson?!

>> No.9696552

all reactionaries are paper tigers, especially post-modernist reactionaries like plebman

>> No.9696558

dw anon, he's just a bully, he won't get to heaven :^)

>> No.9696564


I was just memeing him using his same logic, friend.

>> No.9696570

>pleasure is good

>> No.9696579

It's pretty stupid to say there is no morality. It's like saying: There is no god. My, if there is no good then how does this nonexistant thing have a name and such a large amount of backstory and fanfiction and rites and so on - it is existant -even if it is created by man's wild imagination. Wild wild wild imagination. It is this which i love about man, do oyu not think so too? He is a man without paper tigers but rather real tigers made out of paper who jump out of woods and eat paper bunnies who are cautious but not powerful and at times lose concentration and are thus, as aforeheadeded mentioned eaten by the pipers who are made out of paper. But what does this mean? It means at most that their skin is of paper, or at least that their soul ist. Just as your skin is made of plastic, i may wonder where this come from and thus research conducteively into your background life story of your history existances. When doing so i may stumble upon a serious backlash from popular votings and be trialed with desting judgement by the governemntal institutions who would then open up the windows and scream: GUILTY GUILTY; THE MANS GUILTY. And woman all across the country would cheer in joy and proclaim that justice of god was beng enacted except that god, as we have pointed out is a imagination of mind and that lead to several urgent questions being asked at this enthusiastic female populace. A man who was hiding among these woman stepped forward and said: Meet me in the dark valley behind three blocks of buldings. There i shall tell you my secrets. It was aimed directly at me and thus i who was violent but not deluded decided to follow the man for three blocks and then enter dark valley which was a kindergarden. I toyed around with the children and rolled around madley on the floor while the dude who was previously hiding among woman was playing a guitar and stared singing a tale of two sons who were in doubt with the existance in god. So it's true, he sang, that god was out to find me and yet i closed my eyes and defied thee. And i was still doing backwards rolls and jumping in loopings abov ethe children who would kick plush balls across the room and also drink water as to stay hydrated in times of excess heat and dry wind but who would also take care of having just the right amount of vitamins in the skull and subsequently in the rest of their bodies. But the man said: How do we do, if the world goes down and god is left, will morality save us or will man be free, free from all that tied us to the community of goodwill? I didn't understand jackshit and said: Man, i'm still just getting into a sort of historical approach towards philosophy. I'm reading like introductions. I'm reading about who Kant was but it's all confusing to me so can you rephrase that. But the mans eyes filled with scorn and he screamed at me saying: SPARTA. SPARTA SPARTA SPARTA! SPARTA SPARTA! and i shakening my head while also doing jumping jacks in rhythm to effel 65 and having

>> No.9696598
File: 7 KB, 194x260, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw this is literally your fifth grade bully now

>> No.9696610


>> No.9696612
File: 68 KB, 700x700, 1458275444652.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw your fifth grade bully repented

>> No.9696613
File: 1.90 MB, 320x180, i hate that feel.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw John the Baptist tripped you during lunch and demanded you give him the locusts your mom packed special that day

>> No.9696635

>tfw you were the 5th grade bully

I've been a massive loser since middle school though so I suppose I got my comeuppance

>> No.9696639

There is order, it's just profoundly cold.

>> No.9696659

Anon, that is a sign that you should reconcile with him and accept him as a brother in Christ.

>> No.9696669

but he stole my lunch money ten years ago!

>> No.9696675

Learn to format faggot

>> No.9696688

The good people are Europeans who are responsible for high-striving moralistic idealism and building high-functioning institutions European peoples alone can create, along with 97% of "humanity's" scientific and technological innovation. The bad people are the jews who take advantage of European man's moralistic idealism by introducing/spreading slave-moralities like Christianity, communism, and liberalism into his societies, telling him he should care about and accept an unlimited number of low IQ 3rd world peasants into those societies, then lying to the weakest members of those societies like women and beta cucks by saying these peasants are just like them, which of course is not true and ultimately destroys those high-functioning institutions as well as his society as a whole, and benefits only the savage and immoral jew, who with his backwards semitic desert mentality, cares not for said European moralistic idealism, but simply uses this weakness for goodness against him in the hopes that jews like himself will one day be able to rule over the mongrelized, consumerist wasteland he's attempting to create in white people's nations.

Do not think like the OP. There is no "humanity." There is no universal morality. Races are not the same and have vastly different capabilities and internal moral frameworks. Egalitarianism is prole-feed, and whites need to get their shit straight, stop believing the fictional narrative that everyone is just like them, and join the fight against removing the jew once and for all. Understand? This is simply the way it is.

>> No.9696698
File: 167 KB, 900x1315, sts-peter-and-paul.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And Saul literally had Christians put to death. But he became something greater.

By the way, happy feast day of Saints Peter and Paul, /lit/.

>> No.9696792

Your bully is now a materialist faggot who makes money from being attractive on the internet?

Gee your Mum sure was wrong when she said he wouldn't lead a fulfilling life...

(Oh who the fuck am I kidding plebs are too stupid to think about things beyond material gain, he said probably fucking loving every minute of it and faking more women than you'll ever talk to OP. The world is as fucked as it always has been, just accept it.)

>> No.9696809

I shook when i read these words. "No what i have done" i cried and silently mourned my mistakes of past and future. I laid in my bed, defeated and tired. I tried to get up nbut as the thousand voices and noises of this endless cities of masses hit me i stumbled back into my bed and whispered: I can not compete with this world. All of my attempts to become whole will fail in this madness, in this great eternal neverending madness. In this factory of of madness. Sane? Sane? Formatting? No, never here. Never as long as i am in this hell." i said and fell asleep aftwards. In my dreams i visited the home of a man who called himself Chris Taylor. "!bam bam bam!" Chris Taylor said. "Sir" i said while looking with tight lips at eastern european plains but Chri taylor said: Bush de la Bush" and made mock instrument movements. I walked away into a russian village where w a witch was located. She was famous for being evil but also magically empowered to bewitch males. her sty was full of pig which used to be man but also she would do other humiliating things. I said hello to this witch and she welcomed me into her home. "I've read the odysse, you can't surprise me" i said but the witch just smiled and opened her breasts. "Take a look at that" she said and i felt an intuitive drive to suck on her nipples though i wasn't sure whether to do it or not. I feared that milk may spill out and create this sort of fetishistic situation in which i was directly and implicity reenacting the relationship between the infantile son and mother, too freudian for my taste, too vulgar in it's raw unfiltered and unwavering sexuality. But i couldn't reisst, my dick stirred and i moved towards these wonderful wonderful breasts and i started suckling without thinking a single thought. It was braindraining but i suckled on, until the milk piured out. I didn't feel anything but my mouth on dem nipples and didn't notice that i too was being transformed into a pig. That my legs bacem pig legs and my arms also pig legs and my genitals became pig genitals and also my head beca,me a big ead and a tail grew outta my body and it was all so crazy but i just felt that milk. In the end i was a pig oinking and so on but it felt really good. I couldn't even remember that i had been human desu. "Ohj shit" i said when i realized what has happened. "I fucked up big time.... fuck" i said when i was finding myself in a sty filled with dominant and masculine boars while i was driven by low testosterone levels which was visible in my physique.... "damn it" i said but it was just oinks.

The witch was in trouble with the national bureaucraxy though and was behind on some payments regarding taxes, electrivity and fees for running a wtichcraft enterpriseso she was forced soon to sell her posessions, meaning us, though not all of us. And soon as situations grew worse all pigs were sold and subsequentlyslaughtered though atleast some were allowed to mate, except for me who was lead to a deep deep