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/lit/ - Literature

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9693208 No.9693208 [Reply] [Original]

Which board on 4chan do you imagine has the worst taste in literature?
>inb4 /lit/

>> No.9693210
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>> No.9693214

Probably /co/. I guess they only know about genre fiction garbage.
At least that's better than boards where no one reads (like /moo/)

>> No.9693217

Nobody reads on this board either, though.

>> No.9693219

You'd be surprised. There's a lot of crossover there. And why call out /co/ and not /a/

>> No.9693221

But at least the average /lit/ard enjoys to larp as a reader.

>> No.9693239

I imagine the people in the classical and jazz generals read. Of course most of /mu/ is just young kids following trends.

>> No.9693244
File: 86 KB, 623x556, pol--.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

easily /pol/
others board dont bother pretending to read, but /pol/ does

>> No.9693250

They read infographics in fairness

>> No.9693253

/pol/ hands down, or /tv/.

>> No.9693261

as if /tv/ reads

>> No.9693265


>> No.9694214

/o/ and /k/ are the worst.
it's just 'murica, "fuck you i only need to read my bible"

>> No.9694224


>> No.9694226
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/fit/ where only oone book is read

>> No.9694284

That is the funniest fucking thing I've read all day.

>> No.9694315

>Why /co/ and not /a/?

Because LNs aren't literature.

>> No.9694318

/k/ has book threads, and they're 100% retarded shit

>> No.9694328
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that post is unironically correct though...

>> No.9694566

they sure as shit read a lot of fanfiction.

>> No.9694572

Yeah, the worst possible fanfiction, and fanfiction in itself is the worst possible form of fiction

>> No.9694579
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>the world would be a better place if he and his friends were killed at Normandy

what a fucking loser that kid is. and this is coming from another NEET. who would ever say that to a veteran let alone your GRANDFATHER. the amount of trauma that old man must've gone through during that war... he probably saw those same friends die in front of him and he has to hear that shit from his little faggot grandson who is mopey over not having a job. i hope this is a pasta because it riled me good.

>> No.9694595

What is the nature of taste? How can we define goodness of taste? I think those are problems we should tackle before we can answer OP's question.

>> No.9694664

Taste in this thread is clearly regards the extent to which books signal intelligence and sophistication. Boards whose "top 10 books" are more complex, rigorous, or nuanced will be most agreeable to /lit/ here

My thoughts:
Many boards fail to meet the "perceived as having a significant % of readers" criterion, and can't be easily considered. /v/ & /tv/ being the most obvious, as those media destroy attention and drain the literary mind.

/co/ is likely to be toward the bottom of those thst conceivably read due to their affinity for nerd culture & identity politics. Genre fiction, power fantasies, and pseudo-progressive virtue signalling books are lowbrow/indicate a lack of depth on the part of the reader

We can imagine /tg/ is also low on the spectrum. Warhammer 40k novels and the like are obviously garbage in our taste schema. However, the board is pulled up by the occasional "literary game master" or historical wargamer who are well-read.

/biz/ has a similar mix: most of the board probably read exclusively how-to business books, but you'll find the occasional business-intellectual

>> No.9694667

gtfo pseud

>> No.9694765

It's a pretty good book with good advice (apart form the diet) though. It explains how your muscles work and the biophysics behind the exercises.

>> No.9694839

/k/ here, I agree.

>> No.9694972

/mu/, /x/, /co/, /mlp/, /pol/, /fit/, /adv/. I would imagine /tv/ wouldn't read much outside of the books adapted by Kubrick but that's better than nothing imo.

>> No.9694977

> blaming a board for your own spaghetti autismo powers

I don't use /pol/ but I'm aware enough to not let my behaviour on 4chan influence my behaviour in the real world holy shit.

>> No.9695039

Well well well, aren't you a gullible brainwashed faggot? How in your right mind can you even possibly think that the screenshot you posted wasn't made by either a shill or a cuck that wants to make a false flag? For fuck sakes, even the 6 gorillions are more believable than this shit. Of course, even if you actually went back to read it to see if you could find any possible giveaways, you would most likely find nothing; that is because you are a deluded faggot that has been brainwashed by jewish communist propaganda. Your mind has been so manipulated by zionists that if they told them that 2 + 2 = 5, you would believe them in a heartbeat. How could this oppressed race (even though they control 99% of all information and 99% of all the government) ever be wrong? It must be the fault of those racists and of those nazis! Never mind the fact that you would have to be retarded to believe that it wasn't the jews' fault for being kicked out of pretty much all european states since the dawn of civilization. Also, let's ignore the fact that "nazis" have demonstrated time and time again through scientific studies and statistics that they have above average IQ, have a deeper understanding of socioeconomic factors and tend to have a more disciplined life. You probably agree unironically with my sarcastic statements, but I don't care; I know that if you are so brainwashed to actively try to undermine /pol/, there is no hope for you. Besides, I like to get the satisfaction of seeing the butthurt seep through your irrational and emotional replies. You make me laugh when you pretend to be a smart little boy who knows all about the world around you. You will never attain even 1% of the understanding that /pol/ has of the world.

>> No.9695047

It's /v/ without a doubt. Nothing but anti-intellectuals whose most developed reading is console war blogs.

>> No.9695063


Wouldn't a WW2 vet in 2017 be at least 90 years old?

Sincerely doubt a 90 year old man is capable of throwing bird baths and breaking noses.

>> No.9695070

wtf i love /pol/ now.

>> No.9695466

Is this pasta?

>> No.9695469


>> No.9695479

The joke is how he included Mark Twain because the word 'nigger' features in his books

>> No.9695511


>> No.9695540

/pol/ isn't even that bad compared to /a/ or /tv/. Atleast on /pol/ some of them have read the Republic, and there's a sizeable portion that reads Evola. /pol/ was actually more /lit/ before it became a pro-Trump board, which speaks to the intellectual curiosity of Trump supporters.

>> No.9695584

Probably /co/. I like them, but their taste in literature probably starts and ends at what they read as a kid. Which was probably good children's literature, but nothing special otherwise.

>> No.9695603

I'm also going to go with /pol/. They have the highest disparity between how highly they consider themselves intellectuals and how much they actually read. /Pol/ has only three books Mein Kampf, The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, and The Bell Curve, and they think all of them will take you on an intellectual spirit journey and make you better than everyone else. To them, it doesn't matter how much you have read or what areas of expertise you have, if you haven't read one of those books they will treat you like an idiot.

>> No.9695616


I will also defend /co/ in that there are at least a few comics and cartoons with strong artistic merit which may not be directly comparable to literature but at least get them in the right mind frame. I would even say a couple would deserve to be here if they were less visually oriented.

>> No.9695622

Yeah dude like Watchmen and Saga xD
Back to r/comics you pseud.

>> No.9695719

You sound more like a redditor than the other guy desu

>> No.9695741

>and they think all of them will take you on an intellectual spirit journey and make you better than everyone else
You forgot The Bible, which absolutely will take you on an intellectual spirit journey that will make you better than every last degenerate heathen.

>> No.9695743

this is what's wrong with modern western society
personally I blame Socrates

>> No.9695808
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Existence precedes essence.

Fite me.

>> No.9695813


Should i just skip that fucking book? Been on it for about a week now and it's fucking boring as shit, why has God gone from killin' and chillin' to requiring his followers carry rulers around.

>> No.9695814


debating things rationally triggers you i see

>> No.9695834

ive read some clever manga, ive never read a clever comic book.

>> No.9695838

/v/ doesn't read so they don't have bad taste in literature, they just have no taste

>> No.9695841

Most other media interest boards don't even have good taste in their own board subject matter, let alone literature

>> No.9695853

Not sure about worst, but /tg/ probably has some of the best taste.

>> No.9695859

Sure, but a non-trivial percentage of them think that vidya are literature.

>> No.9695864

threads like that Bloodborne thread the other day give me the chance to shill cosmic horror classics

>> No.9695872

>You forgot The Bible

>The alt-right mourns European culture’s decline but has itself created the most degraded and degenerate forms of culture the West has ever seen in its own fetid forums. It romanticizes the West but hates its Christian “slave morality” and the best of its intellectual traditions. The alt-right uses the now completely bankrupt language of counterculture and transgression when they talk about being “the new punk,” which should serve as a reminder of how empty those ideas have now become.


The /pol/ reading lists are so cringeworthy, and show a total lack of awareness of nuance in conservatism. It honestly shocks me that it isnt 100% troll. I've seen what seems to be honest support for Jünger as a Nazi

>> No.9695874

/fitlit/ is real though, and honestly, though sometimes sadly, read for personal enrichment.

>> No.9695879

/v/ reading is Reddit top 100 stuff and scifi-fantasy. Not /lit/ but not below expectations.

>> No.9695892

you sound like such a pathetic poser trying to fit in 'with the cool 4channers'. Are you really gonna shit on watchman because the only semblance of personality and taste that you have is being a contranian on the same level as an insecure teenager desperately trying to lose his virginity

>> No.9695924

>implying Reddit top 100 and /lit/ top 100 aren't pretty much the same apart from some YA shit.

>> No.9695927

why are you replying to me? How is this relevant to my comment?

>> No.9695953
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>> No.9695965

was meant for

>> No.9695968

I don't doubt that /co/ has taste for comics and cartoons (though way less European animation than I'd like), I'm just unsure if that'd translate well to /lit/. Many are probably familiar with the big names like Catch-22 and Kurt Vonnegut, but outside of that I really doubt many have read that much after leaving school.

>> No.9695981


/co/ doesn't even like comics anymore, the comics fans were chased off long ago.

>> No.9695986

I'm going to guess this is Reddits. It's worse than I thought

>> No.9695992

/v/, they read books based on vidya

>> No.9695998


This is the top result.

/v/ book threads are purely hedonistic escapist works. As far as literary quality, poor, but pulp beach trash is sometimes fun. Lovecraft, Howard, Warhammer books, Sanderson etc

>> No.9696002
File: 135 KB, 512x411, 1486997657629.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ender's Game
>Harry Potter
>all that contemporary shit in general

>> No.9696015

There are some great contemporary works, that meme is shit. But its just so middlebrow...

>> No.9696019
File: 370 KB, 292x278, tenor.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dr. Suess and the Bible, eh? Amazing how much we love our fictional children's stories.

>> No.9696046

>le altright maymay
your finger couldn't be further from the pulse

>> No.9696047

an [intellectual] corpse has no pulse

>> No.9696061

Faulkner was right about Twain

>> No.9696066

I know a WW2 vet who is 92 years old and still kicking ass. Doesn't look day over 75 and doesn't need help with anything. I could see him kicking some fat NEET's ass pretty easily

>> No.9696076

/mu/ is pretty good, they just act like ironic retards. their sharethreads and discussions on favorite x/y/z are usually pretty on point. i say they have better taste than most of /lit/

>> No.9696081

>hedonistic escapist

>> No.9696087

thats how i feel when I read At the Mountains of Madness

>> No.9696099

>he hasn't read "the silver key"

>> No.9696101

/pol/ easily. Followed by /b/, /v/ and /tv/.
/pol/ is the worst offender because /pol/tards perceive themselves as intellectual and entitled to voice their opinions on literature whereas posters from other boards would be more likely to acknowledge their status as philistines.You see it every day on /lit/: some refugee from /pol/ making a thread bashing an author they have clearly never read. Bringing up "cultural marxism", etc.

>> No.9696104

Found the Yidd.

>> No.9696107

or the whole Dream Cycle, really

>> No.9696109

Nobody likes The Silver Key

>> No.9696111

That is a good point, but /pol/ still tries. /pol/ may use literature exclusively to push their retarded agendas but they do read, even if it's only the shit they're allowed to read.

>> No.9696112

you fuck right off

>> No.9696113

I have seen posters on /pol/ unironically believing that Soumission is a critique of Muslim immigration

>> No.9696133

I don't believe /pol/ has read a damn thing. There is a certain person they love to talk about and one of his most famous books has an intro with a very amusing sentence /pol/ would describe as a "sign from Kek".

The fact that these idiots havn't found it proves to me they don't read a damn book in their life.

>> No.9696145

or the whole Dream Cycle, really

>> No.9696171

As many other have said, probably /pol/. I've seen alt-right reading lists, and it's limited to non-fiction, propaganda, or self-help books, because fiction is a marxist jewish agenda.

>> No.9696179

Very occasionally, one of their greentexts are alright.

>> No.9696199

On /co/ - I'm kinda biased here, but I fully support comics as their own artistic medium, and though the narrative can be compared to books, I think it's a pretty uninteresting discussion to have. The knee-jerk comparison to literature is unhelpful in almost all discussions about artistic merit.

That being said most comics really are shit, especially american cape comics.

>> No.9696264

On /tv/ you will usually find people who have read the source of any given tv show or movie, so that assessment can't be quite right.

>> No.9696271

/biz/ is aware of classics in personal finance and macroeconomics. The poisonous side of that board are the anti-bogle types, the day trading chartists with their moms money, and the bitcoin shills

>> No.9696282
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>> No.9696291


>> No.9696322


When he was young he trashed Twain but recognized his importance when he was older.

>> No.9696324

>90% of literature threads on /pol/ just post the /lit/ charts over and over again
They've definitely got the worst taste.

>> No.9696336

>Le pol is the wosrt board ever xDDD hehe meme we r'e so cool you guys accept me right? :) XDD

>> No.9696343

I loved when /pol/acks were going through that Nietzsche posting phase, because you could tell that literally none of them had read a single page of nietzsche's writings in their life.

>> No.9696347

I was really into comics until I was around 14 and got sick of the constant capeshit that made a resurgence around then. The only good capeshit is certain one off batman novels, anything taken from the serials is guaranteed to be littered with the cliches and is made to appeal to manchildren. Do you have any good comic recommendations? I want to get back into it because of know there is still some decent stuff. Also my movie ideas will never happen because I don't have 50 million dollars and a graphic novel seems like a good medium to take advantage of with my drawing abilities. Would anyone be interested in a Web comic of the French religious wars starting from the St. Bartholomew's day massacre to the crowing of Henry IV?

>> No.9696360

pol is so bad it goes beyond ironic to post ironic memes. Anyone who takes anything in that shithole somewhat seriously is already lost. It's not even the views themselves that are bad (they are) it's the level of rhetoric they discuss ideas with that is on the same level as uneducated day labourers whose main source of information is fm radio

>> No.9696380
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Well one thing we have to remember in comparing comics and cartoons to literature is to lower our expectations. We have to remember that when discussing literature, we include all of those stories about talking animals dicking around by Mark Twain, Fantasy Novel #544387, or those fun poems by Shel Silverstein. When we say a comic or cartoon is literary level, we can't just compare it to Dostoevsky or Borges. We have to hold it to the same standards we hold all of literature. Really the threshold which comics/cartoons must pass to be counted as /lit/ is treated as much higher than that which books themselves must pass.

Fuck. I like Orwell, Animal Farm, and 1984 but it is nowhere near the top 25, same with Dune, and Siddhartha. Why the fuck is The Giver anywhere on that list. Guns, Germs, and Steel isn't literature. I'm torn of Calvin and Hobbes. I just got done saying that sufficiently good comics should count as literature and its at least as good as Mark Twains lighter works, but I can't shake the feeling that the people who put this up there are idiots.

>> No.9696416

Can they ever be considered 'literature'? It's a different medium, the final judgment of a comic must take into account the visual aspect, what literature doesn't have and what differentiates comics from other mediums. Maybe the stories themselves should be on the same level as lit but that's implying that the only point of literature is the story and not the everything else authors have been attempting to do for thousands of years. I think comparing comics to literature won't work, instead comics needs something now that elevates the medium higher than it already is. Not by being directly compared to literature, but by showing how powerful a comic could be within its own medium. I'll say the same about video games, it has to take want differentiates it from other artistic pursues and push it into the realm of good art

>> No.9696421

cont. which means stop trying to be literature(comics) or movies (video games). If you have to ask yourself "why am I telling this story in this medium" then you've already failed.

>> No.9696423

Well, I'm kinda hesitant to recommend stuff here because naturally, /lit/ has far higher standards for narrative and such. Depending on how discerning you are, these may all be terrible to you. So take this as you will, but I personally love:

Hellboy - very first story is pretty rough, but the one-offs are fantastic. Basically pulp Lovecraft + every other mythology Mignola could get his hands on. "The Troll Witch" might be a good starting point. There's also Sandman, by Neil Gaiman, who everyone on /lit/ loves. IMO one of the best completed comics out there. Art gets a bit 80's sometimes. I've been a fan of Garth Ennis for a long time - he writes absolutely childish, edgy, juvenile comics, but also mixes in some beautiful and touching shit in there. The Boys and Preacher are probably his best works, I heard he's written a fantastic Punisher as well.

And of course, there are also cape runs that are considered especially good - Frank Miller's Daredevil, for example, or Alan Moore's Swamp Thing. And then there's the franco-belgian artists, where comics are considered proper Art. I loved the books for children (Tintin, Gaston, Asterix & Obelix), and I think anyone does themself a disservice by not reading them. I haven't read it personally, but "The Incal", written by Jodorowsky and drawn by Mœbius, is supposed to be pretty fantastic.

>> No.9696437

Thanks anon, I'll check some of these out. I love Tintin and Gaston, my mom used to bring me different issues whenever she would travel to Europe. I don't know how I forgot about these

>> No.9696445

I agree - when comparing anything to literature it's important to keep in mind how long literature has been around, along with the relatively few resources needed to create it (something to write on). And besides >>9696416 is right. Usually in the mainstream, literature is chosen as artform to compare all narratives to, but the comparison doesn't hold up in the long run, because it boils all art down to the narrative. And in comics, that's only half of it - the art is then viewed as having the same funciton as a picture book, to help the reader understand what's going on, or make it less boring to read, while it actually is half of the experience.

Or let me put it like this: nobody critiques music by talking about the narrative, because we all understand that music is more than the lyrics, the actual story being told. But when it comes to newer, less established art, we feel the need to define it with terms we already know, instead of developing enw ones suited for the artform.

>> No.9696483


>> No.9696528

>People are posting boards other than /tg/
I can't tell if we're really virtual signalling on a anonymous basket weaving forum or /lit/ has become this insular.

>> No.9696529

Am i right in thinking that /pol/ did start of with ironic nazi posting, but then actual nazis got involved thinking it was a nazi board, and now it is awash with the dreggs of /b/ who believe in memes not nazi ideology. The ones who post the most are the nazis but all the oc comes from meme lovers.

>> No.9696540

/co/ deludes themselves thinking there's literary comics. Sure, your Superman comic is sooo literary. Give me a break.

>> No.9696542

Yeah that's more or less it, similar to what happened with chanology, mlp and gg.

>> No.9696553

How do i know the same didn't happen to /lit/?
Has /lit/ always been like this, or do i think this is real, like the retards think /pol/ is real?
I get that starting with the greeks is a joke, as well as learning another language but what else about /lit/ is jokes so i know to not adopt?

>> No.9696559

/lit/ was literally 90% devout Catholic Traditionalists before the Marxists arrived, what the fuck are you talking about.

>> No.9696567

All boards change over time and there's a lot of shitposting here these days, but then again there always has been. I would say it's different in that /lit/ didn't have a massive, sudden influx of people who thought we were being serious that proceeded to drown out the oldfags and ruin the place in the space of a few weeks.

>> No.9696574

>I get that starting with the greeks is a joke
Not gonna make it.

>> No.9696578

I would honestly and unironically say /lit/

>> No.9696581

/a/ because they think everything in the literary canon is a ripoff of some manga

>> No.9696583

what book

>> No.9696589

Battlefield Earth

>> No.9696597

you sound like a insecure sitcom character shitting on something he actually likes, thus becoming the second whacky plotline running alongside the main plotline about something 'serious'

>> No.9696600

What do you mean by that?

You guys got a play to recommend? I'm nearing the end of the Norton Critical Edition of Marlows Faustus and i've got a hankering for more plays. Don't really mind the era. I highly recommend the Norton Faustus it's solid, includes the chapters from Faustbuch which the play was based on. As well as compared the A and B text (also included) and has tons of contextual essays.

>> No.9696605

People can perform acts of strength well beyond their normal limits when emotionally charged. Like when told the world would be better if he and his friends had died and Hitler was right, e.g.

>> No.9696616

>Battlefield Earth
nobody on pol knows that author

>> No.9696618

I don't know why you decided to ask me about plays based on my post but being Irish most of the good plays I know are from around here. I can wholeheartedly recommend anything by Martin McDonagh, most of his movies are great also.

>> No.9696627

I asked because you were sincere. If i made a thread it would be shit posted. I'd rather have one good response straight up than 20 good responses buried under 30 shit ones. Also i'm drunk.

Thanks for the suggestion. Any particular play come to mind? Are his plays accessible to an outsider?

>> No.9696629

this is true and there are 90 year olds are still active and decently strong. My 85 year old grandpa still builds the houses he invests in, even doing all the electric work in top of maintaining his giant garden on his property

>> No.9696636
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In particular The Pillowman stands out, saw it a few years back and the met the president at it(pic related). His later stuff is more geared towards Yanks I'd say, his earlier stuff might be a bit hard to get if you're not Irish.

Waiting for Godot is good too, even though I find some of Becket's stuff to be a bit much at times.

>> No.9696642

This is true. I think the takeaway for the purposes of the thread are that /co/ isn't as plebeian as many would say and while comics may not be directly comparable to literature, it can activate many of the same thought processes as lit. Also I would state that many comics can serve as a gateway into literature if the conditions are right.

>> No.9696650

>gateway drugs
This is like me saying that vidya is a gateway because I sat down the play Planet Escape: Tournament one day and decided after 2 hours "fuck this I may as well be reading a book"

>> No.9696660
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I think /a/ probably has the worst taste in books (and worst taste in general).

>> No.9696663

/lit/ and /a/ are the only boards I've visited. I only visit /a/ once a mount for leaks of a specific manga that's slowly deteriorating.

>> No.9696679

fit reads other stuff, anything dragon door

>> No.9696686

I've simply got to say I met a /pol/tard in french foreign legion. he browsed fit and pol and he was the only one to bring books -- and good ones, they weren't classics but they were really good non fiction. He was from seattle tho so don't know if he really counts

>> No.9696690

>I get that starting with the greeks is a joke
Holy fucking shit kill yourself retarded reddit cocksucker.

>> No.9696707

If reading the greeks means i can make quality posts like you and your ilk i'll do without

>> No.9696712

if you're not reading the greeks it's too late

>> No.9696750


>> No.9696763

/pol/ started with very diverse views, but then Stormfront showed up and slowly converted the entire board. Eventually when Moot was looking to cash out, he realized that nobody wanted to advertise on his site because it was full of literal Nazis, so he turned it into a joke in an event known as /pol/ Harbor. There was all kinds of cuckold stuff and filters and someone talking about cuckolding in the background of the board and it drove off most of the real Nazis (who are surprisingly well read) to 8/pol/. If you go to 8/pol/ it's very reminiscent of old /pol/. By the time the election came around, /pol/ basically turned into some horrible mix of /b/ and reddit. I'd agree though that most of the oc on /pol/ nowadays comes from ironic meme-posters because the legitimate Nazi content-creators all moved to 8/pol/ or end/pol/.

>> No.9696801

The worst part about theses posts is the poster revealing how new they are by not having experienced proto-/pol/ aka /new/.

>> No.9696845

I've been around since Duck-roll. But i never left the confines of /b/ till 2012, when i came over to /lit/ and /ck/. Then i went to uni actually engaged with people who were open about visiting 4chan in public. I stopped going on 4chan till the start of this year.
Also stop pretending that being new is some kind of bad thing. It stopped being anything when i first joined. When a site gets media attention it's going to get new users.

The worst part about your post is all of it. There is no good part, there is no neutral part. It's all the worst part.

>> No.9696864

Start with the Greeks is code for anal.

>> No.9696876

I get the joke now.

>> No.9696892
File: 14 KB, 224x216, da24fc5fd8175f328f13609e9a1c6df8fe22f3d3fb01c495f5410cb02a41c2d7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What? He asked about early /pol/ so I told him about early /pol/. I'm not some faggot who's going to try to brag about being here too long by telling him my whole fucking life story as it relates to 4chan. You can fuck right off.

>> No.9697911
File: 36 KB, 333x499, 51S7mhXekyL._SX331_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it even a question that /pol/ has the worst taste given they read shit like this? They even eclipse how /v/ likes to read Halo novels.

>/co/ or /a/ the worst

Nope because there is actually good manga and comic books.

>> No.9697922
File: 144 KB, 620x425, DO8aydW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It doesn't help /pol/s case that there is so much /pol/ & /lit/ crossover that everybody interested in any remotely highbrow right wing lit just ends up on /lit/ causing /pol/ to be almost exclusively low brow shit, and if you're lucky, middlebrow.

I think the more interesting discussion is who is the second worst, and that for me is /v/ who will read cash in tie in books.

>> No.9697945


>> No.9697949

It's the equivalent of Shawshank Redemption being the best movie of all time on IMDB

>> No.9697950


I have copies of those first three halo books

>> No.9697954

/mu/ is full of 19 year olds. 19 year olds aren't smart.

>> No.9697968

>“Now these [battles] too are over, and already we see once more in the dim light of the future the tumult of the fresh ones. We--by this I mean those youth of this land who are capable of enthusiasm for an ideal--will not shrink from them. We stand in the memory of the dead who are holy to us, and we believe ourselves entrusted with the true and spiritual welfare of our people. We stand for what will be and for what has been. Though force without and barbarity within conglomerate in sombre clouds, yet so long as the blade of a sword will strike a spark in the night may it be said: Germany lives and Germany shall never go under!”

Junger may not have been a nazi but some of the stuff he wrote sounds like it could've come out of uncle Adolf's mouth too.

>> No.9698067

Obviously fake but still kind of funny.

>> No.9698084

Fake how?

>> No.9698481

I don't go on /x/, but occult literature is interesting and dense as fuck. Very similar to philosophy in a sense.

>> No.9698488
File: 17 KB, 207x253, 14c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>good taste in music
Their charts are okay. Their taste is garbage outside of /classical/ and /bleep/

>> No.9699123
File: 3.36 MB, 2392x3348, pl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But that's wrong, you fucking idiot.
There are constant book threads with authors like Nietzsche, Evola, Kant, Hall, etc. You lying nigger.

>> No.9699150
File: 3.99 MB, 2248x3442, pl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gosh damn if this board hasn't gone to shit.
You confound philosophy in a way only a kiked out mind could. You can't even have a bloody conversation without some bullshit interfering.
>I do agree with you, anon, reading does broaden your perspective.
Then that post gets replies like
>Reading is a spook
>Define broaden. HA! GOT YA! SEE? I WIN HA
>Reading is really just a waste of time, everything is pointless. Duty is oppression and responsibility is fascism. Nihilism is actually really fun, I swear.

>> No.9699169


>he thinks Berserk is more clever than fucking Sandman

weebs need to fucking die

>> No.9699216

I agree. I met a few /a/ posters at one point in my life. All they cared about was fanservice. And that isn't just in anime. One of them litterly told me he couldn't endure reading books because there weren't enough images of cute girls.

>> No.9699312

>that chart
>a /pol/ack's journey
>implying 99% of /pol/ has read anything beyond tier 1

>> No.9699505
File: 46 KB, 526x701, fluff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's because half/pol/ is shite, m8. The only reason I came to 4chan is because their /lit/ is more active. But quantity obviously doesn't equal quality.

>> No.9699587

>thinking that being a sucker is good idea

>> No.9699603

I can't tell if you're referencing that anti-fascist short from the 40's called Don't be a Sucker! or not.

>> No.9699612

As someone who regulars at /co/, there are at least three or four of us who regular the shelf/buyfag threads who read a lot of the /lit/ favorites. The board as a whole, hard to say. The cartoon half definitely brings things down a couple pegs.

>> No.9700543

This, /v/ is one of the worst places in internet history /mu/ is pretty bad but at least they don't take themselves too seriously and if they do they're probably just 14 year olds

>> No.9700602 [DELETED] 

shut up jew

>> No.9700613

He means the poster made up the story you absolute retard

>> No.9700632

lollll that is the raddest post i've seen in ages holy shit

>> No.9700668

>inb4 /lit/
Why ask for an answer if you're going to reject the only answer? No other board has the accuracy, and no other board has the superiority complex about books to not realize they've generally got the literary taste of hipsters and sophmores.

>> No.9700914

Nobody said anything about berserk. It's clear you know as little about manga as I do of comic books.

>> No.9701112

Does /jp/ have second best taste after /lit/? Some of Urobuchi's games are definitely better than much of the meme crap people keep bringing up on here.

>> No.9701123

you split an infinitive so your opinion is wrong

>> No.9701208

Yeah, fuck the dream cycle honestly

>> No.9701217

there is nothing wrong with anal

>> No.9701260

I'd like to remind you that it's rather poor form to inb4 as OP.

>> No.9701268

But was it justified in this case?
/lit/ was the obvious "humorous" answer, though its blatancy makes it ironically funny at best, droll and tedious at worst

Is there something wrong with derailing that retardation before it can take root?

Also /tv/ probably

>> No.9701634

Easily /pol/