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9695509 No.9695509 [Reply] [Original]

How do I retain more informations when I read?

>> No.9695512

go fuck yourself productionist jew

>> No.9695519

Okay, then let me rephrase my question: How do I retain more details of what is happening in fiction books? I find it very hard to remember anything but the general gist

>> No.9695524

read slower
reread it

>> No.9695526
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just be yourself

>> No.9695533
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>> No.9695538
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dude...I was posting a zen koan.

are you, uh, like, retarded?

>> No.9695549
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he doesn't know how to free associate w/r/t eastern knowledge (*1.)

1. I do.

>> No.9695556

Alright, I'll do that. By the way, do you think writing down what is happening is a good idea?

>> No.9695560

Jesus Christ Almighty this is one fucking ugly bitch.

>> No.9695563

back the fuck off?!

she's a fashion model

>> No.9695564
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wow rude

>> No.9695568

This. It's very frustrating at first because you keep zoning out and having to reread things over and over. Suddenly you look up and you realize you've read 10 or 20 pages in an hour. How did you get this stupid?

But this is how you get smarter: Keep doing things correctly no matter how frustratingly long it takes. For me, I learned this process first by self-teaching Mathematical Analysis via Rudin. To some extent reading a math textbook like Rudin was a better way to learn this lesson, because each section builds directly off the previous sections. If you get impatient and don't fully understand what you've read, you immediately catch yourself.

So don't worry if reading takes you a very long time. This is normal. It will get better. Vidya, tv, internet culture has sapped you're ability to read. You are literally relearning how to read. And good news: When you get a little better and don't have to continually reread stuff, books will flow better and so the intellectual and emotional impact will be way greater.

Who is this dilettante and where can I see naked pictures of her?

>> No.9695572

Apart from her mandibles she's gorgeous

>> No.9695574

Start with a book about pop culture

I'd say White Noise

>> No.9695579
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>Who is this dilettante

i am upset w/r/t your meanness.

>> No.9695582

I think she's pretty and says interesting things and doesn't afraid of nothing

she's way out your league, son.

>> No.9695604
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lmao no way cuz i wud look at her pu$$y and sing
making my way downtown
walking fast
faces pass
and im home bound

shed cum BUKKKETS