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9695346 No.9695346 [Reply] [Original]

What are some books that will help me reconcile the evils of the world?

>> No.9695363

I find it is worthwhile to combine a sort of nihilistic darwinian gnosticism to the whole endevor. We are in a flawed and uncaring void in which all interactions have become commitized. All expression has been uploaded to a hyperreality of online social networks such that all activities and creations are now used to created a false visage. We are in an era of unrestrained corporatism that turns all labor into a commodity itself and all individuals into consumers.

I would recommend some Foucault and Nietzsche. Through these you will see that not only is all interaction based on the flow of power and its utilization, but your own belief in the evils around you are based on the defition of those in power.

While delving into the naturalistic worldview you will also being to understand that evil is based on frame of reference, we are all complicit. If you are a westerner, most of our good and a great deal of our well being has been based on the exploitation of third world labor, becuase of this, the evil presented to others is seen as a good for the self. Original sin is no longer the fall of adam but the joys we eek from life through the suffering of others. The only reaction to this is to nihilistically reframe yourself as a Good Christian and be done with the whole deal.

>> No.9695686

Don't reconcile Evil. Doing so only benefits it.

>> No.9695789
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>> No.9695793

Marcus Aurelius' Meditations

>> No.9695797

The Bible ;*

>> No.9695847

The Consolation of Philosophy so long as you're not a fedora.

>> No.9695851

Religious texts from any religion in the world. Or if you want it in one book, The Perennial Philosophy by Alduous Huxley

>> No.9695889

The hungry Caterpillar.

>> No.9695898

>shilling early 20th c. perennialism in 2017
what the hell
it turns out that different religions disagree on the fundamentals, kid

>> No.9695902
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>> No.9696006

I've not read any but theodicy sounds like what you want to read about.

>> No.9696020



>> No.9696025

i read most of Benatar's, it was actually fairly interesting

>> No.9696591
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>> No.9696981

Is this book actually good?

>> No.9697237

This is exactly wrong. If anything it will just make them seem more significant.