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/lit/ - Literature

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>> No.9682564

Blood Meridian is the best fantasy novel ever written.

>> No.9682580

Can I get a quick rundown on American Gods?
Is it good, bad? What?

>> No.9682596

It's not fantasy. It's good though

>> No.9682608


>> No.9682612

Magician by Raymond Feist. Pretty sure at least the first book is single PoV.

>> No.9682616
File: 34 KB, 400x308, PLEDGE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cowboys and indians
>set in the "wild west"
>not fantasy

>> No.9682620

I liked it.
It triggers a lot of people here for some reason.
Just give it a shot
>The majority of the story follows a teenager referred to only as "the kid," with the bulk of the text devoted to his experiences with the Glanton gang, a historical group of scalp hunters who massacred Native Americans and others in the United States–Mexico borderlands from 1849 to 1850 for bounty, pleasure
The judge is the only thing you could really argue to be fantasy

>> No.9682753

>reading hyperion
>jew is told to put kid in oven
>flash backs ensues
>looks like he is gonna do it
>lobbys hard to get a free trip to the planet
How did simmons get away with it?

>> No.9682855

cowboys and indians ARE fantasy you dolt. they are just a fairy tale.

>> No.9682891

>indians (natives) never existed
Alternate Facts?

>> No.9682902

I'm listening to the 10th anniversary edition, finished the first chapter, it's pretty good so far. I also really really liked the foreword by the author, reminded me a bit of Stephen King, it's what motivated me a lot to continue

>> No.9682933

welcome to /sffg/

>> No.9683105

Sounds like we have similar taste, anon. Let me recommend you the brilliant set of novels by dan brown. Good luck on your literary journey!

>> No.9683142

I read his first one in the Robert Langdon series and quite loved the adventure, should really finish all of them at some point

>> No.9683183

Anansi Boys was way better

>> No.9683290
File: 92 KB, 285x475, Hasan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no hidden pool cavorting, birdgal princess to espy, kidnap, and betroth
I had low expectations for this (given my previous experience with Piers), but was pleasantly surprised. It's an early work of his that is a retelling of the Bird Maiden tale from One Thousand and One Nights. Has an author's note in that back describing the terrible time he had getting it published (I'm a sucker for these). 4 out of 5 alabaster chicken breasts.

>> No.9683298

That sounds like fictional history, or alternative history fiction.

>> No.9683346
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If you have to post Dragonlance at least make it the somewhat good trilogy

>> No.9683391

>4.95$ for book almost 5$
>equivalent of 10,000$ in my currency
Who would I spend 10grand on a book?

>> No.9683611

Are any of the earthsea/dragonlance/other d&d setting shit books actually good? Or at least decent, I am fine with d&d stuff in general, mostly played pathfinder though.

>> No.9683633
File: 293 KB, 1440x900, dragonlance_chronicles_by_mistermoster-d4gyxhn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


why was it so excellent, bros?

>> No.9683656

Err, eberron not earthsea.

>> No.9683767

Play Planescape: Torment. It's basically a book disguised as a video game. Think of it as a deconstruction of DnD in general and rpg video games in particular.

>> No.9683776
File: 40 KB, 252x379, Mockingbird(1stEd).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I read Walter Tevis' superb dystopian novel, Mockingbird (1980.) It's set in a 25th century New York where people live a society much like 1984, Brave New World, Fahrenheit 451; under robot overseers in a TV and drug induced stupor, where books are long forgotten, and people have forgotten how to think. After centuries of automation, however, everything is shabby; the robots are losing the ability to fix themselves, and the human population is sterile and dwindled to only a few million worldwide (2 mil North America.)

The plot revolves around a love triangle between a suicidal governing android, a rare reading man who he employs to transcribe silent movie captions, and an unusually intelligent woman with a rebellious nature. There's a lot in this book about the problems of automation, drugs, TV, and living in a society based on principles of pleasure seeking and self fulfillment; as well as the power of reading, thinking, and being self-aware. The preoccupation with androids and humanity makes the book dovetail nicely with Philip K Dick's DADOES, as well as Orwell and Huxley. In my view, the storytelling and human interest is better here than in any of those authors. Surely this deserved a Hugo or Nebula back in the day? Full marks for this, 5/5.

>> No.9683795

anything cool?

>> No.9683878


My Freezer

>> No.9683904

some of the Forgotten Realms books are pretty nifty, especially the one-shot types or trilogy types. you just have to pick your poison in regards of writers and whatever you like.


Literally pick your poison.
Also if you are just interested in the lore, download some pdf for The Grand Atlas of the Realms and The Greant History of the Realms, you'll get a lot of reading time out of it.

>> No.9683919

forgot to mention about writers:
you can read the Dark Elf trilogy and the Icewind Dale trilogy by Salvatore but I'd advise you to drop it after that because it just goes downhill from there with Drizzt, until Salvatore went full SJW in recent years
>Orcs dinndu nuffin
and I felt most of Denning's stuff wasn't enjoyable at all.
Also I generally hate elves

>> No.9684039

Writing a fantasy novel here and my chapters are damn long, around 5k each. I really don't like the idea of people reading less than a chapter in one sitting, but I really am struggling to find ways to break them up or pare them down. Should I just roll with the long chapters?

>> No.9684067

Anything with ninjas?

>> No.9684079

Because it might let you forget for a minute or so that you live in a third world hellhole

>> No.9684174

Get an actual editor

>> No.9684190

5k word chapters are fine. You can always use scene breaks within chapters if you want to divide them up at bit more

>> No.9684196

Mason & Dixon is better

>> No.9684198

Jut forget it. You don't have to force every one to read every single thin your characters do.

>> No.9684244

I havent been able to finish a book in over a year, its fucking killing me

>> No.9684272

I am for the most part
I also despise the idea of readers skipping over stuff. I'd rather cut out the stuff a reader might be compelled to skip over than to have a book that is bloated but tells the whole story warts and all.

>> No.9684281

Maybe I just run in the wrong circles, but I have never once heard someone said "I read that book, but I skipped so and so". You either drop it or you read the whole thing.

>> No.9684285


Believe it or not, we're trying to give you good advice.

I enjoyed reading the Wheel of Time until I realized that 90% of the series was spent traveling.

>> No.9684292

Furthermore, if you don't have an editor find yourself a community of writers, go to conventions, meet people. Lend your book to your friends.

>> No.9684304

Never said I didn't appreciate the advice, I'm just new to the world of writing.

So lets say I finish the first 5 of these chapters as a sort of "demo" of the book (so like 25k words). Is there any way I can shop this to agents and see if there's a chance they'd buy it? I imagine its difficult to get published writing a large-scale fantasy novel, and I don't want to waste my time if it will never make money.

>> No.9684310

It's too soon for that. Do you know any one in the business/scene?

>> No.9684316

>and I don't want to waste my time if it will never make money.
You'll never make it bro. There are literally thousands of people who write without making a dime for the sake of it.

>> No.9684317

That's what short stories and novellas are for. Pick up an anthology. I go through weeks where I can't face a novel and favour short stuff. After some time with short stories I begin to crave the depth and involved feeling of long-form writing.

I recall when the rotund Mormon Brandon Sanderson said that a lot of writers skip parts of books. Women move past fight scenes whereas guys tend to skip domestic scenes. It happens. There are a lot of uneven and unnecessarily bloated books out there, and this stuff isn't sacred. As for my own preference on chapters, 15-20 pages feels like a good rhythm. There's no rule, look at Tolstoy and his 4/5 page chapters.

>> No.9684323

Yeah a couple people. My brother is a published author for example

>> No.9684530

Because he's a well written character with understandable motivations and fits well into the plot. not just controversy for the point of controversy

>> No.9684612

Cool, I'll try that

Got any good suggestions to start off with?

>> No.9684681

Not that Anon, but Lem has some funny/comfy anthologies. There's the Ijon Tichy series (The Star Diaries and Memoirs of a Space Traveler are short story anthologies, there's also a couple of full-length novels) and then there's The Cyberiad.

You could also read some of Borges' stories (does he count as /sffg/?), or The Island of Doctor Death and Other Stories and Other Stories by Gene Wolfe, as every Anon in this general should.

>> No.9684722

In SF, if an anthology is edited by Isaac Asimov, Robert Silverberg, or Martin Greenberg, then there is something worth reading in there. They must have edited hundreds of themed anthologies between them. Asimov edited one called The Super Hugos with award winning stories and there are a lot of similar collections. So just follow your nose. If you don't have any idea of what appeals to you then that will change after reading a couple of anthologies.

As for novellas, look at the second hand market if you don't mind yellowing paperbacks. The format of three novellas in one volume used to be quite common.

>> No.9684734

Shit, I meant short story collections, not anthologies. Stupid mistake.

>> No.9684761

Thanks a lot you two, i'll go take a look

>> No.9684874

Does anybody know of any good curators who review self-published SFF? I'm sure there are plenty of hidden gems out there but there's no way I'm willing to read through the shit myself to find it.

>> No.9684924

First off you need a completed manuscript before you go shopping for publishers. Nobody is interested in something half-done. No publisher will give you the time of day unless you have a complete draft for them to work with. So step 1: finish your manuscript.

Step 2: Research the publishers you're going to submit to, most of the big ones do not accept unsolicited manuscripts which means you'll have to get an agent first or find somebody who can introduce you to a publisher personally. You have an in with your brother, so first see if he can introduce you to somebody before you resort to getting an agent. If you end up needing an agent then you should research agencies to see which one is a good fit for you, then carefully read their submission guidelines before you proceed to the next step.

Step 3: write a query letter. This should be very short, <1 page usually. It's basically a compact pitch for your novel and some brief info about you, the author. Lead off with a sales hook for your book, a single interesting sentence where you describe the plot in a way that garners interest. Include basic info about genre, premise, etc, try to fit all this in one paragraph. You should also mention why you selected the agent to represent you and any publishers you think would be a good fit (show you did research, it shows interest and enthusiasm). Include any relevant writing experience you have and any other projects you have finished/are working on (keep this VERY brief, one or two sentences only, a query letter is not your life story). Oh, and include any and all contact info you have. Having a personal site or linkedin/other professional networking account is a major plus. It's also polite to let them know if your query is exclusive or not (you can submit to multiple agents/publishers but if you do so let them know).

Step 4: submit query letter and maybe a portion of your manuscript, it depends on their submission guidelines. ALWAYS follow the submission guidelines for the agent/publisher you're submitting to (see step 2). Some agents/publishers have an online form, others want it emailed, some even have a snail mail process. Some want the first chapter along with the query, some a certain number of pages or words, some just want the letter first then ask for the manuscript after. Give them whatever they want.

>> No.9685103

real author detected

>> No.9685152


>> No.9685170

>tfw it's impossible to find a "write by numbers guide"

Trying to get into writing from an artists perspective is fuckimg painful.

>> No.9685267

is painting by numbers a legit way to learn how to paint? i remember reading da vinci used it on his students but never bothered to look it up.

as for "writing by numbers", read your ass off. if youre short on ideas, read short stories. if you suck at getting the prose out of you take a paragraph or two from a story that you like and copy it word for word.

>> No.9685275

Jesus. I'd rather keep making minimum wage on the side from my shit on Amazon.

>> No.9685288

Kinda, if you're aiming to understand the "why" as much as the "how."
With art you can atleast do figure drawing for three months and make definitive improvements.

I was thinking more like a scene by scene book skeleton, something more detailed than a three act structure guide.
Back to reading I guess.

>> No.9685346
File: 29 KB, 230x346, 51okUu6Ow4L._SY346_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is this?

How is this.

>> No.9685350

shit senpai im gonna go buy me a kit. ill be a mediocre painter in no time.

if youre just starting out, just write. it will be trash but you will get better. study 3 and 5 act structures but i dont think you should dwell on it too much. know the structures, but make reading and writing your main form of practice and learning.

>> No.9685368
File: 30 KB, 293x475, tbc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just started reading this (no spoilers plz). Does it get better? He kind of throws you in there and expects you to care about these characters early on. I checked the cover twice to make sure I was reading the first book lol

>> No.9685464

That cover art makes me want to check it out, what can I expect?

>mfw didn't know five act structures were a thing.

Oh boy, how exciting.

>> No.9685482

Will Wright writes Brett good anime

>> No.9685533

>"author of The Crimson Vault"
>look up that title
>it's the sequel to the book in question
How does it make sense to put that in a book cover?

>> No.9685582
File: 518 KB, 1440x715, 1468410726190.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just finished reading this. It's god-tier and I couldn't put it down. Was amazed by pretty much everything?

Are there any other books that have come out recently? Non PC, non-feminist, anti-polyanna sci-fi works concerning aliens?

>> No.9685586
File: 456 KB, 672x372, fawkin brutal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>want to be a fantasy author since i was a kid and read the time machine
>spend years building a detailed world in my head every waking moment
>start to read a bunch of fantasy to refine universe
>come upon a series where basically all your carefully curated ideas are already realized better then anything i could hope to achieve

back to the drawing board i guess, 10 plus years of imagination down the fucking drain

>> No.9685636

have you played tyranny? black company is basically the main inspiration

>> No.9685657
File: 32 KB, 300x214, IMG_0068.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that in one week and one day The Unholy Consult will be released. Get hyped!

>> No.9685671

please write this exact same setting without a fucking trash tier storyline. the idolizing of the sorceress who loses her memory was so goddamn awful that I had to give it up which is a shame because I really liked the introductory chapters.

Also whoever on this board is the Too Like the Lightning-shill...I just finished the first book and goddamn was it enjoyable, thanks for shilling.

>> No.9685676

>pump the PLA propaganda straight into my brain senpai

>> No.9685684

The old Bungie Real Time Tactics game Myth also drew heavily from The Black Company. Hasn't aged that well though, IIRC there's a good LP on the Let's Play archive.

>> No.9685730

What's so special about this setting?

>> No.9685753

quite the opposite. he got a lot of shit for fucking with commies.

>> No.9685760

just quit kohai. it's pointless. go watch anime.

>> No.9685770

You know that feeling after painful diarrhea where you body sends out endorphins and the diarrhea is over so you just get to rise the end of that high with no pain?

>> No.9685813

Nice, I'll pick it up when I get the chance. Thank you for sharing anon.

>> No.9685822

So I have to finish my giant 200k words novel before I find out if it will be published or not?

>> No.9685867
File: 45 KB, 334x391, Wolfe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What else should I read besides his BotNS and Wizard Knight series?

>> No.9685878

Soldier of the Mist.

>> No.9685892

It gets better, the way the characters shoot the shit with each other is hilarious. Its part of a trilogy, you can buy the entire thing in one book. Cook wrote more, but they're not as great.

>> No.9686103

Yes that's how it works if you're submitting manuscripts. Having an incomplete manuscript drastically reduces the chances of anyone taking you seriously. If you have some kind of connection and get a sit down meeting with somebody at the publishing house without having to submit anything, then maybe you don't need it finished. But if you're taking the route of getting an agent to represent you, it's a lot harder for him to do his job if you don't actually have a book to market and only the promise of one.

>> No.9686215
File: 88 KB, 720x405, 1496471478097.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of Hyperion, I just started out and liked it until I found out that the entire novel is more or less retellings of past stories. Yuck. Not to say that this narrative frame is bad, but it's just not something I'm into.

May I get some recs for novels similar to Hyperion?

>> No.9686264

But it's cool to criticize on Mao and the red guards in China now.

Also lol at the part where Nicolas Maduro defeats the US in a war and gets selected to help lead humanity against the aliens. Dates the book like a late 80s novel where Japan didn't suffer economic collapse or the USSR exists in the future.

>> No.9686315

Is there any Fantasy Novels with a Lovecraft style horror atmosphere based around a small village? I thought VanderMeer may provide but his stuff, while good, is also not what I am looking for.

>> No.9686346
File: 39 KB, 682x311, pic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which of these links is legit?

>> No.9686373

>is painting by numbers a legit way to learn how to paint
No there is only Loomis.

>> No.9686380

Stick to mobilism.org and the IRC there is an IRC guide stickied to /lit/. This covers 99% of books you will ever need to download.

>> No.9686535


Am I doing it right?

>> No.9686542
File: 3 KB, 360x57, pic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9686547

Everything's pretty much self explanatory.
For everything not on IRC and Mobilism do this >>9662283
With enough practice you can tell that every single link on >>9686346 is fake.

>> No.9686551

The trick is to just not click the garish buttons, then?

And not to use one of these websites without credible certification from others too.

>> No.9686552

And the IRC is also like the biggest source of books in existence. Anything you can possibly imagine is on there.

>> No.9686570
File: 1.21 MB, 2300x1737, cosmere_constellation_map.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw nobody to talk about Xeelee with

>> No.9686582

>The trick is to just not click the garish buttons, then?
The websites you are posting in this post >>9686346 are created by bots that automatically grab text and paste it on the website to make advertising revenue. There are no legitimate books on these websites at all.

Some websites will have legitimate books but think about what happens when I choose to share books or other things like music on /mu/ for example. If the link is visible to google then bots will go through and take the links down. So anyone who actually shares files online will hide their links. Also google will remove copyright complaints from their indexer. So you are left with a high proportion of very spammy fake links. (after some experience in looking at links you will be able to distinguish which ones are fake from which ones are real, though.)

To avoid needing to filter the shit out, learn how to use the IRC. https://encyclopediadramatica.rs/Bookz 99% of every single piece of fiction on the internet will be on the IRC, it is the largest collection imaginable.

Mobilism, MAM and Bibliotik as stated in this post >>9662283 are three other very large and accurate libraries. These three get the new releases the fastest. Mobilism is the only public one and because it is direct download and people want to make money out of it a lot of the filehosts are spammy but do contain the books. MAM requires an invite you can get from the interview you can regularly sit and Bib is sealed up very tightly.

If you want to use mobilism install uBlock and use adblocking lists. Alternatively you can use jdownloader. What jdownloader does is access links so you don't need to click through spammy shit or anything in order to downlaod the books it will find the links for you and you can grab them en masse.

If you use IRC it is updated less often but you don't need to bother with advertising or anything also, it's just simple copy and paste a command to get a book.

And libgen and all the other sources I've mentioned are also very good.

>> No.9686639

Fifth Head of Cerberus
The Island of Doctor Death and Other Stories and Other Stories

>> No.9686712

All of his short fiction, all of his novels, all of it. Do you think that the man behind Book of the New Sun ever wrote anything bad? Sure the quality goes up and down but it's not like you'll be doing anything better.

Start with The Devil in a Forest. It's a nice and easy one that nobody talks about.

>> No.9686789


>> No.9686888

Jdownloader is always the best choice, make sure you use JDownloader 2 though, as the original JD isn't supported any more.

>> No.9686907

Yeah I always use 2 ommitted that

>> No.9687046

Agreed, they really banged
Sounds like you'll turn down Too Like the Lightning but Cixin's shorter worker is pretty baller; The Wandering Earth.

>> No.9687066


>> No.9687082

>lightning shill is going all out HAM
Where is the bakker shill? We need to counteract

>> No.9687099

He's not the Lightning shill. I am, because I think it's one of the best scifi books produced all year. And someone shilled it to me. And then there was one person who said it was good but not GOAT. And another (two?) anons who hated it.

There was also this weird anon who shilled it once but it was probably some paid shill or something.

I also shill Blindsight, Vonnegut books, Strugatsky books and Asimov.

>> No.9687113

No, Anon... You are the Too Like the Lightning-shill now.

>> No.9687123

you're fucking welcome

nigga i was that weird anon and i regret nothing, that entire book was balled

>> No.9687125

First two are obvious fakes, the third one seems less suspect. I'd give it a click.

>> No.9687129

>tfw trying to find a new book and knowing that the list of good books is growing shorter and shorter

>> No.9687130

Fucking space Sycamore seeds

>> No.9687143
File: 688 KB, 460x628, 1471871562658.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

at least you aren't growing shorter and shorter
>tfw osteoporosis

>> No.9687208

RIP anon's nucleus pulposus ;_;
RIP anon's bone density ;_;
I'm sorry anon.

>> No.9687279
File: 94 KB, 625x330, elric-big-625x330.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just take do drugs and dye your hair white and you can LARP like you're Elric

>> No.9687300

Age of Swords in 1 months (one month) ((less than 30 days))

>> No.9687306

Is Malazan really worth it?

I want to, but 10 books is a lot.

>> No.9687462

>Too Like the Lightning
is that some kind of an SJW/communist bullshit sci-fi novel?

>> No.9687503
File: 246 KB, 314x475, 24391010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seeing that the entire series is completed already and he can't change shit, I hope the "certain fan pandering" isn't as hard in the second book. The first 6 books were great.. But recently he going PC.

>> No.9687530

I enjoyed it but it is a lot of work to get through it. Don't pick it up unless you're willing to be disoriented and have a great deal of patience. It takes a few books to begin understanding the bigger picture because there is just so much going on, the scale of it is enormous. If you can't deal with huge casts of characters and moving between groups and settings that don't appear to be connected (yet) then you'll probably get fed up with the series by book 5.

>> No.9687546

It's the most fantasy I've ever read in a book
>living over a thousand years
>women inventing things
>women becoming leaders in a medieval setting
>all the other shit

I mean the author wasn't lying when he claimed it's fantasy.

>> No.9687552
File: 103 KB, 600x1035, The_Dragon_and_the_George.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As a fan of the animated feature Flight of Dragons, I was excited to read the book it's loosely based on. Loosely is the operative word here. The script writers apparently thought the plot too complicated, so they threw together a basic DnD quest to defeat evil storyline, put the book into a blender, and layered the resulting mush all over it. The whole dragons being lizard zeppelins thing was borrowed from another book entirely. Still, it was interesting to see how ideas in the book were remixed for the show. The book is about a 20th century man given control of a dragon's body in a fantasy world, after an astral projection accident, that is trying to rescue his fiance from the forces of evil. I give it a heavily nostalgic 4/5 English wolves.

>> No.9687724


>> No.9687728
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>> No.9687734

I just said how much fantasy there is in that book, that is supposed to be a good thing in a "FANTASY and science fiction general"

>> No.9687756
File: 66 KB, 625x475, 3t6jzx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>woman warrior anon trying to prove he's not gay

>> No.9687819

Every time I see the thumbnail I think it's a bunch of authors having a pizza party.

>> No.9687895

>having a pizza party.
This! It looks like a plate of pizza, then you open it and see dinosaur heads. <bold>Mind Blown!</bold>

>> No.9687928

You guys looking forward to anything coming out this year?

>> No.9687943

Watt's said he's got a new short story collection on the way but know him it won't be until next year.

>> No.9688104
File: 1.10 MB, 1200x800, Amazon-warehouse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have £6.34 credit left on an amazon gift card, what's a good scifi book I can get on the cheap that I haven't heard of before? Preferably something right-wing.

>> No.9688118
File: 534 KB, 918x1500, the-prefect-alastair-reynolds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The follow-up to The Prefect

>> No.9688120

The Book of the New Sun: Volume 1 used for £6.2 including shipping.

>> No.9688122

Basic and flowing prose, characters weren't only archetypes, lots of shit hapening and the setting was interesting enough, I read it as a kid and I will not read it again to preserve the good vibes.

>> No.9688130

already read it

>> No.9688136

I find it overhyped and boring with too many imortals mages and gods, and apart of croacker the soldiers didn't interest me, other people find it to be the best shit ever.

>> No.9688167

Chapters to me are around 50 pages, when I write.
5-10 scene breaks though

>> No.9688174

yes unless you are a brainlet who finds something like game of thrones taxing

>> No.9688377

lol it's okay I had ideas for a novel
but then it turned out Brent Weeks already used ideas I had in his Night Angel trilogy. I went back to the drawing board and now after 8 years and about 2 of redrawing I have in my mind quite the insane story to write out.... The ideas now have been set for nearly a year without me wanting to change anything, so finally after 8 years of drafting and brainstorming (with thousands of pages written) I'm about ready to bust out a 500 page, complete manuscript.

>> No.9688401

Every story has already been written

>> No.9688440
File: 54 KB, 325x499, IMG_1912.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related is out today. I need to reread the original trilogy and The Heart of What Was Lost before I can read this. Been putting it off, but now that the new book is out I need to get cracking.

>> No.9688459

What's the book for me if I just want an accessible YA fantasy novel but I also wanna feel good and superior about reading it?

>> No.9688472

How's the Elric saga anyway?

For whatever reason I've gotten really picky with the series I read lately. Few impress me.

>> No.9688484

>How's the Elric saga anyway?
Shit. It's an 'anti-Conan' that ends up being exactly like the real Conan except for the hair color and fashion choices. Moorcock couldn't write his way out of a wet paper bag.

>> No.9688598

>wants to feel good about reading a book
>wants to read YA
>pick one

>> No.9688610

Damn. What sorts of series do you think transcend the wet paper bag, anyway? I'm curious.

>> No.9688640

>way of kings audiobook
>multiple different voice actors, sound effects and great production all around
>words of radiance audiobook
>two voice actors, one woman, one male, no sound effects what so ever
pretty jarring. the audiobook for the first book was the best audiobook production i've ever listened to.

>> No.9688644


>> No.9688703

Mmm. No- I really wanted to like it, but there was something about it that really rubbed me the wrong way, but I can't remember what it is. All I remember is that I was really disappointed. Like, he "adapted" too fast to being a dragon, I think. Like he was all "Oh shit, I'm a Dragon!" And then he's the best fucking dragon. Like immediately.

Or I could be thinking of a different book, but I don't think so

>> No.9688708

Does anyone have the world building shitpost

>> No.9688710

Apparently David Wong's making John Dies at the End into a trilogy, and I'm fucking stoked.

>> No.9688717

>What sorts of series do you think transcend the wet paper bag, anyway? I'm curious.
The original Conan is a hundred times more nuanced and interesting than all his 'Conan' and 'anti-Conan' epigones.

>> No.9688761

>Moorcock couldn't write his way out of a wet paper bag.
Behold the Man is good. Elric, Jerry Cornelius etc. were just written in the days when he churned out a novel in a week for rent money.

>> No.9689062

I suppose. Although, one of the main themes was his uselessness compared to his companions. The dragon he inhabited was already physically imposing as dragons go, but he only did a good job wrecking cannon fodder types.

>> No.9689171


>> No.9689590

It's called graphic audio you fucking esl. If you weren't esl you would see the book title has graphic audio. Graphic audio books are like old radio shows, "a movie in your mind".

>> No.9689593
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>> No.9689682

So is kellhaus the antichrist or what

>> No.9689748

It's a very definite maybe at this point.

>> No.9689750
File: 2.85 MB, 3888x2592, 1490396199570.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>want to see the world burn so souls can't be saved
What you think?

>> No.9689763

>back peddling
So, people selling dorsi door to door?

>> No.9689826

Don't get me wrong I read lots of shit by people like VanderMeer but I am looking forward to Inferno Squad by Christie Golden and The unnamed Troll Wars novel about Warcraft. Call me pleb or w.e but I enjoy the Stars Wars and Warcraft lore.

>> No.9689833

Ring was good, I bought 2 other books by Baxter and plan on reading them at some point. I don't think they're Xeelee sequence, though.

>> No.9689839
File: 23 KB, 446x362, 1451763928966.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no Conjoiner gf

>> No.9689901

i just stopped reading prelude to foundation

what an utter piece of shit that was

like highschool reading level, painfully boring and nearly useless dialogue also my favorite part (which i stopped reading at):

when the dahlite nigger talks about not being able to do anhything because da system keeps him down from being a mathematician and that da yellow hairs only insult them to make them feel better about themselves, and that theyre only violent beacuse theyre in a pinch. MFW HIGHSCHOOL WRITING TIER SHALLOW POLITICAL INSERTIONS.

then immediately after the girl goes on to win a knife fight against a guy twice her size

also every 'race' in the book or whatever, every group of supposedly closed off groups that seem to be the result of like a millenia of closed off breeding, are like fallout new vegas tier retarded cliches and the only thing differing with them is trivial characteristics like moustaches and shit. holy fuck what a retarded plot that is and totally uncreative. it might tie in to the plot later that everyone is not so different or unrelated and that everyone all descends from the same planet, which still doesn't excuse the lack of creativity at all. can't believe people talk highly of this book. it's middleschool or highschool level

>> No.9689907

What do you do when your come across a piece of dialog that is so bad it physically hurts? Do you keep going in hopes it will end soon and the rest won't be as bad or do you just stop?

>> No.9690057

Life is pain. Keep reading.

>> No.9690244
File: 284 KB, 1000x738, honorversecompanion_final_sm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ever notice how the ships in Honor Harrington look like giant double-headed dildos?

>> No.9690268

>Nicolas Maduro defeats the US in a war and gets selected to help lead humanity
Does he do this by using his power to commune with ghosts via birds?

>> No.9690312
File: 25 KB, 380x285, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ask about tastes outside of Elric
>push the whole Conan being superior than Elric thing

>> No.9690410
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>> No.9690502
File: 40 KB, 320x320, 1497231424815.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys, I have 2 Audible credits that I need to spend. What should I go for? I honestly don't know what I want, other than something very soulful and not drab.

>> No.9690505
File: 162 KB, 735x1102, 75d8cd804f43ae787a29c917ca1967ea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ever notice how Honor, described as being "Eurasian" and depicted as a generically Asian woman on the first printing of Basilisk Station, has gradually morphed into a white woman?

>> No.9690542

American Gods

>> No.9690546
File: 574 KB, 1920x1080, meme memamemie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Our guy is going to be publishing more Wolfe analysis soon.

>> No.9690554

Lmao fucking Piers. I read the first few Xanth books but eventually gave up when I discovered, embarrassingly far in, that every component of a fiction story I could like took a back seat to shit puns.

Pratchett at least had some good plots and great characters.

>> No.9690556


>Salvatore went full SJW
>whole premise of the character is racial discrimination

what did you mean by this?

I stopped reading the series after Legacy of the Drow because Drizz't went back to Menzoberranzan to do literally nothing and then proceeded to cuck Wulfgar for no real reason.

>> No.9690566

Yeah. That's usually how it goes with Piers Anthony. I have... oh... 26 Xanth books? I fucking powered through them while I was in a clinic.

>> No.9690617

the "girl" is a robot though, that's why she is so strong and can instantly copy fighting styles.

>> No.9690620


>> No.9690661

the N word has no place on this board

>> No.9690663

That was a good book.

>> No.9690692

Are audiobooks available on that IRC site? Seems nearly impossible to find them floating around the net.

>> No.9690814


>> No.9690857

>The girl
She's not a girl.

>> No.9690861

>muh feefees
you know where to go

>> No.9690921
File: 39 KB, 292x475, 1902000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its never a very attractive white woman either, I don't know if that's intentional or Baen incompetence.

>> No.9690982 [DELETED] 

Fuck off nigger. This is the one board censorship should be abhorred.

>> No.9691024

youre so cool for saying nigger!

>> No.9691033

>women author
Is there any good ones besides Robin Hobb

>> No.9691038

Women on sci fi and fantasy covers are almost universally unattractive and manjawed. That, or they're really low quality art. There's never attractive women with high production value.

>> No.9691072

>This is a blue board about literature, so the word nigger should be banned
u wot m8

>> No.9691110

I stopped reading at the same place because I was finally fed up with baby tier shit

>Enemy is very OP, nobody can possibly 1-on-1 them
>Wulfar proceeds to kill 17
>Now he's very tired, his body is at its limit, this is the end
>No wait! He remembers he must protect what's her face!
>proceeds to kill 43 more
>Well this is the end of the line, my friends
>No wait! He starts singing about Tempus!
>proceeds to kill 78 more

I was a YA at that time and I still cringed. I mean, it wasn't the first time we had a scene like that but this was way over the top. I was surprised he didn't fucking get out of the collapsed tunnel 2 minutes later

>> No.9691168

>Michael Jackson holds a gun, about to fire

>> No.9691172
File: 123 KB, 640x640, Autism Chart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First tell us how many, and which ones in pic related applies to you. We will then recommend accordingly.

>> No.9691248

6 7 14

>> No.9691329

What's that thing hanging off his back?

>> No.9691499

Lightbringer / The magicians trilogy (lev grossman)

>> No.9691508

For >>9691248

>> No.9691597

Any fantasy or sci-fi featuring immortality or very long life spans? I've read ringworld in which it was a very minor plot point and was wondering if any other works expanded on it.

>> No.9691611


Jesus, I have that exact book in my house! Is it good? I know nothing about it

>> No.9691634

i didn't think so, but its fanboys REALLY like it, so you might as well give it a shot. remember it's okay to drop it part way through.

>> No.9691768

A treecat. In the early books they were just six-legged weasel-cat predators with mild empathy powers that would imprint on people. However much like Honor's retconning into a Mary Sue they're now full on telepaths.

>> No.9691818

What's the context of this? and am i autistic for liking way of kings? i am at page 800 so far.

>> No.9691853

Any good D&Dish fantasy story books?

>> No.9691875

Rath and Storm. It's an anthology of mtg.

>> No.9691896

as a kid i used to love the Drizzt books, they still good?

>> No.9691939

Hmmm, where do you think they fall on the following scale?
Exotic Pet (1) ... (10) Sexy companion

>> No.9691956

Dune deals with that there are future humans that live for hundreds of years it's somewhat a minor thing but at the same time it's not because it's factored into a lot of stuff

>> No.9692014

my thoughts exactly

>> No.9692043

Some orc king unites all the tribes around Mithril Hall and allies his army with a tribe of Frost Giants (this was all instigated by some bunch of rogue drows just for the sole purpose of having fun. yes, seriously.), then pillages the land around it, then lays siege to it. all the while Drizzt and the others were outside, fleeing or trying to defend the land, preparing Mithril Hall or trying to get messages through to the cities and places around it.
While some minor places is overrun where they all hung out, Drizzt is outside it and thinks everyone else died (they didn't), so he goes into full Hunter state again and kills everyone. He also meets a the drow and meets wood-elves from the other side of that big river that runs east of Mithril Hall. They find out the drow are behind it and hunt them down.
Also the Orc king has a sudden revelation that he doesn't just want to be another warchief but he actually wants to unite the tribes and makes the conquered territory a real, stable kingdom.
Drizzt has a heart-to-heart with the Orc king during the final fight and he manages to persuade Bruenor to declare peace with the Orc king and the orc kingdom is stable (Drizzt actively defends it against troublemakers) and throughout it all the writer wants to persuade you that the orcs did everything right and they were oh so suppressed and boohoo, plus the epilogue shows one of the other drows, who was spared by Drizzt, who was taken in by the wood elves, living his life there, because muh birth doesn't equal being evil, muh tolerance, muh prejudices etc. it really feels sanctimonious.
it gets a bit better after the Orc trilogy, but not much. I finished Charon's Claw half a year or so ago but haven't gone further yet.

>> No.9692094
File: 72 KB, 607x244, sellswords.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh and I realize that these themes are what Drizzt as character is all about (looking past the race and evaluating someone by his character), but it was a really jarring read.
Add to that how ridiculously overpowered Mary-Sue tier Drizzt was right from the start (being able to resist mind-flayer mind control while in hunter mode, hell, he even managed to ignore the psychic attacks of an elder brain) is just not interesting to read about at all.

Salvatore himself even wrote a character with similar traits, who is just infinitely more enjoyable to read about, Jarlaxle. He also looks past race and defines others by their character. no actually he defines them by their usefulness, but other drow would just dismiss them right away (like they did with Entreri) while Jarlaxle values them regardless of their race. And besides, he's a magnificent bastard and it's always enjoyable to read about him, if it wasn't for the fucking hat-tipping all the time.
Servant of the Shard/Promise of the Witch King/Road of the Patriarch (collected as "The Sellswords") and one or two short stories centering on Jarlaxle and Entreri pairing up are really enjoyable to read. One is a charming bastard with a lot of resources at his hand, the other is a relentless killer.

>> No.9692138

Which book has your favorite Magic School?

>> No.9692141

You for real?
1, 3, 5, 14.

>> No.9692310
File: 18 KB, 292x475, Harry_Potter_and_the_Methods_of_Rationality.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guy who decided to read HPMOR here with an update. I'm about a thousand pages in (yes, really) and still surprised how not-terrible it is... I expected nonstop cringey autism, and there are some moments of that, but also neat ideas buried in here (particularly Partial Transfiguration and the politics of Azkaban), and it does an amusing job taking the piss out of Rowling. Professor Quirrell is still around in this timeline, and is a more interesting/ambiguous character than any of the teachers in original HP. It's also a very "fast" read for whatever reason, I've been doing 200 pages or more in a day with ease. Altogether decent 7/10.

>> No.9692391
File: 3.52 MB, 3036x4048, ykzzES3[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So is it any good?

>> No.9692455

the fanfiction?

>> No.9692469

Permutation City

>> No.9692480

Yep. I decided to read the first few chapters and see what it was like, and just kept going. Learned about it from a thread on /x/, apparently the writer was that guy who had a spectacular freakout about "Roko's Basilisk" a few years ago.

>> No.9692488
File: 26 KB, 452x452, 1498021870622.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this god awful banter between Glokta and Ardee in the First Law books
reminds me of that ginger cunt in Stormlight

>> No.9692501

huh. Well, I just downloaded it, so I'll see for myself. I haven't read hp fanfiction in nearly a decade, so this'll be fun, maybe.

>> No.9692516

I haven't really read many books including magic schools so it's going to default to Discworld

>> No.9692592

Cool. Try and post what you think of it later; I can't work out if it's actually good or if I'm just fascinated by the sort of person who writes 2,000+ page fanfics about Harry being a strict rationalist.

>> No.9692613

Time Enough for Love by Robert Heinlein

>> No.9692633

Well, I like it so far. It's definitely not bad, as far as fanfiction goes. It's late now, but I'll write in the morning.

>> No.9692687
File: 228 KB, 316x500, valis Moewig 1984.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Dick writes a great lunatic, and an even better druggy. A lot of the spiel went over my head and I think it definitely got a bit weaker towards the end. However, the slow transition from real to fantasy was well done, and got me incredibly excited about the VALIS film.

haven't even got any questions to greentext. think it went over my heard that much

>> No.9692704
File: 319 KB, 500x399, valis cat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a great cover, as well

>> No.9692829
File: 119 KB, 494x800, 1492255429185.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So which one?
>Game of Thrones
>Name of the Wind
>Stormlight Archive
>Gentlemen Bastards
>Wheel of Time

I like at least semi realistic dialogue / characters and interesting character development and interactions.

>> No.9692840

Read. Read a lot. Read classics, read new stuff, read everything in between- Both in genres that interest you and ones that don't interest you.

Find styles of writing that you like and then beat them with a hammer until it's something that fits you and then eventually you'll grow into your own style.

Write short stories before you try tackling a full novel, would be my main advice.

>> No.9693029

I agree. HPMOR is a power fantasy, but it's a pretty well done one. I don't understand people who read shitty LNs shitting on it.

It goes downhill once it's revealed that Dementors represent death. The obvious choice was entropy, but Yudkowsky wanted to preach so he went with the other thing instead.

The human patronus was also pretty silly, since it went from Harry finding novel ways to use magic to his ~rationalism~ literally granting him superpowers.

>> No.9693091


that would explain the painfully dull dialogue then i guess eh? *laugh track*

>> No.9693129
File: 98 KB, 310x475, Babel-17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are there so few African-American science fiction authors, and even less fantasy authors?

>> No.9693166
File: 81 KB, 600x594, dp90cal-feb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't see what would really attract them ( or most people in general for that manner ) to write in a niche genre with limited to no literary recognition.
Also they'd rather just write plain books about race. Why even fuck around with aliens at that point?

>> No.9693182

I need a character-driven sci-fi or fantasy series of 3-5 books in length that will knock my fucking socks off. I want intensity, rawness, moments of vulnerability, moments of horror, moments of triumph. I want a book that will make me fucking cry, make me leap to my feet in triumph.

Something like The Magicians trilogy, but a step further in the direction of badass shit going down, and willingness to rip the characters open to show you what they're made of.

>> No.9693290

>>Game of Thrones
>>Name of the Wind
>>Gentlemen Bastards
Not these.

>> No.9693293
File: 164 KB, 1199x667, The Shrike.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hyperion and Fall of Hyperion.

>> No.9693302

first law is shit, best served cold is shit, the heroes is shit and red country is shit

>> No.9693317

Because they only write about being black. And there are few black people in space or midieval Europe.

>> No.9693325

Maybe they're appealing to the homely female autist demographic.

>> No.9693341

well that's pretty much me and if anything it's probably appealing to us even less.

>> No.9693351

GoT is the only one of those that has anything close to what you are asking

NotW every character is either insufferable or a cipher. Story just revolves around masturbating the MC

Malazan has too much OOC philosophizing so many character blends together

Stormlight and WoT are autistic

GB has too much forced swearing and quips

This. Abercrombie is a horrible story teller and needs to learn brevity. His first book was 200k words of nothing

>> No.9693354
File: 1.79 MB, 1073x652, 78987879189273.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On the Japanese covers, treecats are adorable little fluffballs, on American covers they're giant and extremely creepy looking.

>> No.9693360
File: 50 KB, 350x505, lolita.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

japs have weird covers

>> No.9693393

Agreed. I cringed all the way through the Blade Itself... would be forgettable if it wasn't so painfully bad

>> No.9693404


>Stormlight and WoT are autistic
Can you please expand on this critique

>> No.9693427

Thank you.

>> No.9693433

>20 pages into malazan

jesus chirst is it this horrible all the way through? How do people read this dogshit?

>> No.9693443
File: 467 KB, 945x1600, The Hobbit cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so do americans

>> No.9693451

Kek this image is really weird. is it drawn or a photo? it looks like it's drawn, but why would you draw something that looks this campy?

>> No.9693494

>Can you please expand on this critique

In Wheel of Time the character and dialogue are all tainted with the author's clear sexual hang-ups and Southernisms. Men and women never interact on a human level but rather on a bad 90's anime "you baka pervert!" level. Horrible understanding of what 20 somethings (who also have the weight of the world on their shoulders) would act like. Every character wants to spank every other character. You can find it cute at the beginning but it gets loathsome when it is dragged out for millions of words. Despite all that however, Stormlight is even worse. I couldn't even get through the first book; the characters were just trite archetypes not even written in a good way and the main female's jokes were unbearable and overused. The whole feeling fairies or whatever was not a good idea

>> No.9693522
File: 24 KB, 679x701, i am so high right now.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is YOUR favorite novel queerphobic, /sffg/?

>> No.9693535

Imagine some kid in the 70s or from whatever time this is reading this version of The Hobbit first and growing up imagining Bilbo and Gollum like that.
What a horrible fate.

>> No.9693540

Sounds like a western you fucking /lit/pleb.

>> No.9693556

Really though.
But I dunno, this is probably more realistic a depiction of a hobbit than the twinks they cast in the movies.

>> No.9693572
File: 19 KB, 400x300, a sweet death.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>torrents everywhere
...Damn. Should I just invest in a good VPN, then?

>> No.9693591

Library at mount char
Metro 2033
Night Angel Trilogy
Iron Dragon's Daughter
Shades of Grey

>> No.9693612

>why would you draw something that looks this campy?
You haven't seen many covers older than the 90's have you?

>> No.9693616

So they are just pets then? The American cover and empathic link description was confusing me.

>> No.9693618

>Maybe they're appealing to the homely female autist demographic.
>well that's pretty much me

There are no girls(vagina) here in these generals. Who you trying to bluff?

>> No.9693629

Good to know Bakker passes the lgbtbbq test

>> No.9693632

I miss preganon. Sure we had a prodigious chuckle at their expense, but it could have been a fun topic.

>> No.9693633

>Is YOUR favorite novel queerphobic, /sffg/?
No, it is not. Especially since I assume everyone is bisexual until proven otherwise.

>> No.9693669
File: 21 KB, 455x350, Not even worth 12 talents.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really got to get some Alzheimer medication. When is it coming out again?

>> No.9693670

Downloading books won't get you in trouble unless you live somewhere massively cucked. Like no one gives a shit about books.

Read the section on audiobooks.

Audiobooksbay, TPB, Mobilism, Kat used to have a lot before it went down. You can also use MAM.

>> No.9693730
File: 102 KB, 767x960, 1484442501444.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9693770

You have to be pulling my leg

>> No.9693886

No that would be extremely painful.

>> No.9693893
File: 33 KB, 480x454, 1468982093062.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cia in my books since 1989
I'm scared guys

>> No.9693909

In 6/5 days, depending on your timezone

>> No.9694054
File: 119 KB, 800x790, 1485137755288.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9694300
File: 48 KB, 636x638, Do-you-like-tapes-and-cds-Funny-Sloth-Wisper-Memes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9694436

oh boy

>> No.9694442

C.S. Friedman in >>9685586 is good.

>> No.9694510

What does qiap even mean?

>> No.9694562
File: 1.68 MB, 2000x3000, Modern Fantasy Recs V2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>200+ posts
>my chart hasn't graced the https/mysql binary yet
Let's fix that.

>> No.9694570

Queer (generally either used for anyone who doesn't conform to male or female gender roles), intersex (people born with any genetic mutation that makes them biologically a mix of male and female), asexual (people who just don't get horny, or at least aren't interested in sex), polyamorous (people who prefer to be in open relationships, or in relationships that involve more than two people).

>> No.9694575
File: 357 KB, 604x3612, 1475904275189.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just call them faggots and be done with it. Once you associate with faggots you are a faggot.

>> No.9694578

>you were born with ambiguous genitalia so you're a faggot
>you like to date multiple women so you're a faggot
The other two, I can at least see what you're trying to say, but these make no sense.

>> No.9694659
File: 71 KB, 438x307, 1477297271075.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are only allowed to call them a faggot if you are a literal retard.

>> No.9694689

How Not To Write A Novel is pretty good.

>> No.9694698

Yes, hobbits are supposed to be chubby according to the books. That cover is actually more realistic than the movies casting.

>> No.9694713

Lol holy cringe.
What they refer as intersex is actually the only category of these people who are justified in fighting for their rights to choosing their gender, because their sex is not clearly defined, even genetically (yes, these people do exist). Everything else is just special snowflaking.

>> No.9694739

When they find DNA traces on a crime scene and can tell whether it comes from a male or a female, they don't look at the genitalia.
Genitalia differentiation is used by doctors at birth to quickly assert the sex of the baby, but it's clearly not what defines the biological sex. Rather, the genitalia is a consequence of the biological sex.

>Endocrinology is a complicated medical specialty so people can choose whatever they want to be
No. DNA tests are ambiguous in almost no cases.
There ARE some people who couldn't be placed on a binary scale, and I agree that most conservative people who fight against LGBT rights are not aware of that and are plain stupid. But claiming that these few extremely rare cases justify the many people who claim to be what they are not - despite their biological sex being clearly identifiable - is simply a flawed argument. It only proves your point for these rare cases.

Gender choice should be for people whose genitalia were mutilated at birth because they were ambiguous (an almost automatic procedure until late the 20th century), not for people who prefer Barbie over GI Joe.

>> No.9694814

It is very complicated. If at any stage in the conversion of sex hormone manufacture or response to sex hormone or sex hormone receptor shape or you produce more than normal is wrong then you can have a variety of possible phenotypes.

The genes involved: SRY, SOX9, SF-1/NR5A1, DHH, DAX-1/NROB1, WT-1, Wnt-4 and Wnt-7a. Additionally in mice, FGFr2 is involved in sex reversal.

You can also have XX genotype and abnormal phenotype relative to XX in congenital adrenal hyperplasia for 21-hydroxylase deficiency, 11β hydroxylase deficiency, p450 oxidoreductase deficiency, 3-beta hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 2 deficiency. There's also undervirilisation in 46 XY DSD with 17-alpha-hydroxylase deficiency, 3-beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 2 deficiency, Lipoid congenital adrenal hyperplasia, P450 side chain cleavage (scc) enzyme deficiency, P450 oxidoreductase deficiency.

Other factors can also occur with phenotypically XY individuals having issues with their genitalia include gonadal dysgenesis, testicular regression, vanishing testes, persistent mullerian duct syndrome.

There can also be abnormal androgen synthesis, androgen insensitivity, AMH receptor defect, endocrine defect where the XY appears like an XX.

You can also have translocations where genes responsible for sex differentiation eg SRY end up on the X chromosome if accidental exchanges in genes occur.

There are also times when a person's appearance can physically change later on in life due to conditions like PCOS, Cushing's disease and even tumours.

This is in addition to your commonly known conditions like Turners (XO), Klinefelters (XXY and ↑ femininity with ↑ number of X).

These are only the things that have currently been discovered. There are plenty of things that probably slip under the radar too, in addition to epigenetic effects exerting effect in addition to genetic effects and things like epigenetic imprinting of the chromsomes which can occur differently depending on which parent it comes from.

>Gender choice should be for people whose genitalia were mutilated at birth
And sometimes if they leave the genitalia in it can actually ↑ their risk of developing cancer later on in life, which is sometimes why it is removed. This is a very hot topic that we don't know much about.

>> No.9694837

A little wordy, but very nice.
However, can we pastebin this stuff? It's not really /sffg/

>> No.9694866

Who actually wants this? not me, not any of my queer friends. The world is heteronormative, fantasy should reflect the real world to some degree except for where it is more interesting not to. There's nothing interesting about removing this from the reality of your book if you don't give it an alternative outlet. The idea of transpeople in advanced sci-fi is particularly awful.

>> No.9694870

just drop it brainlet, its beyond you.

>> No.9694911

How do I write my own fantasy novel?

>> No.9694914

I just read The Shadow Kingdom, which is generally considered the first sword & sorcery story. It was kind of amateurish and awkward in places (I believe Howard was like 20 when he wrote it) but overall not half bad. I also enjoy Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser.

I'm about to read all of Howard's Conan. What should I move on to next within this subgenre?

>> No.9694926

Yeah, alright. But all you're saying is that there does exist a gradual, linear scale, with on one side MALE and on the other FEMALE, and people can be put on this scale. And people are not entirely male or entirely female. We all agree. But because you're not "100% female" on this scale does not mean you can choose to say you're a male. And because it's not all black or white does not mean there are other genders orthogonal to the male-female spectrum.

It's like a conversion from analogical to numerical data. Analogical means that your data is on a continuous spectrum, let's say from 0 to 1 included. So you can have 0.46541354 whatever. Numerical means you can only have 0 or 1. If you have analogical 0.4852, you can still convert it to numerical 0. It won't be perfect, but it will be more correct than saying your data is 1.
And it's certainly more correct than saying that, on a scale from 0 to 1, you are purple. Or changing, or whatever.

>> No.9694955


this is just a whole lot of random shit lumped together not a recommendation chart. why in the fuck would you recommend broken empire or emperors blades to anyone? do you want people to lose all hope?

>> No.9694976

not him but I think it would be more accurate to disregard the idea of concrete 100% gender. Your numerical analogy breaks down, as nobody is really 1 or 0. More like most people are 0.0001 or 9.999, thus being on the scale but certainly more towards on side of it.
Given the vast variety of development, I doubt you'll find any 100% males or females, as stupid as that sounds.

also to keep this topical can anyone who's read Too Like the Lighting remember who Ziven Racer is? They're name dropped in chapter 2 of 7 Surrenders and I'm lost

>> No.9695114


>> No.9695175

Did the janitor application fail? :'(

>> No.9695195
File: 31 KB, 338x500, The_Children_of_Hurin_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was Elric influenced by Turin Turambar?

>Black sword
>Doomed by destiny
>Both prone to kill friends and allies and to bring ruin whenever they go
>They get both killed by their swords in the end who also talk for the first time

>> No.9695289

New to books here
Is there such thing as a post apocalyptic fantasy setting? Like some evil wizard fucks the world over and the story takes place in that fucked world.
Basically the World of Ruin in Final Fantasy 6 but not anime.

>> No.9695324

Second trilogy of Thomas Covenant is basically that. In the first trilogy you get to know the fantasy land before it gets reked.

>> No.9695335

Yes, it's been a thing since at least the 1930s and Clark Ashton Smith's Zothique short stories. It's known as the 'dying earth' genre after Jack Vance's Dying Earth books, which are recommended. There's also Gene Wolfe's Book Of The New Sun, which I don't suggest reading until you work up some reading chops. I say just read Robert SIlverberg's Nightwings.

If you want to read 'dying mars' books look at Leigh Brackett's Sword Of Rhiannon.

>> No.9695355
File: 13 KB, 216x288, dune.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reading Dune again. First time was ten years ago and i have some good memories of it. But now its almost a chore.
Some of the philosophical discussions/monologues work. But the second book is like 80% nonsense and overdid it with cheap and repeating metaphors. All this bullshit about "the present doesnt shape the future. but the future shapes the present!" is pretentious if you read it for the fifth time within 100 pages.

Worst part is that the plot comes out of nowhere. Sure the first book works. But there was also more of the political tensions between the houses. The rivalry was fun.
In book two and three we are dealing with demigods; (almost) mindreading supercomputers, with knowledge of thousands of lifes.
It should be atleast fun to read about they actions, seeing they masterplan unfold and shaping the universe.
But everything we see is "blurry visions of the future" and self-pity.
I will start reading the fourth book. but i will drop it if gets as bad as the second one.

>> No.9695362

Sounds like I should start from the beginning then. Probably adds more to the impact of the second trilogy, right?
Good to know there's a term for it.
I guess I'll warm up with Nightwings. Thank you.

>> No.9695386

Never applied :^)

>> No.9695388

>Sounds like I should start from the beginning then. Probably adds more to the impact of the second trilogy, right?
Definitely. Fair warning, some of the stylistic repetition triggers anon(s) here :3

>> No.9695392
File: 62 KB, 421x421, 1472613621487.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dune discussion

>> No.9695404

My sister is reading Dune entirely because I said it was hopelessly boring.
...and she started with Children of Dune.
I don't know what to do.

>> No.9695406

I wonder why catfag would like Thomas Covenant when it doesn't have cute cats doing cute things? At least there isn't any in book one.

>> No.9695412

needed to post my little blog. sorry.
tell her to start with the first book?

>> No.9695417

I have no taste and will read almost anything. Cats are a huge bonus, catgirl covers are instabuy.

>> No.9695425

>tell her you always had these strange feelings for her
>tell her that she turns you on constantly and you can't control yourself around her anymore
>make sure you breed her deep for effectiveness
>kamikaze her
>commit sudoku

>> No.9695429

I bought the first two for her, but no dice.

>> No.9695430

Zones of Thought trilogy

>> No.9695434

This doesn't address reading SFF though.

>> No.9695440

What's your latest read on goodreads, Canada?

>> No.9695445

I'm reading Robot Visions by Asimov.

>> No.9695447

It does. All the gri approved books sffg recced me has some variation of what was listed.

>> No.9695451
File: 19 KB, 158x272, ArmorOriginalCover.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want more like this. Why isn't there more like this?

>> No.9695467

that book is unique
Forever War is the only other military sci-fi even close to Armor's quality I've read

>> No.9695476

Well, I finished the Way of Kings and I have to say I was positively surprised. It's far from perfect but all things considered I thought it was pretty good. The characters aren't the best but the setting is interesting. I had somewhat low expectations heading into it though, which probably helped.

>> No.9695497

I just can't wrap my head around how some joker writing his first novel managed to write the most immersive and character-driven military sci-fi book I've ever encountered.

>Forever War
I found it quite overrated. I mean it's competently written, but it didn't excite me or affect me emotionally much at all.

>> No.9695525

Did he write anything else?

>> No.9695552

Yeah, one other novel about vampire hunters. I've yet to read it. Apparently it has it's main characters named exactly like those in Armor for some inexplicable reason.

Shame the author was working in a sequel to Armor but died before it became anything more than an idea and a couple pages.

>> No.9695597

>Cats are a huge bonus, catgirl covers are instabuy.
Ah, a connoiseur! Can you reccomend me some good books with catgirls? Preferably sexy catgirls.

>> No.9695619
File: 48 KB, 301x500, Hestia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't have a good list yet, and don't have access to my files right now, but I'll toss one your way for free.
You sound like an anon who'd appreciate the feral cat cutie snuggles in pic related :3

>> No.9695633
File: 26 KB, 350x250, bane.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cia is this old

>> No.9695639
File: 129 KB, 585x993, The_Pride_of_Chanur2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess you can't go wrong with my favorite series by Cherryh. Although Hani aren't terribly sexy by human standards...

>> No.9695645
File: 137 KB, 638x1000, Chanurs_Venture_COVERART.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...unless the cover artist gets a bit frisky (and has to fix the glaring additions before use)

>> No.9695769

Over on /co/ we say Gaiman, Morrison and Moore are wizards, But Pratchett was memeing before memes existed. That's a true wizard that is.

>> No.9695781

I've just finished Fifth Head of Cerberus and I'm a little confused. Why did the abos need trees to reproduce? Is it because the parasite made them infertile? How do the trees solve that?

Also, why didn't it just infect everyone from the get go, why ever let the abos live alongside the infected shadow children? Is it because they become infertile once infected and thus can't reproduce to make new hosts? Also why didn't it infect more humans beside Marsch?

>> No.9695876



>> No.9696026

anyone have the audiobook for this?
i cant find it on youtube or pbay

>> No.9696032

dropped that shit almost in the beginning.
bad story telling. "...because of reasons"
geez you can tell that it has some deep detail there

>> No.9696115

It's actually pretty good

>> No.9696207

i hated the way the female in WoK.
everything just happens to fall into place without her even trying but were suppose to like her because she is a self-taught genious yet cant get shit done properly.
like a high functioning autist.

>> No.9696252

>"niggaz in space"
Id read that
Jamone reflects after being defeated by the hands of his arch nemesis "why we gotta fight black on black my nigga... We wuz kangz!"

>> No.9696337

ASoIaF > WoT > Stormlight > NotW, have not read the two others. Also, ASoIaF seem to somewhat fit your preferences.