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9694615 No.9694615 [Reply] [Original]

I've become rather interested in the big book witch version should i read?

>> No.9694619


>> No.9694632

the Hebrew one

>> No.9694645

Gotta go with the talmud id say.

>> No.9694648


>> No.9694775

check the damn archives, some stooge like you makes a thread about it every day.

basically the general consensus is that KJV has the nicest prose and that Oxford Annotated is the best for scholarly use. you might also want to check out the Jewish Study Bible. I haven't personally used it but Yale uses it in their OT introduction courses and I've heard it contains great essays.

sage, again, please check the archives.

>> No.9694935

New World Translation 2013

>> No.9694959

King James if you ask me. Its THE first english translation, thus it likely retains the most purity in terms of its closeness to the original word-choice and contextual meaning of the original text.

As close as it gets in english anyway.

>> No.9695019

Septuagint or Vulgate

>> No.9695031

Reading KJV will be more digestible you read a more modern translation first. Be a pseud and pick up NLT or NASB first then move to KJV if you want to continue reading scripture.

>> No.9695082

ignore Jehovah's Witness lunatics

>> No.9695104

Someones salty.

>> No.9695115

Yeah, everyone who isn't a lunatic is.

>> No.9695119

What is the basis of your claim that they are lunatics?

>> No.9695140

All heretics in the service of satan are lunatics.

>> No.9695159
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What heresy is specifically present? Or is it that you have been so deeply indoctrinated in human tradition under the guise of religious doctrine that it has stumped your reasoning?

>> No.9695165

>King James if you ask me. Its THE first english translation

Is this bait or just bad emphasis?

KJV was as much a synthesis of existing English versions as modern translations. Plus, it's not as if it were translated around when the manuscripts were written -- it's only 400 years old.

You can and should like the KJV for having pretty language, but your other points are trash.

>> No.9695180

they're a cult with a very strong in/out-group ideology. they're biblical literalists who live in their own delusional echo chamber and even though their orginisation has predicted the end of the world incorrectly five times they still arrogantly see themselves as the one true christian church. after one of these false predicitons they claimed that michael had returned to the earth 'invisibly' to establish 'the kingdom on earth' as a cop-out.
they also deny the crucifixion.

>> No.9695182

Get the New Oxford Annotated Bible OP. King James is only good if you're a Rastafarian.

>> No.9695186

> And in one Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the begotten of God the Father, the Only-begotten, that is of the essence of the Father.
> God of God, Light of Light, true God of true God, begotten and not made; of the very same nature of the Father, by Whom all things came into being, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible.
Remember this? No? That's because you're a heretic.

>> No.9695203

I'm not a JW but I have been studying the Bible with one for some time. The literalist claim is not true as far as most interpretation of prophecy is concerned primarily of the imagery expressed in Revelation. The cultist claim was the same thing the Romans claimed with the earliest congregations or churches as you call them. The in/out group is scriptualy supported in 1 Cor 5:11-13. They believe in the crucifixion but the instrument used was never described as a Cross but just a stake or tree.

>> No.9695320

JW is quite literally a cult, though. I had a friend who is a JW and it really messed him up. Their policies and beliefs are just so backwards, even by Christian standards. I'm a nationalist reactionary and even I find those guys reprehensible. One could argue that they are slightly better than protestants, though.

>> No.9695623

As someone who grew up in a JW family that tried to inculcate their dogma: it isn't. Even when you're ousted [disfellowshipped] (which only happens when you commit certain serious sins after making a commitment to serve god through baptism) they still want you to to come back. You will be shunned, ie the congregation won't speak with you, even relatives who are baptized if you don't live with them but it has scriptural backing to keep the rest of the flock clean. The [spiritual] Elders will still communicate and follow up with you to ensure you're returning on the 'right' path and then welcome you back when you are there.

The in/out thing you're referring to is a misunderstanding. Only when you commit to serve through baptism and then sin unrepentantly do you get outed.

They study, at times, the same verse in 5 different versions of the bible to come to their conclusions. They made their own translation because of the rampant mistranslations in each version. They actually study hebrew/aramaic/greek scrolls in addition to all the different translations to come to their beliefs. They're compelled to irrefutably have the closest thing to 'god's word'. Papists and every other denomination are known to shy away from debates with them, because literally all their tenets are taken directly from scripture and they don't like their own beliefs contradicting themselves. They admitted every time they were wrong and amend their interpretations respectfully. They lost a lot of people trying to predict the end and they haven't done that since the '70s because of that. They just know it's coming.

I'm not defending them. Most religions see themselves as the one true account. And they ask for way too much commitment in something I frankly don't have the faith for. But if you feel compelled to pursue Christianity they probably have the most accurate analysis in that they use the bible to back up every single point they have, and don't cherry pick.

I was never religious. Even when I was forced to go when I was younger. It was a literal pain. I realized I was an agnostic-theist, but I still retained knowledge. I feel like they're stigmatized and the butt of so many other christians' jokes because they're one of the younger sects.

>> No.9695636

Now, Mormons, those guys are a literal cult.

>> No.9695708

Its still a cult. Its christianity currupted by some asshole in the 1800s just like mormonism and so on.

>> No.9695762

There is no enigmatic leader that they constantly refer to. They don't ask you for money or even pass a donation tray around like other sects. Donations are literally by choice only. No pressure. They don't force exclusion on you. And there is no sinister agenda in place other than spreading god's word.

Mormonism was started by a literal con man. Now that's corruption.

If anything, JWs are bible purists.

>> No.9695770

you're still brainwashed, kid

>> No.9695776

If C T Russel wasnt a con man he was at least a heretic.

>> No.9695786

Quit trying to deflect to mormonism. Theyre both shit.

>> No.9695809

Don't disagree with you there, compared to what was generally believed in his time.
My main point is that it isn't a cult, by any standard. I'm not trying to deflect. Not a fan of organized religion in general, but I understand why people need it.

Also, quality bait cunt. No (You) for you.

>> No.9695835

What do you mean generally believed at his time? His shit would be out there at any point in time. It deviated from every christian doctrine at the time. He just made up shit.
The fact is that every jehovas witness is a sucker believing in false doctrine that was thought up by some loon. Shit, how many times was the world supposed to end now?

>> No.9695897

>It deviated from every christian doctrine at the time.
(citation needed)
Not EVERY one. But definitely major ones. It's differences grew as they continued to further analyze scripture.
>He just made up shit.
No, he didn't. And they were actually a group of people. Before they took on their current name they were known as a movement called the Bible Students. The church actually threw some of the leaders in jail because they were seen as threat. Everything they believe is based in the bible. Not with the hodgepodge of pagan rituals and holidays that other major sects have.
>The fact is that every jehovas witness is a sucker believing in false doctrine that was thought up by some loon.
You spelled religious person wrong
>how many times was the world supposed to end now?
Uhh, I dunno the exact number desu. But the accurate answer is once. They just fucked up in trying to predict when.

They did predict WWI though.

>> No.9695990

>Everything they believe is based in the bible
Lol whos? You cannot tell me that literally everyone else except them have mistranslated the bible to such a ridiculous degree as to get important shit wrong.
Where in the bible does it say that there is no hell, the trinity isnt a thing, and that 144000 thousant are righteous?
And what, jesus was cruxified on a stake? Niether the fucking vatican nor king james best people can translate the word cross correctly?

>> No.9696005

They aren't the only sect who denounce those things.
see >>9695623
>They study, at times, the same verse in 5 different versions of the bible to come to their conclusions. They made their own translation because of the rampant mistranslations in each version. They actually study hebrew/aramaic/greek scrolls in addition to all the different translations to come to their beliefs. They're compelled to irrefutably have the closest thing to 'god's word'.

>> No.9696014

Jesus fucking Christ, make your own choices you nonce.

>> No.9696044

>lol only us jw's do those things! We're the first to translate the bible correctly from greek. No way our religeous bias got in the way! Yes that says Jehovah what else would it say?

>> No.9696098

I never said that nor was I trying to imply it.

But for you to think that the vatican and other established sects are going to admit they're wrong after centuries of killing in the name of their beliefs is naive.

I really hope you're not trying to associate me with them.

I'm simply trying to inform. Again, my main point was that it's not a cult.