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9692489 No.9692489[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

/lit/ BTFO

>> No.9692505
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>> No.9692575

Jesus Christ I hate America and Americans.

>> No.9692584

They are hilarious, don't see anything wrong with them

>> No.9692591

dude science lmao

>> No.9692603

I'll never get tired of being lumped in with people I've never met and don't agree with.

>> No.9692617

Such an American thing to say.

Ur fat btw haha

>> No.9692630

There are too many people in the world not to generalise. America takes everything that is excellent and with their fat, filthy fingers they tear it down from the sky, so that the rest of the lowly pack can rub their fingers on it.
But of course, it's the commercial success that you have at the same time that makes them think like they're qualified to give an opinion, by 'lumping themselves in with people they've never met', i.e. the actually successful part of America.

>> No.9692656
File: 1.16 MB, 2349x2365, ljkl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>America takes everything that is excellent and with their fat, filthy fingers they tear it down from the sky

>> No.9692662

And what, shall we say, is the 'excellence' in visiting the moon?

>> No.9692684
File: 54 KB, 688x649, Intellectual superiority.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But of course, it's the commercial success that you have at the same time that makes them think like they're qualified to give an opinion
You mean intellectual success. America is the smartest nation in the history of human civilization; its universities and scholars are the absolute elite of human intelligence. There is nobody better qualified to share their thoughts than an American because there is nobody who is smarter or more important. To put it in perspective, asking for your opinion would be like a Roman aristocrat asking the opinion of a barbarian Volsce on the fine literature. There is literally nothing you could offer that would be more interesting, educated, or noble than what an American would say

>> No.9692686

Have you done it? If not, someone is more excellent than you

>> No.9692693
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>> No.9692699

Not an argument. I haven't shoved a dragon dildo up my arse yet either, that doesn't mean that there is excellence in doing so.

>> No.9692715
File: 270 KB, 800x601, 1484585699585.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you third world euronigger dirt peasants are so assmad. no wonder you poverty ridden cunts read books lmfao. i can only imagine your resentment sitting there in your hovel, cold and barefoot. you'll never have meaningful opportunities in your life because your ancestors weren't daring and ambitious like the average ameriKANG's were. you sit there worrying about your little patch of wheat or your goats (lmfao), probably on a cheap ass computer made in the early 2000s (invented and manufactured in America), meanwhile the average American participates in revolutionizing and advancing literally every branch of society (tech, culture, science, etc.) and just generally being a part of literally the greatest empire in the entirety of human history. and you're just sat there in your straw hut, bitter and resentful, obsessed to the point where you bring up your fantastical hatred for america at inappropriate times (like some sheep herder with severe aspergers) on an anonymous anime imageboard.

>> No.9692719

>Americans rate their Universities as being top

In any case, you completely miss the point. Of course you fattys are great at pre-chewing things so that everyone can eat them (i.e. so you can sell them to everyone, case in point your Universities which cost god knows how much, or much worse, those YouTube channels where they make a living by dumbing down anything that is above the common fatass of the 21st century), that's my entire point.
America has, at least since the cold war, culturally been a leech of the worst kind

>> No.9692722
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>> No.9692727

Am I 'assmad' or are you, that you type a wall of text insulting a third worlder with bad english shitposting at ungodly hours on a vietnamese ricefield appreciation board?
Also still not an argument.

>> No.9692730
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>harvard is 36% better than the #2 school and nearly twice as good as the #10 school
i'd like to see that methodology tab

>> No.9692734

That was half a century ago, what have the US done after that?

>> No.9692737

They did a victory lap on their mobility scooters and then went out for ribs.

>> No.9692741

Besides, the US only went to the moon because of a piss contest with the USSR.

>> No.9692745

"""Americans""" (with the help of the Germans they imported from their new colony)

>> No.9692748
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imagine being THIS jealous

I mean I can understand why they might be, but I've literally never felt that way because I live in the greatest nation on all of human history lmao

>> No.9692756

America is a corporatocracy

>> No.9692759

>being so inwardly insecure and yourself combative and close-minded towards people you disagree with that you view Plato's allegory of the cave as him simply trying to ridicule his enemies, projecting your own unenlightened and assholey personality onto an unbiased and beautiful-souled searcher after the truth
Good thing I'm not this guy

>> No.9692760
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Not an argument.

>> No.9692780


>> No.9692793
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>beat you in the space race
>has produced much more than one or two worthwhile authors
>has produced music that isn't just commercial trash but actual high art
>same with ballet, theatre and so on
>all of this despite having a shitty history
>all of this despite (or because of?) the general population not enjoying good living conditions

>> No.9692891
File: 233 KB, 472x472, PYdlf_Ki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>beat you in the space race

>> No.9692923

America won the moon race. USSR won the space race.

>> No.9692978

>missing the point this hard (probably on purpose)
>the autistic square way the author shows to understand the world

He's a STEMlord, no doubt about that

>> No.9692988

Not as bad as this: https://youtu.be/SWlUKJIMge4

>> No.9693010

How the fuck did this thread turn into an argument about America within two posts?

>> No.9693017

SMBC is great, don't get your panties in a bunch. He rips on science too. All in good fun.

>> No.9693022

Blame Anglo STEM autists.

>> No.9693033

The comic where the "pet physicist" becomes way too confident in his knowledge of fields outside physics as he grows older is pretty funny.

>> No.9693047


Yup, he rips on scientists all the time. People here would be well served to actually read the comic instead of rushing to a kneejerk defense rooted in ideological insecurity. I don't know what else I expected, though.

SMBC is actually quite funny, anons, I promise.

>> No.9693073
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hahaha buddy is that all you can respond with? you just got btfo by a burger and that's your reply? it's barely even coherent. i guess that's what happens when you start talking shit about american culture anonymously, you get smacked with the JDAM of Truth dropped from the B17 of Liberty. because who the fuck are you - some degenerate european? some southern barbarian? some decadent asian? america isn't perfect but it's God's land and I don't see that changing until the world ends in nuclear conflagration

(t. canadian)

>> No.9693230

infect the entire world with the plagues of capitalism and regressive leftism

>> No.9693248

Half a century ago and your shit country still hasn't done it?

>> No.9693255

pleb detected
I bet you enjoy Existential Comics too

>> No.9693285

The Chinese and British rate us at the top too (Brits gave themselves the top spot itself but us most of the others):

>> No.9693294

It is on purpose. You see, it's for this thing called a joke.

>> No.9693299

Americans are an insecure bunch.

>> No.9693347
File: 215 KB, 674x506, fat_people_on_scooters_171.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine being THIS fat

I mean I can understand why they might be, but I've literally never felt that way because I don't live in the shittiest nation on all of human history lmao