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9691226 No.9691226[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why do undergraduates think they know more about psychology than JP when he's written about it for 25 years?

>> No.9691228

Because he's a bad writer and thinker?

>> No.9691229
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brainlet nonwhite lefties who lack the parts of the pre-frontal cortex necessary to have a first-person understanding of freudian and jungian concepts

>> No.9691232

Explain your reasoning bub.

>> No.9691234


>> No.9691249
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It's literally the ultimate arm chair discipline. I can infer and diagnose you as a real mental case just for asking that question.

>> No.9691265

It's a symptom of the same system that produced /pol/tards who screech about any leftist intellectual. People in general respect expertise less than they should desu. It's bigger than Peterson.

>> No.9691269
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>leftist intellectual

>> No.9691273

Do they though?

>> No.9691274

This desu
Also, psychology is for women, and women are fucking inferior.

>> No.9691276

How are you better than people who dismiss Peterson? You hold your politics too closely. They stifle your ability to form your own opinions about the ideas and people you come across.

>> No.9691280


At the end if your response in this thread, please briefly state your general political leanings and ethnic makeup so I can do a survey.

Thank you for your cooperation.

>> No.9691283
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>le right and le left are le indentical le maymay

>> No.9691284

>How are you better than people who dismiss Peterson?
Peterson is right, that's the difference.
Asian, conservative

>> No.9691293

Your reading comprehension is lower than you think.

>> No.9691298
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>Your reading comprehension is lower than you think.
I think you'd for sure be surprised my man. 100%

>> No.9691311

kill yourself

>> No.9691319

What's the problem? You don't want to participate?

>> No.9691394

Peterson is a man who avoids staring the ugly truth of the world in the face.

>> No.9691399

the opposite desu

>> No.9691420

Peterson has some great ideas about psychology and mythos but some things he says are just retarded (he sometimes overthinks things and his understanding of Post-modernism is wikepida-level)
but the cult following he has really tells you a lot about people like >>9691269
totally dismissing any ideas someone has because of their political affiliation is just stupid and a sign of intellectual immaturity
sincerley, a white cis-male

>> No.9691459

Dunnin-Kruger is one of the more common phenomenons in 4chan discussion when talking about something that requires hardwork and dedication.

>> No.9691547
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>he sometimes overthinks things
welcome to philosophy, kiddo

>and his understanding of Post-modernism is wikepida-level
okay give us a critique of JBP's criticisms on PM

>totally dismissing any ideas someone has because of their political affiliation is just stupid and a sign of intellectual immaturity
you know it's possible that I've already looked at left wing 'intellectuals' and found that all of them are quasi-retarded

>> No.9691563

Why did Einstein think he knew more than Lenard, when Einstein was largely without credentials and Lenard was one of the most well regarded physicists on Earth?
Why did Chomsky, sans PhD, think he knew better than Skinner when he wrote the NYRB review of Verbal Behavior?

Credentials are irrelevant when you're fucking wrong...

>> No.9691564

jordan "i make money from beta losers that never had a father figure" peturdson

>> No.9691566

why do jordan peterson fans pull this appeal to authority shit? isn't that antithetical to the stuff he preaches? why wouldn't you bow to the MARXIST professors if credentials are all that matter

>> No.9691575

white australian,
lean toward reactionary

>> No.9691588

>Einstein the Swiss patent office clerk

>> No.9691602

I don't think he' uses the word "postmodernism" in the proper sense, but as a catch-all word to describe anti-Western, anti-Capitalist political sentiment, as that doesn't really seem to have a proper name associated with it (except for "SJW culture" or maybe "regressive leftism" which don't sound as professional).
It's just a way to make his message easier to digest, by having this convenient word available to summarize the ideologies he's trying to protest. His audience is people with literally no exposure to philosophy or literature, so I think he deserves a little slack.

>> No.9691615

I swear to god I see this smug faggot's face every time I come to /lit/. Stop making this thread. You just made a thread asking why nobody "respects" him the other day. Find someone else to talk about besides a meme professor who makes youtube videos about how he hates gender pronouns you fucking loser.

>Why do undergraduates think they know more about psychology than JP when he's written about it for 25 years?
Why does Jordan Petersen think he knows more about postmodernism than the dozens of highly regarded philosophers and theorists who spent their lives writing about it. You ride this guy's dick yet he's guilty of the very same thing you accuse your fellow /lit/ posters of (confusingly referred to as "undergraduates" here).

>I don't think he' uses the word "postmodernism" in the proper sense
>His audience is people with literally no exposure to philosophy or literature
>so I think he deserves a little slack.
I disagree. He is spreading misinformation and creating confusion while promoting a reactionary political agenda. I don't understand how this merits and sort of leniency in evaluating him.

>> No.9691624

i absolutely LOVE when this postmodernist faggots say: "he doesn't understand PM, like AT ALL, DUH", and then when asked about an in depth explanation of the subject or a critique over JBP's interpretation of it, they literally disappear.

it's like those 15yo edgelords saying "a normie such as yourself could never understand something as complex as communism"


>> No.9691638

Maybe postmodernism is an extremely vague them which at this point has been more or less hijacked by neoconservatives to brand anything that doesn't conform to their worldview. Maybe it's original meaning is too nuanced to be succinctly described on a mongolian textile forum. Maybe you should read books instead of watching youtube videos you mouth breather.

>> No.9691648

>post-modernism is like, way too complex to lay out for an intellectually unenlightened normie such as yourself
nobody is asking you to lay out the entire edifice of PM. pick a particular argument of JBP's and tell us why you think it's wrong.

>> No.9691657

What word or phrase would you recommend he use in place of "postmodernism", as he uses it in this clip for example?

>> No.9691660

The applying of psychology is for inferior women. For the ones who have obsession with sex and their own narrow narratives

>> No.9691662

sure, what better use of my lifetime than reading books that affirm perfect biological equality between man and woman, and the fact that anyone can decide to be whatever sex they want depending on the moon phase, kek

>> No.9691663

praise kek my fellow centipede. together we are going to btfo all these stupid sjw cuck feminazis and niggers and faggots. MAGA. drumpf, betreson and hitler; the bestest filosofers.

>> No.9691683

>hijacked by neoconservatives
How does someone even arrive at such a ridiculous notion? Neocons are old jews, and the only thing they've ever been interested in hijacking is American foreign policy in order to use it to blow out Israel's neighbors.

I don't know anything about this Peterson guy and I don't care. It's good that postmodernism is being criticized by someone in the semi-mainstream, and seeing true believer postmodernist faggots squirming like this ("he doesn't understand it!" ... "there isn't a single definition of postmodernism!") is rather enjoyable as well. But here's a secret for you kiddos ... few actually understand what postmodernism is because they don't realize that it is the nihilistic, destructive result of ~50 years of perverted, individualized, selfish, and hypersexualized jewish-controlled culture. People are afraid to talk about the corrosive influence of jews, so they don't understand how any of this shit works, Peterson included. And you'll never understand until you understand the jew.

>> No.9691690

They're trying the jewish tricks and accuse the opposition of what they are themselves actually practicing. When they get pointed out for po-mo shilling they blame the people who notice this as practicing po-mo.

>> No.9691693

>sure, what better use of my lifetime than reading books that affirm perfect biological equality between man and woman, and the fact that anyone can decide to be whatever sex they want depending on the moon phase, kek
kids that come from pol without lurking and think they know what they're talking about are really obnoxious.
i don't care about what you said about gender dimorphism before you whine about me being an sjw or commie or whatever. feminist blank slate-ism can go fuckin die. but you need to lurk moar before you say stupid shit. you probably think you're informed about postmodernism by seeing some ms paint comics on /v/ and /pol/ and reading infographs about the frankfurt school.


>> No.9691695

After this post I won't be posting anymore in this thread because it is never productive to debate JP dickriders.

I don't know where to begin. He collapses all postmodern thinkers as having the same ideas, moving from the specific to the general (e.g. Derrida's conception of phallogocentric --> "postmodernists think this"). He conflates postmodernism with identity politics (when in fact identity politics are contrary to the postmodern spirit). I am watching one of his videos now and he actually says verbatim "postmodernists don't believe it logic" (hurr everyone who disagrees with me is illogical). His videos are filled with so much ridiculous misinformation that it would be a complete waste of my time to give an accurate account of everything he gets wrong. I don't watch his videos but I have close friends who do. None of them read literature. None of them read philosophy. None of them are in any way qualified to evaluate what he is saying as true or false. They just parrot his youtube videos. It's honestly fucking embarrassing if you like him.

>> No.9691726

Losers like this who defend postmodernism and think it's actually something worthwhile and real, are either jews or shabbos goyim who have the jewish university system's propaganda spout hooked directly to their brain. It's fucking pathetic, like someone addicted to placebos trying to tell you they really do something. And I'm the guy who said I don't know anything about Peterson, so don't try it. Let me know when he names the jew.

Postmodernism, what a ruse. It's nothing. Logic's dead end.

>> No.9691727

cause they're not literal memes only popular for "taking a stand against those SJWs!"

>> No.9691731

Isn't a better question, how has somebody as dumb as Peterson become a professor at a good university?

>> No.9691737

Fuck off. If there's anyone on Earth getting constant Jewfeeds to their brain and spreading it everywhere like a virus it's devout antisemites.

>> No.9691749

Keep telling yourself that and using your fake words, Bergblatt.

>> No.9691764


so obvious that posters like these have never actually read any so-called "post-modern" work of philosophy and are just regurgitating whatever flavor of the month pop-podcast-thinker tells them.

>> No.9691782

I was reading Foucault when you were in middle school social studies class.

But since it's "so obvious" that I get my opinions from pop podcasts, it must be easy for you to find a podcast that addresses both postmodernism and the jewish question. So can you find one? Please, I'd love to see where my obvious opinion comes from.

>> No.9691789

You realise JP is a conservative?

>> No.9691791

Ground breaking psychology research, tens of thousands of citations and being famous will do that (you thought he wasn't well known before now?)

>> No.9691830
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>le race is le social construct!
pomo, not even once

>> No.9691831
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>mfw "Bill C-16 Controversy" is the most robust section of his wikipedia page

>> No.9691834

Can anybody suggest post modernist thinkers for me to read up on. After seeing this thread comstantly spammed and seeing peoples critiques of JPs idea of pomo, i dont want to take him for his word

>> No.9691837

uhhmm maybe because he's a fucking TRANSPHOBIC FUCKING FASCIST??

>> No.9691845
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>post modernist thinkers

>> No.9691857

Postmodernism is over now so the facts are in. The main thinkers in the philosophical realm are Derrida and Foucault, but no criticism of postmodernism (and Marxism as well) is legit if it doesn't mention jewish involvement in its promotion. You'll find good critiques of this in Kevin Macdonald's book Culture of Critique.

>> No.9691866
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>Falling this hard for identity politics
You and the pink haired warpigs are cancer

>> No.9691886

All politics are identity politics. What, were you under the impression that politics was about people from extremely different backgrounds all conforming to abstract principles that don't exist, like equality and love for freedom?

Ha ha ha.

>> No.9691890

White identity politics really only hurts leftist numales and progressives. If you're a huwhite male who actually understands economics, embracing identity politics will make you more powerful

>> No.9691902

oh yeah well I was reading deleuze when you were throwing sand in kids faces for playing with your tonka trucks, so I say your wrong

>> No.9691911

>meme professor who makes youtube videos about how he hates gender pronouns you fucking loser.
That's not even 10% of his videos.
You accuse him of not understanding post modernism and then you define him as something he's not.
His thought on religion and the pathological of ideologies is what he's mostly doing, brainlet.

>> No.9691912

So you didn't find the podcast? I'm afraid that means you were wrong. Nice try though.

>> No.9691914

no I'm a different guy that just wanted to mock you for arguing like a child

>> No.9691922

So, abstract principles don't even real to you? Do you have the same problems with nationalism as you do with equality? I suppose they're both spooks but I get the sense that you're not being consistent.
Ethnonationalism's impracticality is an issue for any right-leaning individual. An unironic enthnonationalist is as embarrassing as your generic tankie LARPer. It has little to do with being a "numale."

>> No.9691940

decent bait desu

>> No.9691984

White identity politics doesn't necessarily mean white nationalism. It could just mean white preferentialism or something as innocuous as a state that accepts whites as a legitimate grievance class

>> No.9691999

>Ethnonationalism's impracticality
99% of every nation in human history has been ethnonationalist

>> No.9692001
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Because he's a hack.

>> No.9692021

That's the only thing I saw that was a red flag.
But if that's the only thing when he has hundreds of hours of himself on video it's no huge deal really

>> No.9692059
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Anyone ever listen to his argument with Sam Harris about simple truth claims? I still had no idea what his real counterargument was (granted I listened to it a while ago).

>> No.9692076

Everyone here is either a pseud or someone who's never read a book and watches YouTube commentary.

I don't enjoy the topics Peterson tackles like gender politics, but I respect him as an academic.

>> No.9692085

I suffered through that yesterday. I honestly don't think he really had a counter-argument, evident by the fact he kept focusing on completely irrelevant parts of Sam's arguments (like what really constitutes "having an affair" in court), the long silences when pressed and constantly trying to change the subject.

>> No.9692102

I remember him talking about on a micro scale, Sam was right, but on a macro scale things change. I honestly have no clue what he was trying to get across, which I am not sure is me or him being a brainlet.

>> No.9692128
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>> No.9692139

What do you guys think about his biblical series?
I think it's the best thing he's done so far, very in depth.
When his beliefs came up in the Harris podcast Harris made an absolute laughable analogy with him getting meaning from a cookbook.
Harris must have a very low opinion on people from the older days, because a work that has been updated and perfected over 2000 years and clearly has a deep meaning to those who helped shape it and spread it is in absolutely no way comparable to a fucking cookbook.
That's not to say Peterson doesn't reach at times to make connections, but some are very interesting (in hist last one where he says that all 3 figures make a massive sacrifice, mother father and son)

>> No.9692160

yeah i don't really know for sure either (i am currently listening to their second podcast to hopefully get a better grasp on it).
Though i suspect that peterson might not have had to defend his stances against someone like Sam before.

>> No.9692168

not an argument

>> No.9692174

He's written one book in his 25 year academic career. If you feel anything but disdain for this pop-culture figure you're probably not a very serious person.

>> No.9692175

If you're going to pretend to be a fascist at least don't be a fucking dumb fascist

>> No.9692176

What if he has written 5+ before his death?

>> No.9692187

>people complaining about Peterson's inappropriate use of the word "postmodernism"
>nobody responds to >>9691657 with a more accurate term for his purposes
>people defending postmodernism
>nobody responds to >>9691834 with an example of a good PM author

Honestly I'm ambivalent about Peterson but you guys are not making a good case for postmodernism here.

>> No.9692190

Has there ever been a return to the kind of conservative worldview that he is advocating for. Have we ever had liberalism moved in the opposite direction.

I suppose we could bring up Catholic reign after Pagan Rome, but Iwouldn't really classify Rome as liberal, and even thought the greeks are seen as liberal, the spartans and many others were ultra-conservative, plus Socrates was killed from speech which isn't a liberal mindset.

Even the catholic reign brough acout scolasticism which brought about the enlightenment, which would mean even in conservative institutions we see liberalization.

I suppose the puritan protestants were a conservitization force, but even then they were moving away from tradition which would have caused the protestant work ethic, which brought about capitalism (a la Max Weber) which is the liberalizing force today.

I imagine we could bring up european fascism in Germany and Italy as a conservatisizing force, but even then, these were pretty short lived.

Have we ever seen a fundamental increase in conservatism like Peterson is advocating for?

>> No.9692192

i can't stand this fag because hes become the new school of life. for retards who are too lazy to read books

>> No.9692193
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>you're now filled with anger

>> No.9692213

School of life makes 10 minute meme videos explaining very complex thinkers.
He gives lectures you can watch all the way if you want, it's just an online class, also gives you a reading list.
His biblical lecture is already 12+ hours long and not even halfway through.
It's not comparable in the slightest.
And people are not going to read books as often as you wish, if they instead watch tens of hours of lectures that's as good as they can do and it's fine.
Your critique is stupid and assumes that the people watching his videos would otherwise be doing something more useful with their time, fag.

>> No.9692218

I think it's okay, but I do think that his tangents don't necessarily connect that well with the topic at hand.

Though I will say that his psychological interpretation of mythology is vastly superior to Joseph Campbell.

>> No.9692222

I feel like we're moving back into a roaring twenties type techno culture. Things are going to be dumb inflationary and tech giants will continue to boom until we reach another sort-of-gilded age and then liberals will take their turn at the pedestal again.

Politics is pretty queer.

>> No.9692247

Interesting, so you are supposing we will see an retraction of governmental interference in the American marketplace (a sort of NeoConLibertarianism) which will give us an economic boom like the unregulated early 19th century?

I suppose I don't really agreen given that Apple, Amazon, and HP are some of the largest tech compnies in America and none of them are conservative.

Perhaps a better view would be that we are moving toward a NeoLiberal economic society while the older socially conservative generation dies off. What this will likely mean is a rich and amoral upper sector in society and a poor working class.

I like the point about a roaring twenties, we are going to see a western debauchery in line with unregulated markets which will cause a whole newer culture of elitism but also social change towards acceptance of socially liberal modes of action. Sexuality will become more ambiguous, drugs will be legalized, and money will continue to be consolidated in the hands of an elite.

>> No.9692305
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the sheer retardation of this post

>> No.9692311

I'd rather have an effortposter like that than a shitposter like you

>> No.9692315

Notice how nobody responded to this post (other than me)

>> No.9692320

Because it's hard to be worse than shit.
White reactionary.

>> No.9692323

I'd rather he didn't post at all. A person so stupid shouldn't be that confident in their retarded understanding of politics and economics.


>o you are supposing we will see an retraction of governmental interference in the American marketplace (a sort of NeoConLibertarianism)
NeoConLibertarianism. wtf

>I suppose I don't really agreen given that Apple, Amazon, and HP are some of the largest tech compnies in America and none of them are conservative
think about how retarded that all is. just for a second.

>> No.9692335

Saying wtf and just thingk about it isn't a compelling argument, in fact it's not an argument at all.
I'm not agreeing or disagreeing with the poster, but you've made 2 posts now that might as well not have been made.
Maybe you're trying to drag him into an actual argument but even then, there's better ways to do it.

>> No.9692346

Original poster here, maybe I can clear some items up.

NeoConLibertarian was meant to convey a sort of American freemarket neoliberal corpatism internally, while retaining the NeoCon interventionsit and global hegemonic qualities it is known for.

I don't see your issue with the Apple, amazon, and HP, item. You could include Google as well. These are the largest american tech companies and 100% of their CEOs are liberal.

>> No.9692347
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jesus christ m8 you just won't stop

>> No.9692364
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>> No.9692420

It's easy to understand why some people wouldn't like him. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sk-Kg3wxzZA

>> No.9692431

The guy that made that channel is a genius.
Just snip up a 2 hour lecture into the best bits and rake in the cash

>> No.9692446

Jordan is a nice guy. He helped me to be in comfort with facts of my life.

>> No.9692450

He's actually classified himself as a Classic Liberal

>> No.9692464

Classic Liberal as in the vein of Hobbes-Locke? or as a blue dog democrat? or as a founding father era liberal?

>> No.9692485

fuck I don't know senpai I can't speak for the man
