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9689958 No.9689958 [Reply] [Original]

What are your favorite Gods and Goddesses—regardless of whether you subscribe to the religion itself or not? Mine has to be Shiva just because of how badass he is.
>enters through a pillar to show up Vishnu and Brahma while they're bitching about which one of them is stronger
>only God powerful enough to be trusted to absorb the Halahala plaguing the ocean
>known as Lord of the Dance and came close to ending the universe by dancing
>stopped Kali from destroying everyone by letting her step on him

>> No.9689972
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shiva's cool

>> No.9690042
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>Pagan Gods

>> No.9690053

none of that sounds cool or interesting at all. are all hindu gods shallow as this?

>> No.9690064


>> No.9690165
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>needing a physical anthropomorphic cartoon deity


>> No.9690172

>Not wholheartedly embracing the fantasy of anthropomorphic cartoon deitys with the full realization that they are nothing more shadows of the real

>> No.9690177


>not worshiping anime characters

are you a fag or something?

>> No.9690198

it sounds pretty interesting

>> No.9690242

I am delphic apollo. Susano-o is a pretty swell guy. When shit hits the fan I call Sobek or Anubis.

>> No.9690246
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i worship a Boot

>> No.9690279
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and, it likes to party

>> No.9690555

1. Dionysos
2. Apollo
3. Moirai

>> No.9690995

You seem to know your Indian mythology, even if superficially. Needless to say, no one on this site can come close to understanding the symbolism of Indian Gods and the tales associated with 'em. If you can, that's cool. If not, try to find out. Estoricism older than nations as we know them!

Parashurama has to be my favourite. Of course, ultimately all Hindu Gods are really shades of one colour.

>> No.9691008

>you seem to know your Hindu mythology
Not really, this is just what I learned after doing a bit of research for fun after two hours or so 'cause I also studied Parvati, Kali, Skanda, Shakti, and Vishnu. No need to give such a backhanded compliment btw.

>> No.9691027

Nothing beats Jesus

>> No.9691045

Indian gods are DBZ-tier garbage.

>> No.9691049

I agree

>> No.9691052

Try reading the Bhagavad-gita and maybe you'll change your mind.

>> No.9691154

Centzon Totochtin

>> No.9691184

That was actually a really interesting read, anon, thanks for sharing. For anyone interested: https://lordsofthedrinks.com/2015/05/13/the-aztec-myth-of-the-400-drunken-rabbit-gods-explains-all-levels-of-intoxication/

>> No.9691195
File: 86 KB, 394x549, Kali_by_Raja_Ravi_Varma.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This bad bitch right here. Giver and taker of life. Sweet Mother, Sweet Mother, send your child unto me, for the sins of the unworthy must be baptized in blood and fear...

>> No.9691224


>> No.9691379

is my favorite god in general. I see him as sort of the god I nearest resemble.
I also enjoy
>the Anunnaki

I guess Jesus is alright too.

>> No.9691387

>nailed to a cross and beat up by mortal romans
>only magical powers include walking on water and changing water into wine among other parlor tricks
>pagan gods are busy casting fireballs and moving mountains
>Jesus teaches you to turn the other cheek every time someone wrongs you

The Jew god is a cuck god.

>> No.9691389
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every day they're shufflin'

>> No.9691415

To forgive is to forget, and to forget is to live with no regret.

>> No.9691591

I was surprised when I read that Kali WASN'T supposed to be a goddess representing violence. Apparently, the arms she has on her waist and the head she's holding are meant to represent the destruction of human ego—which is thought to stem from the obsession with worldly things and consequently the human body.

Not sure how accurate my source is on that one because she's literally holding a bloodied fucking sword in that picture. Supposedly, she just killed demons.

>> No.9691594

>only magical powers include walking on water and changing water into wine among other parlor tricks
Now that's just completely inaccurate.

>> No.9691607

Here's my source on that one btw:

http://ww w.god des s. ws /ka li. ht ml

>> No.9691706

>>pagan gods are busy casting fireballs and moving mountains
>>Jesus teaches you to turn the other cheek every time someone wrongs you
Exactly. He is that strong.

>> No.9691709

Ishtar has the quintessential quim.

>> No.9692012

there is nothing "strong" about not fighting injustice. That's just weak, ignorant and useless for this life.

>Oh shit, someone murdered one of my two sons. Well, better not do anything, because that would be un-christian

>> No.9692018

I like hephaistos, Loki and Amaterasu a lot.
And maybe not considered a god by some, but Prometheus is pretty cool.

>> No.9692155
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Shiva and Kali are definitely up there. Odin as a god of magic. Athena as a guide of heroes. Hephaestus has the best come back in the history of failed relationships. Apollo and Krishna are qties, even if they're a fantasy. Guanyin too if we're counting boddhisattvas, 'cause empathy's a hell of a drug. The whole chain of events that lead to Amaterasu and Susano'o fighting are cool too.

>I see him as sort of the god I nearest resemble.
Are you intelligent, nihilistic and with a wicked sense of humor? I'm kidding, Loki has a bunch of fun myths.

Pretty much. Last night I listened to repetitions of one mantra of hers, and was surprised how comfortable I found it in comparison to my previous experience, to be thanks to my personal development. None of those stranging sensual and mortal drives.

ॐ कलिं कालिका-य़ेइ नमः

>> No.9692173

Well, what you say is true. Kali is misinterpreted by the masses. And sadly, by most Indians too. She's a symbol of the Kundalini energy, or the inherently limitless potential in man. The wearing of hands and heads is symbolic of man sacrificing his actions and intellect in a pure spritual pursuit, asking his "mother" to protect him. After all, a mother is the best way to worship this kinetic aspect of the Kundalini. I say kinetic because that's what Kali really is. The Kundalini climbing in man. She's ferocious too for the same reason, as it's said that to evoke the Kundalini without preparation and care can destroy a person. That's why she's depicted as scary. Op's post about letting her step on Shiva means that the Kundalini is prodding the super-consciousness, i.e., Shiva into realising he's God. Shiva is the symbol of consciousness. Energy + consciousness leads to a realisation of God, according to Hinduism. Kali, once she reaches Shiva and wakes him up, or when energy lights up the consciousness, they become united and one reaches the monotheistic One True God. Here, as you can see, Hinduism isn't really a pagan cult, or a polytheistic religion. It's just heavily steeped in mythology. The act of their union is called Nirvikalpa Samadhi, or union with God.
Interestingly, Kali can be worshipped as a daughter, sister, or even a wife, but they're discouraged, especially the last one.

>> No.9692177

My favorite is Jesus because he's real and all that came before him are as thieves and liars

>> No.9692208
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Honestly, I think Marduk in the Mesopotamian mythology is the most based motherfucker.

He even has 50 names, some of them are cool.

>The Lord of Lords, Master of Magicians.
>The Knower of All Secrets
>He Who Fashions the World Out of The Combat with Tiamat
>Master of the Arts of Protection
>Wielder of the Flaming Sword
>The Giver of Riches
>The Master over Ancient Serpents
>The Bringer of Rain and Storms
> Lord of All That Is, Judger of Judgements, Decider of Decisions, He Who Determines the Laws and the Reign of Kings

Etc etc.

>> No.9692225
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>Op's post about letting her step on Shiva means that the Kundalini is prodding the super-consciousness, i.e., Shiva into realising he's God. Shiva is the symbol of consciousness. Energy + consciousness leads to a realisation of God, according to Hinduism. Kali, once she reaches Shiva and wakes him up, or when energy lights up the consciousness, they become united and one reaches the monotheistic One True God.

>mfw this is literally the plot the protagonist couple of my novel, down to the male MC becoming a Kala-like monster for a while, even though I don't really have an esoteric understanding of Shaktism or Shaivism and I've only been following what made sense

Well, Jung was right.

>> No.9692262

Oh shit, that's really interesting. Think you could hook me up with a few good sources, brother? I've been trying to find some info on Vishnu but I haven't found many pages that discuss more than his exploits with the milky ocean + his 10 avatars.

>> No.9692508
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Thoth's pretty cool. Seeing as how he keeps things in a state of balance, not favoring evil or good. Pretty based.

>> No.9692531

So, Vishnu's most famous avatars are Rama and Krishna. The tenth avatar kalki is yet to appear and destroy evil, hence not much is written about him. Interestingly, Kalki's birth and emergence, and his battle with evil is complementary to the return of Jesus and of Al-Mahdi in Islam. Even though in Islam, it's accepted that Jesus would return to fight against the Antichrist. Perhaps Kalki is Al-Mahdi, or the reverse. Sorry for the digression.
Rama's story is the Ramayana, an epic, and easily found in English. There are two primary sources to find out more about Krishna. One is the Mahabharata, in which he aids the protagonists, and the other is the Srimad Bhagvata, which is about Krishna himself, and all of Vishnu's avatars. The Srimad Bhagvata is divided into 12 books, and book #10 is the largest and about Krishna, so between that, the Gita, and Mahabharata, you should be able to find all you can about him. The ones left, especially the churning of the ocean, and other avatars, they're all described in the Srimad Bhagvata. Also called the Bhagvata Purana, in case the name confuses you. Other avatars such as Parashurama, the priest-warrior, are depicted in the Mahabharata and the Ramayana.
Finally, the Vishnu Purana has some information too, although it's much shorter than Srimad Bhagvata.
Through these texts, you'll gain an understanding of Vishnu as he is from the aspect of each of his avatar. The thing about Vishnu is, if you want info on him as "Vishnu" himself, he appears in stories of other Gods. So, basically, you'd have to read a lot of Hindu mythology to see him as Vishnu. These are more of moral short stories of him teaching Gods some lesson, or toying with demons. He's portrayed as an omniscient, relaxed, very cool and funny God. So, those stories are worth a read too.

>> No.9692543


>> No.9693063

Awesome, thanks. I'll be sure to check 'em out when I have the time. I've been meaning to find some more reading material anyhow.

>> No.9693756

Jung was always right

>> No.9693768


>implying you have

>> No.9693794

Not a god, but from hades, I've always LOVED Charon the ferryman.

>> No.9694060


Christianity is a heterdox branch of judaisim, which is itself largely ripped off from Zoroastrianism, which comes from the same primordial Aryan tradition as Hinduism.

>> No.9694066


to understand the metaphyscial aspects of Hinduism it helps to start by reading Guenon's "introduction to the studies of hindu doctrines" before you start reading a lot of the texts themselves

>> No.9694132

>Well, Jung was right.

>> No.9694177

Archetypes manifesting without direct influence. It's really just a matter of going through the a road at different times with similar vehicle--you will end up doing more or less the same thing.

>> No.9694203

Violence against the body is destruction of the ego in Hinduism. This is approached in the story of Siddhartha that most of us are familiar with: the others dismissed him initially because he dismissed such violence.

>> No.9694331

Ignore all that new-agey bullshit.

You know all those plagues, volcanoes, earthquakes etc... they're from Kali and Shiva going on rampages. She needs to be fierce in order to protect our universe from interdimensional demons that want to consume our reality but when she kills them she gets drunk off their blood.

Once reality is over and Shiva closes the windows and locks the doors Kali will kill him and rape the corpse. The end.

>> No.9694408

Gonna need bigger bait than this horse shit.