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/lit/ - Literature

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9690178 No.9690178 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.9690183

you should ask on a site for film makers

>> No.9691237
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>> No.9691266

tries too hard, not /lit/

>> No.9691296

No joke, this guy is not as bad as /lit/ makes him out to be. He comes off as pretentious in most of his videos because of all the awkward forced mannerisms, but he has good taste and is at least eloquent.

>> No.9691304
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start with the russians

>> No.9691473

Andrei Tarkovsky is good.

On Film-Making by Mackendrick is essential.
Film Directing Shot By Shot by Steven D. Katz is useful.
Robert McKee's Story and Dialogue will offer a crash course on screenwriting.
Holman's Sound for Film and Television will offer a guide to sound recording, sound design and the pieces of equipment you will need for good sound recording.
Hitchcock/Truffaut will offer insight into differing methods of directing, screenwriting and also personal insight into both filmmakers themselves.

Honourable mentions: Save The Cat by Blake Snyder, Syd Field's Screenplay and The Screenwriter's Problem Solver, John Yorke's Into The Woods, Weston's Directing Actors, John Truby's Anatomy of Story, DeKoven's Changing Direction, Vogler's The Writer's Journey.

Joseph Campbell's book The Hero With a Thousand Faces is often recommended and it's highly useful but it isn't directly to do with filmmaking but more to do with ancient mythology and their structure's relevance in storytelling in more recent years. It inspires many screenwriters and directors in structuring their own scripts and films. Without it, George Lucas wouldn't have made Star Wars.

For the more theoretical:
Kracauer's From Caligari to Hitler if you're interested in German expressionist cinema.

Donald Richie's The Films of Akira Kurosawa if you want an authoritative text on his films, the methods, intentions and processes behind those films. Also see Kurosawa's Something like an Autobiography where he details his early professional career, his childhood, his friendships, sorrows and some useful advice for new filmmakers.

A New History in Japanese Cinema by Isolde Standish. Also Japanese Cinema: Texts and Contexts; The Warrior's Camera (another book on Kurosawa) and The Atomic Bomb in Japanese Cinema offer fascinating insight into the previous century's historical influences on Japanese cinema and the importance of Japanese cinema overall.

Hope these provide some interest, OP.

t. filmmaking fag.

>> No.9691676

Yeah, but he wears fingerless gloves

>> No.9692083

Is Deleuze or Bazin worth reading?

>> No.9692132

Does On Film-Making discuss the technical aspects of film making, such as lightning, cameras, and the like?

>> No.9692136

Yeah that's part of what I said about the cringy mannerisms.

>> No.9692236

Taschen makes good books about film(s)

>> No.9692392

Start with D. W. Griffith

>> No.9692799

Negative Space: Manny Farber on the Movies
Notes on the Cinematographer - Bresson
What is cinema? - André Bazin
The Films in My Life - Truffaut

The Death of the Author
Godard on Godard

>> No.9693977

Based commentator

>> No.9693987
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this is good

>> No.9695427

Hope it is.

>> No.9696662


>> No.9696667

cliff is a sood and posting him ought to be a bannable offense

Wim Wenders has a good collection of essays that's certainly illuminating, can't remember the name right now though

>> No.9696697

If you think of the name please post it. Hopefully this thread will get more active once it gets late.

>> No.9696713

stop posting your gay YT channel, clive

>> No.9697384

Cliff is a qt, neck yourself

>> No.9697402

>doesn't start with the Magic Lantern

>> No.9698231

>Muh Time Pressure
Makes unfalsifiable pseudo-scientific nonsense statements and calls them 'art'.

All of them are useless cliches NEVER EVER read Tarkovsky/McKee ...fucking hacks. It's just pseudo babble for casuals. You're an idiot if you're hoping to read a book to make you a better filmmaker. FUCK OFF. No one has ever flown a plane after reading a book, unless they worship a certain prophet from Jerusalem. JUST FUCKING END YOURSELF in his name.

Books can't help here. They can only inspire.

Having said that, here's my 10 cents.

0 - Bresson - Notes on the Cinematograph - best book by the best filmmaker
1. Walter Murch - genius editing dude - In the Blink of an eye
2. David Mamet - shortest and best book ON DIRECTION
3. Vittorio Storaro - another genius - Writing with light (if you have money then buy "5 Cs of cinematography" It's not required tho. Cinematography can't be taught using a book FUCK OFF)
4. Polanski's Biography
5. Kurosawa, Renoir, Lumet's Biographies
6. Jung's Archetypes - yeah yeah...
7. Filmmaker on Filmmaker series - Read Lars Von Trier, Cassavettes, Bresson, Welles etc etc....
8. just go to TV tropes if you're really stupid and can't understand the basics and cliches of screenwriting/storytelling.
9. Some German guy wrote a book or articles on Haneke i can't be bothered to Google. His articles were the only thing i've ever read that made sense to me as a filmmaker.

Not that dude but, Bazin is too theoretical and Deleuze is incomprehensible.

Assuming you want to be a better filmmaker here's my 2 cents: you'll never get those things unless you study photography and painting or go to a film set/film school. I'd suggest buying a camera and going out. No other way. It takes first hand experience in all departments to be a good filmmaker. Hope that helps.

t. starving filmmaker.

>> No.9698468

Paul Thomas Anderson's filmmaking skills originated from reading books, anon.

>> No.9698709

Yes, PTA has mentioned Steinbeck, Delillo, DFW and some Viking book and of course Upton Sinclair and Pynchon. But he's never mentioned some 3 Easy Steps to a Great Screenplay. ....And his advice to young filmmakers is ...

"Just don't give a fuck."

>> No.9698741
File: 25 KB, 328x499, 41b+wLJfUML._SX326_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about books on filmmakers? This is perhaps my favourite book on a filmmaker, it's magnificent. If you're a fan, then this is the book for you? If you're not a fan then what the fuck is wrong with you? Go watch some of his films and then read this. Don't do it in the opposite order, you need to have seen his films to appreciate this book, I feel.

Anyway, anyone know any good books on DePalma? Something siding towards more academic analyses as opposed to pop-reviews...

>> No.9699208

lessons with kiarostami
cassavetes on cassavetes
kieslowski on kieslowski

>> No.9700885

>Vittorio Storaro
poast links senpai

>> No.9702062

Thank you everything for this interesting material!

>> No.9702085

Kiss Kiss Bang Bang by Pauline Kael
The Resistance: 10 Years of Pop Culture that Shook the World by Armond White
Everyone else is a pseud, this is all you need.

>> No.9703126


>> No.9703151

he has generic "i'm into art" taste and he brings no insight at all to the table. he's also a conman who created the channel to get a following that would fund his film project.

fuck this guy

>> No.9703262

The platonic form of a pleb and pseudo

>> No.9703778

Erm I can't recommend *technical* books on the topic but...

1. Notes on the Cinematographer - Robert Bresson
2. Sculpting in Time - Andrei Tarkovsky
3. Truffaut/Hitchcock - Francois Truffaut

The following are good reads but don't necessarily talk about filmmaking (a little bit though)

1. The Magic Lantern - Ingmar Bergman
2. Werner Herzog: A Guide for the Perplexed - Paul Cronin

most have already been said in this thread before, noted

>> No.9703972

This is the Wenders book. https://www.amazon.com/Wim-Wenders-Film-Essays-Conversations/dp/0571207189

>> No.9704120

Holy shit, this guy reviewed this book? How did i not know

>> No.9704257

Good. I was waiting on this. Thanks.

>> No.9704267

his taste is actually just /lit/ and /tv/ memes
i would not at all be surprised if he were in this thread

>> No.9704279

>read Lars Von Trier

It's as if you hate cinema