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9687782 No.9687782 [Reply] [Original]

Could anyone give me a TL:DR on this guy?
He's apparently important.

>> No.9687841

Don't thank

>> No.9687905

He is literally nothing

>> No.9687916

*sniff* Nothing *sniff*
*sniff* of *sniff*
*sniff* value *sniff*

>> No.9687921

>not a right-winger who wants a white ethnostate

into the trash. His books will be burned once the redpilled nation of Kekistan rises

>> No.9687931

Why does he refuse to debate Richard Spencer?

That tells you everything you need to know.

>> No.9687938

The guy who heils? Yeah, surely Slavoj would stand to benefit a lot from such a spectacle

>> No.9687956
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>I guess you could say he is
>*Puts on sunglasses*
>Less Than Nothing

>> No.9687974

>He's apparently important
Less than /lit/ would make you think.

>> No.9688446

serious answer: philosopher / psychoanalist that mostly does ideology-critique on the basis of Marx, Hegel and Lacan
from Marx he takes the critique
from Hegel the notion of particularity/negation
from Lacan, objet petit a and the big Other, as well as the notion of the symbolic/real/imaginary trinity
he also refers to Freud sometimes

TL:DR; *sniff* recycling is for me *sniff* ideology at it's finest *sniff* you know there is a *tucks shirt* great old sovjet joke about that *sniff*

>> No.9688452


Why would an internationally reknown philosopher debatte some nazi meathead/white-supremacist?
That's like me debating a chimpanzee

>> No.9688523

Watch The Pervert's Guide to Ideology

>> No.9688563
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>Mark Richard Hamill (born September 25, 1951) is an American actor, voice actor, producer and writer. He is best known for playing Luke Skywalker in the Star Wars film series and The Joker in the Batman: The Animated Series.

>> No.9688646

Why would one of the world's most well known public intellectuals debate a relative nobody like Spencer? It says more about Zizek's level of celebrity than anything else. He has nothing to gain in that scenario.

>> No.9688759

I know this is b8, but Ž doesn't debate anyone, he just has talks.
Also, he's too much of a coward to speak honestly about race, he stays in his safe leftist bubble/circlejerk.

>> No.9688771


no serious philosopher talks about 'race' cause it's a spook
Zizek at least recognizes that european values are superior and that there are problems with multic-culturalism (immigrants) which is more than any left-liberal would admit

>> No.9688814

>no serious philosopher talks about 'race' cause it's a spook
Many things he and other philosophers talk about are way bigger spooks than race.
Anyway, you're wrong. Serious philosophers in the past have talked about race. It's only in the post WW2 era that this has become a huge taboo.
In a way it's a stupidly simple issue already solved by science (they even found genes that influence behavior), but intellectuals could still talk openly about social aspects and impacts, if they had the balls. But they don't, they pretend all this stuff (science included) doesn't exist and/or that it's some neo-nazi fabrication.

>> No.9688820
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>no serious philosopher talks about 'race' cause it's a spook
evolutionary biology is literally a branch of science

>> No.9688847



>> No.9688849

Its not a hard science, its a humanities spook, like anthropology.

4chan is the only place obsessed with race

>> No.9688855

>Its not a hard science

>> No.9688857

>t. unironically owns a copy of gorilla mindset

>> No.9688860

He's more of a Hegelian and Lacanian than he is a Communist and political philospher.
People care more about his political commentary though.

>> No.9688861

>Different people have different genetic markers

What point are you making?

>> No.9688867

How that disprove anything I said?

>> No.9688871


These markers dovetail with "socially constructed" definitions of race.

Race is a biological reality and only fags in the social """""""""sciences""""""""" disagree.

>> No.9688875

One of the most common criticism of Zizek is that he's basically everything, he tries and fails to fit everything into his barely defined Hegelian-Lacanian system.

>> No.9688878

Leftism is at its core slave morality, the pathological worship of the all mighty victim. Art, science, history, morality, all condemned and drowned out by the ceaseless pathetic screeching of 'marginalised voices'. the only God is victimhood.The world should itself become a shrine to victimhood. anything resembling strength or beauty should be vanquished as to not offend the fragile sensibilities of the weak. You just know those snivelling queers are mentally ill and will never be satisfied, even when they are allowed to rape our children in the open streets.

>> No.9688892

Social sicences shouldnt be taken seriously 2bh.

but you guys have an unhealthy obsession with race.

>> No.9688896
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can't we just all be cartesian subjects?

>> No.9688920
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>marginalised voices
You do understand that Zizek is both on the left and consistently lambasts appeals muh identity, no? Engage with his work. Even when he's wrong he's wrong in interesting ways.

>> No.9688934

Nationalism is at its core slave morality, the pathological worship of the all mighty State. Art, science, history, morality, all condemned and drowned out by the ceaseless pathetic screeching of 'White identity'. the only God is the leader.The world should itself become a shrine to subservience. anything resembling strength or beauty should be vanquished as to not offend the fragile sensibilities of the white man. You just know those snivelling queers are mentally ill and will never be satisfied, even when they are allowed to rape our children in the open streets.

>> No.9688947
File: 544 KB, 1536x1966, Wagner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Art, science, history, morality, all condemned and drowned out by the ceaseless pathetic screeching of 'White identity'.

>> No.9688964

Why should I identify as white instead of as an individual responsible for my own actions my own failures and victories? Why should my blood line which is proud in the history of Britain and America be drowned out in the cacaphony of Francs, Tuetons, Mediterraneans and Slavs which bear little resemblance to me even genealogically? Why should my art be the art of the masses, no matter what banner the masses have mobbed around?

>> No.9688969


>> No.9688973

because it makes no difference for the cultural marxist left. individuality is just another evil and oppressive product of European culture to be replaced by fat positive twerking extravaganzas.

>> No.9688981

White identity and nationalism are slave morality par excellence I've not moved any goal posts. The art of the third Reich was shit

>> No.9688989

>casually ignoring the book burnings
>casually ignoring that Wagner was a leftist
lets face it both left and right wing autoritarianism are horrible for the art's/produce/misuse them only for propaganda puropeses

>> No.9688992

By fighting against individuality they are only expressing their own individuality.

>> No.9688995

this board got fucked by communists so hard it's not even funny

>> No.9688998

>Wagner was a leftist
I don't have a gif of a smug anime girl laughing, so your just going to have to imagine it.

>> No.9689001

Did you just get BTFO a few posts above?

>> No.9689002

Your safe space is so close nazi-kun

>> No.9689024

the left is for the abolition of individuality. The leftist sees everything through the model of a righteous oppressed victim and an evil white oppressor. Everything the victim wants is good, everything related to the oppressor is bad. The only logical conclusion to this mindset is a world of undifferentiated, mentally retarded, genderless, raceless, cultureless wheelchair bound blobs.

>> No.9689025

I've noticed a up tick within the last couple of days, Is it summer break in America already?

>> No.9689026

haven't posted in anything but dostoyevsky threads on this board

/pol/ mentality is a leftist spook

>> No.9689028
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Because Spencer is a moron, regardless of his political affiliation. Once Zizek goes deep, Spencer will no doubt start calling him a globalist, shill or cuck

>> No.9689039

>no serious philosopher talks about 'race' cause it's a spook

For one's choice in this world does not go much
beyond solitude on one side and vulgarity on the other. It is said
that the most sociable of all people are the negroes; and they are at
the bottom of the scale in intellect. I remember reading once in a
French paper that the blacks in North America, whether free or
enslaved, are fond of shutting themselves up in large numbers in the
smallest space, because they cannot have too much of one another's
snub-nosed company.

- Arthur Schopenhauer

>> No.9689043
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he was a republican (which at the time was leftist) and actually fought on the barricades in the 48 revolution, go read his revolutinary pamphlets they are quite poetic

>> No.9689058
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>My politics are informed by SJW cringe vids
You are nearing "Drumpf" levels with this stuff. If you're scared to confront politics that differ from your own with any intellectual honesty you have some introspection to do

>> No.9689068

the 'true left' you defend is limited to a couple of tumblrs and /leftypol/ neckbeards. I provided an accurate description of the left as we see it outside everyday

>> No.9689081

>he was a republican
For a couple of years, and his short involvement left him creatively crippled, he only managed to recover from this slump after embracing hard right politics and by the time the Ring cycle premiered he was a full blown reactionary.

>> No.9689096
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>but you guys have an unhealthy obsession with race
gee that doesn't look like an argument to me

>> No.9689104

From what I understand, Zizek turns the Nazi attitude back on itself and basically calls people like Spencer non-human. So he doesn't debate Spencer for the same reason that he wouldn't debate a cockroach or a cardboard box. It's pretty hilarious IMO.

>> No.9689105
File: 87 KB, 860x555, watch out nazis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

doesn't seem like he's the one begging for a safe space, cuck-kun

>> No.9689128

That is true. Not about the left in general, but about the militant SJW far-left. The problem is, now we also have the retarded alt-right, which has the same psychology as the militant far-left but makes a few substitutions. Instead of wealthy 1% white males as the ultimate villain, the alt-right substitutes scheming Jew elites. But just like the far-left, the alt-right is also collectivist and conformist, and rooted in emotion rather than reason.
We badly need a classical liberal resurgence up in this bitch.

>> No.9689149

>and rooted in emotion rather than reason.
It's almost like we live in a postmodernist world and right-wing politics is playing catch up.

>> No.9689395

This board is for intellectuals only

>> No.9689425


That isn't true.
Source: You know it. I know it. Everybody knows it.

>> No.9689558

Not the groupings given though. It's not useful either. It's just used for fake racial solidarity and racism. What is useful is mapping genetic groupings and relating them to cultural groupings. The present stock "races" are so vague and broad that they might as well not exist, in terms of serving a useful purpose for cataloguing humanity. Overall the global human gene pool isn't very diverse. Sharing a culture and language is more of a difference between people than any genetic difference. This might not be so if we had more genetic variety but we don't. We can all interbreed without any issues. Even isolated (spatially, culturally and genetically) tribes could with anyone else in the world.

>> No.9689574

tips fedora

>> No.9689577

What really scares people is how culture is metasticizing and torsioning in unpredictable directions and parameters leaving all of the old definitions in the dustbin of history.

>> No.9689578

This dude is a radical leftist piece of trash.

>> No.9690027

Probably more than /lit/ would have you think tbqh. He's a leading authority on Hegel outside his meme meme books and public persona.

>> No.9690030

>[[Wikipedia link]]
This is pretty sad desu

>> No.9690038

He isn't defending the true left. You're pathetic.

>> No.9690041

Imagine an old Eastern Bloc grandpa who won't change with the times and you have Zizek.

>> No.9690155

>He's apparently important.
Only to internet communists.

>> No.9690169

>4chan is the only place obsessed with race
its literally the most talked about political issue. Even when were supposedly not talkng about it, we're talking about it.

>> No.9690271

>Leftism is at its core slave morality, the pathological worship of the all mighty victim.
>Even when they are allowed to rape our children in the open streets.

Nice one.

>> No.9690313


You know that animals from different subspecies can mate and produce viable offspring, right?

Wolves and coyotes have mated and produced mixed pups, and they're not even from the same species.

>> No.9690504

>4chan is the only place obsessed with race
That's because it's taboo to talk about it IRL. If you do that you can lose your status, job, you get physically attacked and so on.
Is it really surprising then that people come here to vent?

I wish we didn't have to talk about race desu. It's a somewhat boring and not really intellectually stimulating topic, but as long as it's taboo in the mainstream it will be popular here.

>But just like the far-left, the alt-right is also collectivist and conformist, and rooted in emotion rather than reason.
All politics (and morality) is ultimately rooted in emotion, it cannot be otherwise. And it's collectivist, because that's how it gains and maintains power.
The only reason you're able to play the role of an "autonomous reasonable individual" is because some time in the past a collective of people seized a territory, secured the borders, established some rules and made it a safe space for you to play in.

>> No.9690508

ok can one of the "race" people explain me this;
even if, let's say negroes, are genetically 5 times more stupid, or however the conspiracy goes, why bother?
It just doesn't make any sense. The 'superior' don't hat the 'inferior', they just don't give a fuck about them. Rich people don't hate poor people,the master doesn't hate the slave, it's usually the other way round, so why this hatred for negroes?
I guess psychotherapy could come up with a bunch of interesting answers, one of them beeing that you actually feel you are inferior/ insecure about yourself and suffer from both literal and metaphorical penis envy

>> No.9690534

>why this hatred for negroes?
I don't know if hatred is the right word. Maybe "irritation" or dislike would fit better. I and many others don't hate blacks at all, we just don't want to live with them.

If you ask reasonable white nationalists they'll tell you they just want to live in a somewhat homogeneous white society, not that they hate other races.

And a question for "you" people: why do you feel the need to bring up hate (and violence and whatnot)? Why the instant flashbacks to Nazism and gas chambers? Couldn't we have peaceful segregation?

>> No.9690550
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>I guess psychotherapy could come up with a bunch of interesting answers, one of them beeing that you actually feel you are inferior/ insecure about yourself and suffer from both literal and metaphorical penis envy

Yes I'm envious of Tyrone's BBC, that's why I'm a horrible, horrible racist who voted for Trump.

>> No.9690605


ok fair enough
but if you are engaging with politics seriously you have to face some undenieable facts;
ethnopluralism/segregation is impossible to achieve in the post-modern globalized world
it's like wanting to go back to riding on horseback in the times of cars/trains/planes it just won't/can't happen
political reality is highly complex and a simple answer like "muh niggers" or "muh jews" won't do anything and is not an answer/way of enganging with it, that is to be taken seriously
it just makes people look dumb, resentful and not able to see the bigger picture

>> No.9690754

That's not a fact, it's just your opinion m80. A popular opinion, for sure, but still.
And the way you approach this (with straw-manning and all) tells me that you haven't really thought about this seriously.

>> No.9690803

oh fuck please tell me this is low quality bait

>> No.9690812

ITT: pure ideology

>> No.9690846

Can't you see that liberals are a lost cause and genocide is the only answer. First they call its a pseudoscience and after you show them that they are wrong they call it a soft science. After you prove they just say reality is subjective or that the source is faulty/your argument doesn't change anything even though that is the main point and the reason you're arguing. Just look at this example here>>9688964. He realizes that he should take a responsibility for his action but doesn't realize that when his nation is completely replaced by non-whites he will either be a slave(the most possible thing since he is a pussy and wouldn't really stand against them) or tortured to death.

>> No.9690850

I wish I knew what half of these words meant :/

>> No.9690873

i admit this is one of the boards where i can assume you could've made that post sarcastically so

good one anon

don't jerk off to iq though, however not-that-high that may be

>> No.9690890

Nigga pls. Zizek would destroy anyone whom he debates. He won't even need to use facts, just jokes and funny quotes of leftists. That's why he doesn't like lectures and such, he prefers writing.

Just look at those interviews. Zizek is an old guy and it's pretty difficult to debate with old guys.

Also, debates do nothing. Just because some guy made the other one speechless doesn't mean "ALT RIGHT BTFO LMAO".

>> No.9690940
File: 197 KB, 960x1280, photo_2017-06-28_06-14-12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Modern Fascism: Liquidating the Judeo-Christian Worldview

>> No.9690974

>Nigga pls. Zizek would destroy anyone whom he debates.


This guy just asks Zizek "what did you mean when you wrote X in your book?" repeatedly, for different X, and Zizek can't answer.

>> No.9690991
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>I wish we didn't have to talk about race desu. It's a somewhat boring and not really intellectually stimulating topic, but as long as it's taboo in the mainstream it will be popular here.
Race is talked about all the god damn time and the only people who think it's taboo are whites. Black people talk about race constantly. It's part of the reason they're annoying. You sound sheltered.

>> No.9691004

>the only people who think it's taboo are whites
And that's the problem, because ironically whites are the only ones who are becoming minorities in their own countries.

>> No.9691014

Most of you guys won't be able to beat James Emmanuel and Countee Cullen anyway.

99% of humanity is going to be average and mediocre, no matter white or black. Neither homogenizing nor diversifying society will fix that fact. Whether you're a nigger hater or nigger lover, all of you will disappear into the stream of history while those two will perpetuate and be read along with all the other great artists across the world.

Enjoy being in the herd braying against another herd.

>> No.9691409
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Find a more embarrasing Zizek video


>> No.9691622

blablabla ideology blablabla trash can blablalba

>> No.9691629

he's fun and engaging and just generally more entertaining than a lot of other philosophers who make it a point to be as unapproachable as possible

>> No.9691653

It would be funny to see Hamill do an impersonation of SZ. He has a surprising flair for wacky comedy.

>> No.9691661

A rap battle between the thernovith lithsp and the sz sniff could be epic.

>> No.9691680

>ethnopluralism/segregation is impossible to achieve in the post-modern globalized world
>it's like wanting to go back to riding on horseback in the times of cars/trains/planes it just won't/can't happen
>political reality is highly complex and a simple answer like "muh niggers" or "muh jews" won't do anything and is not an answer/way of enganging with it, that is to be taken seriously

I'm not for segregation, but since this is a Zizek thread it seems appropriate to point out that this is pure ideology, the idea that "x is obviously impossible, we can't do it". Of course things like segregation and ethnonationalism are achievable if the political will for them exists, including potentially violent means, there are large numbers of black nationalists who visibly want separate spaces for black people and communities, and Islamists want roughly the same thing for Muslims. You can say "we can't take that seriously in our modern global economy", but if enough people do take it seriously, including up to the point of forced removals and various soft to hard forms of genocide, there's really nothing that you can do about it. We more or less had global capitalism in the decades preceding WWI, and thinkers at the time thought "this will never end, we can't have wars anymore because the global economic system is too integrated"; obviously they were wrong.

>> No.9691713

>Find a more embarrasing Zizek video

But he probably banged that qt 3.14