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/lit/ - Literature

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9687056 No.9687056 [Reply] [Original]

Questions to those who started reading books with the goal to start reading books: How did you motivate yourself to read something?

>> No.9687067

I have a few

Try to detach yourself from the Internet. You will have nothing else to do if you don't have access to the Internet.

Start with books that interest you and are easy to read and finish, then move to harder ones

>> No.9687083

incrementalism. if you haven't read in years, you shouldn't immediately try to read the western canon in order. Pick the book that inspired you to want to read, and read it, taking as much time as you need

>> No.9687137
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Start with small books, and always carry one around with you everywhere. Eventually when you're bored at a bus stop or something, you can pull it out and read a few pages, and once you start you'll be inclined to keep going.

If you're at home, you'll default to accessing your computer and internet over reading, so you won't read. Make sure you have access to your books away from home, during your commute or during lunch break and such.

>> No.9687139

Find the kind of book you really love and can't put down, stick to it until your taste evolves and you want something else... and repeat the process...

I'll add a list of literature that I feel can be fun from front to back [even] for someone just starting. Maybe you can check out the first pages on amazon or something and find sth you like.

Kosztolányi: Kornel Esti
Salinger: The Catcher in the Rye
Murakami: (doesn't really matter what)
Kafka: The Metamorphosis
Thompson: Fear And Loathing In Las Vegas
Pynchon: The Crying of Lot 49
Dürrenmatt: The Judge and His Hangman

Another piece of advice: If you have a book that you'd like to read, sit down with the goal of reading at least 10 pages. 10 pages isn't much, it'll not take you more than a quarter of an hour. What often happens is that after half a page you feel bored and want to put a book down, but after 10 pages a good book will have you hooked already. If it hasn't, let it go and try another time maybe.

>> No.9687593

I keep telling myself that reading only has positives outcomes.

>> No.9687603

books are wisdom. no wisdom makes you a dumbfuck. being a dumbfuck is bad?

>> No.9687667
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I didn't have to motivate myself - I wanted to read, so I did. That's all there is to it tbqphwyf

>> No.9689427


>> No.9689433
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>Can be fun from front to back
>Catcher in the Rye

>> No.9689519

Buy books, buy NICE books.

>> No.9690837

the best motivation for me is talking with people who usually read a lot
i feel silly and decide to start a new book

>> No.9690876

Dude it's just about finding something you like trust me you'll find something the problem is that there's soooo many books out there, up to you to decide what you want to read.

>> No.9690879
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get this at the library and read it. This book took me from never having read a book outside of high school to reading 3 books a month

>> No.9690944

This anon got it right.

Trying to steer clear of your computer to read is a nice thought and might work for some, but for most this isn't realistic.

>> No.9691724


>> No.9691735

>3 books a month

>> No.9691815

Start with the Greeks

>> No.9692159

What Greeks?

>> No.9692195

Hey, want to be my friend? I've read two books this year

>> No.9692198

the more books you read the less dumb you are

>> No.9692907

I still want to know which Greeks I should read

>> No.9693016

The wiki has a chart for starting with the Greeks.