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/lit/ - Literature

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9686868 No.9686868[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Rec me a good erotica guys?
>pic not really related

>> No.9686870

I don't want to be judgmental here, but why would anyone read erotica? Please explain, I really don't get it.

>> No.9686872


>> No.9686873


Erotica is for neglected hausfraus and young hamplanets with bad skin.

>> No.9686876

That is pretty much the perfect bottom.

>> No.9686878

What is so enjoyable about erotica? Moderately good prose about a strong and beautiful man seducing an innocent and young woman? Just masturbate and have a walk.

>> No.9686882

Men who read erotica like to take scented baths.

>> No.9686894

>Just masturbate and have a walk.
You sound like the kind of guy who would just ram your dick into a woman, come in 2 seconds, and go to sleep.

What's enjoyable is the same thing enjoyable about many genres - they inflame the imagination and imagining interesting shit it fun for its own sake. Have you ever read Anais Nin?

>> No.9686896


>they inflame the imagination

Actually laughed out loud at this. What a fuckin mo you are.

>> No.9686901

Yeah, right, you're a true gentleman, you masturbate to shitty prose about passionately making love to your secretary.

>> No.9686912

Enjoying your time on 4chan, anons? Get the fuck off your high horse about how time should be spent.

>shitty prose
Have you read Anais Nin?

>> No.9686913

>they inflame the imagination
lol i'm putting that one in my commonplace book

>> No.9686915

No, the few passages I read from her were really bad but they gave me a boner anyway, so I guess half of the work is done.

>> No.9686919

When you look at a porno pic, do you not imagine stuff? How would you describe that process? Encourage imagination? Assist imagination? What? Help me out here, anon.

>> No.9686924

>the few passages I read from her were really bad
Whatever you say, guy.

>> No.9686925

I can relate to that. Although I imagine I would read it not so much for enjoyment but for understanding what's it about for women, which could be useful.

Alpha males stomping through, better avoid eye contact.

>> No.9686927
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>Alpha males

>> No.9686928

i'm totally with you that was just a funny turn of phrase. in this context i would have gone for "arouse the imagination".

>> No.9686932
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How sensuous.

>> No.9686933


I see it as my imagination being positively inflamed, if you must know. It reminds me of a rather tawdry Anais Nin passage that I flipped through recently... but I shan't share it here; one must remain the gentleman in such matters!

>> No.9686934
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>> No.9686935

ah what the hell man i just got to work

>> No.9686937


>not being a total fuckin poof is being "alpha" now

Wew. Call me Chad then, babe.

>> No.9686940

erotica is mental wankery desu. like, intellectually and biologically.

you'd only like erotica if you like certain scenes, such as incest, which is more believable than watching incest porn on the net. (although if they are wearing masks that's a great sign, just a tip ;^) )

other than that, males are visual creatures. so if you "like erotica" it's most likely you're a pseud

that being said, if someone has bestiality or incest erotica, send it this way.

>> No.9686952

>t. masturbates to superior patrician japanese anime with little girls
*tips fedora*

>> No.9686955
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>> No.9686957

>erotica is mental wankery desu

>> No.9686958
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>projecting this heavily and deciding that he is now a fedora because he isn't getting on board with your love of erotica

the mental gymnastics are hilarious

>> No.9686965

Baths are the most relaxing thing next a sauna.
And Saunas are manly AF which makes Baths pretty manly as well.

>> No.9686970

4chan is your job, anon, quit slacking off.

>> No.9686976
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>> No.9686987
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>> No.9687006

Nice recs mates

>> No.9687014

How many times do I have to say Anais Nin? Or, for a shift in gears, just read some Raymond Carver, get a weird boner and then kill yourself from depression.

>> No.9687018


>let me convince myself that my fag baths are manly or you hate sports and the people that enjoy sports

>> No.9687023

>Raymond Carver
I'd kill myself from sheer ennui before the depression set in.

>> No.9687028

>or you hate sports and the people that enjoy sports
Ha. Wew. When you can't even paraphrase a three panel strip, /lit might not be for you.

>> No.9687032
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Not enough explosions n shiiiiiiieet?

>> No.9687033


A lover of baths that is catty and passive aggressive? I see.

>> No.9687049

Imagine digging your heels in about whether people like baths or not, and then calling someone else catty.

By the way, insulting someone is not passive aggression.

>> No.9687051

Whassat? I couldn’t hear you over the sound of a story about a man giving a lady exact change for the bus in a way that teachers her that all life is connected.

>> No.9687065


>By the way, insulting someone is not passive aggression.

If you can't even see that you were being blatantly passive aggressive in that last post then you are as hateable as you are faggoty.

>> No.9687071
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>a man giving a lady exact change for the bus
>exact change
We all need a bit of change, anon. Profound desu.

>as hateable as you are faggoty
no u

>> No.9687079
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>AIDSkin fighting to lift the anti-bath stigma
stay brave, ladies

>> No.9687096

I found Fanny Hill,a memoir of a woman of pleasure on the Librivox audiobook website,and listened to it out of curiosity. Its supposedly was the first instance of English pornography, and that was enough to sell me on downloading it. The adventures of a young country girl entering London in the 1740s and winding up in a brothel. It was interesting as a bit of history,purple prose and genteel metaphors trying to vary the ways a cultured author can communicate to their cultured audience the Dance of the Pokeybitz. It must have certainly shocked the monocled and bussetted set in its time,but to this decedent modern age one can only appreciate its quaintness. But explore it yourself, and if you find yourself exploring yourself,then have fun.

>> No.9687100
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Get with the ancient program, anon.

>> No.9687555

Erotica and most of porn isn't interactive. It needs to be overwhelming in some sense to achieve its purpose.