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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 374 KB, 814x559, 7fe4739QV101n313.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9684726 No.9684726 [Reply] [Original]

Hello /lit/. Summer is here and love is in the air. It's time for anons in New York City to meet up once more.

We've had 2 successful meetings so far and are looking to organize a third within the next couple weeks. Nothing spectacular, just dinner and drinks.

If you're interested, join the discord so we can organize and get everything in order.


>> No.9684753

i attended the last one, i'll be sure to make it

>> No.9684760

Who's bringing the gas?

>> No.9684773
File: 157 KB, 992x880, 1497111986498.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck New Yorkers
Fuck Bostonians
Fuck all urbanites
The city is a cancer on the body of the earth-mother

>> No.9684791

>not living outside the city and travelling in when needed

>> No.9684794

I will only show up if it's for redpilled people, not liberals and women

>> No.9684810

Define redpilled. Do you mean a generic /pol/ack, or someone who has been Evolapilled? Or do you mean someone who decided to read a shitton of Nick Land and now is NRx.

>> No.9684816

Nick Land isn't NRx you colossal faggot

>> No.9684818

Someone who believes women should stay at home and service her man and breed white children, and not be allowed to choose her own partner

>> No.9684822

pls dont come

>> No.9684825

New to the city. Anyone need friends?

>> No.9684826

Stop shitposting in a meetup thread sperg. You wouldn't have the balls to show up in the first place. Leave socializing with other humans to those more human than you. I'm not even from the north eastern seaboard, but holy shit.

>> No.9684832

Yeah man I agree. We should definitely kill ourselves immediately.

>> No.9684834

Just making a suggestion. Make it redpilled or I know that we're a handful of people who aren't going to attend. This isn't plebbit

>> No.9684847

this is gonna be a apolitical meeting senpai, last time we said nothing of politics

>> No.9684851

>le redpill!!!

Nigga you are plebbit

>> No.9684879

It's not apolitical if you allow a multicultural meetup, though, is it? Then you've shown your colors

>> No.9684880

>muh redpill

Stop basing your entire ideology off shitty neuromancer ripoffs. The Matrix wasn't even that good. Hell, neuromancer wasn't even that good.

>> No.9684893
File: 19 KB, 450x446, downloadfile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some of you guys are alright, don't go to the meet up.

>> No.9684895

why can't you deal with multiple people of different races in the same room

>> No.9684907

If you want a /pol/ meet up then go to /pol/. This is about fucking books. It should go something like this:

>Hey anon, what books have you read recently?
>Oh hey anon, I've been reading ______. It's been really interesting.
>That's cool! I'm gonna get a beer, do you want anything while I'm up?
>Oh thanks anon, but I just got a drink!

Holy fucking shit anon. It's literature. Books. Ya wanna talk about books?

>> No.9684908

Sadly my boat does not float. But I'd give an eye to live in NY for a season or two. Wholesale my body to a sleazy chef even. The only time I was there I was driving through at 2am and I got lost in the Bronx and then found my way back onto the highway somehow. I stopped for some roadside pizza, and these three black kids in a car kept staring at me without no expressions on their faces. And just before I pulled away, I saw them all break into laughter. Took me a second to realise what my face probably looked like to them. I'd been driving since South Carolina, and had learned something about race that I wasn't use to. But I always heard New York was a playground.

>> No.9684922

They'll pickpocket me and try to knife me when I go in the alley.

>> No.9684938

OK I'll leave you to it then.

>> No.9684944

>They'll think I'm autistic, ignore my shouts of "white power", and go back to talking to each other!

>> No.9684959

his girlfriend dumped him to suck off multiple black dongs

>> No.9684964

You don't want to talk about literature with us? What a fucking shame.

>> No.9684968

If you'd be willing to discuss Schopenhauer's 'On Women' and Jordan Peterson, then sure.

>> No.9684977

>white power
Why are you hoping I'm racist so much? My best friend of many years was a black. You must think statistics are racist, then. I rationalize my beliefs in fact, and statistics are facts.

>> No.9684979

that's philosophy and pop-polsci, respectively

>> No.9684981

>Jordan Peterson

Discarded, you self-help faggot.

>> No.9684987

Because if you were truly red-pilled you would believe in the theory of genetic superiority of the races, which is proven fact. But seeing as your best friend of many years was a black you either A. Aren't redpilled at all, or B. He is no longer your friend. Either conclusion is sad in it's own right.

>> No.9684997
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who /knoxville/ here?

>> No.9685002

schoppy's on women is really butthurt sociology. most of his philosophy is not as mediocre.

>> No.9685006

I'm saying Asians are the superior race. Did you not get that? Higher IQs then whites, commit less crime, etc. Having superior physical abilities doesn't matter in the 21st century.

>> No.9685011

t. kim jong un

>> No.9685019


"Generations of heavy handed civil rights activism brainwashed me into thinking blacks are okay, but I'm not cool with those asians"

>> No.9685021

>blacks are okay
where do you think we are?

>> No.9685028
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I'm just saying, Nick Land isn't NRx. The redpill meme was ran into the ground a long time ago.

>> No.9685032

>redpill meme run into the ground
We just elected a president, sweetheart

>> No.9685062

>The city is a cancer on the body of the earth-mother

actually the city is more "green" than being spread out in a bunch of mcmansions in the suburbs where u have to burn 5 gallons of gas just to get to the nearest walmart or whatever awful bigbox retail serves the peasants out there

>> No.9685080


how's it feel to know your own countries are so guilty you exist that they want to destroy you?

Only whites. PS our aristocracy loves your debts, t. Shanghai new money.

>> No.9685085


>taking the "green" meme bait

>not laffin [_]
>laffin [X]

>> No.9685090
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this guy is like 5 feet and has a 4" dick, hardly an aristocrat. tb h both of you suck

>> No.9685096

i don't care about "green" but that angsty provincial obviously tried to use it to justify his crappy location, i'm a shameless urbanite and i won't be bullied by hippies, the city is greener than any dinky town in oregon or w/e

>> No.9685104

woah man naturally occurring fog on a rainy day because the city is between two rivers, what a disaster!

>> No.9685105

people like you make nyc look bad. are you a manlet? probably. i suggest packing up and gtfo.

>> No.9685119

stay mad polluting faggot, saudi arabia and isis thank you for driving your gas guzzling terrorfunder down to main street every day for work at the waffle house

>> No.9685131
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>> No.9685134

relax dude, my dad was smart enough to have a Montenegrin trophy wife. We buy our white women here.

>> No.9685148

the matrix is good af and in no way a neuromancer ripoff you dumbass

>> No.9685149
File: 105 KB, 480x853, 562857693402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow im so impressed... not

you're on 4chan you fucking faggot, even if you were moneyed, why are hanging out with the losers here?

>> No.9685156

i went to school there desu. i hate that city.

>> No.9685160

well this thread turned out to be a disaster

>> No.9685163

people who have money can't browse the internet?

Also what else is there to do in cram school? How do you red state guys afford cable, didn't we take all your jobs away? Oh, welfare -- forgot about you cucks having that.

>> No.9685179

It's called redpill

>> No.9685192

>He thinks that by 'cancer' I mean 'bad for the environment'
You probably think that being trans is unobjectionable, too.

>> No.9685198
File: 60 KB, 680x818, a187ca8b60c4efc62a8ab1d1e909d578-imagejpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was sort of my point, you queer.

>> No.9685223

Why the fuck would any 'meetup' organized on this site not be a fucking disaster? Does nobody remember Scientology? Have we already forgotten the origins of Kekistani nationalism?

>> No.9685246

Part of me wants to go but another part feels too nervous

>> No.9685262
File: 8 KB, 191x264, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course it is lol. The drooling retard shitposting brainlet /pol/ack ideology here have nothing better to do than be an asocial faggot and fuck with people. Just stop replying to 'le redpill' meme.

>> No.9685280

did you not read the OP? the last two meetups have been fine. you're just projecting your own insecurity and autistic inability to connect with other people onto the rest of an otherwise normal site, and the fact that there are normal people on this site (ie. around you) only serves as a reminder of your social deficiencies, which even now on the internet you cannot escape.

>> No.9685284

>Joined June 2016
damn, a meme's age really puts the years in perspective...time's winged chariot and so-on

>> No.9685286
File: 95 KB, 724x611, 1418865983160.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Takes one to know one!

>> No.9685306

hapa faggot

>> No.9685308

we're nice

>> No.9685433

>transbashing farmer from the countryside

you can pee next to me

>> No.9685439

>All people who don't live in cities are farmers
I know that that isn't true but you probably believe it.
Why do you want to mash up your genitals? Why do you insist on politicizing the act of urination?

>> No.9685447

>a black

oh god, this site is getting tumblr tier, i never browse "the other site" but it can't be any worse than things have gotten around here...

>> No.9685453

Columbia, SC plz tell me I'm not the only anon wasting away in this destitute dump :(

>> No.9685455

>u do ppl have to be different from me

because ppl in the city are all on some stirner shit and do what they want, try to reach a newer stage of development, child

>> No.9685463
File: 181 KB, 636x674, 1291071688489.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh, it's just bait.

>> No.9685486

private vice, public virtue

t. adam smith

wuts up now bitch

>> No.9685492
File: 78 KB, 450x319, 1291066357709.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Argument from authority
oh, it's just bait.

>> No.9685505

ok lets try it again:

private vice, public virtue

t. anonymous author

>> No.9685517

A real fucking shame, you will be sorely missed.

>> No.9685518

When is the Boston one going to happen?

>> No.9685536
File: 148 KB, 809x600, 1293800992636.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even worse! Great!

>> No.9685580

reverse-hapa actually. Learn the newspeak, snowflake.

>> No.9685699

If I found myself saying "redpilled" this much, I would suck the next tailpipe I came across.

>> No.9685715

You know that voice in your head that creeps in on lonely days, the one that whispers, "the world would be better off without me?"

It's right. Un-exist yourself.

>> No.9685752

I'm sure you are, but I get nervous easily :<

>> No.9685768

I'll be the dude in the corner, just close enough to overhear everything you're saying without having the courage to actually join in.


>> No.9686163

Do you drink? A few beers and you should be right as rain

>> No.9686169 [DELETED] 

Can't drink when you have schizophrenia which might lead to me putting my knife through the back of your skull.

>> No.9686193

You're still dirt, there is no need for other words.

>> No.9686681

you faggot

>> No.9686797

>there's only suburbs or city nothing else

>> No.9687181

I know that what Im about to ask for is like mercy on hell but HONESTLY how did the last meetups go?

>> No.9687260
File: 149 KB, 900x624, 50-years-of-solitude-100-anniversary-gabriel-garcia-marquez-05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I went to the first one, and it was pleasant. We went to a little Japanese jazz place, and ate, drank, and discussed books/our lives.

Most people who attended were college students from Columbia/NYU/CUNY/Fordham etc so they talked mainly about college stuff and whether they wanted to stay in academia or get a job or whatnot.

We asked each other about our favorite books and writers, and how long we've been on 4chan, but one guy, sheep, dominated the conversation with his encyclopedic knowledge of James Joyce.

All in all, it was enjoyable. No one was autistic.

>> No.9687763

i was at the second.
We met at a bar but decided to to go to a resteraunt first. We talked on joyce, DFW, gaddis, dante, translations, university, and lots of other stuff. We ended up in the bar. as >>9687260 said sheep was very dominant, but the conversation went on after he was gone just fine. Nobody was autistic, we had a lot of laughs and good conversation, and for the most part it was a pretty enjoyable experience. (the resteraunt was some czech place, and the bar was an irish pub named after FW, all in manhattan).

>> No.9687967

>dominated the conversation with his encyclopedic knowledge of James Joyce
>No one was autistic
pick one

>> No.9687988

>but one guy, sheep, dominated the conversation with his encyclopedic knowledge of James Joyce.
Tell me more about this sheep.

>> No.9687994

God, that sounds awful.

>> No.9688164

Hell yeah, lived there for a while but actually live in NYC now. Do miss it quite a bit more than I thought I would.

>> No.9688405

>I spend my life commuting everywhere

>> No.9688435

honestly i would say, it's a good program

>> No.9690095

Early picture of Forsen decolorized.

>> No.9690167

who the hell's sheep and why does it matter if he was dominant

>> No.9690204

Explains why /lit/ is shit since it's crawling with NYfags

>> No.9690209

jealous flyover state resident detected

>> No.9690225

He's one of the discordfags

>> No.9690300


>> No.9690317



>> No.9690321

>Everyone who isn't from my giant city or another giant city is a bumpkin

>> No.9690325

>tfw you never found the other Fordham c/lit/lickers
I thought it was only me ;_;

>> No.9690330


i dont even live in new york, but it is invariably bumpkins who complain about cities. sorry its too noisy for you.

>> No.9690358

Having lived in cities half my life, and rural towns the other half, I can say with certainty that I greatly prefer the latter. There's really nothing better than the feeling of walking down to mainstreet and knowing everyone that you pass, as well as everyone that works in the stores/restaurants. Sure you have the weird people that you'd really rather not know, and the snobby old people that feel validated by living in the high class part of town, but there's always a friendly atmosphere that is completely missing from living in the city. Then there's the local church that everyone goes to on Sunday, and you go other days of the week as well because there are qt girls you know in the youth group. And there's the local park that everyone goes to, and you get to hangout with your buds that randomly show up throughout the day. The local library is also nice and not filled with homeless people because you live in an area where even the poor people can afford decent homes. And you can walk around feeling relatively safe at night (because the only blacks are god fearing Christians), only feeling spooked about the various civil war era ghost stories and legends that surround the town, because there was a bloody battle on your very street, with the impact and damage from cannon fire still well visible and glorified by the town.

But the cities are too noisy, you say? Nay, they're not noisy enough.

>> No.9690369

anyone have pictures from to old meetups? all other board meetups seem to have some pictures.

>> No.9690375


shame theres no money left in rural towns, thus forcing our generation into urban shoeboxes

>> No.9690797

This for the most part.

>> No.9690843

We avoided taking pictures for precisely this reason.

>> No.9691139

Post pictures of qt New York girls from the meetup.

go ahead and blur out the ugly males' faces

>> No.9691271

Buddy, no one's complaining about cities. I live in a major one myself. It was a light jab at NY state/NYC. Relax.

>> No.9691297

Lets meet in Europe.

t. Europe

>> No.9691441

Muslims will literally blow the place up.

>> No.9691606

>The city is a cancer on the body of the earth-mother
you're retarded, cities are by far better for the environment. you want the 1.6 billion chinks to have small mansions spread over reserve parks and natural wonders?

Though often cities in USA and other places are spread-out behemoths of inefficiency and waste. So perhaps that nullifies it a bit. Still, the most efficient and convenient method of living is densely-populated ecosystem-like cities. Wherein everyone lives in an adequately-sized apartment cube. Everything is within walking distance, environment is preserved beautifully, consumer waste and other infrastructural detriments are eliminated by this close-living.

>> No.9691641

sheep was by far the cutest girl at the meetup

>> No.9691990

discord > 4chan

>> No.9692042

You sound alright. No chance you're anywhere near London I spose? Only I seem to be running out of alcoholic friends to drink with.

>> No.9692063

Are you me?

>> No.9692131

will this be worth taking a train to from philly?

>> No.9692144

If only out of morbid curiosity. In the end, they're just people.

>> No.9692221

someone took a 10 hour bus ride to come to the last one

>> No.9692233

thats no way to slander golden fleece author

>> No.9692234

anywhere is better than philly so yeah

just kidding i love philly

>> No.9692285

w-was there girls?

>> No.9692306


>> No.9692316

p-post pics

>> No.9692317


>> No.9692384

who in the thread tryin 2 fuk hit m up

>> No.9692437

yeah I'll fucking dick in your ass and pikc you up then choke you till your die mutherfuckerr

>> No.9692454

jew york city, everyone

>> No.9692582

I'm feeling iffy about coming along.
what if i haven't read much material and i started browsing /lit/ less than a month ago?

>> No.9692606
File: 32 KB, 420x643, bayard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The one and only masterpiece you need to read to join the big boys

>> No.9692627

>going to a city
>for any reason

>> No.9692660

Come. Everyone's nice.

>> No.9693637

shut the fuck up

>> No.9693996

yeah right

>> No.9694006

Kek, that cover is perfect. This really is the most /lit/ book there is.

>> No.9694120

All right let's see the group photo.

>> No.9694128
File: 195 KB, 430x363, IMG_2509.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think reddit.com is a better site for all of you.

>> No.9694740

I think 4chan has more meetups and community collaboration than reddit ever will.

>> No.9694980


>> No.9695003

>tfw to intelligent to meet up with pseuds from this board

>> No.9696460

no one

>> No.9696565

Bethnal Green here. You?

>> No.9696711

Were there any girls to the previous ones?

>> No.9696833

>Were there any girls to the previous ones?

There are so many things wrong with this post but I'm going to focus on the grammar. Jesus christ. You're not just unattractive and weak, you're stupid too.

>> No.9697776


>> No.9697791


>> No.9697798

Michael Bond died two days ago

>> No.9697812

Sheep is a girl?

>> No.9697839

Identified as one

>> No.9697852
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who /hudson valley/ here?

>> No.9697992

Will Jacob Yurley be there?

>> No.9698005
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>holding an open event that anyone may attend is a political statement

This is mental gymnastics on a gravity-free level.

>> No.9698072

London sounds cool, but I'm in Texas m8. Sorry, otherwise The first round woulda been on me.

>> No.9698584

yes she was kinda cute

>> No.9698761
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yeah,she looks something like this

>> No.9698776

First time
First time like a virgin
I'm a fiend for the drugs, who is serving?
They want to be me like they're Kirby
But I'm too advanced, it's not working
I come from the rain, are you thirsty?
I'm in love with pain, someone cursed me

[Verse 1:]
Take a chance with me, is it worth it?
I'm gonna stay up 'til it's not even that early
Every time I get a chance, it gets out of hand
Burning through the grams to the point where it gets sad
I'm still in the land where nobody understand
But I'm with the gang, and they know that it gets bad
Fucked it up again when I'm fucked up off a Xan
What the fuck is happening tonight, what's the plan?
They don't wanna see me make it to the top
But I'm feeling like I'm being watched
Everywhere I go I'm seeing locks
But I got the key on me it's hot
I don't wanna go out 'til it's dark
I've been goin', goin' to the stars
They don't wanna see me getting guap
But I'm getting money, I can't stop

(First time)
(First time)
(Like a virgin)

[Verse 2:]
I'm the Drain Gang Rainman, what you saying?
Ralph Lauren what I'm draped in
Off a pill in a daydream
When they see the shine then they changing
And I lost my mind now I'm fading
When I go to sleep I am praying
Hundred million cash for the Rain King
I fell in love with drugs, now we're dating

>> No.9698925

you should come I felt the same but everybody was cool