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/lit/ - Literature

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9677871 No.9677871 [Reply] [Original]

I'll start. Kafka, obviously. The Judgment. Letter to My Father. The Metamorphosis. Etc.

Give me the most clichedly Freudian works you can think of.

>> No.9679132

Oedipus Tyrannus

>> No.9679680


fucking Freud ruined Oedipus
it's such a beatiful tragedy that askes questions about fate (was it written? where the gods to blame or men?), ethics (can he truly be guilty even if he didn't know what he did?) and the nature of truth (is it better to stay ignorant and happy or go out and seek the truth, as Oedipus did, even if the truth is your ruin)
but noo, nowadays it's just about: "yea the guy totally unconsciously wanted to fuck his mom"

>> No.9679704

Yes, but people aren't talking about Oedipus the fictional character, because few of them have read Oedipus Rex.

>> No.9679730

Yes, but people aren't talking about Oedipus the fictional character, because few of them have read Oedipus Rex.

>> No.9679877

any abrahamic religious text

>> No.9680246
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Any lit for folks with mommy issues? Mine is vapid, vain, and self-centered.

>> No.9680251

One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
Infinite Jest


>> No.9680254

I guess this is an appropriate place to ask:
Is there any substantial differences between mommy issues and daddy issues and what are they?

>> No.9680260


>> No.9680402

well, if you are out on a limb of dumbing everything down
every author can be categorized having

a) family issues (major sub category: gf issues)
b) identity issues

>> No.9681003

His crimes of killing his father and marrying his mother are clearly more than incidental though. There is something Sophocles is saying about those two acts specifically

>> No.9681038

My diary desu

>> No.9681062

I think people with mommy issues tend to make people either hate all women in general (most serial killers with mommy issues) or have an unhealthy obsession with the feminine anima and nurturing of mothers (most people with mommy issues on /r9k/). Daddy issues usually manifests itself in the same way, but flipped: the woman will either become a huge feminist manhater or will conversely fetishize fatherly characteristics like dominance and discipline.

>> No.9681090

Sylvia Plath

>> No.9681103


>> No.9681182
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>> No.9681194

My First Love by Ivan Turgeniev.

>> No.9681213

What about men with daddy issues?

>> No.9681235


>> No.9681239

I agree with you. Foucault's and Nietzsche's reflections on Oedipus are more interesting, while the incounscious still has a part on Foucault's interpretation sexuality is not the pendular stone to interpret the sentiment of the tragedy of Oedipus, but with the prescense of faith the emergence of truth in a conflict as an act of normativity is the design of the Gods. Anyway, most people know the circunstantial parts of Oedipus Rex combined with the most simplistic view on freud's theory hence ruining an amazing tragedy that can be interpreted in so many ways.

For Op's question, Ulysses takes on paternity and its issues a lot.

>> No.9681240


No. That is just middlebrow plebs with daddy issues.