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9675732 No.9675732 [Reply] [Original]

Who's right?

>> No.9675733

About what?

>> No.9675749

I think they need to be synthesized. I think that we (men) all want to fuck our mothers and are afraid to be castrated. I think all women suffer from hysteria and penis envy.
I think myths are simply the collective consciousness of lust. Everything can be reduced to lust, even religion.

Archetypes are just different types we lust after.

>> No.9675751

Jung was too batshit to even be called wrong

Sage goes in all fields

>> No.9675767

Thanks for the bump

>> No.9675907

Both? Jung as very connected to his mother, was a founder of Electra's complex. On the other side Freud is known for Oedipus complex. Both complexes play a vital role in development of mental diseases among men and women.

>> No.9675964

They may have been right in some respects, but their theories suffer from a lack of solid evidence and Freud probably set back research on the human mind by more than half a century given how much crankery he and the Freudians in general produced.

> I think that we (men) all want to fuck our mothers
Now, we don't, thanks to the Westermarck Efect.

Except they don't, mental illness runs to a large extent in families and has biological causes like syphilis. Also, the hypothesis that neurosis is a product of some trauma or parental tyranny is rendered somewhat null by the fact that thirld-worlders tend to have a smaller incidence of mentall illnesses than those who live in the first world, despite suffering much more by any metric.

>> No.9675971

>thirld-worlders tend to have a smaller incidence of mentall illnesses than those who live in the first world,

>> No.9675999

>but their theories suffer from a lack of solid evidence
>much crankery
It seems clear to me you suffer from castration anxiety. I think you use your left brain too much as well.
Shame humans aren't capable of using more as 10 percent of their brains, I think you need to use other parts of your brain.

>> No.9676004

Who fucked you up worse, your mother or your father?

>> No.9676005

Both were flawed. But Jung's theories (and their consequences) are more interesting, Freud limited himself with his materialist views.

>> No.9676010

There's this for schizophrenia:

>> No.9676014

There is no such thing as "complexes"

Even the Oedipul complex is a naive revisionist reading of Freud. The "elektra complex" certainly does not exist.

>> No.9676017

>He limited himself by not believing in magic

Please go back to /x/

>> No.9676028


>> No.9676031
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>thirld-worlders tend to have a smaller incidence of mentall illnesses

You're some special type of retard

>> No.9676045

>thirld-worlders tend to have a smaller incidence of mentall illnesses
Seems like you're insane too. Its actually ultra rare to see someone from second-world country who is not insane so you can guess what it means for third-worlders.