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9674695 No.9674695 [Reply] [Original]

Prove him wrong.
Protip: you can't.

>> No.9674710

I can't.

>> No.9674713

OP has not read any Spengler, ever.

>> No.9674730

Another /pol/ ratkid.

Sage and report.

>> No.9674805

Le Wrong Generation by Oswald Spergler.

>> No.9674827

The French Revolution was an event in which urban intellectuals, jealous of the Aristocracy used the masses to grasp control. They govern society with theory instead of principle, substitute quantity for quality. Just as the military need well trained leadership, so does society. Irreligious, Rational, Materialistic men sterilize everything by analyzing it; including themselves. Children are considered in terms of "pros" and "cons". Art, architecture, clothing, furniture, music lose their form, becoming ever changing popular fads.

Lacking discipline to reform themselves, intellectual "world improvers" constantly propose theories on how to govern society. All forms of social distinction, good manners, honor, authority, rank are ceaselessly attacked and deconstructed. This process will continue until the idea exhausts itself-- Nihilism and Chaos.

Destiny has put us in this era of decay. We can face our fate with courage, or be cowardly optimists.

Every culture has gone through its own form of Nihilism and Skepsis, where skeptics question everything. How long then, does a Culture survive? After a certain number of generations, each culture transforms into civilization. What was formerly alive, becomes rigid and cold. Expansiveness of mind and spirit is replaced with a lust for expansion in the MATERIAL world. Life guided by ideals is replaced by life guided by politics and economics. The power of these ideas becomes strong, so much that it leads to Imperialism. A sign of transformation: is a Socrates, Buddha, Lao Tsu, Rousseau. They enunciate ultimate, but Earthly ideals with practical and terminal ideas. The materialistic ideas of mass and number begin to dominate the culture, governments try to appeal to the most, plebeian catchwords are used "equality" "the common good" "the working man".

In this era of transition, a man like Alexander the Great emerges (for the west it is Napoleon). His immense military success is due to ignoring Chivalric military traditions. Materialist thought guides military strategy. Technology and Mass are used to win. Armies shrink in size soon after, into voluntary professional armies, most join for money or love of combat. Armies gradually become privatized, Pacifism becomes popular in reaction, Society becomes increasingly litigious, Money is an Idea, which slowly becomes more abstract, until it itself becomes a power. It buys state power, and over time, the lines separating Politics and Commerce slowly fade away. Business and government combine, forming an Imperial Government.

There are men who desire power, who cannot be stopped.

>> No.9674833
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>not creatively celebrating the role you have been assigned to by history
Pleb, we are like parachutists being thrown out of an airplane. We have no choice but to accept the hand we have been dealt and to make the best out of it.

>> No.9674838

The disease of Liberalism: it can never tolerate authority.

You get rid of the European aristocracy and the Bourgeoisie takes their place . . . and then you claim we need to overthrow the Bourgeoisie! The Revolution swallows its own people. Revolutionaries are nothing but murderous cowards. Society didn't become more free after the French Revolution, it became less so. And when the Bourgeoisie is overthrown and replaced by the Communist Party society will be even less free (as history as shown).

Liberals and Socialists are useful idiots. They can't see that behind the cry of "Liberty! Overthrow your oppressors!" there is an even greater tyrannical force waiting to take over.

The Old Kings of Europe at least had a modicum of sympathy for their subjects, because they knew that their subjects were immortal souls like themselves and that they would be judged more harshly by God because of their greater responsibility (look it up, this is the universal teaching of the Church). Now, the masters that have replaced the Kings of Europe with their "Enlightenment ideals" only look as humans as cattle who are to be placated with vain entertainment and food so as to keep them docile. THAT is the Enlightenment: the gradual reduction of human dignity from Sons of God to Dumb Apes that need to be brainwashed (look it up; read Walter Lippman's "Public Opinion" or Edward Bernays' "Propaganda", for example).

It was no accident that the Bolshevik Communists slaughtered Christians and persecuted the Russian Orthodox Church: Communism/Socialism is inherently godless; it views humanity as just another animal that needs to be effectively managed and farmed.

Such Enlightenment. Such Illumination.

>> No.9674856

>urban intellectuals, jealous of the Aristocracy used the masses to grasp control.

Wow the Third Estate used the Third Estate so the Third Estate could gain control? Fucking shocking.

>> No.9674860

Are you implying that the bourgeoisie and the proletariat have a common interest? How reactionary.

>> No.9674870

Take me.

>> No.9674904


Liberals and Socialists are useful idiots. They can't see that behind the cry of "Liberty! Overthrow your oppressors!" there is an even greater tyrannical force waiting to take over.

>this doesn't happen because of the revolution but it happens when the revolution doesn't go far enough.

>The Old Kings of Europe at least had a modicum of sympathy for their subjects

Never more than a modicum and certainly not enough to treat their lowest subjects like human

>"Enlightenment ideals" only look as humans as cattle who are to be placated with vain entertainment and food so as to keep them docile.

that is actually the product of capitalism and automation not the enlightenment.

>THAT is the Enlightenment: the gradual reduction of human dignity from Sons of God to Dumb Apes that need to be brainwashed

Royalty brainwashed it's people too, using Christianity
>blessed are the poor (unless you are me lol)

>> No.9674912
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I can smell your cynical worldview from here, foul socialist.

>> No.9674922

>that is actually the product of capitalism and automation not the enlightenment

You're talking as if the three can be seperated

>> No.9674925

You are the same, your cynicism is actually more expansive than mine since you believe people must be under the control of a sovereign because they are too evil or stupid as you say to control themselves, which makes me think you must have very low self-esteem.

>> No.9674932

Okay maybe they cannot but a lot has happened in the 300 or so past years. If you blame the enlightenment you might as well blame the advent of agriculture.

>> No.9674951

>you might as well blame the advent of agriculture.

But I do

>> No.9674962

I didn't say that and neither is the anon you are referring to. He simply stated that revolutionaries as such have not the common good of the average man as their interest but the good of an abstract sum of people, also called humanity. Who is part of humanity and who is its enemy changes for the revolutionary according to convenience.

In fact it is you who is presuming that the entirety of medieval history is one giant con game perpetrated by a disbelieving elite. Thus it is you who is implicitly assuming that the people are stupid. What we are doing is simply defending that order which was built on a sincere belief in the inherent goodness of man.

>> No.9674977
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>believing there is such a thing as 'the west'

>> No.9674998

>the order built on a belief in the inherent goodness of man
So Utopian Socialism viz Thomas More? Medieval society was built on force and subservience just like today's society. I'm pointing out how flawed it is to be nostalgic over something you have no direct experience with.

>> No.9675033

>What was formerly alive, becomes rigid and cold. Expansiveness of mind and spirit is replaced with a lust for expansion in the MATERIAL world. Life guided by ideals is replaced by life guided by politics and economics.
>Money is an Idea, which slowly becomes more abstract, until it itself becomes a power. It buys state power, and over time, the lines separating Politics and Commerce slowly fade away. Business and government combine, forming an Imperial Government.

What a load of horseshit. Even absolutist kings appealed to the masses and money has always equaled power. No amount of romanticising of ye good olde days will change that.

They did at the time. Literally Marxism 101.

>> No.9675048
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The East, however, still believes in itself without any problems.

>> No.9675139

Disbelief in the West is part of the West

>> No.9675158

Life isn't a video game.

>> No.9675178
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>> No.9675189

True, complete unfalsifiable nonsense.

>> No.9675203

Decline implies teleology

>> No.9675204
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This, to be honest.

>> No.9675273

How comes Spengler is still discussed but Toynbee is a dead dog?

>> No.9675279

Spengler just underwent a revival thanks to the declinism going around, but it's true that Toynbee actually used to be more popular. Lee Kuan Yew was a fan of Toynbee, for all that's worth.

>> No.9675417

>appealed to the masses with money and power
>*monarch holding a cross and scepter in a cathedral with gold that no one can touch*


>> No.9675750

>there's teleology to a plant dying

>> No.9675859
File: 42 KB, 512x512, EOkBEE1N[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because she writes the same shitty column every week

>> No.9675866


>> No.9675872


>> No.9676074

He was totally wrong to put Christianity into the magian(aka arabic) civilization. Then he puts crusaders and gothic aesthetics into the new faustian cilization. Intellectual dishonesty at it's best.

Toynbee handles christianity better.
Post-colonial idiots believe it, which makes you racist if you don't.