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9670470 No.9670470 [Reply] [Original]

Hello /lit/
I'm interested in the minds behind the third wave feminism.
anyone here could suggest me books or authors to read and understand better this movement?

>> No.9670495
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>> No.9670496

Hegemony and Socialist Strategy for theory
Rules for Radicals for action

>> No.9670499

The TV guide

>> No.9670503


>> No.9670692


I'm also against it, but I want to know more. lately I had to deal with some feminist, they lack logic but I also want to be able to fuck'em with their own weapons.

>> No.9670701
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Then look no further

>> No.9670714

why do girls latch onto this old wartime poster so much? do they want to work in factories?

>> No.9670746

I didn't read the books, nor watched the films. Can't stand the wizard kid.
how are these a feminist thing?

>> No.9670756

Probably bell hooks. And some standpoint feminist theory, I'm not sure who the major authors are in that area.

This poster has achieved near mythological status over the years through its inclusion in textbooks as an expression of proto-feminism, as though this was the first time in history women had ever worked outside the home, something many people seem to honestly believe. Its actual purpose was WWII jingoism, along with "Buy war bonds" and stuff like that.

>> No.9670768

Of course, you probably think multiple disabled biracial dragon-gendered people can't work too?

>> No.9670788


who are you even addressing? spooks and paper tigers, son. stop projecting your insecurities onto others.

>> No.9670799

Do you even realise what you just uttered, you fucking pseud

>> No.9670804

Thinks of it like the Marx/Engels Collected Works for marxism.

>> No.9670811


Well, I'll try reading them from that perspective.
I always saw them as some overrated kids books

>> No.9670812


I know exactly what I uttered, you're the one rambling nonsense. read your comment again, and the comment you responded to. your response doesnt match.

>> No.9670820

>thinks he is replying to the same person
I noticed you type like a complete nigger and use words that you don't know the definition of and it irked me enough to expose you as the pseud you're

>> No.9670831


go on then, correct me, oh-so-mighty anon. tell me how im wrong.

>> No.9670837

Are you interested in reading works closer to the beginning of the movement to gain an understanding, or are you looking for introductory texts that cover more ground faster?

>> No.9670843

both would be OK, but I'm more interested in the second maybe, as I want to understand the modern feminist movement, not the sufragettes.
I read something time ago about feminism being a psyop, but I will look there someday.

>> No.9670848


>> No.9670905

Modern feminism is a scam created to turn women into batteries for the system, it's all about labor costs and the creation of new markets.

>> No.9672100


>> No.9672105

pretty sure thirdwave feminism was a cointelpro style plot by the ciato undermine counterculture radicalism, don't feel like googling it, but gloria steinmen is a known cia asset

>> No.9672112

i downloaded the second sex to read, just to educate myself after reading sartre, but it's fucking way too long. i think feminism is mostly repressed natalism

>> No.9672120

the second sex is redpilled af senpai

>> No.9673012


>> No.9673043
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>why do girls latch onto this old wartime poster so much? do they want to work in factories?

Americans see the world through the lens of commodities and military industrial complex propaganda. 'Feminism' in America is just an extension of liberal managerialism, an ideology that's never far away from militarism.

>> No.9673050

That image is fucked

>> No.9673064

the staff of American 'newspapers of record' is half bloodthirsty neocon statesec shills and half neurotic bougie liberals hand wringing about white male privilege and cultural appropriation. this is just the inevitable result of crosspollination between media class milieus.

>> No.9673066

>paper of record

nytimes doesn't use that typeface holmes

>> No.9673071

I just finished Rules for Radicals and it is honestly the antithesis to whatever the hell the left is doing now. It encourages working with the white middle-working class and not alienating them.

>> No.9673079

That's from the daily beast, but nytimes is barely better by this point. I imagine the people who write for the daily beast unironically dream of working for the NYT or Bezos-CIA mouthpiece WaPo.

>> No.9673083


>> No.9673086

rules for radicals is fucking stupid, that shit where he got all the blacks to eat beans and go to the theater they were protesting and fart was fucking bullshit, yes, a jew telling black people to act like rude assholes, good idea, really insightful, no wonder rich white pricks like hillary clinton loved that book

>> No.9673091

>Bezos-CIA mouthpiece WaPo

wapo is neoliberal, but all the major leaks of the last 100 years have been published in wapo not the cia front nytimes...snowden knew where all the cia assets were and he leaked to wapo not nytimes, also see: pentagon papers

>> No.9673092

Yeah, i thought that was silly. But the point still stands that it's an extralegal tactic that can't be punished by law without making authorities look truly ridiculous. What he left out, however, is that it also makes them look totally ridiculous.

I don't know why people keep calling it the "Clinton/Obama playbook." Read the last chapter--- it might as well be republished as "How Trump Won."

>ORGANIZATION FOR ACTION will now and in the decade ahead center upon America's white middle class. That is where the power is. When more than three-fourths of our people from both the point of view of economics and of their self-identification are middle class, it is obvious that their action or inaction will determine the direction of change. Large parts of the middle class, the "silent majority," must be activated; action and articulation are one, as are silence and surrender.
>We are belatedly beginning to understand this, to know that even if all the low-income parts of our population were organized — all the blacks, Mexican-Americans, Puerto Ricans, Appalachian poor whites — if through some genius of organization they were all united in a coalition, it would not be powerful enough to get significant, basic, needed changes. It would have to do what all minority organizations, small nations, labor unions, political parties or anything small, must do — seek out allies. The pragmatics of power will not allow any alternative.

>> No.9673098

>I don't know why people keep calling it the "Clinton/Obama playbook."

because hillary wrote her senior thesis on it in college, durr...


>> No.9673108

Whatever Clinton learned from that book she completely failed to remember in 2016, unless she was deliberately trying to lose the election. Almost every chapter can be seen as a point-by-point takedown of her strategy.

>> No.9673114

>Jeff Bezos, the owner of the Post, is Amazon’s chief executive and biggest shareholder. Amazon has secured a 600 million dollar contract with the CIA

A lot can change in 50 years. Bezos only bought WaPo in 2013. No american newspaper would dare publish Snowden's leaks today, instead they would dismiss them as disinformation, probably planted by Putler himself. Besides the whole crypto freedum fighter L337 HAXX0R scene is compromised af. TOR started out as a CIA project and still gets millions in CIA funding. Since Trump's election, WaPo mostly publishes completely unsubstantiated stories about Ivan's Red Hackers.

>> No.9673117

it is pretty ironic to be honest

>> No.9673134

>Amazon has secured a 600 million dollar contract with the CIA

yeah i suppose bezos isn't going to do anything to piss off the cia, although that contract is probably just to host all the cia records of your phone calls and hentai torrenting on his cloud service...personally i think he bought the wapo as a defensive move against the constant attacks by the nytimes on amazon's "culture" i.e. the bourgeois white people who work there for 6 figure salaries are actually expected to do their jobs and do them well, woah, what a fucking concept for privileged east coast wastoids. taking cia contracts is dangerous though if you look at what happened to the ceo of qwest when he refused to violate the law and snoop for the feds, they withheld payments on his contracts and then charged him with insider trading when the stock tanked, he did six years

>> No.9673157

>implying tech bugmen aren't enemies of humanity

>> No.9673184

>I don't know why people keep calling it the "Clinton/Obama playbook."

Anything vaguely left-leaning is tied to Marxism or some other kind of radicalism, this is why socially liberal ideologies like antiracism and feminism are forms of Marxism despite doing absolutely nothing to threaten capitalism.

The "alt-right's" been weening off of this and finding that economic leftism can be great for tradition and hierarchy, though. I sincerely believe politics in a decade or so could be multicultural neoliberals vs identitarian hippies.

>> No.9673215
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4pt is real

> I sincerely believe politics in a decade or so could be multicultural neoliberals vs identitarian hippies.

>> No.9673262

humanity effectively has 2 choices right now: death by technocapital or affirmation of Dasein

>> No.9673293

Either the alt-right's gonna collapse and we'll have a system trying really hard to return to "normalcy," the right goes full NazBol (aka goddamn Commie Nazi's), or they'll reign it in and on similar grounds create bizarro San Francisco granola liberalism.

>advocate buying from local businesses and farmers for nationalist/communitarian reasons
>support workers through hardline immigration restrictions (this already has ample labor precedent)
>promote local arts and performances as an alternative to Hollywood degeneracy
>reduce consumption, promote community labor, and combat the "live to work" mentality by keeping women at home (seriously there's like a million ways to take hippie notions and use them for an anti-feminist platform, they could sell a caricature of Victorian gender roles as an Age of Aquarius)

In some ways the first possibility is the hardest to predict, since GOP conservatism has no real passionate support despite its current political majority; nobody supports Paul Ryan in the sense they support Obama, Sanders, or Trump.

>> No.9673354
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I'm almost certainly not grasping what you mean by affirming Dasein, but I think the left is in a hard place because it was forced to abandon a lot of its humanitarian ideals, partly from conservative mockery and partly from its own directionless, embarrassing attempts at expressing them (Banksy, Adbusters, Hathor the Cow-Goddess). Full-blown socialism was locked-down by the Cold War, brews-and-bike-lanes liberalism gets you laughed at as a naive college kid or pic related, so all the politically viable left could do is be technocrats who are friendlier to immigration, abortion, and welfare.

If the left could figure out how to sell itself as trying to create a Miyazaki-esque wonderland of sustainability and liberty instead of a less harsh cyberpunk dystopia or the alternative to a quasi-theocracy it might escape this political game of chicken.

>> No.9673543

Capital is an hostile artificial intelligence currently invading our reality. Cappital comes from the future. Capital assembles itself from its enemy's resources. Capital is anti-logos, anti-christ and anti-human. Russia(Orthodox USSR), as the Christ amongst nations, is destined to confront the technocapital antichrist (epicentre: san francisco bay area) in the coming Armageddon. this eschatological scenario may or may not involve a nuclear war.

>> No.9674221
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>I imagine the people who write for the daily beast unironically dream of working for the NYT or Bezos-CIA mouthpiece WaPo.

>> No.9674257
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is this ninth wave feminism

>> No.9674260

this desu

>> No.9674628

>I always saw them as some overrated kids books
I don't see the problem, third-wave feminists are overrated kids.

>> No.9674706

>I always saw them as some overrated kids books

What kid's books would you say are better?

>> No.9674900

This thread so far
Author - Book
-Hegemony and Socialist Strategy for theory
-Rules for Radicals for action
JK Rowling - Harry potter series
Allan G. Johnson - the gender knot


I don't read kids books.

>> No.9676252
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