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9670826 No.9670826 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone care to recommend books about poetic inspiration.

so far i've ordered pic related from amazon as I read that it had a profound impact on Ted Hughes, who is one of my favourite poets....I found his recent biography pretty inspiring too.

it would be good if we could avoid oprah-tier poetry-as-self-help books

>> No.9670833

but you just ordered one, lol

>> No.9670845
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But I'm interested in what other people found interesting and helpful. I'd like to read several books on the matter

>> No.9671324
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>> No.9671345
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I fapped to her

>> No.9671349


>> No.9671796
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Graves is that good kush, OP. I think you'll enjoy it. As far as poetic inspiration: you will find it in your experience, not in a book. Adopt an idea and sacralize it, but have something to say or it'll be cold lotion. Suggestions, aside from bog standard literature...

>Campbell, Primitive Mythology
Joe references Graves frequently, and this is a great examination of early inspiration. Cave paintings to Greeks.

>Attridge, Poetic Rhythm
You have to organize inspiration eventually.

>Turco, The Book of Forms
Similar to above but with more obscure forms. Listed last because the author shamelessly included a lot of his own lame poems.

>> No.9671887
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Thanks. Helpfull. I've been going through "poetry handbook" john lennard (along with the norton anthology of poetry) for the technical aspects of poetry and found it really concise and helpful.

The Campbell book looks ace.

I know if I was going to write anything myself of any value I would need to harvest from my own experiences....but I'm still interested in the sources of and process of inspiration of poets through the ages.

Would "the golden bough" by James George Frazerbe beworth a punt? I know eliott, pound and early modernist poets found it influential. What about biographies of poets (I mentioned a ted hughes one I read recently and found it really insightful)

>thanks again. restored some of my faith in /lit/

>> No.9671907
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>> No.9672108
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The Golden Bough is top shelf, literally. Dense material studying themes of ancient kingship, taboo, and sexuality from many cultures and not just Europe. A work of antrhopology. Imo more useful than The White Goddess, which had a thesis to prove from the start.

>> No.9672145

>pic saved

interesting....very interesting

>> No.9673113
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>have femdom fetish
>read Graves
>it's clear he just has a femdom fetish
>see normies talking about his femdom fantasies like they're some eldritch Jungian archetype theory
>want to say "No, he just likes femdom"
>can't give myself away
>tfw Robert Graves violated BDSM protocol by imposing his fetishes on people without their consent

>> No.9673148

lol wut


>> No.9673155

golden bough is dank, i have the audiobook version and put it on sometimes when i go to sleep, holy shit who knew there was so many fucking fire rituals, i think one mp3 was just on that and it went for a solid hour before i fell asleep, dude was a research beast my god

>> No.9673169



>> No.9673221
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>> No.9673297


whew, good stuff. i'll check out the Golden Bough.

That's a great edition of Meyer's translations. I have this edition published by Shambhala–it's too bulky and titled "The Gnostic Bible." I've also had my eyes on Kurt Rudolph's book

>> No.9673898
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>Meyer & Rudolph
yeh, I'm happy with both of these. Meyer adds a lot of scholarly context to the apocrypha. Rudolph is kind of dry but it's unavoidable when half of the job is comparing manuscripts. dude was just being comprehensive.

kekkle. The Paris Review had a nice interview with Graves back in the 60s or whenever. It's incomplete without a subscription but draws quite a nice portrait of the man later in life. In it he suggests man should abstain from women and reserve his passion for the immortal beauty. No doubt he would be on /c/ today, only able to attracted to 2d women.


Bought it for $1 at a book sale. Those reminder icons kind of make it KJV For Dummies. Supposedly Kirban was a great researcher, but I've found most of his footnotes to be distracting and a very literal, doctrinal interpretation that I do not prefer. The bible I actually use for study is NIV pic related.

>> No.9674640
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>> No.9674736

poetic inspiration, yes why not.

bear in mind pic related is fully plunged into the realm of the makey-uppy but a good laugh nonetheless.

the Golden Bough is possibly the only other outlandish thing in that vein too. Read the abridged version if you must.

Read any other languages, anon?