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9672512 No.9672512 [Reply] [Original]

Poor Cliff cant take a Pynch

>> No.9672518
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He's dumber and more grating (and less pleasing to look at) than Ontologicool yet /lit/ shills for him why? Is /lit/ scared of grills?

>> No.9672544

What a faggot. I hate the 63 year old melting goblin face man anons gran Irvine

>> No.9672629

How do you get 3/4 of the way through Crying of Lot 49 and not finish it? There's like 20 pages left at that point.

>> No.9672635

>yet /lit/ shills for him why?
I think you're mistaking using Cliff for our daily two minutes hate for shilling.

>> No.9672894

TFW no Ontologicool litfu

>> No.9672897

5 posts into the one thread about Cliff and there's a mention of the girl. I thought we were equal opportunity cyberbullies.

>> No.9672898

She's a fucking whore

>> No.9672900

this guy's career is on life support

he knows we already outed him as skinnyfat dyel

>> No.9672903

she's a man, those little estrogren titties with no mass are a dead give away

>> No.9672913

? Bro he fucking lifts 5 days a week how is he skinnyfat

>> No.9672918

he's not skinny fat, he's fat. there's no tone at all

>> No.9672924
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>> No.9672955

Who ever told this guy his opinion mattered or was in the slightest way informed?

>> No.9672961

She's smarter than you cute and chaste

>> No.9672991


>> No.9673115

He only curls probably. Probably only with the machine too. No chest at all

>> No.9673138

It's really interesting, he talks as if people are listening but no one is

>> No.9673533

I figured this was just the ultimate contrarian contradicting the others to hold difference for a moment - sort of like a Joyce, but with the immediacy and requisite emptiness of an internet user.

What's y'all's favright video game nowadayz? Getting anwhere wit them grill?

>> No.9673573

reminder that cliff(OP) is a numale cuck masquerading as an alpha chad. he probably tries to pick up hipster women by telling them about his anthony fantano youtube book show.
he's been shilling himself on /lit/ for years but it hasn't worked yet. he's so pathetic he thinks making fun of himself on a book forum will attract more attention/fans. LOL nice try cliff

>> No.9673615
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I felt bad for him when he lost his Dad and he was trying to work shit out in his life.

But he's turning into a yuppie dipshit more and more with each passing day.

>> No.9673760


>> No.9673771


I'm sure you all do as well.

>> No.9673778

boo hoo my dad died I'm a huge boring faggot

>> No.9673788

I honestly never watch his videos. I skimmed through a couple and he's a giant hipster douche.

>> No.9673799


This made me think of my Dad. He's still alive, but almost like a "prisoner". He's trapped in his own make-believe world, and I'm stuck trying to drag him into reality. I'm creating a path of destruction while I do it, and still, nothing. What the ever living fuck.

>> No.9673814

>He's still alive, but almost like a "prisoner". He's trapped in his own make-believe world, and I'm stuck trying to drag him into reality.
he doesn't use Facebook does he? I'd say the same thing about my dad. Once he retired he became totally delusional. It's impossible to talk to him without him literally working himself into a rage over Trump.

>> No.9673816

If he likes 4chan that much just let him post here jesus

>> No.9673834


I guess he uses it as much as the next person. Seems a real shame, all this. Seems like it could all end real easy, if one simple truth were told. Seems like it won't end the easy way.

>> No.9675070
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I agree with him, though. The crying of lot 49 was a piece of shit.

>> No.9675136

>he doesn't like my hero >:( ahhh!

pathetic tbqh

>> No.9675323

>tfw smarter than cliff
>tfw buffer than cliff
And I am a skinnyfat brainlet

>> No.9675367

I agree that Pynchon is shit but when I read his Tweets it was as though it gave him PTSD or something. I never like it when people hate a 'classic' work so much they say things like "i can't understand why everyone else likes it" "they only pretend to like it" "the prose sucks" "its pretentious" etc.

>> No.9675375

t. bitter virgin with a lower IQ than Ontologicool

>> No.9675623

Read story of the eye on his recommendation and basically became a Nazi from d-d-degeneracy exposure