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/lit/ - Literature

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9672429 No.9672429 [Reply] [Original]

Is philosophy the ultimate meme?
>built on a solid foundation at least two millennia old
>all human knowledge has directly or indirectly derived from it
>looks silly from outside, but actually has deep meaning
>normies have never understood it and never will. ever
>to mock it, you have to use it
>^some next level sh*t right there
>unlike other fads, it never died out, just like real dank memes
>still no one knows what the fuck it's actually talking about

>> No.9672441

I can't answer your wider questions but
>normies have never understood it and never will. ever
It's been my experience that a lot of high-tier "normies" are interested in philosophy. I'd go as far to say that "philosophy" is almost on equal footing with "finance." You need to encounter a better class of normie desu. I suggest moving to a world class city

>> No.9672442

This is a literature board. If you want to discuss non-specific philosophy, go to /his/.

>> No.9672451

read nietzsche opie

>> No.9672457

You are not a normie if you are interested in philosophy.

>> No.9672468

Is a philosophy degree worth anything? Im in EE but I honestly don't care for engineering, and I'd rather not rack my brain into autism for four straight years. Seems like philosophy is the better choice to be a well rounded people person, but it's hard to market it on a resume

>> No.9672492

Normies in the sense of high-achieving career-oriented yuppies are almost all interested in philosophy to some degree. It's all about signaling your cultural refinement and intelligence to your peers. Nothing strokes the ego quite like discussing philosophy with your friends over dinner and some fine wine.

No, unless it's from a very good school. Degrees in anything from very good schools are useful anyway though. Companies really do not care much about having "well-rounded" people in the same way that colleges claim to.

>> No.9672607

Damn you people are so fucking boring.

>> No.9672624
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When will this meme end?

>> No.9672628

It's true if you Jungpost
t. Was banned for it while the mods allow /r9k/posting to flourish

>> No.9672643
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God fucking damn it threads like this makes me hate /lit/ with all the power of life I have in me. If /lit/ was a little kid and it said something like this I would whip it with pic related and then rub my dick cheese all over its wounds. Everyone in this thread is so stupid that I am literally pulling my hair out right now. You were supposed to be the chosen ones you fucking walls, you were supposed to be the last bastion of intellectuality in this degenerate world and yet you still only post idiotic shit like this. You know what would have been a better question, one that I would have giggled and clapped at? Whether the Complete Works of Aristotle volume is better for rubbing your dick in than the Complete Works of Plato volume. Instead you post shit like this that is neither funny, nor insightful, nor respectful in any way towards our time and our lives even. Nobody will ever remember your shitty thread you fucking bottle dweller. It's as if you gave us a glimpse into death itself. FUCK.

>> No.9672655

>here comes the adult

>> No.9672669

>ressentiment: the post
Plenty of non-normies are successful. And a lot of normies are unsuccessful. You know not of what you speak.

>> No.9673312


God damn this post made me laugh so hard

>that's some next level sh*t right here