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File: 244 KB, 541x600, guy-debord.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9670663 No.9670663 [Reply] [Original]

>never worked
>drunk most of the time

Is Guy Debord the absolute madman?

>> No.9670666

He is

>> No.9670676

They made wandering around in cities a science


>> No.9670982

more like the absolute neet.

>> No.9670999
File: 152 KB, 1080x1080, Cakifornia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn, not but one hour ago I added the Society of the Spectacle to my to-read list, after having no idea who the man was. Something he said was cited in the book I'm reading, so I looked him up.

The universe has confided in me a sign, I may have found my messiah.

>> No.9671025
File: 18 KB, 404x401, 1471360875817.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fancy french word for walking

fucking hell

>> No.9671030

which book are you reading?

>> No.9671110

Be gentle now...

Empire - Michael Hardt & Antonio Negri

>> No.9671132

Fanon>>>>>>all other existentialist Marxists

>> No.9671147


I took great pride at putting that in the bin last week, after having bought it when I was an impressionable undergraduate.

>> No.9671149


>> No.9671153

>the same as existentialism

>> No.9671200

But Debord is not "existentialist-Marxist" either, he didn't define himself as such and no one ever said he was this.

>> No.9671223

Sartre didn't define himself as such either. And yet he was the definitive one. You probably haven't read enough of either or do not know the academic historical context of Debora et al. The primacy of Sartrean concepts of Experience and Authenticity to Situationism is obvious.

>> No.9671631

this doesn't exist

>> No.9671665


>> No.9671910

>a science

>> No.9671925

>The Situationist International strongly resisted use of the term "situationism", which Debord called a "meaningless term", adding "[t]here is no such thing as situationism, which would mean a doctrine for interpreting existing conditions".[2] The situationists maintained a philosophical opposition to all ideologies, conceiving of them as abstract superstructures ultimately serving only to justify the economic base of a given society; accordingly, they rejected "situationism" as an absurd and self-contradictory concept.[5] In The Society of the Spectacle, Debord asserted ideology was "the abstract will to universality and the illusion thereof" which was "legitimated in modern society by universal abstraction and by the effective dictatorship of illusion".[6] However, despite their insistence on this point, the term "situationism" is still occasionally used[by whom?] in reference to the Situationist International.
'?' yourself, noob

>> No.9671929

stirner is striner

debord - marxist stirner

>> No.9671974
File: 93 KB, 320x400, hon hon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ywn be as smug as the french

>> No.9671988

>Rhetorical evasion constitutes a refutation
This is simply a meme because essentialism was so anathema in '68

>> No.9672007

what the fuck is that

>> No.9672027

>being told by a dead guy
>still arguing

>> No.9672086

flaneurism with a brain infected by continental philosophy

>> No.9672156

bitch please
>The Flâneurist International strongly resisted use of the term "flâneurism", which Baudelaire called a "meaningless term", adding "[t]here is no such thing as flâneurism, which would mean a doctrine for interpreting existing conditions".[2] The flâneurists maintained a philosophical opposition to all ideologies, conceiving of them as abstract superstructures ultimately serving only to justify the economic base of a given society; accordingly, they rejected "flâneurism" as an absurd and self-contradictory concept.[5] In Gentlemen Strollers Of City Streets, Baudelaire asserted ideology was "the abstract will to universality and the illusion thereof" which was "legitimated in modern society by universal abstraction and by the effective dictatorship of illusion".[6] However, despite their insistence on this point, the term "flâneurism" is still occasionally used[by whom?] in reference to the Flâneurist International.

>> No.9672171
File: 37 KB, 1127x685, hlpr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Flâneurist International strongly resisted use of the term "flâneurism"

>> No.9672446

How can you be so wrong?

Doesn't exist.

>> No.9672454

He killed himself so he did something right

>> No.9672458

>student uprising
>not an impotent and academic exercise

The right term to describe the oeuvre of the situationist international. Like I said before, evasion is not refutation. Rhetorical arguments aside, The Bored was a hack.

>> No.9672462

So, what are the core tenets of "situationism"?

>> No.9672469

no u

>> No.9672471

Debord was anti-academic.

You think something like "situationism" exists, and that proves you don't know Debord enough to judge his writings.

>> No.9672474

What would core tenets have to do with it?

>> No.9672482

>you don't know bro but I do
>debord dindu nuffin he didn't coopt the class struggle for his flagging career as a public intellectual

The Paris riots of '68 were NOTHING without the wildcat strikes of the factory workers. SI was the Proto-OWS.

>> No.9672497

What is "situationism"?

You're so intelligent I can't understand your post.

>> No.9672510


Why bother with these rhetorical games? Situationism, e.g. the ethos of the situationist international as expressed in their texts and actions can be succinctly described as lifestyle anarchism. And the writing is fucking boring. I'd rather read a Crimethinc poster.

>Situationism exists as a word but refers to nothing
How spooky

>> No.9672519

So anti-academic he wrote books and composed art films for a living.

>> No.9672551

you should not be
>>drunk most of the time
Alcohol is most toxic drug

>> No.9672558

life is deadly desu

>> No.9672567

Debord is cool for the first two chapters of Society of the Spectacle but then he just turns into your boringly average Bolshevist with Pomo flair. If only he didn't succumb to Marxism and saw in his critique of spectacle a wider critique of all materialist mass-movements, but alas, he was just a dumb urban Frenchman.

>> No.9672641

>Situationism, e.g. the ethos of the situationist international
So Debord ceased to be situationist as soon as the Situationist International got disbanded?

>lifestyle anarchism
Not really.

>And the writing is fucking boring
The writing of who, and when?

>> No.9672651
File: 26 KB, 299x429, IMG_0998.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone here read this? I actually prefer it to Society of the Spectacle. I used to own this edition but gave it away to a friend. It had typos anyway... does anyone know if the new version corrects them?

>> No.9672656
File: 55 KB, 312x499, IMG_0999.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a good book too.

>> No.9672657

These are not academic books. What's the relationship with the academia? Debord never even was a college student.

>> No.9672663

>Society of the Spectacle

t. has never read any other Debord book

>> No.9672674

I bet that pleb hasn't even read Comments on Society of the Spectacle.

>> No.9672692

>what is his relationship with academia
Probably similar to your realtionship with your father desu

>> No.9672707

Your sardonic incredulity aside..
Yes, I suppose outside of participating in situationist international debord was not a situationist. That is the anti-essentialist idea in a nutshell anyway.

>not really
How not really?

>who? When?
Of Debord, when I read it.

>> No.9672712

All these pseuds reading books instead of creating situations tsk tsk

>> No.9672746


Debord is not an anarchist, he always supported council communism. And the "lifestyle" thing is somewhat reductive.

Anyway, Debord changed his style several times, so 80s Debord has a largely different writing compared to 60s Debord (which is presumably the only Debord you know).

>> No.9672753

Situationism Mao Synthesis is the true revolutionary path.

Immediate Communisation by redguard flashmob cadres now!

>> No.9672763

Council Communism is functionally the same as anarchist communism. Lifestylism is pretty much an invention of '68, the revolution of "everyday life" and so on; like I said in the beginning it owes a lot to the ideas of Sartre regarding "authenticity".

>> No.9672772

I feel sorry for those leftists, I really do. They
desperately try justify their ideology with elaborate inchoate tomes full of hegelese gibberish. But it's all worthless. Post a single jpeg about crime stats and negroid cranial metrics and their whole egalitarian progressive ideology goes down the drain.

>> No.9672779

I feel sorry for those white supremacists, I really do. They
desperately try justify their ideology with elaborate inchoate tomes full of hitleresque gibberish. But it's all worthless. Post a single jpeg about Asian IQ stats and Jewish financial success and their whole racialist regressive ideology goes down the drain.

>> No.9672804

But this is not related to Debord, who invented nothing special in 1968, never wrote about "lifestyle" and wasn't an avid reader of Sartre.

Debord itself noted amusingly that he was credited for nothing in 1968, as the press only "discovered" his role in the 1968 events two decades later.

>> No.9672809

>Debord itself

himself* lol

>> No.9672836

>trying to divorce the author from his milieu
>didn't write about lifestyle
Except in his endless detournement which were all about lifestyle
>not an avid reader of Sartre
What does that even mean how acid would someone in 60's Paris have to be to not be influenced by influenced by Existentialism? You never even say anything about his ideas you just retort with empty assertions. You're really tempting me to read that boring text of his again simply to come back and btfo you larpers eternally

>> No.9672847

*how avid would someone have to be to be influenced...
Whatever I hope you get my point I'm going to go read a book now. Have fun with your super cool marginal writers club. I seriously just spent several minutes solving captchas to post this I hope your happy

>> No.9672855

Sartre was a PCF quasi-tankie while debord was a leftcom linked to council Communism, Lefebvre and Socialisme ou Barbarie.

>> No.9672919

How could a so called communist, never have worked?

>> No.9672934


>tfw I get called a marxist for rejecting crony captialism

good show america, good show

>> No.9672940

>walking as a revolutionary strategy
ffs situationists always calling whatever the fuck they do revolutionary
"I took a revolutionary nap"
"I drank some revolutionary water"

>> No.9672956

He didn't need too, his family was extremely well-off, owning several country houses.

>> No.9672980

You've gotta divorce French authors from their lifestyle, otherwise their philosophy becomes impotent and insincere.

>> No.9672983

Marxism is unfalsifiable pseudoscience, as is Debord's concept of the spectacle. You can trace a line from Debord's ideas to tumblr's obsession with 'representation' in media. Pure Marxism. No thanks, I think I'm sticking to skeptical rationality and classical liberalism.

>> No.9673356

Yeah, it's crazy that on boards like this they take jibberish like Marx seriously. All the best modern philosophers are on youtube. What a time to be alive. Top Kek

>> No.9673360

If you like youtube so much you fuck off there

>> No.9673705

>Marxism is unfalsifiable pseudoscience,
tell two falsifiable sciences

>> No.9673713

he is like me but successful

>> No.9673716

>drinking water

Seriously, read him instead of making up stuff.

>> No.9673877

Debord studied Law at the University of Paris, but left early and did not complete his college education.

>> No.9674163

Source? Was it in 1951? I remember (perhaps incorrectly) he wrote that he never attended college. And he certainly kept a low profile about it, if it's true.

>> No.9674175

How did he write books if he didn't work? Did someone else write them under his name?

>> No.9674828

his mom did all the writing
true story

>> No.9674846
File: 331 KB, 873x873, Sartre_1967_crop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The primacy of Sartrean concepts of Experience and Authenticity to Situationism is obvious.

>> No.9674849

>You can trace a line from Debord's ideas to tumblr's obsession with 'representation' in media.

'Representation' in the media is part of the spectacle numbnuts.

>> No.9675241

only girls should be this stupid

>> No.9675260

But what about the blacks?

>> No.9676145

What do you think a comma is for?

>> No.9676193

> You probably haven't read enough of either or do not know the academic historical context of Debora et al.

Ummm no sweetie, I read /lit/ every day

>> No.9676216

More Marxists for you bro. Second one was a devout Catholic, but we only know that to be a guise of true Marxists.

The image, or, What happened to the American dream by Daniel J. Boorstin
The Mechanical Bride by Marshall McLuhan