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9670635 No.9670635[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

It doesn't matter how much I tell myself yesterday was "the last time I'll eat junk food!" If I am still reading a book because I'm scared people will call me a peb otherwise, then I am a cuck. A giant cuck. And that's what I've spent my time today at work doing. A boring as fuck Dickens book.

Fuck it, I'm phoning my parents to send me more money. I need to reevaluate my life over the weekend again.

>> No.9670640

Based Kermit blogposter, thanks for the update man. Takes strength to ask for help

>> No.9670645

Me? I've been on a paleo diet for 2 years. I read books that interest me and don't care what internet losers(like you) think.

Heh, sucks for you kid.

>> No.9670652

peb alert

>> No.9670655


Did I post the below on here yesterday or only fit and adv? Seems like I broke my promise

>buy ice cream, skittles, chocolate for my ABSOLUTELY FINAL EVER binge
>go to the store
>on the way there see a chad and stacey, bf and gf (guy was shorter than me but had a much better FACE and the girl was blonde and hot)
>go in to store
>see girl in fitness clothes, thick, solid, tight
>her Chad looking bf walks out of nowhere, has at least 3" on me, looks much stronger than me (but probably isn't due to my 100 % autistic /fit/ lifting philosophy that leaves my arms thin as fuck)

Guys... I promise to stop spamming the boards with my whining... but where is the hope meant to come from? I'm already established as the beta at work. How the hell can I get a gf without any social circles or normie experience? It is deoralising as fuck to see so many attractive women in London and know they fuck ten Chads a day from Tinder.

>> No.9670667


There's your problem

>> No.9670677

STOP living in leftist shitholes

>> No.9670736

>3" on me
You mean dick size amirite? Anyway I told you last time that the junk food is keeping your neurochemicals in a viscuous cycle of apogee and nadir. Your posts make me thankful truly for being down in the gamma levels socially and physically. I've never felt the sadness of Betas. To be so close to the happy inner circle of capitalist heaven but never allowed in must be worst than hell. You need to read Paradise Lost muh nigga.

>> No.9670742

>To be so close to the happy inner circle of capitalist heaven but never allowed in

Literally the definition of what living in London is like

>> No.9670765

I had a good friend from London who was crippled by class consciousness, is it an English disease?

>> No.9670787

Limeys live to torture each other. They're creatures packed in a muddy pool stuck submerged because they're all trying press each others faces down as leverage to rise out

>> No.9670791

Just the reality of the place

>> No.9670793

read what you want to read not what you think the imaginary hypothetical people want you to read. sometimes they may be useful to consult but only once you are confident enough in your own ability to ignore them and act solely for your own conscious experience

>> No.9670798

It's really quite sad I mean I've lived in NYC surrounded by chads and Staceys and never felt that low. Be in the right place and time in America and you can seduce a rich girl no problem.

>> No.9670817

New Yorkers have more of the Irish-Jewish attitude that there's no true winners or losers in this world, there's just the lucky schmucks on top and there's the sorry sons of bitches at the bottom.

You see it in the homeless people especially. In New York they're treated like humans and citizens, you're not getting any fucking pity but you're still another dude getting by like anyone.
In London if you're homeless you're dirt, you're less than fucking dirt, you're nothing and the state will treat you like a retarded baby

>> No.9670819

>Fuck it, I'm phoning my parents to send me more money.

Middle class pseuds are the worst kind of pseuds. Spineless and weak, unable to stand on your own.

>> No.9670825


stop calling people "chads" and "staceys" for a start. purge 4chan buzzwords and memes from your life.

>> No.9670830

If you need to purge them you're already being affected by them too much. Its better to able to call them those things and say fuck them anyway

>> No.9670839


No, that's a legitimately bad way to live life. Trust me, life gets better once you leave school.

>> No.9670841

You're starting to sound like some balding nu-male

>> No.9670850


The 4chan memes are in my mind all the time. And they mutate like in actual 4chan

>leave underground station
>see girl
>"Ew, he's not Chad!"
>see another girl behind her
>"Ew, he's not Chad!"
>turn corner
>see girl eating pizza
>"Ew, he's not PIZZA!" (mixing in the "Chad eats PIZZA" and is still ripped meme

>see old woman
>"I used to fuck Chads once..."
>see old woman walking near two black guys
>"I used to make white boys compete once..."

>> No.9670854


I'm not. Stop being a reactionary memer and your life will improve.

>> No.9670863

Fuck my life, I'm just not such a prissy cocksucker that I have to be afraid of what words I use like I have to baby talk my own mind

>> No.9670868


diagnosis: autism with sociopathic tendencies

>> No.9670869

Changing the terms won't change the concepts anyway. Faggot.

>> No.9670875
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>Changing the terms won't change the concepts anyway.

>> No.9670917

You're merely incapable of approaching a different perspective.

>> No.9671157

No one would want your (r9k's) perspective. Stop coming to 4chan, you've been trolled into believing what you see here.

>> No.9671869

It's not mine
>No one would want
Why does this matter?
>No one would want r9k's perspective
No one wants r9k - that's the thing about them. They still have a perspective.
>Stop coming to 4chan
>you've been trolled into believing what you see here
I bet this post is satire as well.

>> No.9671883


That's not just a 'different perspective' it's a delusional and infantile perspective. Teen angst is only of interest to fellow angsty teens, to the rest of us its pathetic and charmless.

>> No.9671901

> pathetic and charmless
You come to 4chan to avoid such things? Heck, this place is probably the only one around where they can vent those emotions. Sure, we could throw them over to /v/, /r9k/, /pol/ or /b/, but they'd probably deepen their grudges.

>> No.9671922

can we just ban everyone who participates in these threads?

>> No.9671935
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>tfw people unironically think the /r9k/ worldview is a heuristic worthy of anything other than immediate derision

>> No.9671939


>> No.9672135

Sounds like a great idea, ban me first.

OP, there's no helping you. It's the same shit every day, and apparently on at least 3 different boards. What do you even get from these threads? Most of the people who respond to them insult you, with a small minority offering practical advice which you ignore. At first I hated you, then I thought you were funny, then I started to pity you. Now I'm just confused. What do you want out of life? Why did your parents even let you move out? It should be apparent to anyone that you're a walking catastrophe