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/lit/ - Literature

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9670729 No.9670729 [Reply] [Original]

Do you guys use a dictionary while reading?

If not, how do you retain words if at all?

>> No.9670771

I tattoo them on my forearms (like, real small).

>> No.9670779

I used to as a kid. I would underline words I didn't know in the book, and write the dictionary definition on the margins. I don't do that anymore, I just Google the word.

>> No.9670796

Me too. But reading something like Infinite Jest has made this very time consuming and annoying. What have you done in situations like that?

>> No.9671006

not him but I just skipped words I didn't understand and tried to see if I could notice what they mean through the sentence. DFW actually made up words in Infinite Jest making this constant searching even harder.

>> No.9671010

Yes. I use author specific glossaries in philosophy.

>> No.9671014

That's what I've been doing too but it can be a real pain in the ass when you have a page full of medical prose.

>> No.9671017

You retain words by using them.

>> No.9671022

You understand them from the context and their composite parts, you retain them through the repetition of seeing them in multiple texts.

>> No.9671028
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When I was in elementary, and in the early years of middle school, I would use the dictionaries that the Rotary Club would hand out to schools for free. Whenever I came across a word that I didn't know, I'd look for it in said dictionary.

Nowadays, whenever I start a new book, I'd take a couple of sticky notes and affix them onto the inside of the cover and write down whatever vocabulary that I don't know; after a reading session, I'll then take to the internet and look them up.

I know it's far better to use a physical dictionary, but the internet is just too convenient.

>> No.9671034

I don't blame you for using the internet. You'd be silly to use a physical dictionary.

>> No.9671198

I know all of them before encountering them - only need to use Wikipedia for allusions and certain references.

>> No.9672355

my kindle has a dictionary. I look em up, then highlight them, so I can go back and see which words I've internalized or not. I love it. I do it online too. I google everything I don't know. I love it so much. I really do. I can't get enough of it.

>> No.9672403

>he doesn't know the whole vocabulary

>> No.9672459

My laptop is always next to me, I look up words, summaries, concepts and references all the time.

Once I wrote down all the words from a book and studied them and now I remember 10% of them. Not worth that much, I'd rather learn pragmatically.

When I see some word for 3th or 4th time I look it up. I also look up words that I've heard multiple times and I know how they're spelled and everything but I don't know the meaning.

When there're multiple unknown words in one sentence and the meaning is not understandable I loop up those which I think are key.

I think internet dictionary is better. At least for English there won't be some false meanings on the most popular websites. You can find everything on the internet - definition, translation in native, examples, synonyms, etc.

>> No.9672465

i gradually acquire words through context, same as i learned to speak

>> No.9672479

haven't been on /lit/ very long but I'm sure you guys hate this... but e-readers are really good for books like this since you can look up the word directly in 5 seconds.

sorry, don't hate me.

>> No.9672495

I use an e-reader as my main method for reading. It does indeed make it far easier for looking up definitions.

>> No.9672826

I've reached the point where any word I don't know is uncommon enough that I could never use it myself. These I don't look up.

How fucked am I?

>> No.9673099

Look up the missing words, don't be lazy now. Why brag otherwise