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/lit/ - Literature

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9666538 No.9666538 [Reply] [Original]

Time for /lit/erary confessions:

- Dog-earing and cracking your book's spine is A-OK and shows the signs of a well-read book and/or person.
- Poetry translations are fine, a similar impact can be had if the translator understands the rhythm and melody of the piece he or she is translating.
- 1984 > Brave New World > We
- Buying bundles and bundles of books while your backlog is large enough as it is is great

>> No.9666552

I read almost exclusively the shortest edition of any book (sometimes i'll just read novellas) and then mark the longest edition of that book that I can find on Goodreads as currently reading so I eventually get a larger page count than other people.

I have, so far this year, read almost 200 "books" which are mainly just short stories, novellas and individual poems.

Get on my level

>> No.9666574

I shitpost YeCarthy memes in threads about him or Blood Meridian but in actual fact I haven't read one of his books yet.

>> No.9666599

book of the new sun was a genuine slog

>> No.9666603

>buttblasted corncobber falseflagging

try to be less obvious about it

>> No.9666613

Nice try, but I haven't read his stuff and I don't want to either.

>> No.9666624

go back to r/books mr. corncobber

yecarthy shills are truly subhuman

>> No.9666642

>Dog-earing and cracking your book's spine is A-OK and shows the signs of a well-read book and/or person.

I really don't understand this. Why would you deliberately handle an object in a careless way? Using any kind of bookmark, taking care of the spine and cover and only touching it with clean hands makes the book last a lot longer.

Or are you so insecure about what people think about you that you destroy a book just to show them that you read?

>> No.9666657

>Or are you so insecure about what people think about you that you destroy a book just to show them that you read?

it's reverse snobbery, it's just as cucked as buying books for display, arguably more so cause it involves an even more involved effort

>> No.9666699

I prefer short story collections to novels, and thus, most of my favorites are either short story collections, novellas, or poetry books.

I believe it's possible for non-literature to have literary merit, it's just extremely rare. I also unironically hate capeshit despite this sentiment.

Genre fiction stops being being genre shit the moment it actually has literally merit (per example, Harlan Ellison's stories. I'd go autismo over my work getting called sci-fi too).

Some of the greatest poetry ever is prose poetry, specially Les Chants De Maldoror.

I believe Pessoa to be the greatest literally genius of all time and think the only reason people here only seem to care about The Book Of Disquiet is because they can't be bothered to learn portuguese.

I think Wittgenstein is the most intelligent man who ever lived.

I believe reading philosophy should be about just stimulating thought.

After reading Infinite Jest and Looking For Alaska i got to the conclusion that John Green is literally just a more feminized version of DFW and therefore easier to market to the tumblr lads. Criticizing one while revering the other seems nonsensical to me.

>> No.9666700

Why do you guys dislike Cormac McCarthy so much? Blood Meridian and Suttree are gorgeous and genuinely deserve to be considered as American classics.

>> No.9666716

when i post a thread i want people to respond to and nobody is responding quick enough then i just end up making up different things to post and reply with as if i'm the OP and sometimes it'll be the most retarded shit just so i can bait somebody else to post in my thread even if it isn't on topic

oh i also spend about 16 hours a day on 4chan

>> No.9668046

Some people hate good prose and read only for plot

>> No.9668067

I had so many books i read and loved last year but this year i've had no luck. They've not been bad necessarily but i think i had such a wonderful streak last year that it's genuinely going to be tough to find books i'll enjoy more. Anyone know this feel?

>> No.9669497

I actually really liked Walter Kaufman's translation of Nietzsche's poems from the Gay science.

>> No.9669526

i dont even read novels. i come here just to shitpost.

>> No.9669529


>> No.9670171
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>Dog-earing is A-OK

if i saw you say this irl i would start hissing at you

>> No.9670178


Girl identified, show tits

>> No.9670197

I feel superior to dog ear and bookmark faggots because I can remember my page during and after every reading

>> No.9670219
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>Girl identified

the prettiest girl in all the land. stay away from me you icky creeper.

>> No.9670225

>Poetry translations are fine

as someone who reads poetry in multiple languages I can tell you that this simple isn't true

prose translations are not optimal but ok but poetry translations are cancer 100% of the time

>> No.9670238

I think reading for enjoyment is more important than reading for information.
I read fanfiction.
/lit/ is a shitpit, and 90% of people here are dumb assholes. /lit/ is the board without SOME sense of community. It's just 15 autists standing in a room screaming "I'm better than you!" at each other. I hate this place but I can't get away.

>> No.9670253

they envy him

>> No.9670393

bitch, you only wouldn't just see me say it, you'd see me doing it


>> No.9670395

i hate people like you. you ruin our board. if you want shitposting why don't you go visit [s4s]

>> No.9670396


>> No.9670427

I only listen to books while driving or sometimes at work when i am doing a mindless task which is not often. Or walking the dog.

Sitting down and reading is simply not an option due to time.

>> No.9670431

I'll read a collection of shorter works and click "read" on each individual one.

>> No.9670435

This is fair and understandable, anon. Why not confess something juicy like how you fucked a copy of Sense & Sensibility then returned it to the library

>> No.9670456

I steal books from bookshop franchises if the book is available in the public domain. (and if it fits inside my jacket)

>> No.9670569
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>> No.9670589


>> No.9670595

I only got half way through Crime and Punishment

>> No.9670597

I am better than you.

>> No.9670778


>> No.9670801

I only read audiobooks

>> No.9670861

i only read translations and avoid books written in my native language (english)

>> No.9671023

> complains about dog-earing
> thinks writing "notes" in a pristine book is OK

>> No.9671049

Why, anon? Was Dostoevsky's pacing a bit slow for you or weren't you so keen on his characters always conflicting internal monologues? I know people who struggle with Dostoevsky because of these things and I suppose if you're not in the right mood for it, it might seem off-putting or self-indulgent, but that's the stuff I'm always drawn to with Dostoevsky. A little surprised about your post, anon, please elaborate, my man.

>> No.9671053

> reading
> audiobooks

Pick one. These two are not compatible.

>> No.9671076

When I graduated with my degree in English literature I dabbed on stage.

>> No.9671081

Please stop it, poor Mr. McCarthy is too old to take shitposting. He deserves better.

>> No.9671095
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Despite the plebs and poor scoring system, I really like using GoodReads.

>> No.9671118

Say that to my face next time I'm in the book store, faggot. I bet you won't even dare, because fyi I DO LIFT. I lift so much, this is why I can read Les Miserables in one hand and I can read War & Peace in the other, motherfucker! I could crush you with one glance, faggot, and you'll still be begging to suckle my dick. For ten years I've been waiting for this moment, I work out my mind and body and I'm great at it. I can read multiple books at once in the bookstore if I want to, and I would be able to read the complete works of shakespeare without my arms getting tired. WANNA FUCKING TRY THIS SHIT? Didn't think so, kid. You're not worth it.... faggot. If you wanna get some, i'll fuckin wreck you the fuck out, I bet you only go to bookstores to pick up manga and card game booster packs like a little sissyboy. Go to the cafeteria in school after hours to play D&D or some shit, while I'm flexin, hot af, getting pussy, money and reading 2666 with relative ease. Pussy.

>> No.9671322

this bugs me big time my man

>> No.9671343

>- Dog-earing and cracking your book's spine is A-OK and shows the signs of a well-read book and/or person.
Dog earing is fucking stupid. Cracking the spine on purpose is also dumb, although having it happen naturally in the course of reading is fine.

Then again I annotate my books so I can't judge too hard. At least annotating serves a real fucking purpose though.

>> No.9671347

I read one novel per year

I'm not a literati by any means

>> No.9671360

I don't think anybody intentionally cracks the spine of their book, but you're right, sometimes it just happens naturally, especially if the book is a rather thick paperback (Penguin Classics are usually guilty of this from my experience).

If I make notes on the book I'm reading I usually use a notepad though. My autismo won't allow me to write in the book I'm reading.

>> No.9671426

>>I don't think anybody intentionally cracks the spine of their book,
There are people who definitely do, and it's always seemed to me like they're doing it to signal that they've read it or something.

>> No.9671443

>I believe Pessoa to be the greatest literally genius of all time and think the only reason people here only seem to care about The Book Of Disquiet is because they can't be bothered to learn portuguese.
Can you clarify, I don't understand what you mean by this

>> No.9671466


audible kek

>> No.9671629

i get it, man, it's so tempting to do it for mine but i think it's probably gotten old at this point

>> No.9671634

We know

>> No.9671641


>> No.9673194


>> No.9673204

Had you read any Gene Wolfe previous to New Sun? I think it's best to try his shorter works before diving into his magnum opus.

>> No.9673233

Is this a real pynchon quote?
For someone who wrote a large book where a giant octopus attacks people on a french beach or where a pie fight takes place in a hot air balloon chase while soldiers in one balloon sing rude limericks, you would expect that he couldnt get enough of anteaters.

>> No.9673239

>- Poetry translations are fine, a similar impact can be had if the translator understands the rhythm and melody of the piece he or she is translating.
How many languages do you speak that gives you the authority to make such a judgment?

>> No.9673275
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>- Dog-earing and cracking your book's spine is A-OK and shows the signs of a well-read book and/or person.
>he can't remember where he finished his last reading session

>> No.9673320

>Infinite Jest = Looking for Alaska but literally a more feminized version
this is bad, bro. PLEASE say something else to help justify this thought