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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 81 KB, 480x274, Hitler-scorns-Nietzsche.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9666029 No.9666029 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.9666034

Despite of what leftists think, Nietzsche would have adored him. He was convinced of his ideology and he stood by it till the moment he died.

>> No.9666039

He would have fallen for the bait like Heidegger did.

>> No.9666049

Hitler confirmed Übermensch

>> No.9666081

ITT: edgy teens who read Nietzsche once

obvious answer is he would have despised Hitler.
He despised Anti-Semites (even called them "Missgeburten", which is even for our modern times a quite heavy insult) and would've despised an ideology, which basically can only work with the "figure of the jew" as scapegoat/extern enemy to establish a group identity.
Furthermore he would've called Hitler-followers "slaves" just as christians because they don't think for themselves and just follow blindly what they are told.
Nietzsche was all about creating yourself and becoming "someone", while nazism was all about killing the individual and creating lapdogs to worship the Führer

>> No.9666208

Would you be able to have an organized society if everyone followed a Nietzche ideology though?

>> No.9666213

Nietzsche would have disliked him simply for being a German Nationalist. Nietzsche considered himself a Pole and loathed German Nationalists.

>> No.9666226
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>liked jews and hated their morals, the complete opposite of the germans (who loved the christian morals and hated jews)
>hated german nationalists liked nobody else
>implying nazi ideology isn't just an even more extreme form of slave morality
>"Despite of what leftists think"
lmao, fuck off Elisabeth

>> No.9666229

Of course you could. It would be a society of philosophers. Nobody said it would be a nation on the scale of others like the USA or France even, though.

>> No.9666234

You are wrong. The cuck ideologies you think were supported by Nietzsche were added later by leftist scholars.

>> No.9666241

I told you to fuck off, Elisabeth

>> No.9666252

You hate facts do you?

>> No.9666254 [DELETED] 
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>mfw redditfags are still pushing commie propaganda here

>> No.9666273

>le Reddit le commie le propagnda 4 U from le helicopter ftw? lool

Either discuss actual history and literature or fuck off. If you want to call every fact you disagree with as "propaganda" fuck off.


>> No.9666281

nigger i've actually read Nietzsche, the notion that he would have loved Hitler is fucking absurd, and the fact that you're holding it like that just shows how fucking desperate you are to have a cannon philosopher on your borderline illiterate side.

Just look at Nietzsche's thoughts about art, do you really fucking think he would have declared any art to be "entartete kunst", you fucking dolt?

Either the discuss the man's writings or the man himself but don't just come with complete and utter nonsense and claim that "DUDE BUT ALL OF THAT WAS FABRICATED BY THE LEFTISTS LMAO"

>> No.9666300

>i've actually read Nietzsche
Sure thing schlomo

>> No.9666304

>wanting to discuss things

>> No.9666312

Hitler lived a legendary life, of course Nietzsche would have loved him. You guys are overthinking this

>> No.9666517
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>D-d-despite what leftists think

>> No.9666557

>would of
Please tell me English is not your native language.

>> No.9666558

How about you go read Nietzsche's critique of Wagner and German nationalistic iconography and tell me where his support of proto Nazi ideology is anything but lashed out

You won't because you have no concrete beyond what skimming Wikipedia or philosophy bro will provide, just short replies as other anon read everything you pretend to and get published by both your perceived right and left dialogues.

The attempt to meme your insecurity of the Jews, the scapegoat of the ruling class, is constructed because you are lazy and self confirming, the exact same slave that Nietzsche horrors.

>> No.9666651

>people still think this up for debate

>> No.9666654

Fucking this.

>> No.9666707

No, and he knew this, which is why he despised Socrates, and Plato, for a society to function there has to be a certain level of subterfuge.

>> No.9666723

here, read this, plebs: https://web.archive.org/web/20141108100908/http://thompkins_cariou.tripod.com/id82.html

>> No.9666728

Not really
Hitler was resentful, Nietzsche as everyone else could had seen it. Plus, he was an untalented brainlet. Nietzsche would had hated him. Hitler was literally pleb bait
The only reason why Heidegger fell for the bait was because he hated capitalism more than anything. It was awful but it was worth the try. For how much time he stayed on the nazi party?

>> No.9666739

Disgusting spook

>> No.9666750

Keep telling you that, cuck.

>> No.9666823
File: 34 KB, 427x300, a bit closer to heaven.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literally no arguments other than ooga booga where da joos at and cuckposting
this nigger

>> No.9666829

>The only reason why Heidegger fell for the bait was because he hated capitalism more than anything.
We have no idea on WTF was going on in his mind and neither did he.
>It was awful but it was worth the try.
You write like a tankie.
>For how much time he stayed on the nazi party?
Long enough to never denounce the Holocaust.

Nietzsche's life was an ideological revolving door almost as much as your late teenager who gets his education from /lit/ or worse places, his only grounding were the romantics and neo-pagan fantasies, and no amount of anti-Christian faux philo-Semitism would have saved him from a screening of Riefenstahl's movie.

>> No.9666837

Furthermore Nietzsche loved Heine's work and Hitler burned his books regularly
Nietzsche would've been pissed yo

>> No.9666847

But I'm not surprised Hitler (mis)used Nietzsche for his aims I mean the guy made Wagner (who had been radical-left-wing activist) into a german national figure

>> No.9666852

you must be forgetting a Stalinesque shitload of biog, anon.
>down the memory chute it goes

>> No.9666854

Your post reeks of reddit. I suggest you leave.

>> No.9666860

And a phone poster? How much are you making as you lazily gloss threads that confirm and deny your beliefs? You could easily learn and strengthen your shit tier beliefs by reading and understanding history as a map, and yet you resign yourself to become the slave of the system regardless of your values.

Everyone knows the only value German culture attains is from Austrians. You grasp at idols as you become the mirror of what incessantly ruins your potential. White trash, uncle tom, papi; all your bindings.

Worthless Piefke

>> No.9666870

Explain how fascism isn't Nietzschean slave morality

>> No.9667283

Heidegger's interest in Nazism was at least for two reasons: the rise of NatSoc was the most obvious chance for all-out reorganization of society (which fits in with Heidegger's obsession with creating another "Beginning") and the NSDAP of the early 30s was much more focused on the more rustic and bucolic aspects of the Volkisch spirit (as opposed to the technology-oriented imagery completely took over with the advent of war). I don't think that Heidegger should be excused, but I think it's unfair to lump him in with the Holocaust supporters and the warmongers when the party he supported promised a different path. The fact that he left the party before the war shows his divergence from its worst atrocities before they were common knowledge; ultimately his disappointment with Nazism is that it was not radical enough and just appropriated the Gestell into its war machine. If you're curious to see Heidegger's ideal society, look at the reforms he made to Freidburg as rector: a focus on students working to improve the surrounding community, enforcing standards of discipline to allow personal growth, a connection with nature. But after the party turned a cold shoulder to his philosophy and went with a race-based state philosophy, Heidegger knew there was no hope for a Nazi society to make any reforms to combat nihilism.

>> No.9667615

He would have disliked him intensively and iirc actually sort of prophesied that a figure like him would come about, but despite this, I still think it's a huge cop out to call Nietzsche "anti-political" and leave it at that. He opposed anti-semitism (although his own views would likely be considered by modern standards) and would have detested the volkish elements of Nazism, which he would have seen as quasi-socialist, but there are distinct proto-fascist elements in his writings, and in Hitler and the Nazis, despite the disagreements, you can see the shadow of Nietzsche. It's too simplistic to say they misinterpreted him. I don't see how anyone can read On the Greek State, for example, and be in denial over this aspect of Nietzsche. Nietzsche even at one point talks about Nationalism and ideas of race as a step in the right direction, as an antidote to modernity and egalitarian softheadedness, although he does this in a semi-ironic way, and one can glean based on previous comments that he is talking about this as a trend away from things as they are, as an insufficient but necessary step towards what he wants.

There's even a quasi-racialist element to a lot of Nietzsche's writings that people try to explain away. He explicitly talks about Aryan and pre-Aryan populations and suggests that the growth of the latter and the decline of the former might be responsible for the rise of egalitarian ideas in Europe at the time, a sort of instinctive draw to the primitive commune. He even describes Negros as representatives of prehistoric man. Unlike the Nazis, though, he wasn't a Nordicist and doesn't talk much about racial preservationism. He doesn't say much about miscegenation, though he does sort of suggest that the mixing of races was creating beings at war with themselves, and that this was partially responsible for the social disorder of the times (although he uses the term "race" in an unorthodox, semi-ironic way that includes class mixture, the implicaton being that different classes were as different as different races). He seemed to at least be pro-European mixing and favored the unification of Europe, though imo it sounds a bit anachronistic to call him a "European Nationalist" as some of his fascist readers sometimes do. This is, after all, a man who thought Moorish conquest of Spain was a good thing. Then again, Hitler did, too. Although Hitler definitely wouldn't have suggested that the German Officer class take up Jewish wives.

>> No.9667621


Overall, you can't really glean what Nietzsche's views on contemporary racial and political questions would have been, as both fascists and anti-fascists would like to do. He was writing in a very different with very different problems. Europe, for one thing, was relatively racially homogenous. They weren't being flooded with the global poor, including large numbers of "representatives of prehistoric man". I highly doubt he would have supported mass third world immigration, which I consider to be a kind of modern insanity that pretty much everyone who opposed the Axis powers, including the Soviet Union, would have also opposed, but at the same time, I can't see him favoring Nationalism or racialism in the traditional sense.

tl;dr, Nietzsche is Nietzsche, but a lot of leftists are in denial over some aspects of his thought.

>> No.9667632

Try the redpill and realize your wrong and /pol/ is right. Nietzsche was pro-white nationalism and national socialism

>> No.9667679

>I think it's unfair to lump him in with the Holocaust supporters and the warmongers
go read his black notebooks already, he takes weltjudentum straight out of the protocols of the elders of zion, and generally makes /pol/ look like moderates

fuck outta here

>> No.9667697



>> No.9667706

>hasn't read Nietzsche's notebooks where he emphatically expressed sympathy for and support of Hitler and Nazism

What's it like being brainwashed by liberalism?

>> No.9667720

right on. Nietsczhe and Wagner both knew Hitler personally, and they both wrote music and propaganda essays for the Nazis.

>> No.9667812

You haven't even consumed red pill you innocuous Piefke

The Volkreich is the same degenerate spirit you like to call dindu, Germans couldn't even produce their supposed champion, Hitler. Read and liberate yourself from the masters who throttle you towards your own poverty and genocide.

Get the fuck off a board about literature if you can't write. I'll be fucking Aryan women and spitting on Saxon tribalism while you feel uncomfortable about your breast size.

>> No.9668088
File: 56 KB, 645x773, 1493424401504.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wagner died 1883
>Nietzsche died 1990
>Hitler born 1889
hahahahahah nice b8 m8
at least I hope it's a bait otherwise you are fucking retarded

>> No.9669084

Martie just wanted a job

>> No.9669184

doesn't excuse the way he treated Hussel, though

>> No.9669232

He would have disliked Hitler and his goals but not his militant spirit. If you think otherwise, then you've been lead on by the Jewish propaganda trying to claim that anything militant in Nietzsche's works is fraud. We have letters of him finding marching soldiers at dawn and thunderstorms beautiful and inspiring. His Dionysian dithyrambs sing about the joy of being cruel to those you give to because of the great distance giving creates between you and those who receive. He speaks about wielding the hammer much later in his work, and says that future philosophers will be even harsher. It's clear what type of spirit he had in mind for the Overman.

>> No.9669330

When will this Elizabeth meme end?

We all know that Nietzsche worshiped heroic figures like Napoleon. He would have adored Hitler.

>> No.9669338

>Nietsczhe worshiped Napoleon

you're thinking of Hegel

>> No.9669403

>an ideology, which basically can only work with the "figure of the jew" as scapegoat/extern enemy to establish a group identity.
this identity exists seperately from the jew and from it comes the recognition of them as a threat. they wouldn't wanted to rid of the jews if their political identity codepended on them. it's because they were independed that they united and fought against various seperate threats

>> No.9669432

Because it's pretty much the exact opposite?

>a lot of leftists are in denial over some aspects of his thought.
Indeed, but I think the reason why Nietzsche was initially seized by the jewish left was because he was valuable in undermining Christianity, which jews were desperate to disconnect people in the west from. (And I say this as a non-Christian btw.)

>> No.9669439

>/pol/ hasn't read either
kekekeke, they're literally following opposing philosophies because they thought the bobblehead dolls look nice together like a laurel and hardy pair with more moustaches.

>> No.9669524

He would have disagreed with a lot of National Socialist policies but he would have loved Hitler for sure, it's hard not to when you know his background.

>> No.9669633

There's is no point in discussing this, we would just put words in Nietzsche's mouth.
Just interpret the man the say you want, but we can't know for sure what he thought of Hitler and this isn't even a close question. Even if he hated the slave morality, Hitler sure made himself after WWI and was "above" the average guy in some regards, he might have hated Nazis, but I'm not so sure about Hitler himself (or at least to the point where everything turned to shit). So there are arguments for both sides.

Just don't try to answer for Nietzsche.

>> No.9669744
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>would of

>> No.9669748

It was really his sister who was a proto-Nazi. He had nothing really to do with it.

>> No.9669750

>He thinks you need an organized society
I'm lmaoing at your life spooky anon

>> No.9669821

>On the Greek State
>I cannot help seeing in the prevailing international movements of the present day, and the simultaneous promulgation of universal suffrage, the effects of the fear of war above everything else, yea I behold behind these movements, those truly international homeless money-hermits, as the really alarmed, who, with their natural lack of the State-instinct, have learnt to abuse politics as a means of the Exchange, and State and Society as an apparatus for their own enrichment. Against the deviation of the State tendency into a money-tendency, to be feared from this side, the only remedy is war and once again war, in the emotions of which this at least becomes obvious, that the State is not founded upon the fear of the war-demon, as a protective institution for egoistic individuals, but in love to fatherland and prince, it produces an ethical impulse, indicative of a much higher destiny. If I therefore designate as a dangerous and characteristic sign of the present political situation the application of revolutionary thought in the service of a selfish State-less money-aristocracy, if at the same time I conceive of the enormous dissemination of liberal optimism as the result of modern financial affairs fallen into strange hands, and if I imagine all evils of social conditions together with the necessary decay of the arts to have either germinated from that root or grown together with it, one will have to pardon my occasionally chanting a Paean on war. Horribly clangs its silvery bow; and although it comes along like the night, war is nevertheless Apollo, the true divinity for consecrating and purifying the State.

Holy shit. It's like an excerpt from Mein Kampf.

>> No.9669832

No, I'm thinking of the Genealogy of Morals.

>Judaea proved yet once more victorious over the classical ideal in the French Revolution, and in a sense which was even more crucial and even more profound: the last political aristocracy that existed in Europe, that of the French seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, broke into pieces beneath the instincts of a resentful populace—never had the world heard a greater jubilation, a more uproarious enthusiasm: indeed, there took place in the midst of it the most monstrous and unexpected phenomenon; the ancient ideal itself swept before the eyes and conscience of humanity with all its life and with unheard-of splendour, and in opposition to resentment's lying war-cry of the perogative of the most, in opposition to the will to lowliness, abasement, and equalisation, the will to a retrogression and twilight of humanity, there rang out once again, stronger, simpler, more penetrating than ever, the terrible and enchanting counter-war-cry of the prerogative of the few! Like a final sign-post to other ways, there appeared Napoleon, the most unique and violent anachronism that ever existed, and in him the incarnate problem of the aristocratic ideal in itself—consider well what a problem it is:—Napoleon, that synthesis of Monster and Superman.

>> No.9669854


what is this ghastly translation

>> No.9669960

What a mass of obvious shit and easy cliches. Always annoying to see that even a moron like yourself can find someone to outdebate

>> No.9670013


>> No.9670482

didn't neetchee say in BGE some shit about how antisemites should be deported and that jews are a more legitimate race than germans that should be assimilated into euro nobility

>> No.9670564

>He despised Anti-Semites (even called them "Missgeburten", which is even for our modern times a quite heavy insult) and would've despised an ideology, which basically can only work with the "figure of the jew" as scapegoat/extern enemy to establish a group identity.

Why do Jews always think they're the centre of the universe?

They were among other degenerates that got culled. They were more of a nuisance than the central focus of national socialism. Sure, Nietzsche loved some Jews, but probably not to the degree that it would be a dealbreaker to do away with them as a sacrifice to greatness.

>Furthermore he would've called Hitler-followers "slaves" just as christians because they don't think for themselves and just follow blindly what they are told.
>Nietzsche was all about creating yourself and becoming "someone", while nazism was all about killing the individual and creating lapdogs to worship the Führer
Nietzsche wasn't some kind of egalitarian liberal. His notion of self-creation was never directed at the masses. He might have considered the low level national socialists or even the German people useful idiots, while still being able to admire Hitler. Nietzsche admired people like Napoleon, this isn't to be dismissed because Napoleons followers were followers.

Nietzsche didn't require every shoe shiner to be the Übermensch. He considered himself to write for a tiny amount of people.

>> No.9670573


>> No.9670590

That's not even an excuse

>> No.9670609

if neetch could become anti-wagner he could easily be anti-hitler. hitler embraced christianity after all and nazis were always running around trying to reassure people that they were good christians.

>> No.9670928

>what would our guy nietchze of thought of our other guy
>of thought
>on a literature board

literally kys yourself

>> No.9670949

Hitler was an Übermensch.

>> No.9670955

You don't know much about Hitler or the Nazis, huh.

>> No.9671078
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>hitler embraced christianity after all and nazis were always running around trying to reassure people that they were good christians
He did the exact opposite. He supported and funded Nordicist paganism, and undermined the various churches the second it became politically expedient for him to do so.

His taste for Wagner would seem like a sign for concern for Nitezsche, I think. Hitler was a dumpy, unathletic, kind of sickly and neurotic person, nowhere near as well-rounded and healthy as, say, Mussolini. His musical tastes were a part of that.

He was morbid and passionate; actually, he has far more in common with Jesus than Napoleon, in that his power came from his passion and creating fervor in a crowd. The difference is that his passion was based on a a desire for revenge of the bloodiest and most brutal kind possible, while Jesus (as Nietzsche saw him) craved love.

Nietzsche sometimes talked about sickness as a stimulus to health. I think that's what may have been going on with Hitler, what may have taken him from morbidity to aggression.

There's even a temperamental likeness between Nietzsche and Hitler. Nietzsche was more intelligent, less angry, and incomparably broader minded, but he was also a sickly lamb who wanted to be a lion.

>> No.9671244

>while nazism was all about killing the individual
you mean socialism

>> No.9671383

At worse they would have a superficial friendship. Hitler is the only man who put Nietzsche's philosophy into practice. But I do see some points of contention; particularly with Jews.

>Furthermore he would've called Hitler-followers "slaves" just as christians because they don't think for themselves and just follow blindly what they are told.
>Nietzsche was all about creating yourself and becoming "someone", while nazism was all about killing the individual and creating lapdogs to worship the Führer

I don't blame you for having such a typical view of National Socialist Germany, but you're gravely misinformed.

"Individuality is irreplaceable, particularly if that individual possesses the vital cultural and creative elements and not the purely mechanical elements where a man goes the the motions as if he were a puppet"

>> No.9671965
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>> No.9672006

>liked jews and hated their morals, the complete opposite of the germans (who loved the christian morals and hated jews)
Judaism and christianity does not share the same morals at all, vargfag.

>> No.9672791
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>not socialism