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9664439 No.9664439 [Reply] [Original]

Why does /lit/ love post-modernism so much?

>> No.9664450

Shifts the interest away from literature itself to its use as an instrument for transforming the political and economic systems is very useful to people who are actually too lazy to read books.

>> No.9664455

>muh post-modernism
It doesn't and there's been countless threads on this. Search the archives or leave /lit/ please

>> No.9664463
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>imblying that's all postmodernism is

>> No.9664476

we don't now we've been populated by /pol/ tourists

>> No.9664485

Don't even try to pretend otherwise.

>> No.9664489

Yeah it sucks that the people that come here now hate all the academic experts on literature.

>> No.9664497

That's more just critical theory in genwral. Which overlaps a bit with postmodernism but they aren't the same tging

>> No.9664511

Can someone please explain to me what Peterson followers understand "post-modernism" to be? The term has been around forever and these people are just learning about it. Is it just muh moral relativism and fatties with pink hair to them or what

>> No.9664519

I think we like post modern literature more than the philosophy. And that's largely because post modern literature speaks to the social conditions in which we live our daily lives now as opposed to say Victorian literature.

>> No.9664525

"Those SJWs who reject biology and science"

>> No.9664528

Because Pynchon is nice

>> No.9664529

And Logos

>> No.9664543

Don't give the blind followers too much credit and think they know what that is. Most have only watched this video and like him because he BTFO those SJWs, and maybe the Joe Rogan podcasts.

>> No.9664569

>a bit
dishonest post

>> No.9664575

What is Post Modernism?

>> No.9664589

It just makes sense

>> No.9664624

JBP focuses specifically on the philosophy of post-modernism. And because it's such a hard to define term, it also leaks over onto a discussion of critical theory and post-structuralism.
I suppose they see it as a philosophy that tries to undo our culture and our civilization. Rather, it tries to do this to all cultures/civilizations. They see this as inherently dangerous for a few reasons. Primarily, because once you remove it, it becomes a breeding ground for a quick replacement. Specifically JBP fears a fascist or marxist ideology taking power. However he says it could really be anything.

They look at how this culminates in various ways, such as the SJW movement and also political movements.
Interestingly, after watching a mountain of his videos, I can't determine what his political views exactly are. He's some form of libertarian that's against nationalism and doesn't really care about the economy.

>> No.9664703

because of their intellectual deficiency in science, phil of mind, and linguistics :p

>> No.9664761

>The Marx worship prevalent amongst postmodern philosophers has enraged the right for one--albeit a bit too late to be pissed off about that in 2017.

>social constructionalism is a very difficult concept to deem worthy of respect because it institutes radical change to society and its morals. To pomo critics, it negates thousands of years of collective unconscious examination, creating only chaos. Collective (un)conscious examination is what we predominantly used before written language to understand the world around us. For instance, it is often asserted in the post-free love era that monogamy is inhuman. Biologically, monogamy worked well toward the evolution of our species because we tended to dwell in small, isolated communities (even the nomadic tribes were isolated in a sense) and a man who carelessly spread his seed risked having his children copulate without knowing they are related. A few generations down the line, the family tree goes full Deliverance. An about face to morality care have dire and unforeseen consequences on society.

>pastiche, isn't original.

>critique of technology is always misconstrued as backward and even amish, yes its a hypocrisy.

>Peterson is justified in his critique. If you like Derrida, you should welcome deconstruction of all philosophy. Even postmodernism

>> No.9664767

Because they are /lit/bro assholes

>> No.9664778

Because it's anti-ideological just like good literature.

>> No.9664789

Is it true what I've heard about Peterson being a jew?

>> No.9664793


No such thing.

>> No.9664801

postmodernism is decidedly not Marxist though, and Derrida already deconstructed deconstruction. I don't see what you're getting at.

>> No.9664819

anti-ideological is def possible, non-ideological is not

>> No.9664872

It is the association between Foucault, Sartre, Derrida, and Baudrillard (even though Baudrillard shifted away from marxism) with communists that discredits them in the eyes of the right. I was only trying to defend Peterson from a lot of misunderstood hate despite the fact that I disagree with him.

> https://www.cia.gov/library/readingroom/docs/CIA-RDP86S00588R000300380001-5.PDF

Cool link about the CIA's interest in the shift away from marxism by pomo philosophers. Helps smash the notion that it all is marxist propaganda

>> No.9664877

What's "modernism"?

>> No.9664898

Post-Modernism is not critical theory you morons. Did your Jordan Peterson god not tell you that?
Post-modernism in literature is interested in form as a part of narrative, on features like fragmentation and on self-awareness within the text, similar to Don Quixote.
I'm begging you, read the Crying of Lot 49, read William Gaddis, read The Tunnel.
Then, when you have become a man, return to this as an alien to what you were before.

>> No.9664899

before post-modernism

>> No.9664904

I really get a kick out of these threads, reading the opinions of so many semi-well-read kids who think they understand postmodern philosophy and are so quick to echo what they've read about it, without realizing that they're missing the plot entirely because they don't understand how jews think. Since they don't understand this fundamental element, or why it has led to jews having promoted postmodern philosophy so heavily and shaped a narrative around it as something real, they just go round and round in circles like a mouse trapped in a maze.

I used to be same way -- running around in that maze, thinking these ideas had meaning and value, not yet understanding how the jewish mind worked -- and that's why it's so funny. You're being taken for a ride into the twisting anti-philosophy of the warped jewish mind, and you can't see it for what it is, because don't understand the mind of the people who developed it.

Keep thinking it's avant-garde and deep and real, and all these things you've been told it is, but really is not; keep thinking you're unlocking the door to some important intellectual reality; keep running around that maze you poor, lost souls.

>> No.9664915

It is absolutely critical theory. Pomo literature just ran with the ideas halfassedly. Don Delillo's White Noise employed a lot of the philosophy for story development.

>> No.9664918

i agreed with you until i read "jew"

>> No.9664922

Modernism is trying to work out what to do after the Enlightenment by trying to decomparmentalise art (fiction) and everyday life. Postmodernism is realising everyday life is already fictionalised and not in the emancipatory modernist way.

>> No.9664935

jesus christ, please never post again.

Oh boy, another episode of "I can't distinguish between pomo lit and pomo philosophy"! I love this show.
Thank God that the producers make several episodes in every fucking thread.

>> No.9664941
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it always amazes me how much of life is controlled by the chosen people

>> No.9664944

Mmm, yes. I do certainly understand. This is the intellectual wall you cannot pass over, out of fear or conditioning, that holds you back from seeing the truth. Good luck getting beyond that wall, dear fellow. It's not easy, I know.

>> No.9664957

Hello again.

>> No.9664971

View from the Tel Aviv bunker this morning?

>> No.9664999

One thing I've never understood about post-modernists is that if they think that beliefs are socially constructed by the dominant group, and that the underlying power dynamics between dominant and dominated groups are what really matter, then why do SJWs appeal to the socially constructed morality of the dominant group in order to undermine it? They appeal to enlightenment notions of equality under the law, and Western empiricism (muh implicit bias test!) in order to critique the culture whose tools allow them to critique it. It's like they themselves don't mind being worse off as long as Western culture falls with them.

>> No.9665010

Holy shit Jordan Peterson joined in!

>> No.9665015


You know nothing.

>> No.9665018

that guy thinks Marxism is postmodernism, he's a fucking pleb

>> No.9665023


Fucking illiterate dipshit.

>> No.9665033


did it ever occur to you that your overlords might have an interest in you spreading news of their domination here

>> No.9665037

There are many similarities to be drawn since they spawn from the same mind and are intended to accomplish the same goal.

>> No.9665044

My overlords? Care to elaborate, friend?

>> No.9665050


we both know who is paying your bills

>> No.9665057

A number of things:
Social justice existed in the US before the continentals were translated and published in English
SJWs are consumerists having been raised during the heyday of third way leftism
Postmodernism (continental) isn't as edgy as it once was, kind of fashionable instead

But you're right that the SJW position can be undermined by postmodernism, so its still relevant in a way just mischaracterised

>> No.9665061
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>Post-modernism spawned from Marx
>Post-modernism and Marxism intend to accomplish the same goal
sounds like you think Marxism is post-modernism

>> No.9665067

I mean, I know who is; but I'm still in your theory. *Drumroll* . . . So, wise one?

>> No.9665078


the idea is that the enlightenment as the actualization of idealist reason as the means to human emancipation has demonstrably not panned out for most of humanity

>> No.9665080

You're thinking too individualistically. Think bigger ... think (*hint*) collectively.

Second try, amigo?

>> No.9665084
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No, watch his videos. He asserts that the big postmodern philosophers are marxist and sublimate their ideas by changing their ideology from socioeconomic status as a mode of power to things like language, gender, ect. They try to "investigate" history to dig of snippets of fact to fit their theses, like Karl. They assert that we do not live in reality, but a projected reality, promoting hypernormalisation. It is all the product of KGB subversion. Sartre supported Mao, took pics with Castro. I mean fuck.

>> No.9665088


Eat circumcised dick, goy.

>> No.9665092


>> No.9665096

Sartre is not quite a postmodernist.

>> No.9665098
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Oh, Jewposting. How fun.

The french legendarily didn't know what Mao was doing.
Castro also wasn't that bad, at least if you compare him to his other communist heads.

>> No.9665103


>Postmodernism and critical theory refer to different things.
>No because DeLillo name drops Kierkegaard and features supermarkets prominently

>> No.9665105

*ding ding ding*

Ladies and gentlemen, from the stolen sands of Israel, we bring you, the one and only ... depraved and polluted mind of the chosen.

>> No.9665117

Except for the fact that a higher percentage of the world's population now liver freer, more materially prosperous lives than ever in human history.

>> No.9665119

Sorry, you were too late.

>> No.9665124

it happens

>> No.9665128


>commodities measure freedom

seems ideological

>> No.9665136

11% is a higher percentage than 10%. Please be more specific.

>> No.9665137

I think it's the fact that it's modern and most people (even very intellectual people) find it easier to read and relate to more modern works (as long as they're quality enough) than older works. Newer works are more enticing.

>> No.9665138

>The french legendarily didn't know what Mao was doing.
Is that really true? I knew there were a number of famous Frenchmen who sympathized with him, but were they really u aware of what was going on?

>> No.9665144

If you gave me $20 trillion in unbacked credit I'd build you one nicer ... and it wouldn't involve the enslavement of your children.

>> No.9665157

Many commodities are labor-saving. Washing machines and vacuum cleaners actually played a role in the emancipation of women: they made domesticity a part-time job

>> No.9665166

A great scene from a great movie illustrates this pretty well

>> No.9665177

Yeah when there's a thread about post-modernism on a LITERATURE board people might be liable to discuss postmodernist LITERATURE, funny that.

>> No.9665179

sometimes i can't tell if these rightwing clown kids are for real or being ironic to bring us some yuks at the alt-right's expense

>> No.9665181

Because it's free. It's everything and more. It's infinite. It's high and it's low. It's wild and it's tame. It's demands nothing of you and in return you get it all.

>> No.9665193

Also, White Noise critiques lots of aspects of the modern world (consumerism, disintegration of the family) which anti-postmodernists attribute to postmodern philosophy, so not really seeing how its the same as the thing it condemns.

>> No.9665199

That's what they said about PCP, now I have to see a shrink regularly

>> No.9665201

You got PCP for free?

>> No.9665204

Now this one's a kool-aid guzzler. That soma of fiction, delicious soma...

>> No.9665209

i always wanted to try pcp because i fucking love lsd but i'm worried ill chop my dick off and jump out a window or some shit like that guy from wutang did on pcp and that gives me pause

>> No.9665220

>like that guy from wutang did
Which one was that?

>> No.9665228

i can't remember he was some minor affiliate who put out a forgettable album around the turn of the century, which is to say past the wu's peak, then when he chopped it off i think rza put out a statement saying he wasn't down with wu anymore or something, u don't remember that shit?

>> No.9665229

How do you account for Peterson's own misunderstandings? He seems to conflate these things too, which is one of the reasons I find it hard to take him seriously whenever he tries to talk about postmodernism.

Also, most of the people you mentioned there either rejected Marxism at some point in their career or made it clear at some point that they were not Marxists themselves, even if they sometimes criticized Marxism.

>> No.9665239

But Marxist criticism within the Soviet Union looked nothing like what Western Marxist philosophers of the 20th century were doing, and post-modern philosophy is largely post or anti-Marxist.

>> No.9665249

what is that term for academics who try to use their academic background to make uneducated statements about other areas? "domain something", domain jumping? domain extension? can't remember, but i saw someone on y-combinator put steven hawking on blast for talking a bunch of paranoid shit about artificial intelligence, it's like hawking may be the man when it comes to finding black holes or proposing equations about dark matter or some shit, but what the fuck makes him more qualified than any other shitposter to publish opinions on ai? peterson is the same, you're not a literature professor nor a sociologist, so kindly fuck off with your weird trash opinions

>> No.9665252

I do not, but probably because it wasn't one of the main people and because I stopped listening to nigger music when I got racially aware and realized who was feeding it to me to make me dumb.


For the curious; that's as far as I go.

>> No.9665263

>you're not a literature professor nor a sociologist, so kindly fuck off with your weird trash opinions

You mean Peterson, right?

>> No.9665279

sadly i still enjoy the nigly music even though i too am aware and should know better, in fact the book that "redpilled" me on hip-hop is a book called The Big Payback, that is about the history of the hip-hop industry, it's written in really simple language so nigs and kids can read it, but it shows who the big promoters were that made it into a big phenomenon and how they basically used hip-hop culture to monetize and glorify crime and degeneracy, many of them had degrees, even from elite places like nyu, meanwhile rapping about dropping out high school and committing crime, they totally betrayed a generation of people, the worst part is it damages the black community most of all, but plenty of whites fell for the meme too, terrible terrible stuff, but when prodigy died yesterday i still had to bump mobb deep for a couple hours u feel me

>> No.9665283

Nice reading comprehension you've got there.
I have no issue with people discussing pomo lit. I have an issue with people who can't distinguish between the two and assume that they're the same entity

>> No.9665284

yes, i realized the "you" was unclear after i posted

>> No.9665292

When dealing with power in Western society, you eventually have to grapple with capitalism, and that makes Marxism relevant again.

>> No.9665308

money's not that powerful look at how much money the democrats spent on that race in georgia only to get smoked lol the nytimes swore they were going to win only to get btfo, it was like a flashback of trump's win, the democrats still don't get it, you can't call people racist white trash and then play a billion dollars worth of ads on tv and think that's going to make them vote for you

>> No.9665313

For the most part; /lit/ loves writers of the postmodern era (and writers influenced by PoMo fiction) but hates postmodern theorists

It's weird

>> No.9665318

If you haven't accepted that
Jameson has the best analysis of PoMo you're doing it wrong

>> No.9665330

Nice digits

Do you actually think SJWs understand the postmodernists ?

>> No.9665506

SJW only read huffington post, blogs, and tweets.

>> No.9665520

Can't say I feel you. And can't tell if you're a non-white, either, but I'll say my peace anyway, and if you were under the impression that no one could possibly tie postmodernism to rap music, prepare to be amazed.

Rap is terrible in a number of ways, but it, like so many other culturally harmful ventures, is a product of jewish machinations. The jew promotes social disorder in his host society and uses lower tier people (proles, women, blacks, gays, etc.) to to accomplish this goal; the idea being to marginalize or take power away from the elite males who were historically in charge of maintaining that society's order and values, and promote these other people ahead of him, which in return empowers the jew.

Rap is pretty minor compared to the other socially destructive activities the jew engages in when he's given free reign, like pornography, but it still has bad results, like teaching 15 year old white boys to worship low IQ blacks, who they are told are the epitome of masculine and cool.

Postmodernism is the philosophical equivalent of rap. "But anon," you say, "that's ridiculous." Well maybe a little, but not too much. Because postmodernism (and Marxism for those who don't realize these are both jewish machinations) is fundamentally interested in achieving the same goal: social disorder, atomization, and spiritual destruction. The jew isn't interested in bettering his host society, he views himself as an outsider who is one of the chosen people and who is better than you (the cattle, or "goyim"), and therefore wants to break your culture down, make idols out of non whites, and ultimately wreck your nation.

It's hard for Europeans to imagine that a group of people could be this insane and hateful, but that's the reality we're dealing with. When a culture comes under as much control from jews as the west currently is, things start getting real bad, which is why we're reaching peak levels of degeneracy and dealing with an invasion. But it's also why the jew must keep moving; he can't help himself from engaging in this behavior and either he starts trying to kill his rivals off (as in Russia) or everyone finally bands together and runs him off (Egypt - present).

>> No.9665529
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prime time ideology

>> No.9665535
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>> No.9665536

Ear to the streets, dawg.

>> No.9665573

Personally, I'm indiferent about post-modernists. They have some good stuff and some really crappy things.
I do hate and get triggered by modernists/positivists, tho.

>> No.9665616

Based Muslim

>> No.9665626

Nationalism is a Jewish invention Admiral Numbnuts.

>> No.9665652

Muslims, as in arabs, are desert semites and closely related to jews, which is why they share the same penchant for destination. Little difference between arabs destroying old Roman monuments and bolshevik jews destroying churches in Russia. Or, for that matter, even though America is at the beginning of its destructive jewish cycle, jews trying to have confederate monuments taken down. The desire to tear down and destroy another's history is a very semitic quality.

>> No.9665663

Romans destroyed their own monuments for building materials. Protestants destroyed monuments. Colonialist whites were adamant on destroying cultures. Literally what are you talking about?

>> No.9665665
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You don't need to know anything to be an intellectual thanks to post modernism, it's super fucking convenient.

>> No.9665667

Um, no. Nationalism is the enemy of the jew, because nationalism is representative of a people's unity, and if a people are unified and strong, they will be less susceptible to jewing. Your claim is also unaligned with the fact that jews promote international systems for the sole purpose of taking power away from national systems (Soviet Union, Kalergi EU project, international banking system -- IMF, World Bank, etc.). So nationalism is the only thing that can defeat the jew, you got it backwards, friend.

>> No.9665674

I was referring to more recent events: the arabs who have been blowing up ancient sites in the middle east.

>> No.9665680

Nationalism was promoted to undermine the power of the church and nobility so the (((middle class))) could take power and mobilize an entire 'united people' to work in their factories for 16 hours a day. There is no strength in nationalism because the strong use nationalism to keep their machinations hidden.

>> No.9665683
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>I do hate and get triggered by modernists/positivists,
le real real things aren't really real face

>> No.9665687

the first "international system" was the roman empire which the jews (nation of israel) fought first militarily and then finally destroyed with ideology (christianity)

>> No.9665694

Reality is an ideology projected onto existence. It does not exist as a concrete entity. Only rationalists believe in that sort of garbage.

>> No.9665703

It's absurd for a fish to distinguish between water and what's real.

>> No.9665704

Not sure I buy this explanation, but I'd be open to hearing about it from the jew-aware, which I assume you are. The problem I foresee, however, is the usual Christian blind spot derived from the fact that Christians were always pawns of the jews because Christianity itself was yet another jewish machination. It's not European, and was in fact imposed on Europeans by Charlemagne, who's court was unsurprisingly stocked with jews.

I strongly disagree about nationalism though; the problem here is people (jews) and nationalism is the most logical way to deal with that problem in the short term, and it's already working.

>> No.9665712

This was directed at me, but I agree with your statement.

>> No.9665713

>le 'absurdity is bad' meme
Damned systematizers

>> No.9665714

the only problem is if charlemagne hadn't promoted christianity there wouldn't have been a unifying ideology to resist islam and then europe would really be fucked

>> No.9665720
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No-one said that absurdity is bad, only that it is absurd.
>real things aren't real
>the absurd isn't

>> No.9665722

m-m-m-m-m-muh trve evropean religion! muh logic! we wuz vikangs n shieet!

>> No.9665724

the thing i don't get though is why people throw foucault in with all the frankfurt school jewish crap...he was a catholic who applied nietzsche's genealogical method to sexuality undermining gay identity by showing that the whole idea of "being gay" is something made up by jewish? science, and not part of the western tradition

>> No.9665727

>the absurd
Go back to France

>> No.9665729

It's probably debatable whether a unified system was necessary to defeat Islam (though I'm not completely sure of the time frame you're referring to). Arabs are pretty retarded, and extremely inbred like jews, who are always the main problem. But I try not to counter-signal Christianity too hard. As long as you're jew aware, believe whatever you want.

Jews were responsible for letting the muslims into Spain and I've read a lot of information about jews encouraging ottoman invasions and stuff like that. And they're doing the same thing in Europe now. It's just what they do when they are given any power, they open the gates for their arab cousins

>> No.9665733

I'm sorry?

You must be jewish.

>> No.9665737

anyone got any book recommendations on postmodernism? would like to expand my understanding of it beyond it being a buzzword

>> No.9665738

true, also since muhammed basically copied christianity he might not have come up with the idea to make a universalized version of judaism had he not heard of christianity spreading through europe during his merchant activities in the levant

>> No.9665739

*unsheathes ax*

>> No.9665741

get one of those "very short introduction to" books on post-modernism, they're short, obviously, but fairly rigorous and obviously aimed to be aids to college and university level classes

>> No.9665742

Did Foucault really say homosexuality was jewish science? Jews are actually something like 7 times more likely to be gay. They're X times more likely to be a lot of things, though, due to the many genetic diseases and mental disorders they suffer from as a result of inbreeding.

Foucault was a good postmodern goy. But he was one sick dude.

>> No.9665744

McHale's book on postmodern literature is good ... but I strangely never see it mentioned on here.

>> No.9665747

no, he actually said it was the result of victorian science but redpill types probably consider that shit jewish idk

>> No.9665756

This guy has also written a lot on the evidence of Islam being yet another jewish machination to create a death cult:


And it's actually very plausible, if not likely. Jews are mythmakers, they always invent ideologies to control people. You can go down the line, from Christianity to I guess Islam, to communism, to liberal egalitarianism. And there's always an abstract equality motif. When you study the jew in depth, you start to recognize the pattern of their behavior.

>> No.9665770

Jews have had a lot of influence for a long time. No one's necessarily saying this or that is 100% planned out by jews from the start, just that they know how to push the things that are good for jews and bad for goyim. I haven't read much about jews in Victorian England, but let's just say I wouldn't be surprised if they promoted to chaste to reduce gentile birthrates, because they pushed for a similar thing in post 60s America and got the result they wanted. And it certainly benefitted jews for the most able young men to leave and become explorers, etc. There's always nuance in these things. Have to know what to look for. The jewish motto is, "is it good for the jews."

>> No.9665798

Because they're leftist and liberals, mentally ill flock of human garbage.

>> No.9666204

My #altwoke comrade.

>> No.9666336

>If you like Derrida, you should welcome deconstruction of all philosophy. Even postmodernism
Lost about 100 iq there

>> No.9666367

Because it's 2010 tumblr - the ideology, i.e. aggressively meaningless tripe.

>> No.9666929

same reason for every board and their loves


>> No.9666938

link for the archives?

>> No.9666967

Why do /pol/ immigrants talk like a bratty 10 year old raised by a single mom

>> No.9668223

Damn dude that was one of the first lit crit books I read, and I remember reading his famous sentence, "you can't not periodize postmodernism" as "you can't periodize postmodernism" and was left hella confused throughout the rest of the book, because he seemed to argue the opposite of his opening thesis. I felt like such a fool when I reread that sentence and realized I got tripped up on his double negative.

Jameson is falling out of fashion nowadays, isn't it? Not that that matters much, but I remember in my MA program most of the professors would kind of shrug and frown if one of the students tried to bring Jameson into the conversation as anything more than a reference to the follies of theory past. I have a friend who had Jameson on his dissertation committee. Duke's comp lit program seems great, really demanding and everything, but apparently it's seen as a good old boys club right now, but hey, at least it isn't Yale's Spanish program.

>> No.9668228
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>Not realizing that the modernists started the "everything is subjective and internal" meme.

>> No.9668252

Nigger can't into Deleuze and Guattari.
Stay fascist, fuckhead.

>> No.9668271

Yeah but Western European Marxism was estranged from Soviet Stalinist Marxism almost entirely. It was banned in the USSR, and it ran counter to Soviet goals in Western Europe, where the USSR promoted liberal democracy as a means to expand their sphere of influence outside of the Iron Curtain.

I never said Marxism wasn't relevant to critical theory in Western Europe, just that the USSR wasn't actively promoting its propagation.

>> No.9668352

Woah. Finally, what I had been searching all this time.

>> No.9668355
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Because it produces rad aesthetics

>> No.9668458


>> No.9668499


>> No.9668524

Hm, I wonder why. Can't be because it defined post-war art and literature. Nah, must be da joos.

>> No.9668532

In a lesser form that you can understand, you are an imbecile.

>> No.9668543

Right wingers do realize they can use Pomo too right? /pol/ does it every fucking day and they don't even realize.

>> No.9668580

It's not Marxist enough, I may say.

>> No.9668677

It doesn't even matter. You guys have won the culture war. You successfully subverted /pol/ and destroyed the alt-right. Everything is imploding as we speak. GG Faggot. Zuc 2020.

>> No.9668704


What guys? How has /pol/ been subverted, its primary purpose IS subversion of politics, that's why its called "politically incorrect". How has the alt-right been destroyed? Where is everything imploding?

You're just firing out accusations with no weight.

>> No.9668737

This is a really good question, I wish this thread hadn't gone the way it did

>> No.9669059

Do 3meo pcp not pcp

Youre welcome

>> No.9669127

see >>9668524
Our current era isn't necessary defined by it, but certainly marked by it. Our generation is defined by it because pomo in a way validates modernism. an enlightenment period is validated by having a modernist period (not all art forms and pursuits make it even this far) and the modernist period is refined and redefined by the subsequent postmodern movement.
Ulysses is considered the first postmodern work, or proto-postmodern, and you can see how, in hindsight, Ulysses as a critically successful work grants relevance and artistic merit to The Odyssey.
/pol/ dislikes postmodernism because [they're told to] not all ideals and values survive scrutiny. It makes postmodernism look destructive, but pomo is destructive in the way that a crucible is destructive- it refines.
/lit/ likes postmodernism because /lit/ likes modernism. /lit/ also hates postmodernism because a lot of it is shit, but that's inevitable, if not intrinsic to the pomo movement.
It has nothing to do with ideology.
It has nothing to do with politics or Marxism or Jews.
It's not a group of people.
I don't even see how any of that is even logically compatible.

>> No.9669152
File: 131 KB, 378x429, attention.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can someone spoonfeed this little brainlet here what the FUCK even postmodernism is?

>> No.9669157

>It has nothing to do with politics or Marxism or Jews.
Simply false. It has everything to do with those things.

>> No.9669245

i like you anon

>> No.9669276

Because it's pseudo intellectual hypocrisy perfectly compliments /lit/.

>> No.9669289

postmodernism is the Dionysian to modernisms Apollonian arts

>> No.9669324
File: 300 KB, 1080x1080, 2017-06-22 21.50.20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Culture of Critique contains good information about the association between postmodernism and Marxism.

>> No.9669368
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>> No.9669452

>postmodernism has opted for complete relativism and the lack of objective standards of any kind in the interest of preventing any general theories of society or universally valid philosophical or moral systems
That's just flat out wrong- its grounded on a misconception of postmodernism. Postmodernism is not a singular entity and this excerpt is cherrypicking the deconstructional component of pomo and pushing that part as the whole
Also here >>9669368 it's obvious that pomo is tacked on as a "deconstructionalist device" and nothing else; it's association with the ideological sentiments in the last line make it clear that postmodernism is being misconstrued as an ideology and lassoed in with Frankfurt on grounds that Frankfurt school also deconstructed ideals, pushing them together because they have a commonality.
It's literally the same as how cultural appropriation has taken a negative stigma these days when it isn't necessarily, but it can be used negatively.

>> No.9669476

Are you familiar with the book those excerpts are from?

>> No.9669485

Yes I am.
Quite surprised at the incongruence

>> No.9669508

Okay. Well, what Macdonald is saying, which is what I said earlier in this thread, is that both postmodernism and Marxism are jewish machinations, and as such there are many similarities between what they're both intending to accomplish. That's the most important thing for people to understand here. Since you're familiar with the CofC but backing the tenets of postmodernism, is it safe for me to assume you're a jew?