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/lit/ - Literature

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9664564 No.9664564[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>finish my daily workout
>watch a jordan peterson video while eating a high-protein meal
>later read Ayn Rand for a few hours

who /fitlit/ here?

>> No.9664571

>virgin shaming

>> No.9664572

>>watch a jordan peterson video while eating a high-protein meal
>>later read Ayn Rand for a few hours
that is not what /fitlit/ told you to do and i will not have you disparage its good name as citizen while it is less than a quarter year in the grave. shame on you. read some cicero.

>> No.9664577

>Go swimming in the ocean
>Smoke cigarettes and drink coffee at a seaside cafe
>Walk home
>Read Joyce (at the moment) or write

>> No.9664583

It's a coping mechanism for losing the only thing they truly had to a disposable cumdumpster.

>> No.9664592
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I miss /fitlit/ so much. I actually tried to see if it was still there a few days ago.

>> No.9664593

4chan makes fun of everyone, but I never quite understood how socially acceptable it is to virgin shame in mainstream society. People don't choose to be born ugly and socially retarded. It's like making fun of someone for being poor, or for having dark skin.

>> No.9664597

>comfortably slave away at a library
>smoke cigarettes during my relaxing breaks
>pop speed like altoids, also pop altoids
>read my kobo during slow hours
my work is my gym is my library

>> No.9664599

yeah, but virgins lmao

>> No.9664604
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loving that pic

>> No.9664606

Yeah but people don't choose to be born serial killers either, so why be mean to them wtf

>> No.9664613

People make fun of poors and darkies all the time on this website.

>> No.9664621

I know. I'm differentiating 4chan from mainstream culture, which sees making fun of poor people as obscene, but thinks that virgin shaming is funny.

>> No.9664625

>being unattractive is a sort of harmful that's comparable to murder
Do you happen to be from /fa/?

>> No.9664632
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/fitlit/, the consolidation of meathead and pseud. The ultimate sophist.

>> No.9664679


This is 10/10

>> No.9665701

I like JPB, but his followers have made it very hard to have much discussion here lately.

>> No.9665706

You should get a job or volunteer instead of watching YouTube videos

>> No.9665716

Ugly people can get laid and so can socially retarded people if they're drunk or medicated. Virginity for dudes usually results from an unwillingness to put yourself out there and an oversized ego. It's rightly derided. Also 4chan is a nightmare

>> No.9665725

>remotely compatible with Rand
this is shoddy trollsmanship at best

>> No.9665732

but if someone has a reading disability you don't get to just say "you just didn't read enough books because you're a lazy shit who avoids hard work" or something, so why is it ok to say "you're just a pussy who's afraid of getting sued for sexual harassment"

>> No.9666009

>or for having dark skin.
Fuck off nigga

>> No.9666015

>meme rand
>memer Peterson
Reactionary retard brainlet detected

>> No.9666023

Max Stirner>Ayn rand

>> No.9666031


more like /shitlit/

>> No.9666035

>tfw 6'2 good looking virgin

>> No.9666037

>woke up
>practised some German
jerked off twice
>browsed Facebook for hours
>pretended to read Tolstoy

Got about 50 pages done so one could say I'm an intellectual.

>> No.9666066

> /fitlit/
> still stupid enough to read Ayn Rand and listen to Peterson

>> No.9666680

They have /fitlit/ on cripplechan, but like everything else over there it's pretty dead.

>> No.9666692

oh how European of you

>> No.9666710

nice brah

here's me

>get up at 6am
>cold shower
>bulletproof coffee and LSD microdose
>go gym for some SKWAAAATS BRAHHH
>come back
>watch peterson lectures
>read some evola and art of war
>listen to joe rogan

Feels good being 10x more intelligent that most of /fit/ (maybe even /lit/ due to intellect effects of exercise) and 10x more fit than most of /lit/

>> No.9666714

This is good b8

>> No.9666753


Why the fuck are you taking showers? they're for /fit/ plebs

>wake up at noon
>8 km run
>light afternoon reading
>basketball till evening
>shakespeare, dante

>> No.9666784

>high protein home made stir fry for breakfast with a nootropic chaser
>chop wood in the garden
>water plants, harvest latest fruit and veg crop
>coffee and making summer plans with French-Asian lit qt

>> No.9666804

You seem upset, friend. Wanna talk about your ghetto backstreet, maybe drop a "phat rhyme"?

>> No.9666809

more fit than lit but moreover shit

>> No.9666841
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>wake up at 4AM
>30 minute walk before anyone is awake
>spend the next two hours reading
/fitlit/ really changed my life. i've already lost 21lbs

>> No.9666859
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While Ayn Rand isn't the best choice, there is nothing wrong with Jordan Peterson and his lectures, and if you think so you are a raging faggot, who is more than ironically a Marxist/communist retard.

>> No.9666868

>falling for the objectivism meme

>> No.9666886

t. post modernist faggot

>> No.9667193

Fucking perfect

>> No.9667203

At this point, facebook smells like urine and broken hips.
chads and pseuds are often on whatsapp and instagram

>> No.9667205

it's like you're too lazy to run

>> No.9667221

t. skinnyfat illiterate

>> No.9667232

He's right though. Objectivism is the diarrhea version of Stirner.

>> No.9667239
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>>watch a jordan peterson video while eating a high-protein meal

it's great that you're lifting and all more power to you but you are a fucking middlebrow memeperson.

>> No.9667245

I'm a thousand year old /mu/tant.

Should I get /fit/ before I go /lit/? Or should I start with the greeks first and then go for the mad gainz?

>> No.9667246


>> No.9667250

t.Iowan larper

>> No.9667257

Mainstream culture likes to *act* like making fun of poor people is obscene, when in reality they have just figured out different, more subtle ways

>> No.9667262

If your idea of a come on to a woman would be construed as sexual harassment you need to reevalute your game.

>> No.9667303
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this is what I'm applying

>do some shitty exercises: push-ups, sit-ups and planks every now and then when no one is around
>read shitty literature with most of just passing through the brain with no consolidation to memory or much of thinking

I don't even know why I'm doing what I'm doing

>> No.9667328

>legs day
>hour and a half, including cardio
>left drenched in sweat
>go to mall parking lot
>read more of still life with woodpecker
it's ok, i can see the appeal. i keep thinking that author is like a hipster vonnegut. he's simple to read and quirky, odd. i don't mind it. i'm glad its short because i don't think i would have given it the effort if it was any longer.

>> No.9667331

i forgot to add, woodpecker is alt right af. a lot of sartre's anti privilege

>> No.9667340

>wake up
>gym (PPL)
>get home
>watch tv
that's summer baby

>> No.9667347

>that's summer baby
you didn't write >work

you underage?

>> No.9667351
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We're gonna need to see pics otherwise this is all BS.

>> No.9667352

We prefer our homoeroticism in text format, thanks.

>> No.9667361

The man blames everything bad in life on "postmodernism" while having no real understanding of what it is. He's the worst sort of media self-help guru.

>> No.9667386

now that's /lit/!

>> No.9667566

This touches on interesting philosophical questions about causality and free will, and, in extension, the possibility of responsibility apart from its necessity as a social construct to fixate people in their societal role.

The point is that of course fun is being made of people for things they didn't choose, if they took a chance and it didn't pay off then all the more power to them, they tried, they had the balls. Those who don't try are rightfully derided.

I can only tell you that having had girls is the best thing you could wish for so I'd say get it over with while you're young so you can enjoy life as a free man.

>> No.9667729
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>>later read Ayn Rand for a few hours
Go Striner or go back. Sometimes i wonder if /fitlit/ was a mistake

>> No.9667739
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>this is what scared Marx into committing a vicious and irrational full-front assault on Stirner's character in The German Ideology

Max Stirner dindu nuffin. He was just a meek-mannered tutor looking after his mother. Need mo' money fo' dem rents.

>> No.9667749

>oversized ego

>> No.9668289

In the South you are ashamed of being a virgin. Boys. Men. They lie about it. Because it means less to women.

It was men invented virginity not women. It's like death: only a state in which the others are left.

>> No.9668363

>falling for the bait
Bunch of pussies who believe in Oedipus.

>> No.9668369

>bulletproof coffee and LSD microdose
So, you love being cucked by memes. Nice.

>> No.9668384
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reading Stirner is the biggest spook there is

>> No.9668398

>materialist "philosophers"
Stirner is very representative of them, but goes beyond them. It's also shit, but presented as diarrhoea.

>> No.9668399
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>just put yourself out there and be confident bro

>> No.9668407

That's just because you don't have anything interesting to say

>> No.9668479

Not that anon but my interpretation is that if someone has an inflated ego they won't put themselves out there for the approval of women. They consider themselves "the catch" and wait for women to approach them and give definite signs before they make a move. Even when they make a move they behave in a conceited manner and it's off putting for women, they then label the woman as a tease or a flake to justify the sudden vanished interest.
The other side of this argument is that their ego is very fragile and cannot handle rejection that's why they don't put themselves out there because they won't be able to handle someone expressing their dislike for them or do anything that'll put them in a position of ridicule.

I'm pretty sure I made lots of grammatical errors. It's 4 in the morning here

>> No.9668591

what about all the virgin guys with +100 rejections?
>uh there must be something off about their approach

stop coping. PUA in general has nothing of value to add, but one of the most legit things ever said is how women decide whether they would fuck you or not within 5 seconds of meeting you. there's no game that will change her mind. so yeah, cold approaching - ie. approaching complete randoms that gave you no signal at all of being interested - is counter-productive: a waste of time, resources, energy and detrimental to your mental health (a shit-ton of rejections will affect anyone)
women are the gatekeepers of sex and some guys are simply too unnatractive. the only thing under their control they could do to have a guaranteed lay is visit a prostitute or literally rape someone

>> No.9669944

>wake up 7:30 am
>outpatient treatment till 12:30 (recovering heroin addict)
>home at 2:30
>yoga routine
>read, play guitar, or practice an instrument I'm not good at until bed
I still eat like shit and smoke cigarettes, but I've finally started on knocking out my non fiction and metaphysics list, so feels good man.

Gotta get a job next week thought. Might commit suicide within a few months of working, who knows.

>> No.9669950

I'm a virgin because i'm oblivious and have poor judgement though

>> No.9669957
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>I don't what spooks are but yet I must post

>> No.9669962

I've seen fat, ugly and short guys with cute girlfriends. While that may be anecdotal evidence it does tell us that women aren't as superficial as men.
The cold approach thing is hard and wouldn't work that well if you're unattractive. But there's also something to be said about being unattractive, if you shower regularly, groom yourself, dress properly, get your acne under control (something I struggled with for a long time) you'll see results come your way. What I would recommend is trying to hit on some people from the fringe of your social circle like friends of friends or some classmates.
You don't need PUA shit to get women, just try to your hardest to feign interest in their shit lives and they respond. But do learn kino, it changed my life seeing how women react to confident touch. And it may seem like a cliche but be confident. Women are very good at reading subtext and will more often than not figure out if you're nervous or lying.
In the end some guys might get 100 plus rejections but it's in the past. Focus on improving yourself through literature, fitness or whatever you like and you'll start to think all your precious failures belonged to some weak loser who you were before

>> No.9669969

That was me for the longest time m8. You'll learn to literally grab a good opportunity the next time it comes. Just keep your mind open to it

Also that super inflated ego is just a subset of people. Doesn't apply to everyone

>> No.9670173

>while having no real understanding of what it is
humor me and articulate what it is precisely that JP fails to understand about postmodernism

>> No.9670266

It might not be too bad. I read around 8 hours of my 10 hour shift and play guitar a couple hours after.

>> No.9670276

This is just an excuse. The guy on the right could get laid easily if he was fun to be around and adopted basic hygiene practices.

Provided you're not gunning for a 10/10 having sex isn't some impossible task. Just look at all the munters on daytime TV with families.