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9661460 No.9661460 [Reply] [Original]

How do I go about getting into Ezra Pound? Is there a chart? I'd be very appreciative.

>> No.9661479

Get the Selected Poems that New Directions published

>> No.9661500

>Is there a chart?

Yeah, it only has two boxes. It goes 'You want to read Ezra Pound?' -> 'Don't, fashfag'.

>> No.9661508

Well, he's dead, and his grave is in Venice. His body is probably just a skeleton with some dust on and under it. You're going to have to bring a shovel and a condom if you want to get into him.

>> No.9662215

This is the most unfunny thing I've seen in a while.

>> No.9662235

He's a stupid overrated pseud. An absolute charlatan with nothing in his entire ouvre that can truly be called great.

Go read Moby Dick instead, forget this Russel Brand tier loser

>> No.9662239


>with nothing in his entire ouvre that can truly be called great.

Quite possibly - but that doesn't necessarily make him a charlatan, nor a pseud.

You are a genuine pseud for even trying to use that term in relation to Pound. Guaranteed he was far smarter than you are. But LARP it up if you really feel the need to.

>> No.9662243

jesus, lads, his poetry isn't his politics and he fostered a lot of the greats of the 20th C even where they didn't agree politically. there's an arrogant asshole to helpful informed content your posts are just not making grade on. you could have googled and picked out cantos like a mindless robot and you'd have a greater chance of understanding any literature than from this. try to pretend you aren't using this board because you're too pretentious to walk down the street without having a twitter attack about your hot opinions.

>> No.9662245

>Guaranteed he was far smarter than you are

Based on what? You call me a LARPer for criticizing some hooplehead from Idaho who spent his entire life pretending to a continental poet. He was a joke and may have been the only one in on it.

>> No.9662248

>>pretending to be a continental poet
>by writing poetry on a continent
>ezra invented pretend poetry

>> No.9662250


>Based on what?

LOL. Are we really doing this?
>there is no way for you to possibly know whether I'm a posturing pseud or not in LARP LAND because LARP LAND is a place of magic and possibility!

>> No.9662251

You know damn well what I mean. There was not a lick of Idaho in his work anymore than his full name of -Weston Loomis-. Poetry if it has any meaning is the expression of spirit and this guy worked his best to bury his soul with his trite encylopedia scrounging and Chinese fung shway

He was a shell of a man excreted from a society with tragically warped intellectual priorities

>> No.9662257
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>> No.9662260


>Poetry if it has any meaning is the expression of spirit

You then go on to dictate on behalf of the man (and by extension all other men) what their personal relation to spirit need be. Do you not see the arrogance in doing so?

You simply don't like Pound and you're trying to make any rationale fit to intellectually pass off your very emotional dislike.

>> No.9662264

>oh no an author has a pen name
Are we supposed to mention the Marquis de Sade's middle name was Fonzie more than how often he talks about the consistency of shit?
>we must always write poetry about our hinterland and never move
jesus fucking christ m8, get an imagination and outside once in a while. if you really want poetry about idaho this badly, it's not Pound's job to do it for you.

listen to the B-52s, they'll give you a whole private idaho to yourself with lyrics you can remember. i don't think anyone else has really gotten as excited about idaho as you since besides maybe cocksuckers when the movie came out.

>> No.9662272
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Fuckin kek. This is some seasoned banter. That private idaho line is perfect.

>> No.9662273

but he's a bad poet

>> No.9662281

Its not the man himself, I hate his silly little persona and the losers that want to believe in it. And I hate how he as a symbol promotes the total suppression of vulnerability and ernestness in the one artform where its most important.
For the man himself no one has a feint idea who he actually was.

Its you who lacks imagination. Dublin is just as much of a backend hinterland but it was elevated to a modernist epic. Its not about Idaho itself, its about the principle of having the balls to confront and see to the end where it is we're actually coming from and not just dance about with troubadors

I hate Pound, I fucking hate him

>> No.9662286

>comanche haiku from another continent

anon's excited
for I-DAH-O like no-one's
been since fifty-two

>> No.9662287


>Its not the man himself, I hate his silly little persona and the losers that want to believe in it.

You are so clearly trying to pass off an emotional grudge as intellectual reasoning but you're just not getting the job done, m8. Anon can see your shit for what it is.

Go and be emotional over meanie poets in a corner somewhere.

>> No.9662288

of course it;s a jackeen who thinks the sun shines out his arse. pity chamber music's been taken as a poetry collection, your shit would fit right in.

>> No.9662289

>You are so clearly trying to pass off an emotional grudge as intellectual reasoning

To me the two should never be divided and it takes a wiley castrado to think otherwise

>> No.9662290

you are WRONG

>> No.9662293

you've divided the grudge from reason, eunuch.

>> No.9662301
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>To me the two should never be divided
>To me

Like I give a fuck what you think, you little proselytizing sugarpuff.

>> No.9662333

Spotted the cock