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9657185 No.9657185 [Reply] [Original]

Is it worth quitting my job so I can become a starving artist and write?

>> No.9657315
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Homer you have children to feed. No, you are here forever.

>> No.9657323

Yes but if you convince yourself you're starved you'll never make it

>> No.9657331

Not until you have proof that you have enough talent. Nobody wants to see another fanfic tier writer that thinks he's the next Faulkner quit his job.

>> No.9657376

"Put the pen down, become a spectator
Go get a day job, there is no shame in it
We need doctors and architects
Not more crap rappers that are passed their best"

This applies to writers too m8

>> No.9657866

>Is it worth quitting my job so I can become a starving artist and write?
Better alternative is to take a year off if you're certain you'll be able to go back to your job after, or change to a job where you'll have more time to write.
In either case you write more and get the opportunity to become a full-time writer.

>> No.9657871

f u c k
n o

>> No.9657873


Watch this video, OP: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Tbn_pRG07E

>> No.9657879

don't listen to these slaves, OP.

if you CAN quit your job, that means you SHOULD.

7 billion other cogs out there live and die to be ordinary. like we really need one more. earn your right to exist by writing the next great (country-of-origin) novel.

>> No.9658031

Write about how you're rich and enjoy big buffet banquets every morning and have a high paying author job

>> No.9658038

Go work on a fishing boat, you'll have nothing to do but work and write

>> No.9658081


Relevant to OPs question, this coming August I am quitting my job and riding my bike from New Jersey to Southern California to Portland Oregon. I purchased a portable one-man tent and sleeping bag that can fit in my backpack. I've got spare tubes and a hand pump a decent 600 dollar Trek bike. I plan to live off bananas and almonds for 2-3 months. I just need, NEED this fucking space in my life where I don't have to wake up to an alarm or do this boring job shit 5 days a week. I'm willing to shit outside and wipe with leaves and bathe only when I find fresh water during this period. I've got a broken screen ipod (that my dad gave me) full of audiobooks to listen to. It's just going to be me and that beautiful open country. Once you get outside the cities and ports of america, the landscape is rather pure and beautiful. I am just going to breathe in that space of freedom and the landscape, and of course write whatever comes to my mind along the way.

I don't know about quitting jobs for good, but if you can give yourself space like this, or work less by reducing your material needs, then this is the way to do it. A cultivated asceticism helps towards the artistic life, I should think.

>> No.9658104

(You), whoever you are, are my literal hero.

>> No.9658481

Let me know if you still think this was a good idea when you're halfway from Cali to Oregon, assuming you don't turn back on your original trip to Cali.

Only kidding. I think it's good to leave behind the 9-5 working world and be with yourself and write. But that's a big trip and if you go without showers or other food to sustain yourself it's going to be very difficult.

>> No.9658810

How many people have ruined their lives by quitting a job that let them write while maintaining a decent life, for a failure of a career due to starting too soon and finding yourself unprepared to live off your quill ?
I'm the first to say "follow your dreams" but you still should have a second option in case it just doesn't work.

>> No.9658842

>Is it worth quitting my job so I can become a starving artist and write?
Yes, provided you actually go through with it and actually starve. I have use for the oxygen you're wasting.

>> No.9658866

Why does /lit/ have to be so mean for no reason ? Is it the arrogance from seeing themselves as the "most cultured board" ?

>> No.9658875

It's funny you faglord

>> No.9658881

Is this what happens when parents and teachers keep telling kids that they are all special and unique?

>> No.9658884

>Implying anyone on earth found this funny the slightest
Even you didn't. That's the equivalent of a mean dad joke that makes no one but it's maker roar with fake laughter.

>> No.9658891

If you have the savings and a friend who is willing to let you crash on their couch for $50 a week so you can do nothing but write and read, while being willing to set your pride aside and join writers groups for feedback.

Then maybe.

>> No.9658903

You're oddly giving me hope anon.

>> No.9659146

That's not a bad idea.

>> No.9659161
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Oh great, another homeless person moving to Portland

>> No.9659915

no you shouldn't. you should focus 100% of your energies. people don't succeed because they only focus 5% of their energies on any one thing.

and if you fail, kill yourself. your narcissistic attachment to the fart in the wind you call the rest of your life is cowardly and makes me want to behead your entire family.

>> No.9661234

What the fuck is this video, faggot?

>> No.9661257


Op, quit your job NOW, wrute your novel, and if those publisher doesnt accept it starve yourself to death. That would show them how commited you are.

>> No.9661287

quitting your job and developing a nasty addiction does tend to create a lot of good artists.

I mean....it probably won't happen to your gay ass, but it's a lot of artist's story.

>> No.9661461

Well, luckily, my writing evolved into poetry. I don't have to worry about working a 5-day job because there's always time to work on a poem. Never gonna have to try and do 1000 words a day.

>> No.9661470

>he took the easy way out
Hard mode, and the only respectable mode, is combining prose and poetry.

>> No.9661497

if you can't handle being teased than you shouldn't quit your job to be a writer. And I know (You) never said that you were and blah blah blah

>> No.9661656

>I’m a failed poet. Maybe every novelist wants to write poetry first, finds he can’t, and then tries the short story, which is the most demanding form after poetry. And, failing at that, only then does he take up novel writing.

Faulkner would disagree m8.

>> No.9662408

Not everybody has a trust fund, kids.

>> No.9662427

if you're gay, sure, yeah

>> No.9662455

>writing is for fags


>> No.9662470

Only if you either know you've got the talent to accomplish something, or if you're narcissist enough to think you're a genius.
Also you'll really have to be learn how to be an opportunist and a charmer, if you want to have ANY sort of success without having to sell out. Consider this a central part of your job. It's a compromise, but either you do this or you'll never get a chance.
Also before doing so be sure that you've got the discipline necessary to achieve competence, if not virtuosity, in your craft. Becoming a good writer, pianist or painter will require you to subject yourself to countless hours of repetitive, dulling practice, which have to be accompanied by your unadultered attention. Again, before quitting your job be absolutely sure that there is no way you'll end up procrastinating: this is the fate of most budding artists.

>> No.9662473

>being a wagecuck anyway

>> No.9662511

starving autist*

>> No.9662531

Sorry we can't all live rent free in our Mommy's basement.

>> No.9662535

>muh hard work muh maturity
Kill yourself poorfag

>> No.9662552

No one with these kinds of aspirations these days is a doctor or architect or has the means to become one. They typically wouldn't consider quitting their jobs for a pipe dream. Contemporary """""creatives""""" tend to be liberal arts majors with degrees worth less than toilet paper or corporate drones of some sort harboring flimsy hopes of escaping their mediocre lives through "making it" as artists.

>> No.9662554

didn't say that
but being a starving artist isn't going to get you laid
...unless you're me ;)

>> No.9662569

You're obviously a NEET not by choice. What's wrong, did you major in English? Fag.

>> No.9662578

It's a naive and retarded question to ask. Realistically you should already understand how these sorts of attempts at "following your dreams" almost always turn out.