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9657491 No.9657491[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>there are no patrician booktu-


>> No.9657492

imagine if you were getting a blowjob from her while she was reading and she accidentally gave your dick a paper cut haha

>> No.9657496

>slutty mongoloid with signs of child abuse (dyed hair and piercings)

>> No.9657502
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>well-adjusted people
>reading books in the current year

>> No.9657513
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>> No.9657516
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Why does literally every DreamWorks character do that facial expression?

>> No.9657529

>Ready Player One
>Handmaid's Tale
You had me going with the Steinbeck


>> No.9657532

Why is boss baby so sexy

>> No.9657533


>East of Eden

Whatta pseud.

>> No.9657564

Why are Asian women so fucking based?

>> No.9658554

That was surprisingly interesting. But still probably all horseshit

>> No.9658559

imagine what she looks like under all that makeup

>> No.9658615

>Why are Asian women so fucking based?
because they crave white men

>> No.9658656

are all asian americans like this?

>> No.9658663

The Handmaid's Tale is fine but it's a rather mediocre read today especially since most of Atwood's political parallels are lost on the modern reader. It was a lot more relevant at the time of publishing

>> No.9658679

she's second generation im pretty sure. after that, they get pretty cool - i dont really know many, but the ones i do are generally cooler than white people, although that may be because the bad apples were sorted out before being introduced to me. ive never slept with an asian, but im considering it - always made fun of my friends who did for being pedophiles, but this chick could get it

>> No.9658681
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I bet her asshole tastes like water

Where do I meet women like this?

>> No.9658755

Come on now anon

>> No.9658758

You move to a major city and make money.

>> No.9658775

enjoy having your 0.55 hapa children

>> No.9658784

Are hapa kids so bad? When they have kids with another mixed person they'll look great.
t. already yellowpilled

>> No.9658840

given enough assortative mating over generations you can get acceptable phenotypes but the initial generation is a roll of the dice on deciding whether the offspring will be weird looking or not. or mentally fucked up. it doesn't help that one is naturally "race blind" to an extent towards other races because they aren't used to their racial intricacies. i think most people have an instinct towards which phenotypical archetypes within their own race are carriers for genetic frankenstein bombs. if you can't reliably predict what kind of asian someone is you're probably walking into a trap.

>> No.9658856

Honestly thought it was Alina Li, surprised because I heard she is legitimately mentally challenged. Amazing though

>> No.9658873

>asking me to subscribe in the first minute of the video

>> No.9658882

But what if both partners have attracted and dated members of their own race? It's not as though the only people in interracial relationships are some sort of romantic outcasts.
I think your point about being somewhat "race blind" has merit, as I've noticed it in my own life. I find myself usually attracted to more non-whites than whites and it's probably because my taste is more discerning with white women because I "know" how to evaluate them on some prelogical level.

>> No.9658897
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>ready player one

her list wasn't even that bad but holy shit how can anyone like that book

literally the worst thing i've ever read

>> No.9658919

i wasn't assuming that both are losers within their own race, although there seems to be a higher percentage of it being the case with mixed race couples. it's difficult to find statistics on the matter aside from personal observation anyway. still, because your taste is more discerning, that's your biology telling you what's good for you. a good proxy for testing genetic health is meeting their family. mental illnesses and some physical illnesses are highly heritable. you can get a glimpse of phenotypical oddities that skipped generations.

>> No.9658966


>> No.9659072

I always feel bad for people like this. Books come too easily to her as an entertainment medium and socialising venue, all surface and fun, that she'll never delve into any level of specialisation or elite knowledge. It's like the bourgeois condition x2.

Jesus fucking fuck I want to lick the Nostalgia Chick's asshole for a thousand years. She reminds me so much of my ex-girlfriend.

>> No.9659081
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>pierced ears

>> No.9659088

I would drag myself across miles of broken glass to taste the sweat under her pits.

>> No.9659093

Why does she not look like a person.

>> No.9659472

God what the fuck was the point of that video. Just reading the list in the description is enough, why would somebody actually sit around and listen to her talk about the parts she likes, is it because you read the same book and want to feel like you're connecting with her? Or is it supposed to be like an introduction to the book if you havent read it?

>> No.9659475

This. She looks like she's from Code Geass

>> No.9659500

she has nice hair too. are asian girls winning now?

>> No.9659614

Booktube is a self-promoting engine. Big channels are given free books because they know that viewers will buy more books as a result. Smaller channels mimic their format and also talk about books in the same generic way.

The goal of booktube is not to discuss books. It's to be in a "community of readers"

>> No.9659746

The only patrician booktuber is The Black Ponderer

>> No.9659751
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I want to lick her arse

>> No.9659802

is that alina li?

>> No.9659849

>I heard she is legitimately mentally challenged.

>> No.9659867
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>engagement ring

>> No.9659879

yes, more specifically this is every second gen+ southeast asian woman