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9655475 No.9655475 [Reply] [Original]

Whats the closest thing we have to actual "tomes of forbidden knowledge"? This isn't /x/ retardation, I'm not looking for a necronomicon or some shit. I am just looking for books which are considered to be better left unread (whether due to social unacceptability, disturbing subject matter, classified knowledge, etc) and put away to be forgotten. The only thing that I can think of that is legitimately forbidden in all libraries is smut.

>> No.9655477

Industrial Society and Its future

>> No.9655544

Mien konf

>> No.9655549

classified government files

>> No.9655554

story of the eye

>> No.9655615

This is probably a good example. Bataille in general is a good resource.

Honestly, you might find this kind of troubling/forbidden knowledge in philosophy. Heidegger's work in particular can cause a lot of anxiety and alienation from your own world. When you come to understand that the everyday is a construct that exists to preserve your current self by avoiding confrontation with death-- that's something very hard to dull or unlearn. It does change oneself, I think. The everyday is basically what most all of the beings in the world consider home-- so to sense what is off with it, to get that all of it is a people playing tricks on themselves, out of fear that confrontation with the truth will paralyze/kill them-- that's heavy stuff.

>> No.9655619

My diary desu

>> No.9655640

120 days of Sodom. Believe me, you don't need to read it. It's mega edgy.

>> No.9655644

>When you come to understand that the everyday is a construct that exists to preserve your current self by avoiding confrontation with death
I don't need Heidegger to know that. I had that problem ever since I turned eight.

>> No.9655907

The Protocols of the Elders of Zion

Don't trust what (((they))) say about it

>> No.9655919
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bump for interest.

>> No.9655924

probably any far-right/ultranationalist "manifesto"
they're more suppressed than literal gore smut these days

>> No.9655933

My Twisted World

>> No.9655943

What are you wanting to get out of forbidden knowledge? I'm not trying to call you an edgelord, but I don't think what you say you're looking for exists. Figure out what you're specifically wanting out of it and search for that.

>> No.9655947
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>> No.9655963

These are the closest things that are actually books, in my opinion. Something you can go buy on Amazon hardly counts as "forbidden".
But anything you legitimately shouldn't be reading in 2017 is going to an internet form of communication, a text file or an e-mail log or something. Not a book.

>> No.9655964

Crowley's & Cayce's personal records, handwritten works, at the very least. Anything the Vatican or powerful world leaders, be they in politics or business, have hidden.

Definitely some of the older eastern stuff
>one guy spent around 60 years of his life trying to become a "master" and barely made it past adept, lighting a crumpled newspaper on fire by focusing on it

>> No.9656049
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probably the bell curve, to be honest. it's not what you want to hear, but there isn't any greater taboo in modern society than the myth of human equality. people have great difficulty coming to terms with the fact that humans are nothing more than animals and the terrifying implications that implies.

>in b4 muh /pol/ boogeyman
>in b4 logical fallacies and rhetorical slights of hand that ignore the meat of the matter (average cognitive differences among populations)
>in b4 i'm an edgy stirnerite leftist but also a church lady when it comes to racism

yes, discrete human populations were geographically separated for tens of thousands of years, in radically different environments, with different selection pressures, causing them have objectively different physical characteristics and resistance to certain diseases, and yet they magically have the exact same level of cognitive ability, in an astronomical logic-defying coincidence that conveniently vindicates the ruling class and their ideology.

>> No.9656067

What happened to them tittays?

>> No.9656077

Philosophers like Sloterdijk are coming to terms with it. Very slowly, but it'll happen.

>> No.9656080

Probably this. People aren't born equal.

>> No.9656151

It was widely published though :^)

>> No.9656298
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i guess you could view anything that has the potential to entirely restructure your view of the world or reality has the potential to be a "forbidden" text.

>> No.9656303

>humans are nothing more than animals
That's not the truth though.

>> No.9656315
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>Le red pill
>Posting /pol/ memes while straight face claiming /pol/ is a boogeyman.
>Using this thread as a place to soapbox about their political and social views.
I feel like OP should have expected this but its still disappointing.

>> No.9656330

The only non-pornographic books that are consistently banned in the free world of western society, on a widespread governmental level in multiple countries, are books that investigate the Holocaust. Take that as you will.

>> No.9656341
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>> No.9656348

Right wing thought. Check out the /pol/ monthly book packs

>> No.9656364

this book seems to have become completely unavailable

>> No.9656366

>hey guis, give me some forbidden knowledge
>woah, not that forbidden, wtf?

>> No.9656389

It's not forbidden knowledge, it's just /pol/ carting out their victim complex again while soap-boxing.

>> No.9656441

Except it is. HBD may or may not be a sensible theory, but humans - me and probably you - are in fact animals.

The only one here talking about red pills is you.

>> No.9656455

Any book that is banned is knowledge that is forbidden. It's just not the answer you want to hear.

>> No.9656470

I dunno, but I've been uncomfortable in my mind since I started reading Beyond Good and Evil.

>> No.9656497


I was in a university bookstore at a major university in one of the most liberal cities in the United States not too long ago, and they had print copies on the shelf.

Just look up banned books OP.

>> No.9656509

Lol ye right get back to /pol/, sincerely reddit infiltration force

>> No.9656512

>The only one here talking about red pills is you.
"The Red Pill" is known by many to refer to the collected body of far right opinions that they believe people should swallow and as we can see here>>9655907 >>9655924 >>9656049 >>9656080 >>9656348 it has come out in full force. What is with this tactic of /pol/ spraying their shit everywhere and then pretending that everyone else is imagining everything even though we can all see all thread replies?

>Any book that is banned is knowledge that is forbidden
None of those books are banned though, at least not in the US.

>> No.9656540

People are far from equal, agreed.

That's why we need socialism.

>> No.9656595

okay, so tell me then, how is it possible that discrete human populations, geographically separated for tens of thousands of years, in radically different environmental contexts, with radically different selection pressures, that, as a result, have developed objectively different physical appearances, resistances to diseases, musculature, bone density, etc. that no one disputes, would miraculously have the same exact level of cognitive ability, despite more or less everything else being shaped by the blind, amoral laws of natural selection? do you think cognitive ability isn't determined by genetics (and if so, why do you think that?), or do you just straight up not believe in evolution?

pointing to some autistic man from /pol/ who uncritically believes infographics isn't an argument.

btw, one thing i've noticed about all leftists (and this includes both /lit/-style marxists and neoliberal elites who hate the wwc and want to starve out states/counties that supported trump) is that they all lowkey believe in phrenology when it comes to people who argue with them online, and even seem to hold the extremely reactionary, quasi-fascist view that ugliness/aesthetic vulgarity/caste/etc. is itself a refutation. in other words, group differences among human populations isn't false because of any evidence or arguments against it. it's false because a kissless virgin wearing nike monarchs and a funny hat said it was true. it's false because some tschandala with a low-status job from the hinterlands might believe something like that. all the the pretty people and well-heeled gentlefolk believe that magic overrides big mean natural selection. therefore, that must be the truth.

well, okay, i guess. it's not like i think these things can be reversed or I have any hope of changing things.

>> No.9656598
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>thread takes the unavoidable turn to politics
>omg /pol/ out in force here today
>go back to /pol/ you redditor
>/pol/ needs to leave
>/pol/ this, /pol/ that
I'm /pol/ too right? Go ahead, grant me that (you).

>> No.9656601

Tell me how you are more cognitively capable than a black person who's IQ is higher than yours?

>> No.9656640

For one thing you people have yet to identify what factors went into developing these cognitive changes. You claim to have results indicating a difference in intelligence across races (even though much of the time it is difficult to pin down discrete races). Yet we never get any sort of elaboration of anything past that. It's like you people dropped into the sciences just long enough to grab the book which confirms your biases and ran off with it to circle-jerk for eternity without any followup or the use of any of the rigor which all other fields of study have to use.

>btw, one thing i've noticed about all leftists (and this includes both /lit/-style marxists and neoliberal elites who hate the wwc and want to starve out states/counties that supported trump) is that they all lowkey believe in phrenology when it comes to people who argue with them online, and even seem to hold the extremely reactionary, quasi-fascist view that ugliness/aesthetic vulgarity/caste/etc. is itself a refutation. in other words, group differences among human populations isn't false because of any evidence or arguments against it. it's false because a kissless virgin wearing nike monarchs and a funny hat said it was true. it's false because some tschandala with a low-status job from the hinterlands might believe something like that. all the the pretty people and well-heeled gentlefolk believe that magic overrides big mean natural selection. therefore, that must be the truth.

Holy strawman Batman!

>> No.9656643

Design documents for nuclear weapons.
Most research into synthetic biology is restricted from public access if not outright classified at this point.
Lots of countries suppress or ban political material, especially "right-wing" arguments for slavery, against democracy, etc.

>> No.9656828

i'm not? the fact that you would even ask that shows you have a comical misunderstanding of my position.

i'll put it this way. if you were able to devise a method for testing a person's intelligence with 100% accuracy, and you tested everyone in the world, then every race, ethnic group, and nationality would be represented among the top 99th percentile... just not equally. the overwhelming majority would be heavily white and heavily asian. within those groups, you would even see certain subgroups more well-represented than others. among whites, you would see a lot more jews and northern europeans than southern and eastern europeans, among asians, you would see far more east asians than south asians. on the very bottom of this pyramid, you would see black people much, much more highly represented than any other group. yet no one, not charles murray, not anyone, not even literal neonazis and klansmen, has ever made the claim that every single white person is smarter than every single black person. or that even single asian person is smarter than every single white person. the discussion is over averages, and there are implications to this, especially when popular opinion says that anything less than equally of outcome is evidence of racism, and that there can be no rational, ethical objection to mass immigration from third world countries with <90 iqs.

>> No.9656843

expanding on that, the claim being made here, while controversial, should be more or less self-evident if you put aside your personal prejudices and critically think about it for more than two seconds. this should be true regardless of how you feel about iq tests or how murky you might think racial categories can be at times. just think about it. even leaving aside evolution, why on earth should it be the case that, on the one hand, individuals would be unequal, but on the other, groups would be absolutely equal? even if every race had evolved in an identical environment, with identical selection pressures, and so on, wouldn't it still be extremely unlikely, as a matter of pure randomness, that these divergent populations would have coincidentally developed the exact same cognitive abilities? so every race/ethnicity/nationality/etc. that ever existed is exactly the same? doesn't that seem a bit like having a bunch of people all rolling die at the same time and having them all come up 7? even if you were to select groups of people based on literally any characteristic, like, say, people with blue eyes vs. people with brown eyes vs. people with green eyes, or even just two or more groups chosen at random, and then you tried to test their intelligence, it's still extremely unlikely, as a matter of pure chance, that these groups, even if they were selected arbitrarily, would have the exact same level of intelligence. those differences might small or large, but they would definitely be there. to believe that every racial and ethnic group is equal in terms of intelligence, you would presumably have to believe that there is some sort of mechanism that allows for intellectual diffences to manifest themselves within individuals, often drastically... but somehow stops them from manifest themselves at all in groups by sprinkling g on the ones slacking behind. it's absurd.

or maybe you think there might be differences, but they can't be large? even time wise has conceded that's possible. but to me, that seems like a weird thing to insist on. there can be differences, but they can't be large differences? why? because it makes you uncomfortable? if there are little differences, there can be big ones. it's just a matter of proving it, which admittedly is somewhat hard given that the opposing side totally rejects IQ tests (unless they say racists have low IQs), historical evidence, social science data, etc. and forces you to perfectly define nebulous concepts and prove everything as an absolute certainty before you can even have the conversation. this isn't how things are approached with literally any other political or social question. anything else with an equivalent or even significantly smaller degree of support would be considered gospel by now.

>> No.9656846

Religion is filled with "forbidden knowledge". pick any and you'll find tons of shit that wasn't supposed to be proliferated or even revealed to the lay public.

>> No.9656853

Nah, there's no way that the most powerful Jews in the world would have been as dumb and said such dull things as the Protocols make it seem.

>> No.9656857

Like what?

>> No.9656870

Mitchell Heisman's 'suicide note'

>> No.9656874

>Seek out a mystery school if you want to know the mysteries.

>> No.9656899

Basically any Right Wing literature, as this thread demonstrates. Doesn't matter what ideology or who the author is, if they wouldn't vote for Hillary Clinton then it's included here. Yes, that means everything from Plato to the Bell Curve to Mein Kampf.

ISIS's magazine. I can't remember what it's called. Don't actually google it or try to look it up unless you feel like ending up on a watch list. No, really, you will actually end up on a watch list just from Googling it.

The original, pre-CIA alteration, Anarchist Cookbook.

Organic Chemistry, Drugs, and Explosives.

There's probably quite a few texts on hacking various forms of communication media that the government doesn't want you to read about. And I mean everything from early shit on how to mess with fax machines via a payphone to modern Weev type stuff.

Islamic Mysticism will get you murdered in a large number of countries.

>> No.9656991


then heidegger might speak to you, take a look. the journey begins with a step, you don't have to agree with everything he says or enter into the arena of philosophical debate to gain from it.

>> No.9657012
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>Basically any Right Wing literature
>if they wouldn't vote for Hillary Clinton then it's included here
Jesus Christ. This has to be the single biggest victim complex I have seen in my life.

>> No.9657143

I've seen some pizza grooming guides in the now honeypot side of the web, never read it though. That's pretty much as forbidden as it gets.

>> No.9657153

I didn't say we aren't animals. I disagree with the notion that we are "nothing more than animals." The human is far more complex than any other animal on the planet and can become so much more than any animal can.

>> No.9657164

What should I read to learn more about this? Being and Time?

>> No.9657178

>days are a social construct

Literally what. /pol/ is fucking right about this getting ridiculous.

>> No.9657220

>/pol/ faggots ruining another thread
I'm not even surprised

>> No.9657233


Realistically the only things that will get you into trouble with the state are:

1. Classified documents related to CBRN defence.

2. Qutbist literature

That being said, the posters on this thread who mention things like holocaust denialism and anti-egalitarian/fascist literature are 100% correct in that these are forbidden from *socially*. It's legal to possess it in North America, but imagine openly talking about the correlation between race and IQ with people you work with. There's a good chance you would end up fired and blacklisted from whatever industry you're in.

>> No.9657244

yes boy, there are never enough links to it

Why doesn't Sayyid Qutb get mentioned more often? He'd be a good person to study nowadays.

>> No.9657252
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>1905 page suicide note

>> No.9657253


I literally bought Platos republic months ago. What's your point?
>if you didn't vote Hillary

/pol/ please go

>> No.9657257

It's good stuff, I swear. Just very amauterish.

>> No.9657271

What is Qutbism?

>> No.9657273


Radical Islamic literature

>> No.9657274

>the posters on this thread who mention things like holocaust denialism and anti-egalitarian/fascist literature are 100% correct in that these are forbidden from *socially*

That is technically true though I think it somewhat deviates from the spirit of the question. There should be a distinction made between books that are socially unacceptable and books which in some way resemble the types of "forbidden texts" you would find in fiction. Admittedly that is difficult since the trope version of these books mostly include the supernatural in some way and we can't drag down this board by playing pretend.

>> No.9657472


This. Not OP, but I'd like something with that horror element to it, without being actual horror fiction (and certainly not something like Cyclonopedia).

Something interesting, something awful, something that will shake us.

>> No.9657476

This alone was worth the thread. Here is your answear, OP. Though the book is not forbidden, It's a really polemical position to hold nowdays, worse it might be true. Anyone who publically hold that point will be in serious danger of being put to ostracism. I think it's an interesting case where science conflits our idea of ethics.
I leave here a question: Once we have that knowledge, what do you think we should do with that? I think the answear is NOTHING.

>> No.9657683
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>Something interesting, something awful, something that will shake us.

The best example I can think of is those photo albums of images of child sexual abuse that the police take from pedophiles and have to examine before storing it away in the evidence locker. However unlikely, they would be pretty goddamned horrifying to stumble upon in a library, though highly educational. It is actually lovecraftian in a way. It is the truth of the world that lives behind the thin veil of normalcy, with levels of degeneracy which are unfathomable to most people, and if you stumble upon it it can fuck up your soul, I've heard that the guys who have to look through that evidence can get fucked up for life if they can't mentally space out.

Any other crime documents which are disturbing in nature.

Cult manifestos?

I also suppose those books which are bound in human leather are kinda creepy but that doesn't necessarily mean the subject matter is awful. You could very well bind the Lorax with human skin for whatever reason.

>I leave here a question: Once we have that knowledge, what do you think we should do with that? I think the answear is NOTHING.

This. There really isn't any policy we could take with this which isn't completely contrary to all of our values. Also every society thus far based around the idea of inherent cognitive differences between races has been horrifying.

>> No.9657908

Why isn't 1984 banned though? It almost completely denounces today's structure of society in a direct way.

>> No.9657952

Kabbalistic, hermetic, alchemical, etc. writings like the chemical wedding of christian rosenkranz, the kybalion, gospel of thomas, etc.

Maybe some Aleister Crowley stuff, Israel Regardie.

>> No.9657962

Protocols of the learned elders of Zion

>> No.9658005

>Mien Kampf
>The Protocols of the Elders of Zion
>Anything written by terrorists, serial killers/rapists

>> No.9658009


Or rather, occult knowledge in general.
Most Barnes and Noble type places give it only a peripheral consideration and condemn it to neighboring genre categorization that is beneath its reality as an ancient heritage of knowledge relevant to human well being.

>> No.9658034

My local barnes and nobles has all those books and a whole row dedicated to occultism and esotercisim. Maybe that's because I live in a Jewish neighborhood though.

>> No.9658045

Literally learn to fucking read.

>> No.9658059

Just read an article on him and find it somewhat funny how his family responded to it. I'll have to read the "note" sometime, seems intriguing.

>> No.9658072

Well, >>9656828 >>9656843, and >>9657476 pretty much sum up that the myth of equality is the Noble Lie.

>> No.9658133

Time is an illusion of consciousness.

Scientists recently discovered that our brains are organized in upper dimensional structures as in 4th+ dimensions. Time is completely illusional for the sake of comprehension. Check out Joseph Cambell and Carl Jung.

>> No.9658158
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Might is Right. It is just distilled, practical Stirner, Nietzsche, Sade, Machiavelli et al
It it is what you'd expect based on the title, but with great 1800s prose and verve. All who have power, wealth, love etc deserve to according to the law of nature; who could say otherwise? In true Nietzschen form it even gives Jews their due for having greatly outsized wealth and influence

Who are the lords of hoarded gold-
the silent Semite rings.
Who are the plunder patriots-
high pontiffs, priests and kings.
Who are they but bold masterminds,
best fitted for the fray
Who comprehend and vanquish by
the logic of today

>> No.9658168

>Scientists recently discovered that our brains are organized in upper dimensional structures as in 4th+ dimensions

>> No.9658176

Nag Hammadi tomes
The Pillars of Tubal-Cain
Crowley books
Liber Null
Jung's Red Book
Eliphas Levi's writings
Stalislas de Guaita
Chamberlain (Adam - Red God)
Pikatrix / Book of Worms
and various other Grimoires.

>> No.9658177

harry potter and the well of forbidden knowledge

>> No.9658178
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Although not exactly hidden or forbidden knowledge, I believe this book and the following 'Preventive medicine' by the same author is one of those books of "forbidden knowledge" that people are quick to label with derogatory terms before analyzing the contents. If you have taken the time to read it and consider the consequences of its arguments into your daily life you will either be extremely liberated or utterly dismayed. Perhaps it is for the best because it is a rather dense text for most normies but it is the essential 'red pill' to human sexual relationship understanding and therefore operating mechanism of human societies. Some people just want to eat their fake steak in peace. This is truly knowledge that most people would rather forget and forbid in order to keep the peace.

>> No.9658180

'The Myth of the Twentieth Century' is good for this topic as well.

>> No.9658185

The corpus hermeticum.

>> No.9658208

Transcripts of prepublished material stolen directly from the author.

>> No.9658375

>The best example I can think of is those photo albums of images of child sexual abuse that the police take from pedophiles and have to examine before storing it away in the evidence locker.

Pff how bad can it be

>> No.9658376

>>>Mien Kampf


Knows only one language

But also can't even write their own language correctly


>> No.9658422

The books about the various method for suicide. liberals ban it, since they do not have an answer to suicide, besides resorting to hedonism ''enjoying life is good''

>> No.9658428

Within buddhism there is a lot of "secret" texts limited to those who have transmission and can get the right explanation from the master so they do not misunderstand it.

>> No.9658489

Are you 16?

>> No.9658510
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That sounds retarded.

I think the closest you will find to "forbidden knowledge" are the class elite's connections to esotericism and occultism in western society. It's been around forever, and remains extremely tight lipped. Not sure what kind of legitimate literature there is that isn't widely speculative conspiracy theory bullshit instead of an actual historical study on elite secret organizations and how they have evolved today.

>> No.9658541


Just as a possible qualification to your argument, what about environmental issues? What if low cognitive ability can be accounted for geographically? Living in shithole Africa makes you bad at iq tests? Maybe your pefect census would even out a little if the standard wasn't simply being a human, but being a human from a reasonably civilized environment. There would probably still be discrepancies, but they might not seem so dangerously profound.

>> No.9658736

What's it about?

>> No.9658782

I don't understand how the first three aren't already accounted for.

>> No.9658793

There is none, that's the thing. We can read the most radical, violent, taboo shit and still be sucked back into modern society by distractions and hedonism.

Ironically, the most dangerous types of books under capitalism are about morality and religion. Society has no way to deal with virtuous people.

>> No.9658839

This is the standard answer, but I think it's retarded. Sub-human populations slow social progress and cannot rule themselves. If African-Americans could get their own country, everybody would be much happier.

>> No.9659156

There's always the chance that you can never look your sons/daughters, nieces/nephews, or little brothers/sisters in the eyes ever again, lest you dig up repressed mental images of damned children and have your mind automatically put your little ones faces in their place.

>> No.9659173

sexually depraved to the highest degree, it's like the parts of /d/ you avoid, but worse (guro, etc.).

>> No.9659182
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>> No.9659218

No, De Sade is very important in philosophy, and the prose is brilliant. Bitch.

>> No.9659223

pic related

also The Culture of Critique

>> No.9659227
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fuck, forgot pic

>> No.9659228

May God punish your insolence in hell.

>> No.9659236
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>waaah living is scary and sad and waaah

>> No.9659244

It's an incredibly black pilling book for those who have no real means to escape nihilism when confronted with it.

Of course it's not literally 'forbidden knowledge' or whatever, but it's in the same vein.

>> No.9659267

>for those who have no real means to escape nihilism
If you have no real means of escaping nihilism you shouldn't read a book that tells you that you don't have any real means of escaping nihilism. That is self-defeating and masturbatory at best.

But I encourage all the pseuds on this board to read the book. Maybe they will become an hero.

>> No.9659283

well tbf you don't know that's what the book is about until you read it, overviews online can only go so far into the actual content

>> No.9659488

Why do you think that would be highly educational? Also, do you really think something can shock the average 4channer? We saw to many shit over the years, we're desensitized.

>> No.9659515


>> No.9659571

all of this because liberals sanctify sex and childhood

>> No.9659630

Shit thread.

Read Foucault's Pendulum and cleanse yourself of this trifle.

Decent if introductory picks. Can't complain about these.

>> No.9660255
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>Why do you think that would be highly educational?
It is educational in the sense that you lean about the true lengths of degeneracy, and all of the understanding that comes with direct primary sources, yet it is knowledge which a grand majority of people would never want to touch which means it fits the bill for "forbidden texts" which contain informational which is horrifying and nobody would want to use.

>Also, do you really think something can shock the average 4channer? We saw to many shit over the years, we're desensitized.
Everything 4channers know today to be weird is filtered through the lens of fiction and strict site boundaries. Most users today don't remember when that shit was actually allowed and the most disturbing shit we see on this site is drawn degeneracy which doesn't even get that bad. For instance we haven't really had guro on this site for a long time and gore is quickly 404ed due to lack of interest. The site is a lot more gentrified from the reputation it got a decade ago. The worst we get now is fluffies and an inordinate amount of futanari.

Also, consider this. If you had a book which could open the Hellmouth, most of us would keep it on our shelf cause that shit is kinda neat albeit dangerous, though we may not use it. Yet, if you had a book of naked mutilated children, most of us would throw it away faster than a game of Jumanji. It fits the bill of "horrifying forbidden books" even better than most examples in fiction.

>all of this because liberals sanctify sex and childhood
Two things:

1. Sanctifying childhood is an everybody in the western world thing, not just a liberal thing.

2. Are you fucking kidding me? Are you honestly trying to pin sexual "prudishness" on liberals? In a world where conservatives spent centuries trying to control people sexuality? You look at a political climate of conservatives trying to mandate who's love is valid, pushing abstinence only sex education, that purity ring bullshit and generally forcing themselves into everybody's private life and you want to claim that it is the liberals who are sanctifying sex? How delusional could you possibly be? What lengths wont you people go to pin everything on liberals?

>> No.9660352

Can you elaborate? Sloterdijk is someone no one I've met can really tell me much about.

>> No.9660372

The world as Will and Representation

>> No.9660771
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Should the film adaptation of a book series stay the same as the books, or to not have the same plot, but have the same characters and setting, similar to the legend of the guardians. Pic unrelated.

>> No.9660780

Go for anarchist literature. There's a reason it has been demonised by both sides of the political spectrum.

>> No.9660920

Sayyid Qutb is an Egyptian Muslim that visited America in the 1940s, because his friends thought it would be beneficial for him. He was extremely devout to Islam, and his friends thought that by visiting America, and seeing what it was like he would make him more open minded. It ended up having the opposite effect, and when he came to Egypt, he wrote "The America I have Seen" where he criticizes American values. He thought that Americans culture was too liberal (women rights, music, materialism, etc.), and it was corrupting us. This became a strong influence on Islamic Extremism.

If you want to learn how his work influenced terrorism in the Middle East, I would recommend The Looming Towers by Lawrence Wright

>> No.9660993


Mein Kampf is literal shit. Stop recommending it.
It just shows how illiterate you are even in concerns of right wing/anti-semitic literature.

>> No.9661021

He said he wanted forbidden knowledge, not good or well-written forbidden knowledge you absolute pseud

>> No.9661030

>Mein Kampf

Go kill yourself, you sorry little drone.

>> No.9661033

Illegal magazines from Japan.

>> No.9661034

And thanks for further proving my point that you are illiterate btw.

>> No.9661077

It counts as knowledge since by reading it you now know what was going on through Hitler's head and you know the foundation of National Socialist ideology. The fact that the ideology is puerile or that the book was badly written is of no consequence, there are restrictions on buying or borrowing the book, thus giving it a semi-forbidden nature. Those fit the traits OP is looking for, seems like you're the ADD-addled illiterate who didn't take the time to read OP

>> No.9661089

>by reading it you now know what was going on through Hitler's head
Are you twelve? I hope you don't really believe this, otherwise I can't even take you seriously.

> you know the foundation of National Socialist ideology

Here we go. Stay fucking illiterate, you fucking brainlet.

>> No.9661100
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>> No.9661102

Hohoho, get dem niggers out of our country! So what if they gave us practically all modern music and dominate practically every sport! Iq isn't just a bullshit test that you can study for and then lord it over everyone like an obnoxious asshole! All this extra "money" and "education" whites receive in their childhood don't have anything to do with iq scores!

>> No.9661110

>wikipedia as a source
>can't even quote Mein Kampf for it

Oh boy you just keep on giving.

Have you even read that retarded accident of a book? Please tell me you haven't and fully make you look like a fool

>> No.9661126

I haven't and I'm planning to. Regardless on your feelings for it, this is the exact type of book OP is looking for, In OP's own words:
>I am just looking for books which are considered to be better left unread (whether due to social unacceptability, disturbing subject matter, classified knowledge, etc) and put away to be forgotten

Men Kampf, again regardless of your own feelings, is considered "disturbing subject matter" and and best left unread by mainstream liberals, which are dominant in modern political thought, at least in the united states.
your hate boner it is off-topic and derailing the thread

>> No.9661140

heidegger says that's the only way to be a true poet, to immerse yourself in nihilism and keep at it there while you rediscover what it means to be, a truly original meaning, and your place in it from where you will bring forth an authentic speech so tell that to those plebs on critque threads

>> No.9661161

A .pdf that details how to make bombs.

>> No.9661343

Free mason books?
Or any private fraternal order frat, whatever they wanna call it. Their books.

>> No.9661521


I present the single most execrable passage from the text. I have done it before on this board, I will do it again on this board, and it is my pleasure to do so. It may be found at "supervert".


Escorted by Desgranges and Duclos, the Duc and Curval make a journey to the cellars with Augustine in the course of that night; her ass has been preserved in excellent condition, 'tis now lashed to tatters, then the two brothers alternately embugger her, but guard their seed, and then the Duc gives her fifty-eight wounds in the buttocks, pours boiling oil into each gash. He drives a hot iron into her cunt, another into her ass, and fucks her wounded charms, his prick sheathed in a sealskin condom which worsens the already lamentable state of her privities. That accomplished, the flesh is peeled away from the bones of her arms and legs, which bones are sawed in several different places, then her nerves are laid bare in four adjacent places, the nerve ends are tied to a short stick which, like a tourniquet, is twisted, thus drawing forth the aforesaid nerves, which are very delicate parts of the human anatomy and, which, when mistreated, cause the patient to suffer much. Augustine's agonies are unheard-of.

She is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then Messieurs resume work, but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife. The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back, down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel, the Duc thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina; he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails, forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance, he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears, burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair, attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Duc encunted her in this sorry state; he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her, and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Président burrows in her chest and harasses her heart, puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body; at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Her eulogy.


>> No.9661549

>>9656598 (you)

>> No.9662110

andre gide..........

>> No.9662119

Nigger shut the fuck up, you're completely missing his point.

>> No.9662308
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You only had one job

>> No.9662332

dude, seriously, capital by karl marx
it's like pandora's box
once you read it, there's no going back

>> No.9662394

it is a historical document you dweeb, wether me or you like it or not, you will gain knowledge reading it

>> No.9662425

>I've heard that the guys who have to look through that evidence can get fucked up for life if they can't mentally space out.

There are articles about Microsoft workers tasked with sifting through and flagging up online child porn developing PTSD further down the line.

>> No.9662854

what the fuck man

>> No.9662875

We had an English translation of "Milestones" at the my college library. I did a paper in undergrad about how his justification for killing Muslims is the same as Kierkegaard's "teleological suspension of the ethical." I never got black bagged or surveilled or anything, it's not much more radical than the RAF.

>> No.9663205

>Hillary Clinton
>Not right-wing

>> No.9663335

I can't help but think she'd have died far earlier into this. I mean I know the human body can take some insane punishment, but that's a lot of shit to handle in one go.

>> No.9663459

Jesus, this is unlike anything I've read. What was the purpose of this? Surely not pleasure?

>> No.9663470

wtf I'm a hilldawg now
I think this is a punishment for one of the slave girls the Marquis kidnapped falling in love with one the slave boys

>> No.9663481

Clearly Gullinari's opus.

>> No.9663913
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>Forbidden Knowledge
>Loved by /r/SamHarris

>> No.9664459
File: 71 KB, 329x461, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kenneth Grant's Typhonian Trilogies. They will seem like utter nonsense to anyone with even one drop of normie blood.

>> No.9664491

The point de Sade was always trying to make was that pleasure =/= happiness and no matter how long you run down the hedonic treadmill it will never be good enough, you'll always be chasing the next high. And then one day you're skinning women alive as jerking off with their severed vaginas is the only way you can ejaculate.

He's a tragic case of "being remembered as advocating the exact fucking thing they were in fact speaking out against", like Nietzsche with Nihilism. I wonder what contemporary figures will be struck with this. Will Dawkins go down as a fundamental Baptist who hated Evolution? Zizek as a radical advocate of Ultraconservative Super Fascism?

>> No.9664561

Adorno as well.

>> No.9664581

Do people actually believe that these grant le magical insights, or is it more of a Jungian thing?

>> No.9664582

>literally using a tumblr gif

>> No.9664596

I lost my copy of The Magickal Revival :(

>> No.9664659


I have the feeling de Sade knew this was an exercise in extrapolation - Just like those creepy horror mangas (though he is much more of a talent).

>> No.9664661

Was it useful?

>> No.9664788


I think that you are a bit too charitable to Sade the historical person. He was quite capable of insight, yes, but I think that he actually got of on writing the thing, in-the-moment, as he did, even if he could appreciate its absurdity or maladaption on another hand.

I also think that you misread Sade by suggesting that Sade "cautions against" the extreme, depraved end. I think that Sade actually wants the extreme, depraved end, and I think that this is quite a safe opinion for me to have, given who we are discussing.

You seem to be reading in 20th-ish century humanist sensibilities into the guy we're talking about in an effort to excuse and sanitize him.

>> No.9664886

yeah i agree with this dude. anyone who writes about such perversions or whatever you wanna call it in such detail can't be reduced to simply advocating or condemning their subject matter. de sade's relationship with his own work is definitely more complicated than that. you can write about something you actively practice/get off on in such a manner that someone who doesn't share those sensibilities will likely read it as a cautionary tale (like kramer, his work can definitely fuel homophobia if you want it to, but of course that's a different historical context.)
i think if his point had just been "hedonism is bad" he would've chosen a very very very different form to prove his point. i mean what on earth could justify going to such lengths and entertaining such gruesome thoughts to that kind of detail just to make a point about the emptiness of pleasure for the sake of pleasure (which, by the way, is a theme way ahead of his time anyway, it just seems unlikely that he was already thinking in such terms.)
de sade's reasons to write at all were certainly complex, just like everybody else's, and that's probably double-complex when we're talking sexuality. people's motivation behind writing regular erotica is simple, but the way people like de sade and the countless generations of writers his work has had some major influence on, you'd probably have to turn his life into a whole case study to even begin answering that question. hell, why do humans write at all? i really don't think it's as simple as "because it brought him pleasure" or "because he wanted to caution against pleasure."
more people should actually read him desu, instead of just going like, "well i kinda know what the word sadism means, ergo i understand who de sade is." he's a complicated guy, man.

>> No.9664938

If you know how to interpret and utilize them correctly for personal improvement, then yes, they do grant "magical" insights. Otherwise it's just going to be useless words on a paper. Idk what you mean by "just a jungian thing", but Jung is closely tied to them.

>> No.9665006

I mean do you actually consider them to be preternatural?

>> No.9665052

There are pdf scans of Kenneth Grant on Library Genesis if that's any consolation. Hard copies are always expensive.

>> No.9665104

No. The knowledge of how to use and understand it is hidden for all who do are not mentally prepared for it, but anyone CAN utilize it if they are able to. It's not something that is not attainable by the average human, although the average person will never be able to attain it by nature of the circumstances of humanity at large. It's just knowledge of the true nature of humanity and how to grasp it for oneself. It brings peace and power to know such things.

>> No.9665110

I don't see how such a thing could bring power. Seems like it would be the opposite.

>> No.9665130

Power meaning power over yourself. Mastery of your mind, body and spirit allows you to change your moods and mindset in a way so that you are not slave to your emotional states and material circumstances. If you are depressed and have low self esteem, this sort of thing is perfect for bringing you out of that state. It's not material power, like power over people and things. It's power over the whims of yourself that most people are not in control of.

>> No.9665143

And this is supposed to come only from knowledge? Seems like the sort of thing attainable only after a lifetime of discipline.

>> No.9665171

It's practical knowledge. From the first moment of learning about it you can begin to improve yourself, but it takes a lifetime to fully master it. Really, it's impossible to ever fully master it, which is why you need to work for your whole life to keep making progress. But it's not bad that it is that way because each new bit of progress that you make brings you closer to perfection. Every step you take away from your old misery is better than the last. Yes, it is difficult and requires discipline, but it doesn't take much to begin, and the results are quick to behold. Meditation (breathing and concentration), physical exercises, healthy eating, proper sleep patterns and stuff like that are necessary for putting it into practice and absorbing the knowledge in a way that will benefit you.

>> No.9665434

>When you come to understand that the everyday is a construct that exists to preserve your current self by avoiding confrontation with death-- that's something very hard to dull or unlearn.
doesn't everyone know that though?

>> No.9665449

you're forgetting about all the Christians that are the main reason for those bans

>> No.9665606

Read Dogscape. It's hit or miss but it fucked me up for a couple months.

>> No.9666383

Seems fun, I kek'd.

>> No.9666734

Those are openly sold in bookstores in France though.

>> No.9666966

Like what? What makes these mags illegal?

>> No.9667176

Nah, search for Consort Qi, real life person who survived in a horrid similar state for some days

>> No.9668113

He's probably talking about Comic LO or the like.

>She then had Concubine Qi's limbs chopped off, blinded her by gouging out her eyes, cut off her tongue and locked her in the pigsty, and called her a "Human Swine"

>> No.9668272

Occult LARPers will be mad but the only real answer is child pornography. Nobody gives a shit about "magick"

>> No.9668307
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>muh kanye!
>muh niggerhoop!
>muh iq is irrelevant!
>muh iq isn't 80% heritable
>muh niggers haven't received trillions of cumulative dollars in pity handouts over the past century yet remain a dirt race of primitive monkey people despite living alongside fully evolved human beings!

>> No.9668319

Post your IQ senpai

>> No.9668968

I might just have my mind in the gutter but do the fine editors at Wikipedia mean what I think they mean with

>Several days after, Emperor Xiaohui saw the "Human Swine", and after realising that it who the "Human Swine" was, the emperor was so sick of his mother's cruelty that he virtually relinquished his authority and indulged in carnal pleasures.

Or are they referring to some unrelated pleasures.

>> No.9669001

I interpreted that as him saying "fuck this" and strolling off into the sunset to live a life of hedonistic pursuits but now you've got me wondering.

>> No.9669012

That's what I had thought initially given the implied negative connotation against his mother's actions. The fact that the author uses "carnal" to describe his hedonism makes me doubt. Also, he didn't literally abandon the throne, just pursued pleasures as his primary directive.
Perhaps I've been reading too much Greek stuff as of late, but I feel as if the emperor were truly appalled he would mercy kill the woman or condemn his mother.

>> No.9669268

really? even those little blue books they carry around that they dont let anyone see or read?

>> No.9670007

10/10 post

>> No.9670062

sounds like r/redpill, but go on

>> No.9670083

>restrictions on buying or borrowing the book
Are there really in some countries?
I've burrowed it from my local library her in Sweden without any special problems or anything, it wasn't treated differently than any other book in the library.

>> No.9670093

>Qutbist literature
So why is this brand of durka durka allah jihad more dangerous than the others? Like, say, Wahhabism?

>> No.9670108

>What lengths wont you people go to pin everything on liberals?
There are plenty of rightards who think that Hitler was a leftist. National SOCIALIST, if you will.

>> No.9670118

Racists should be fucking shot on sight. They bring nothing to the table except idiocy and oppression, and only ever want to stomp on their fellow human beings whom they are too goddamned brain-damaged to recognize as such.

>> No.9670776

>he would mercy kill the woman or condemn his mother.
You'd think he would, but then again it's ancient China. Maybe disowning his mother would cause issues down the line or something.

>> No.9671169

surprised that no one is mentioning peter sotos

>> No.9671229
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What do niggers bring to the table? Idiocy and "oppressed"? Are you including racists of color? Obviously not black people, since they can do no wrong, but what about Asians, Jews, Amerindian, etc?
I'm leaving. The capcha spooked me.

>> No.9671237


>better left unread
>social unacceptability
>disturbing subject matter
>put away to be forgotten

hardware/architecture documentation

the intel IA64 documentation on the arch abstraction alone is 40,000+ pages long

>> No.9671249

this for sure

>> No.9671283


That has nothing to do with politics.

>> No.9671287


Book of Dead, probably.

The hype around it makes it seem like an accurate description of death as a process and the concept of Bardo in the Tibetan tradition.

>> No.9671612

just skipped through it, jesus christ that was boring, it felt like a children's novel of stitched together diary entries

"first this happened, and then when I was X years old this happened, and then his happened and it was kind of fun but then this thing happened that made me sad"

then i read reviews on goodreads (why there are review there i don't know) and people are excited to read the thoughts of a mass murderer, as if his status of a mass murderer makes his diary entries suddenly interesting, as if murder can only be fueled by interesting thoughts

>> No.9671660

>1905 page suicide note
>starts with a misreading of Plato
Kek'd greatly

>> No.9671669

The reviews are from girls who got wet because they like bad boys like Elliot who kill people. Bet you're just jelly

>> No.9671701

i guess in a sense, he became the "bad boy alpha male" that hates and abuses women, but women love him anyways

he got his wish in the end, and all it took was his death

there's meaning in here somewhere

>> No.9671737

>ever since I turned eight
Your ego is trying to preserve yourself as the most important thing in the universe through your falsely perceived immense intellect. You seem to not grasp the tremendous implications of Heidegger's philosophy.