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/lit/ - Literature

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9653732 No.9653732 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.9653736

why, so you can monetise it?

>> No.9653751


>> No.9653762

poo hahaha poooooo. funy but stinky. hah

>> No.9653763
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My hairline is receding and my stomach is expanding.

>> No.9653769

What if Earth is just the Garden of Eden for the whole universe? That's a lot of pressure on us.

>> No.9654078
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Maybe this world is another planet's hell.

>> No.9654170
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I have been growing increasingly suspicious of the Jesuits. This feels partly terrible to me because I am a devout Catholic.

However, they have been up to some shit that has been bothering me more and more of late. Their superior general, who is pictured here, recently denied the real existence of the Devil as an entity. He also at one point slightly beforehand said that Jesus may need to be "reinterpreted" in light of changes to modern society.

Beyond that, I have grown to wonder if there isn't something wrong with people who receive Jesuit educations. So many famous people who grew up Catholic have talked about being educated by Jesuits, but what has come of it? They're all lapsed, or just atheists. They're all cultural Catholics or Catholics who seem to treat the Church, as an institution, with disdain. I went to public school my entire childhood and only went to a Catholic school for graduate school, yet I seem to be a closer adherent to the religion than all these people educated by Jesuits. Something isn't adding up here, for me.

I think I prefer the Dominicans, among the religious orders. Their teaching is clearer and sharper.

>> No.9654172

My hair is literally on top of my mind. Get it?

>> No.9654202

Well I am in a pickle. I have impregnated a woman. I am way out of my depth with this. I am a schizoid with no friends or a job and she is in love with me still. I'm about to be a father and all I can think about is will I ever have alone time. That's pretty shitty way to think.

Just started Galactic Pot Healer.

>> No.9654203

It's too fucking hot

>> No.9654210
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It's cold and shitty in Canada. I want it to be fucking summer already, when is global warming going to kick in and end this misery?

>> No.9654214

Do you think God stays in heaven because he too lives in fear of what he's created? Here on Earth?

>> No.9654218

It was 107 (41C) here in Northern California and it's gonna be that way all week. I think I'd rather be freezing

>> No.9654238
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I'm hoping I can write a science fiction work that will finally put Norway on the map. I mean, even Sweden has Kallocain and they're objectively worse than us in pretty much everything. But I know the dream is too farfetched and I don't have the skills to pull it off yet.

>> No.9654261

Human hands are meant to do work. Human legs are meant to carry the hands to places where they can work at something. Usually for someone else's benefit. A person without his hands loses the ability to do anything by himself. The only thing it has left is a head for lamenting his condition. A second-rate existence at best.

This just seems very fucking stupid.

>> No.9654265

I miss her and I do not want her. I love her and I despise her. fuck me i am such a beta

>> No.9654281

What I mean by this, is that so much of life in society consists of nothing but memorized mechanical actions that are repeated over and over. A person is only valued for his ability to perform those specific actions, and the rest discarded like trash.

And the fact that almost everything humans do, they do with their hands. And the legs just serve to get the hands where they need to be, and to exercise physical functions. Yet, as any body part, they're incredibly fragile and easy to lose. And once you do, you're forever left out from "normal life", whatever that is and whatever merits it might have.

It's sad.

>> No.9654285

I wonder if my inability to start fapping or doing anything of sexual nature without Smash's All Star playing over and over in mind has anything to do with shitposting and memes.

>> No.9654336

That fucking sucks. How did you come to find yourself in this situation?

>> No.9654343

People are literally animals.
Why didn't anyone tell me this in education? We're ANIMALS that come from nature. We're not special at all. Are there any books / authors that talk about this topic?

>> No.9654357


I met her at group therapy, I was going because I needed to practice socialization. She started talking to me first so I just started listening to her talk and chipping in. In the next three weeks we go from friends to a couple, and then a year later she is my future-wife and child's mother.
I don't think we are going to be able to be very compatible (and I like her a lot) and even now my quiet ways bother her and her family thinks I'm a weirdo for being so withdrawn. It took my family years to come to accept my hermit like ways.

>> No.9654364
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>We're ANIMALS that come from nature

We're literally cousins with everything alive.

The Ancestor's Tale is quite interesting.

>> No.9654368


>> No.9654369

the negative space in that image looks a bit like a tulip

>> No.9654380

thanks for your recommendation fellow animal

>> No.9654387

Why aren't you at least trying to get her to get an abortion, or alternatively, at least try to get as far away from her as possible?

>> No.9654394


>> No.9654398

I like to write at the last minute, not because of the pressure, but because it's unfortunately liberating that I can never tell if I'm improving or if there's anything to improve.

>> No.9654447

That's what you get for living in the shit half of Cali

>> No.9654488

I believe Tom Waits is the most /lit/ musician.

>> No.9654493

It seems like the last job interview I had fucked me up in some way. I've become more irritable, I keep having flashbacks to some of the more stupid moments and missed chances, and generally I've never felt more worthless. It's not just that particular interview, it's more like a cherry on top of a pile of shit, just the one fucking thing that pushes me into some kind of madness.

The whole essence of my worthless self, distilled to that single half-hour where I tried hard to seem as if I had anything of value, and them seeing right through my shit. This one's for the ultimate life fails showreel, for sure.

>> No.9654609

You probably are improving. If you keep doing something, you're bound to get better at it, even if at a snail's pace.

>> No.9654627


>> No.9654703

unless you want to stay put in the region of the unknown and away in to the forest of the wild fires that started in the region of the Underworld in the space of the unknown and if at all the jungle and the eternal beauty of the nature decide to come up to the level of the inkling of the thought process in the name of the god that was to be killed in the process of the perhaps. Then on the day of the extraordinary beauty and the steely rust of the overcast cloudy sky shall your name be breathed.

>> No.9654710

i dont wanna go to school anymore. If i get another bad grade ill have to do the class again. But instead of doing that I plan on taking as many drugs as I can and kill myself at the end of hollidays. Any suggestions on shit that I can do while on drugs?

>> No.9654714

If someone made a movie of my life it would be the most boring and pathetic shit you could ever watch. Had an interview today and couldn't sleep for two days because of it. 2 wasted days because of an one hour interview that wasnt even that bad. I should seek help for social anxiety, like i've been telling myself for 3 years.

>> No.9654970

Hey buddy, I think we're living the same life. I made a post about mine above.

Maybe it's just the postmodern condition, life under the yoke of late capitalism. Also, un homme qui dort would be the movie, probably. Did they call you back, at least? Did you send them a "thank you for the interview" mail?

>> No.9654979

There is no story or event from my life I could tell that would be interesting, funny or at least tragic to anyone.

>> No.9655099

Often I'm in the mood to fap but I don't want to. Today I want to but I'm not in the mood. Life is strange, friends.

>> No.9655194

How is Galactic Pot Healer so far?

>> No.9655522

That's a good thing.

>> No.9655528

Those new headphones are way too loud.

>> No.9655532

you are matched say hello

>> No.9655599

i want to fucking die in my sleep

>> No.9655611

>early third millenium
for what purpose?

>> No.9655631

what do you think about your dna mixed with her dna?
i was kind of in your position years ago, and now i have two kids and a wife i love more than myself
i still have time for myself
just b urself
be honest with her
but also, keep some things to yourself sometimes
do your best, be the man
and be careful of sleep deprivation, bro

>> No.9655634

abortions kill relationships

>> No.9655654

Suspicion for the Jesuits was a common thing even in more Catholic times, they have been expelled from Portugal in 1759, from France in 1764, Spain in 1767, etc.

Dominicans are clearer, but those I knew were too wordy and diplomatic, although reliable as a person.

>> No.9655660

My new place is great, but for how much longer will I have to wait for my qt to respond?

>> No.9655669

Use good Norwegian memes like Varg or Breivik and make them the feminazi lords of your sci-fi empire.

>> No.9655738

I'm learning that most "entry-level" job offerings aren't actually looking for someone with entry-level experience

>> No.9655748

Having a dead relationship is better than having a live baby. Especially if you didn't really want the relationship in the first place.

>> No.9655771

Pretty much all my close friends from high school have serious depression, go to some kind of therapy, do hard drugs, or have tossed around the idea of committing suicide. I'm wondering if or when this shit will start catching up to me but I hope not.

Guess that's what military service will do to you.

>> No.9655776

Two years ago, The Spirit of Terrorism freaked me out. Now I just embrace the Nature of Chaos that is Human Existence.

>> No.9655906
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Honestly it makes me sad that we're only know for a shitty subgenre of metal and cringy as fuck edgemasters. And Kunt Hamsun's Sult I suppose, but honestly I think people only pretend to read him because he was a nazi sympathizer and post-ironic nazism is hella trendy nowadays.

>> No.9655925
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>tfw small, feminine hands

>> No.9655932

Yesterday I stood outside, alone, under my back porch for a very long period. It was one of a small collection of rare occurrences; clean and undiluted wonderment, happenstance only moments after taking a piss on the loose mound of soil right outside my back door. I took my piss, looked up as I finished, and just watched the woods surrounding my house for a very long time. It was beginning to thunderstorm, and subtle yet firm winds caused branches to sway to and fro. The trees themselves were just beginning to swing ever-so-slightly back and forth in a primal, kinetic energy. The rain wasn't much more than a glorified mist when I had stepped out, but it intensified and I could feel the big droplets of water plunking about, on me, on the ground, parting gifts of groundswell and goosebumps. Normally I would have just stepped back inside but it had been a particularly bleak day and there was a small, nascent freedom in just standing there, at attention to nature's whim. I noticed a pair of blue jays hopping about between branches ahead of me, I noted them as being nervous about the storm. The roar of thunder never has never really frightened me, not when I was little, not now - and now it cracked and roared in abandon, unguessing intervals. The rain picked up to a crescendo and I just stood there, getting soaked, watching these blue jays. It was laughable how they would compulsively separate just to recombine, to touch beaks together and preen feathers... I started thinking of Will Smith's Just The Two of Us, a naively fitting song for them. Eventually, they flew off together and I was left to face the storm, alone once more. I looked at the ground, and wished strongly that I knew my dad. As a young 20 some, there are a few things I'll never be able to relate, tgat i waa deprived of: but I feel like having a good dad would be something similar to those birds, and how they were.

>> No.9655971

My best friend turned out to be a pathological liar who stabbed me in the back. Feels bad man, why cant people be trusted?

>> No.9656143

jesus fuck

You're one of the few unlucky ones. You have seen both sides now.

>> No.9657462
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Stop liking femdom you fucking faggot. Women don't like femdom you major genetic fuck up. Stop wanting to put on thigh highs too you fucking nigger. The second you cum to some shitty MILF hentai you'er gonna regret it.

All posts are autistic works of fiction. Only a fool would take anything written here as fact.

>> No.9657484

Homosexuals just make me irrationally angry for some reason. I feel like they are just doing it for virtue signalling brownie points. OMG LOOK AT ME I GET FUCKED IN THE ASS. SO. DIVERSE. AND. PROGRESSIVE! I

>> No.9657520

I really wish I didn't had to see how my mom beat my brothers for all those years. Sometimes it feels like I will never escape from those memories.

>> No.9657717

An image of a girl doing that thing where they raise their foot and show their sole. I saw this roughly 8 hours ago during my shift at work. I can't get it out of my head.

What once started as a simple liking of female feet is now turning into an all-consuming obsession.

I want to free myself of this. I never wanted to feel this way.

>> No.9657747

Anon, what are some traditional hetero kinks you don't like? If a beautiful woman ate your ass out would it make you as uncomfortable? Do you like choking chicks?

My point being, is it truely your inner /pol/ that hates homosexuality, or is it simply another sexual fetish you have no interest in? Do you treat other sexual non interests with as much hate as gay people?

>> No.9657762

All fetishes are degenerate. I particularly hate people who take any opportunity to talk about them

>> No.9657806

because it's less spooked than atheism

>> No.9657911
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I just want it to stop. I want the stormfags to stop, the liberals to stop, the death to stop, the violence to stop, the wars to stop. I want to hit stop on a world moving a breakneck speed, with next update on some obnoxious tweet by some obnoxious president. I want to hit stop on this autistic orchestra of identity politics and shrieking over who gets cast in a film. I want to press stop on the pollution, the hate, the outrage. Just for o month, a week, a day, an hour, a minute. I'd like it to stop. I'd like it to all fucking stop.

>> No.9657923

muh collapse of secular liberal order, young people increasingly tend to LARP as marxists, nazis or traditionalist catholics

>> No.9657956

the drink, man; he who claims numbness is himself and receives no less than a mouth pressed against god's earllobe and his breath is hot on the eternal submissive;

i wish i could just do what i know should be done

>> No.9658025
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>tfw enjoying the collapse of Western Civilisation

>> No.9658134
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>> No.9658151

I had a dream in which I entered a mansion controlled by my anima. The mansion was a safe haven for the inhabitants. I knew that there had been a great disaster in the past and that this place had been erected in defense from the harsh scorched wasteland outside. I was to watch a film with a group of old men. But I had been to the outside. I knew that the world had since recovered from this darkness. I took the film from the dvd player and left the room. I went from room to room until I entered one inhabited by two women in a bed. The bed was high off the ground to inhibit me from hiding from the Woman under it. I decided to hide behind a crook near the door and to fight the Woman. She entered as I had not obeyed her wishes. I pounced on her. She was 6 feet tall and thin, about thirty, blonde. I began to choke her. She frothed at the mouth but did not resist. I sensed that she was enjoying this and this made me angry. I knew she was aroused. I turned up her skirt and began to fuck her. She was agreeable to this but asked that we not do so in front of the two women in bed. We entered another room inhabited by a young girl and the Woman asked the girl to leave the room kindly. I fucked her in anger at the prison that she was warden to and exclaimed that I would tear the fucking walls down. Suddenly we were outdoors at a barbecue and the inhabitants ate and celebrated their newfound freedom from the mansion-prison.

I interpret this as my disillusion with women rectified with my current relationship. I had previously had trust issues and come to erect boundaries for the feelings which I would not allow to develop in order to keep myself safe from loss or embarrassment. In my current relationship I feel secure with the person I am with. So my anima came and let me concur her so that I may free my Self and learn to develop further in an emotional relationship.

>> No.9658223
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To learn by example is to submit to authority. ...By watching the master and emulating his efforts in the presence of his example, the apprentice unconsciously picks up the rules of the art, including those which are not explicitly known to the master himself.

>It is only if someone can 'do', has learnt, is master of, suchandsuch, that it makes sense to say he has had this experience.

>> No.9658291

I have no focus, so I have no skill, so I have no career prospects.

>> No.9658308

Interesting dream, I like your psychoanalysis.

>> No.9658310

As I dip my toes in philosophy and ''high literature'' I find out not only how much I've been missing and how deep that pool is, but also how shallow the people who claim to be ''learned'' are and how incorrectly they refer to these works

>> No.9658311

My fingers sometimes smell like ass.

>> No.9658316

A glorious prophet has arisen. Myself. The world is in a state of utter ignorance. Science and religion have led mankind astray. They are decades behind my way of thinking. I am what humanity has been waiting for, for two thousand years. Christ's early followers had failed to follow the mystical path properly, but now everything is crystal clear. The end may be coming soon, or I may fail, and someone else will receive all the honor for my intellectual achievements.

>> No.9658326

Im registering for fall classes. I just want a girl to look at me and not be disgusted. I think im bound to die alone

>> No.9658365

English majors are like the best conversants in the room with the worst halitosis. Everyone's interested for a few minutes but then you want them to stop talking.

>> No.9658372


welcome to the concresence