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File: 121 KB, 562x560, derrida2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9650841 No.9650841 [Reply] [Original]

Alright, Derrida thread, let's keep it civil.

I'm reading The Gift of Death and it's interesting how the "second" Derrida approaches the practical consequences of his radical theory, even going as far of retroactively defanging his thought. In fact while the book can be summarize as deconstructed history of responsibility, responsibility per-se remains a sort of quasi-transcendental. In fact it becomes the condition of possibilty of a "goodness". This more and more leads me to believe that the Derrida, at least during that period can be described as eccentric kantian, trying to juggle the perils of his thoughts and the challenges of politics and ethics (to which he was completely disinterested in his early work)

Also I'm interested in the opinion of Christians about his critic of the christian notion of responsibility, always undermined by the sacrificial mysterium and an "economy of promise" (ie Heaven) that undercats any responsibilty toowards the other in favor of the promise of gaining.

>> No.9650866

give me three reasons why i should read left wing heidegger

>> No.9650871


>This more and more leads me to believe that the Derrida, at least during that period can be described as eccentric kantian

Derrida should never, *ever* be described as a Kantian in any sense of the word or with any modifier or adjective. Read the death penalty lectures. I know the very topic of 'responsibility' seems to link the gift of death and the first two critiques but the two could not be more separate. read the death penalty lectures if you are more interested in this, or politics of friendship. i don't have the time to break it down for you here but the very notion of responsibility for derrida is in the absence of moral rule; for derrida, rule and responsibility are contradictory.

1. because he himself is a heideggerian
2. animals
3. destory the metaphysics of presence

>> No.9650881

To shake you beliefs? I don't know why anyone ever reads something, In the end the decision is always yours no amount of knowledge you gain on the question can help you.

The instant of decision is madness.

>> No.9650891

To stop being phallogocentric.

>> No.9650892

>the very notion of responsibility for derrida is in the absence of moral rule; for derrida, rule and responsibility are contradictory.

I totally agree with this, the "content" (for the lack of a better word) of responsibilty can't be a sted golden rule like "be responsible to the other". Even if accepted it wouldn't escape the deconstructive "danger".

Yet, the call for responsibilty that emerged through history, doesn't in fact work, unsure and always shaking, as a trascendental against which every act is measured?

Anyway Politics of Friendship is on the list. I'll add the death penalt lectures

>> No.9651536


you should read the death penalty lectures first actually, and buy them in hardcover because they are great pressings and definitely his clearest work outside of the animal therefore that i am

>> No.9651655

The guy just wanted to fuck everything up
He made a gigantic damage to the academia and it seems like it will never recover
I'm not calling him a pseud or whatever, but he is responsable of all those people who think gender can be an argument and all the related bs

>> No.9651665

Great shitpost, thanks professor

>> No.9651672


>> No.9651677

Tell me what good has his work done

>> No.9651678

Deconstruction isn't destruction. Blame dumb plebs

>> No.9651681

Fuck off

>> No.9651728

It is impossible to even talk about anything without "opressing" someone thanks to deconstruction
It makes communication impossible, those plebs aren't even "wrong"
I don't think of post structuralism as some kind of buggy man, but all the phallogocentric/ethnocentric wank was completly unnecessary. I can't but see a resentful human being in Derrida. He was brilliant but it leaves a bad taste in my mouth
I know I will be told to kill myself, I just wanted to share my opinion. I will keep thinking about this guy and his thought. I hope my current impressions of him turn out to be wrong. I still will not kill myself in the case that my opinion is retarded

>> No.9651732

His work gave you the excuse to shitpost about someone you obviously didn't read
Stop posting

>> No.9651759

If it wasn't Derrida it would have been someone else. 'Oppression' is just a feature of language.

>> No.9651769

"Ethnocentrism" wasn't a concept invented by Derrida, it's common in anthropology. Misuses of concepts by people claiming one's legacy without reading the books are also a common thing. It's not "the author's fault", deal with it.
You don't forge an "opinion" by repeating what you read on /lit/, actually try to read him yourself to begin with.

>> No.9651786 [DELETED] 

These people understand Derrida better than anyone promoting him. And this:
Highlights the false understanding of Derrida only jews and true believing shabbos goyim will bring up.

Deconstruction is *precisely* destruction. That's all it is and all it was ever intended to be, but you going to understand this unless you understand how the jew thinks and works.

>> No.9651792

By virtue of using two different words they are two unrelated concepts. Stop posting this stupid Jew shit every day faggot.

>> No.9651802

Henlo Mistur Jordan B. Peterson

>> No.9651817 [DELETED] 

They are not unrelated concepts whatsoever, and you know it. I understand why (((you))) would like people to stop exposing jews, but I'm afraid that's not going to happen anytime soon.

>> No.9651830 [DELETED] 

He's resentful because he rejected his Jewish upbringing. "If I can't have this no one else can" apparently does not escape great thinkers. He never shitposted as hard against the Jews though because blood is thicker than culture.

Deconstruction is more than that. But that's besides the point, because it's an ideological weapon. And he had to prove his allegiance to blood given his rejection of culture by doubling down and pointing it at everything aside from himself and his tribe.

You walk into a room and it has a nice table, a set of chairs, and a vase. Now Derrida comes in and puts the vase sideways and the chairs upside down such that we can't use the table as a meeting place anymore. "I didn't destroy it," he says. "I just deconstructed it you see". Sure you did.

>> No.9651839

Deconstruction is just the acknowledgment of the historical construction of certain concepts to which we refer in speech. There's nothing destructive about it unless you think demystifying the processes of language is dangerous, in which case I'd wonder what you have to lose by giving your ideas any clarity.

>> No.9651850

How does this differ from genealogy?

>> No.9651865 [DELETED] 

It is the destruction of speech, language, and western philosophy and it was intended to be. Stop repeating jewish narratives you don't understand in full. The jew cannot create, it can only destroy; but it will no doubt try to tell you that its destruction is a creation.

>> No.9651892

Genealogy takes historicism in context for the origin of the semoitic unit.
Deconstruction tries to first decontextualize (make the term independent of other variables that give it meaning) and then understand it.

>> No.9651893


>> No.9651901

This desu. Survival of the fittest isn't it.

>> No.9651918 [DELETED] 

Some may think I'm being hyperbolic when I point out the mental sickness of the jew, but it's really a pinpointed observation of reality. These are deranged people who suffer from a wide variety of genetic diseases, along with things like schizophrenia, due to inbreeding, similar to their semitic arab cousins.

>> No.9651941


>> No.9651943 [DELETED] 

It's literally the conceptual version of the rootless wanderer. Why is this any better than the genealogical method that already contains within its root notions of familial descent?

>> No.9651953


>> No.9651968 [DELETED] 

I encourage people to google jewish genetic diseases. It's a trip. These are very sick people.

>> No.9651974

I didn't say that deconstruction didn't employ historicism at any stage of the process. I said it employs decontextualising first in order to understand the semiotic unit. That's the difference between deconstruction and Genealogy.

Deconstruction requires you to understand the proponents of the whole (the thing under inspection) and the relationship of the proponents , and then further carry out a reconstruction and understand the genealogy of the thing you're studying .. Its not exclusive of each other.

>> No.9651982

No, deconstruction is when you acknowledge the fact that everytime you make an argument based in the difference between to concepts (words) the argument is weak since every difference between two words is random, since words not really have anything to do with reallity, they get their meaning when you difference them between a whole sea of words/ideas. When this is applied to a less abstract field is when you get what you are saying

>> No.9652001

Read more Derrida than just "Of Grammatology"

>> No.9652002 [DELETED] 

There's a Jewish belief that reality itself is a text and can be manipulated through textual knowledge. Really makes you think about Derrida's "nothing outside the text" thing. It explains how brazen they are about twisting the words of their text like it's some legal document, almost as if God doesn't give a fuck about being cheated because there's no spirit of the law at all.

Fortunately for non-semites, we sense that there is something wrong with that, even if it can't be explained in language. If there is something outside of language, there is still hope.

>> No.9652009

It's both.

>> No.9652012
File: 40 KB, 539x402, photo_2017-06-18_22-27-24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9652019

Yes they are unrelated, thats the whole point Derrida made. I'm the anon who was talking about how Derrida seems resentful and bla bla bla. Stop with your pol nonsense. You make trying to critic his work impossible
I never said he invented it, but he remarks it all the time. He wanted his work to be associated with all the bs in the humanities we are seeing now

>> No.9652027

Don't worry jewboy you're hated by both whites and non-whites, youre going to pay for your actions very soon

>> No.9652028 [DELETED] 

This guy gets it. Philosophy is a reflection of the people. European philosophy has noble characteristics and seeks the advancement of nature and consciousness. Jewish philosophy like that of Derrida is a reflection of the jewish people and their destructive nature. Again, we're talking about sick people here who cannot build, and can only destroy what others have built. Fin.

>> No.9652031 [DELETED] 

And I didn't say that jews aren't related by blood. But they're "decontextualized" within the whole of their immediate society. Deconstruction is a very Jewish way of thinking. It's different from the rootedness that is a facet of almost every other people, culminating in the Heideggerian being-in-the-world that is a rejection of almost all previous Western philosophy that has been tainted by Christian eschatology.

>> No.9652042

>I never said he invented it, but he remarks it all the time. He wanted his work to be associated with all the bs in the humanities we are seeing now
Yeah sure he wanted whatever makes you feel better in your "opinion". Also, get a clue about where does your opinion come from.
It would be a good idea to read him before speaking. I get you want to speak and all, that's fine, but you really should read first.

>> No.9652043

"deconstruction" is just a joke on derrida btfoing "structuralism", will all you white power homos calm the fuck down, go wack off to a cartoon or something

>> No.9652047

>when you are so butthurt that your lovely communist failed hard in the Soviet Union and the Eastern bloc, but you don't want to admit that because doing that would hurt the intellectual prestige of your caste, so you crash philosophy with no survivors

There are people who genuinely believe that denying reality exists is more acceptable that saying communism is bad.

>> No.9652050

>alright, Derrida thread

>lets talk about the jews

what the fuck, /lit/.
if you do this then just fuck off already.

>> No.9652054

I didn't know Nietzsche and Heidegger were Jewish.

>> No.9652056

Care to add something instead of just saying "go read X"
Otherwise discussion doesnt work

>> No.9652060

Yeah this is classic

>> No.9652064
File: 6 KB, 229x220, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much of Derrida have you actually read ?

>> No.9652067 [DELETED] 

They are not unrelated, and that you keep repeating the false notion that they are is proof that you don't understand how jews operate. You've been sold the philosophical equivalent of shit in a sandwich. You're holding it up to me and saying "no, it's not shit, the guy said it was ham!" When in reality you just got sold a shit sandwich and don't want to, or can't, acknowledge that that's actually what it is.

Deconstruction is the shit sandwich of philosophy, and Derrida is a jewish shit sandwich salesman pretending to be a philosopher.

>> No.9652069

This isn't true at all. You're just some white nationalist trying to levy power from the Jews. You don't care about 'noble' philosophy or 'advancing' nature and consciousness; you just want to subject others to your will, like every other person who had big ideas about philosophy. The ideas themselves don't matter.

>> No.9652071

They were reconstructing thought in the European vein, which meant they had to go against two millennia of Judeo-Christian heritage. Well, Nietzsche never gave much solutions beyond pointing out the problem, but maybe that's why he went mad.

>> No.9652074

Derrida and just about every other post-modernist thinker in addition to Derrida, such as Michel Foucault, Paul Feyerabend ect. fucked academia with their pseudo-philosophical, superficial, intellectually appealing ideas that have little basis in reality and mostly are grounded in metaphysics and semantics, these people were fucking evil, they've spawned an era of pathological cry babies with no gratitude for the world around them and what the western world has given them, despite them generally having lucked out and won the lottery in terms of places and cultures to be born into. They've spawned a generation of resentful cookie cutter millennials who are all crabs in a bucket at this point because they dont know how to think and live honestly and want to tear everything around them down.

>> No.9652081 [DELETED] 

They aren't. Jews stretch the ideas of others into realms that benefit their interests. No one is claiming they come up with these ideas on their own, but that they take the worst parts of certain things and pervert them to extremes. This is how jews work and undermine their host society.

>> No.9652082

He literally says they're unrelated, verbatim: "deconstruction is not destruction," and he explains why. He's on film saying it.

>> No.9652089

I should add that I actually just came here to say all of this, because I just wanted everyone on /lit/ to know exactly how much i hate these scum fucks.

>> No.9652090

You're crying a lot

>> No.9652093

>admitting that Jews have power
Well you're not wrong. Anything else you want to add?

>> No.9652094

The whole "everything is text thing" reminds me of VALIS. When horselover starts getting info on his head about how all the universe is just information, that everything we sense, the way matter acts, is information that we forgot how to read, because it is a language that references itself and not something outside of it

>> No.9652096

Well, Actually reading the author instead of having second hand narratives and regurgitated shit-stain opinions of people who you haven't read much of doesn't help the discussion either.

anyway, there's anon above who suggested Death Penalty Lectures , Politics of Friendship .The animal therefore that I am, I'd go with those if I was you.

>> No.9652098

That's what you're doing though, except the difference is that Derrida has done more in the service of the Western humanist spirit than you.

>> No.9652105

I'm not wrong about anything in that post.

>> No.9652108

>Derrida and just about every other post-modernist thinker in addition to Derrida, such as Michel Foucault, Paul Feyerabend ect. fucked academia with their pseudo-philosophical

omg can we get these fucking brainlet homos the fuck out of here? i'd rather read some longwinded Ricoeur dicksuck thread than shit youtube comments tier shit by uneducated goofballs from trumptowns in the flyover, or maybe i should just stop going to 4chan expecting to find people who aren't stunted tards

>> No.9652109 [DELETED] 

Keep trying to psychologically deconstruct me and tell me more about myself, jew. You're a one-trick pony that falls into itself when your bullshit sandwich is exposed for what it is.

>> No.9652110

I wish he was wrong but the guy is right. Kys

>> No.9652119

No it's true. You read Carl Schmitt, after all.

>> No.9652124

Keep your opinions to yourself next time

>> No.9652125 [DELETED] 

Derrida is a corrosive figure that has had a corrosive influence on the "western spirit." Are you jewish or a shabbos?

>> No.9652129

Henlo Again Mister Doctor Jordan B. Peterson

>> No.9652135

I'm the guy talking about sandwiches btw

>> No.9652137

Yes it's boring as hell, though the discussion had a good start with actual recommendations for once

>> No.9652138

Just read Heidegger if you want your philosophical "fix". Nothing productive can come out of Derrida unless you want to peer into the madness of his crypto-kabbalistic verbiage.

"Everything is in the text" results in some heavy inbreeding, whether intellectually or otherwise. On the upside, you do get higher literacy rates and IQ. But those genetic disorders...

>> No.9652140

Capital is the corrosive influence, friend. I'm a neurotypical white. Are you Jewish?

>> No.9652150

What good has come from post-modernist philosophy except the degeneration and division of western civilization with no feasible alternative in mind. All it's done has pushed people away from each other and ever radicalized groups, on the left and the right.

Derrida has contributed to what can only be referred to as mass identity confusion. Post modernism stripped away the core of western identity, culminating in a generation of millennials who along with very little prospects as far as jobs and future, also do not have a defined place in society, millennials are carrying around the weight of existential dread and resentment places on their shoulders by post-modernist thinkers.

>> No.9652154

Who the fuck is jordan peterson

>> No.9652156

Everything I don't understand or have a hard time comprehending is a Jewish construct.

>> No.9652165

America was transitioning into 'postmodernism' before Derrida reached its shores.

>> No.9652169

Someone who doesn't get post-modernism either lel.

>> No.9652177 [DELETED] 

No I'm not. "Capital" is an abstract idea that doesn't in itself cause the kinds of problems we're dealing with; people cause those problems, and the people causing them are jews. Keep your abstract thinking in check, whites are prone to do what you just did.

>> No.9652180

"I understand how something is a Jewish construct" is distinct from "I don't understand something therefore this is a Jewish construct". There's a serious dearth on understanding things in specifically Jewish constructs, unless you want to wade through the trash peddled to the goyim. It's a shame because there's legitimately interesting things in the Kabbalah, although it's highly esoteric for outsiders.

It's like you're accusing him of not even inventing it.

>> No.9652187

Do you think I'm the guy talking about sandwiches?
Anyways, do you have anything to say about those "regurgitated" narratives/opinions?
Even tho you sound like an asshole, thanks for remarking those posts in the middle of this shitstorm

>> No.9652190

That's not authors' fault if they are misread. Nor is it when whoever comes and put their faces on a flag after reading a wikipedia page.
But it's your problem if you don't read them while pretending to talk about them, and it's your problem if you take offence from people doing the exact same thing that you do.

>> No.9652192

Yes I'm being lazy and using 'capital' as a shorthand for explaining the economic system that people of all races help run, but that doesn't invalidate my point. Also you didn't answer my question so I will assume you are Jewish. So why are you saying all this stuff then?

>> No.9652204

You are really retarded. Stop watching Jordan Peterson. If anyone is to blame is Hitler for triggering ww2, thats the real nihilism bomb which fucked western values for ever
Or the neolibs who base their economic jewry in some of these thinkers

>> No.9652206 [DELETED] 

I did answer your question, I said "No I'm not," as in not jewish.

>> No.9652207

Post a picture of yourself and we'll see.

>> No.9652208

Thats true, I wont argue against that. Derrida was inevitable. I don't think that absolves Derrida of the role he played in post-modernism though, he was a major contributor to the intellectual stunting of western academia.

If post modernism had actually given the west anything positive i would be hard pressed to criticize it as harshly as i do, but I cannot see even one positive thing that has come from post-modernism. I think you'd face a very difficult task if you were to try and find anything good about it, that makes up for the identity crisis the west has now, and the disenfranchisement and alienation felt by many younger people within western society, largely as a result of post-modernist philosophical thinking.

>> No.9652215

Sandwiches are dope. No further comments about them.
Yes. Those regurgitated opinions and narratives are usually not helpful in the discussion as they're based on half-assed readings of the author, or at worst a wiki page or facebook post or shitposting threads on right winger groups which usually go in a spiral thread of circle jerking.

The journey is yours alone to make and should be unfiltered dialogue between you and the author himself not secondary narratives of him, and then reading more on him to get a firm grasp over it. You alone are responsible for understanding the concepts put forward by the author and it has to be unadulterated by anyone other than the author himself.

>> No.9652217

Stop repeating what you read on this board (or the other one), that's very lazy of you

>> No.9652221 [DELETED] 

No thanks. I'm one of the main people itt exposing jewish behavior and the jewish philosophical machinations of the jew Derrida. If I was jewish, I'd be doing the opposite.

Now, anything of substance to add?

>> No.9652222

Look up Metamodernism.

>> No.9652223

off by one

>> No.9652224

OP here. I had hopes this thread would actually be somewhat fruitful but it predictably devolved in shitposting.

Fuck me.

>> No.9652227

Well, you haven't added anything substantive either other than " Da JOOZ" but it was fun so most of us didn't say anything

>> No.9652228 [DELETED] 

And I'll add that I'm also the one who made the deconstruction as the shit sandwich of philosophy metaphor, since there appears to be some confusion.

>> No.9652234

Thread is shit, blame the jews

>> No.9652238 [DELETED] 

As for the likely non-jewish white people itt, it seems you are the odd one out. Try educating yourself on the jewish problem and you will understand these things better.

>> No.9652240

What did you expect. You just invited JIDF and /pol/ into the same place.

The solution is to only discuss non-Jewish authors from now on.

>> No.9652243 [DELETED] 

Thread is good, exposes the jew Derrida and highlights the jewish nature of his inverted philosophy.

>> No.9652244


>> No.9652245

yeah the jews
I wonder if those "any reccomendation for conservative literature" that we have every day suffer the same level of shitposting.


yeah those pesky jews are always up to something

>> No.9652249

I don't think Western academia is that stunted. If post-modernism hadn't occurred and we were still modernist, believing modernist ideas about historical progress, we wouldn't be nearly as open to reassessing historical research and periods as we are. Sure some pseud undergrads may get a C in the sociology paper and take that knowledge to Twitter but that's hardly an adequate representation of academia as a whole. Good, rigorous (because it is so specialised) research is being published, and more of it than ever, with the variety to match. It would be a mistake to assume that everyone who attends higher education will emerge as rational and well-informed as the next person -- that's not a failure of the system, just the reality of ability. But I don't think we should be looking at the failures more than we look at the successes. Pluralism and a kind of 'non-ideological' (in theory), and fair objectivity has been good for academia in my opinion, and I do like the West.

>> No.9652251

>If I was jewish, I'd be doing the opposite.

You seem to know a lot, maybe even too much, about the mind of the Jew. I don't know why you're saying the things you are if you're Jewish, but that doesn't mean there isn't a reason. I bet there were Jews in your position during the 30s and 40s trying to whip up some antisemitism.

>> No.9652253
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Deconstruct the shitposts.

>> No.9652257 [DELETED] 

This thread is now for JEWISH PEOPLE ONLY. Please refrain from posting in this thread unless you are Jewish. Anyone seen to be posting will be assumed to be Jewish by default.

>> No.9652259
File: 46 KB, 500x378, 4acced51035bff867e8d5b55966f3d77.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw Derrida misinterpretated Derrida

>> No.9652260


>> No.9652263

Can I claim honorary Jewish status like Derrida? Derrida was a Jew right, even if he was not? I'm Jewish now ok.

>> No.9652266 [DELETED] 

I do know a lot about jews, but that's because I've been studying them and their behavior for years. What you term "antisemitism" is a natural reaction to that behavior, and there's nothing abnormal about expressing that. Jews are very bad people.

>> No.9652268

My family isn't jewish but I don't have foreskin
Can I post?

>> No.9652269


>> No.9652271

Well shitposted, friend

>> No.9652272

>>but it's not dialectical

fuck derrida and all the french philosophers for being unable to see the difference between marxism and soviet diamat—especially ironic given all their talk of différance.

>> No.9652274


"ils n'ya pas du hors-texte" is an essentially kantian epistemological proposition

>> No.9652280


sad little person

>> No.9652282
File: 744 KB, 743x539, derrida-heidegger-porno.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut up brainlet

>> No.9652284

Academia is stunted. Post-modernism has resulted in a relativism and idea of subjective truth thats wormed it's way into science and objective factual thought as all thought is supposedly culturally conditioned. You can't assert that the work you have done is true and someone elses is false, that kind of thing is often met with accusations that you are, racist, sexist, ect.

There are also an alarming number of people who think it is okay to no platform people, that it's okay to stop the dissemination of ideas if they're deemed "problematic" in some way.

I think it's good to be critical of academia, i think thats important, but this is beyond mere criticism.

>> No.9652290 [DELETED] 
File: 127 KB, 1024x721, 1441122418575.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi, Moshe.

>> No.9652291

Subjectivism, relativism, and retarded people who scream idiotic bullshit were a thing long before postmodernism was a thing

>> No.9652292


specters of marx is a pathetic inductive hit piece. "well there's TENDENCIES in marx in that direction!" "what if totalization always and everywhere endorses totality?!" no, totalization is an ideal of marxist analysis because its object, capitalism, is totalized. derrida probably read the fucking preface to capital and decided he understood the whole thing, that is the depth of his analysis in this text

>> No.9652296 [DELETED] 

Not really. He's right. Academia's sickness is a direct result of the subversive jewish ideas that have been implanted into people's minds through it.

>> No.9652297

Why do you guys even talk to poltards

>> No.9652306

Post-modernism certainly didnt help it, it hasnt helped anything, it's only made things worse for everyone and exacerbated the issues western philosophy was already facing.

>> No.9652317

I wouldn't call it jewish. I'd say that marxist and neo-marxist subversion and the subsequent rejection of the ideologies called for a rebranding and repackaging into yet another intellectually appealing, nihilistic, rejection of the west based on metaphysical and semantic analysis of all facts and as a way to answer all questions, to which it ultimately found no answers and did more harm than good.

I think post-modern exists to undermine not only the foundations of the west but to demoralize the people and erode their sense of identity and belonging.

>> No.9652319


did it ever occur to you that postmodernism might be something happening in the world and not something some sinister academics fabricated from thin air

>> No.9652320

He is responsable of DFW's suicide

>> No.9652321

>Academia is stunted.

It really isn't. How often do you read academic journals?

>relativism and idea of subjective truth thats wormed it's way into science and objective factual thought

Not really true. Scientific advances and breakthroughs still constantly occur, completely unaffected by relativism.

>There are also an alarming number of people who think it is okay to no platform people

What is an 'alarming number'? But yes you can probably be held legally responsible if you provide a platform for, say, someone advocating genocide. That's not an academic issue though.

>> No.9652323

He is retarded dont even try

>> No.9652325

White people are just restless because this is the longest they've gone without warring with each other. Life is without meaning in such a situation.

>> No.9652338

post-modernism didn't come in a vaccum, if certain theories were produced it's because there was already a path that lead to it, and so on until we go back to Thales.

It's like a XVII century rationalist saying "oh those fucking empiricist have ruined philosophy" , that's not what they did. They thought of an alternative to it and try to disprove it.

>to demoralize the people and erode their sense of identity and belonging.

Much like what those Athenians accused Socrates of doing. Philosphy doesn't have to play nice with society, or try and reassure people of their beliefs. If anything the opposite might be true.

>> No.9652347

Can we discuss about what OP was talking about now

>> No.9652353

Derrida never claimed that "everything" is inside the text, great reading comprehension. He argued that there is nothing outside the text, which is demonstrably different

>> No.9652357

well my "argument" is stated but aside from one guy (that hasn't been since this morning I think) nobody gives a shit

>> No.9652379

You read wikipedia really well, I'm sure someone who never read a book could believe you did read Derrida

>> No.9652383

You have no idea what you're talking about, stop embarrassing yourself

>> No.9652451

Is this real? Can someone explain this?

>> No.9652472

What do you mean? Search Derrida 2002 on youtube

>> No.9652494

It's not a real quote, if that's what you're asking.

>> No.9652502

yo this post has a lot of big words but is terribly written wtf.
some of those arent even sentences.

>> No.9652504

Yea that's not what he says.

>> No.9652622
File: 25 KB, 295x248, 1485880951265.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

joke: derrida ruined academia you guys

woke: academia was ruined precisely because derrida was right and not because he was wrong

bespoke: when everyone is a minority then no one is. don't think like a fucking retard. derrida can show you how to do this, his kung-fu technique is very strong

Derrida does the same shit that Zizek does, to my mind. The same shit. He disarms and annuls bullshit arguments by showing you how they become recursive. That is his move. If you have a bullshit argument he's going to wreck it.

But the fact is that Derrida doesn't ultimately have to be any more left-wing than you want him to be. Deconstruction is kryptonite as much for radicalism as it is for anything, and on either side of the political spectrum, imho. It doesn't need to be associated with 20C political divides forever. My guess is that he probably would have liked to see those boring flash-points dissipate into the ether.

Getting trigged by Derrida is a pleb move the same way getting trigged by Rand is a pleb move.

Just my two cents.

>> No.9652842

Nietzsche had already killed the academia
Derrida just wanted to get in the edgelords train

>> No.9652932

Really makes you think

>> No.9652941

doesn't deconstruction deconstruct itself?
I'm thinking of Socrates's peritrope against Protagorean relativism in the Theaetetus

>> No.9653003
File: 69 KB, 464x691, Derrida-Magnum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep. It surely does. At which point there is the potential to spawn all kinds of toxic memes that try to fill in that place he probably would have said should be left empty and absent, because those memes are just mirror images of the same things he was criticizing in the first place.

I could be wrong, of course. I'll admit I'm not a huge fan of Derrida but I think it's nonsense to shit on him. To my mind there are more interesting guys to read today, but once we start talking about AI embodiment and so on his time will come again, I believe. In the meantime it's a question of how to deal with nihilism.

He wasn't such a bad dude and the idea that he was somehow out to destroy the Western Canon is also misguided. People often forget this.

>The theme that perhaps will most surprise at least some readers is that Derrida vigorously asserts the importance of the "canon," the "tradition," and rigorous academic discipline. He concludes that many critics have seriously misrepresented his ideas. Pointing to his own rigorous academic training, Derrida maintains that even as he seeks to deconstruct pedagogies and ways of thinking, he is "at some level true" to the "classical" training he received in the French educational system. He stresses that deconstruction "doesn't mean simply destroying the norms or pushing these norms to utter chaos." In fact, if what passes as deconstruction produces "neglect of the classical authors, the canonical texts, and so on, we should fight it."


>> No.9653026


this. The -first- text of his people should read is the Ethics of Discussion interview appended to Limited Inc.

>> No.9654601

>>He made a gigantic damage to the academia and it seems like it will never recover

>the liberal revival of the academia was good

t. liberal

the academia should have died with the greeks, but no, little secular humanists know best as usual

>> No.9654610

see >>9654601

>> No.9654612

>should have died with the Greeks
Man that's like 2000 years ago. You really think no worthwhile thought was produced in that time?

>> No.9654613

Derrida is too unreadable to have caused any serious damage. Blame Foucault instead.

>> No.9654618

>My faiths could not kill Subjectivism, relativism so my faiths are right and it is the infidels who are wrong

hahahahahhaahhaa. this what you spend you day saying on twitter and tumblr ???

>> No.9654625

Should had shutted the fuck up then

>> No.9654629

I don't blame him desu
I would if I could

>> No.9654642

What's a good book/text to start with if you want to get into Derrida?

>> No.9654647

Read the thread, embryo
Is not like it isnt a fun thread to read

>> No.9654651

>Is not like it isnt a fun thread to read
It really isn't.

>> No.9654667

Marges de la philosophie and Speech and Phenomena imo

>> No.9654680


>> No.9654889

Post Modernism did not create the identity crisis, it identified it.

>> No.9654923
