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/lit/ - Literature

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9649329 No.9649329 [Reply] [Original]

>walk into B&N
>security guard smiles at me, I smile back
>have a large coffee from the Starbucks attached
>in fiction section and about 30 new books are lined up on the floor, spine against the shelf (so I can't see what books they are)
>bend over to pick one up to see what it is
>coffee lid comes off and coffee spills on 10-15 of the books
>calmly place my coffee cup on the shelf and walk out
>smile at the security guard on my way out
>hear an employee yell "awww fuck!" as I leave the store

>> No.9649351
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That's a funny story but you'd better not go back again in case they have you on camera.

>> No.9649360

They have me on camera, and I think my first name is on the cup lol

>> No.9649761

enjoy your time in guantanamo kiddo

>> No.9649773
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>walk into B&N
>walk over the reinterpreted shake spears section
>they only have the emoji translation

>> No.9649774

>security guard in a book store

Is this one of those American things?

>> No.9649784




>> No.9649808

You can never go back.

>> No.9649870


>> No.9649874


>Walk into B&N
>Turn 360° and walk away

>> No.9649896

>Book dude issues

>> No.9649902

We have a lot of blacks in America, yes.

I've never seen a security guard at Barnes and Nobles, though. Either I'm not looking hard enough or they only exist in certain areas

>> No.9649913

Huntington Beach CA here. Security guards in every B&N, they're usually black though, which is a bit paradoxical.

>> No.9649927

I had this explained to me once, they will steal anything and everything from a building if it can be sold, but if they work for the company it falls under the "that's my shit" category. Therefore whatever they protect is kept under a very watchful eye.

>> No.9649930

There are darkies in my country but I don't need a guy with a gun watching me while I buy Infinite Jest.

>> No.9649937

Have you never seen the news?

If a white B&N security guard tried to lay hands on an innocent African American teen they would by law be required to change their name from Barnes & Noble to "The KKK Book Club 1488"

>> No.9649948

There's always one in the two stores near me, but I live in an extraordinarily rich and white area. From my experiences in private schools in the area, rich white kids of elite families love to rebel by committing petty crimes like smoking weed and shoplifting, so I'm not surprised.

>> No.9649956

>checkout at B&N
>qt cashier recommends getting a membership
>can't say no
>dish out $25 i'll never get back

>> No.9649973

Wait what your security guards have guns now?

Damn one more reason to never ever go to America. You guys are dangerous

>> No.9649981

>checkout at B&N
>fat woman cashier with a chin beard asks my email
>do you need it?
>then no
I don't think I can go back, it was just so awkward.

>> No.9649983

Have fun in your cuck country when the Muslims come.

>> No.9649985


In Canada we have security guards at grocery stores. People will load up a cart with hundreds of dollars worth of groceries and just push it out the door.

>> No.9649992 [DELETED] 
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>X may be shit but at least Y is ALSO shit!

>> No.9650004
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>go into a Barnes and Noble
>don't look at any books

>> No.9650014

>go into Barnes and Noble
>a neckbeard is sitting crosslegged on the floor reading manga
>every so often he giggles or whispers "ohhh my god" to himself while putting his hands on his head

>> No.9650026
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>Walk into B&N
>Get deported to the YA section because I forgot my ID and I shaved that day

>> No.9650100

>walk into B&N
>whole display of anti-trump books right in front of the entrance
>you have to ask awkwardly for bathroom access because B&N bathrooms are a known gay cruising hotspot
>more 2/3 of the store is stuff other than books for sale
>in store Starbucks is busy, not a ingle person there is reading
>everyone is just walking around scanning $30 books with their phone to order them for $8 on amazon

>> No.9650129

>drive past B&N
>see cars in the parking lot
>"people still go there?"
>have a good chuckle

at this point, the only thing that keeps them going is the Starbucks inside. i only buy cheap 2nd hand books online, mostly from Amazon, Thriftbooks, or my fav 2nd hand book store. in 10 years B&N will end up like blockbusters.

>> No.9650198

I think they also still make money selling gift items like board games and shit like that.

>> No.9650263
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>sitting at my local 'fair trade" coffee roasting house
>trying to cross-reference three different translations of The Possessed
>a girl wearing hot pink shorts with black tights sits down next to me, shoves books off the table
>I, incredulous to what has just happened, ask her why she would do such a thing
>she tells me that she wants to make our first encounter "out of the ordinary" as she is an "extraordinary" girl
>continues to tell me that I'm lucky indeed; she's seen something special in me, she feels a kinship towards me
>she cocks her head to the side and asks if I, like her, read the Animorphs books as a child
>Look. I think you have misunderstood me. Just because I read books in public (although you will note I did take this high-backed booth in the corner of the shoppe for reasons of anonymity and seclusion; my flatmates are rather noisy and I come here for respite and succor) doesn't mean that, like you, I seek attention or recognition for my interests.
>she asks me if that's a quote, she loves quotes, one of her favorites is Vonnegut's "so it went"
>I flag down a barista and ask her for a copy of my receipt, and to put the expenses on my tab
>I knit my eyebrows and address Strawberry Shortcake: We are not the same. I am a literatus, you're a mythological beast.
>I pack my books into my courier bag and exit the shoppe as her grotesque unicorns horn extends from her forehead, tears in her eyes as she returns to the sylvan beyond

pic related it's what she looked like, only prettier and less slutty.

>> No.9650281

There are coffee table art books that cost like 150 dollars that you can hide under a decent winter jacket

Source: I've lived in the city. I once saw a guy in cuffs with some picasso printing books. Check the price from a second copy in store, it was like 200 bucks.

>> No.9650288

Reporting this thread to the FBI. You dun goofed m8.

>> No.9650424

It's easy for a black person to be a security guard. If something ever gets stolen, they can just go to their cousin's house, and get it back.

>> No.9650432

"'Ey Tyrone, you got dat Pirates of the Caribbean clue shit from the sto? I gon need dat back."
"Aw shieeeet"

>> No.9650447

>>have a large coffee from the Starbucks attached
Attached to what? Your smile?

>> No.9650450

The British always used natives to police one another rather than their own forces directly

>> No.9650456

Why would you turn down a prime manic pixie?

Also that girl isn't slutty and quite pretty

>> No.9650466

>one of her favorites is Vonnegut's "so it went"
alright that got me

>> No.9650471

Depends on the place. Barnes&Noble, probably not. But at a site where there are extremely valuable things o a very bad area, possibly.

>> No.9650480


the bella terra branch is objectively one of the shittest B&N's to exist

>> No.9650481

You God damn newfag.

>> No.9650589

Robery isn't more common in America than European countries.

>> No.9650596

Yeah it's terrible here, please don't come.

>> No.9650612


>> No.9650815

>so it went

>> No.9650826

Alt-meme or not, greentext or not, you may still have fun in your cuck country when the muslims come.

>> No.9650827

>vonnegut's "how it do"

>> No.9650830

Small world. I've been in that b&n a couple times never really noticed security. Work right next to it and don't even bother going in seeing as how I can find most anything on Amazon

>> No.9650908

*moonwalk away

>> No.9650944


Especially now since yurop is now filled with rapefugees

>> No.9650963

But obsession with security is.
Which is worse.

>> No.9650999

Nicely written-

>> No.9651022
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>go to bookstore
>page turning machine is in use again

>> No.9651025
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>go to bookstore
>page turning machine is out of order
>this girl is doing it manually for customers
what do?

>> No.9651038

Jaja classic constanzaAa

>> No.9651046

eh, bookstores will always have their niche. my friend group is about 50/50 on whether they prefer reading hard copies or ebooks; might be anecdotal but i think a lot of people prefer to use bookstores still

>> No.9651047

This entire thread is fucking hilarious.

>> No.9651053

>go into Barnes and Noble and need to use the bathroom
>all the bathroom passes are being used

>> No.9651061

>be 2010
>walk into B&N
>go to the anime section
>cute anime nerd girl sitting criss cross applesauce
>find one of the plastic katanas for sale
>grab it and run over
>"pleased to meet you good lady"
>do a japanese style bow
>whip out katana and start doing some ninja moves
>she starts giggling
>I'm in like doctor who xD
>slash her head off clean
>"nothing pesonelle slut"
>glide off into the self help section and sip my tea

>> No.9651095

>criss cross applesauce

>> No.9652982

>while I buy Infinite Jest.
that's because you already torture yourselves voluntarily.

>> No.9652991

we've got the mexicans importing rape from brazil anon

>> No.9653835


>I cannot name one single artist of even the third reich

Yes, because the third reich was such a propitious twelve years for German artwork.

>> No.9653959
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>tfw you're banned from B&N because you failed the penis inspection

>> No.9653990

If I had a bookstore I'd give away all the books for free.

>> No.9653998

>go to bookstore
>just look around
>never buy anything
>always feel like I'll be stopped on the way out because they suspect I'm shoplifting because I visit often but always just walk out

>> No.9654559

That's me in every store I visit, in case you wanted to know.

>> No.9654567
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>go to bookstore
>look at religious section
>literally 3 shelfs of joel osteen
>not a single book by GK Chesterton
>go to philosophy section
>more books about Kierkegaard than by Kierkegaard
fuck that store

>> No.9654590

Cool in theory but you'd get ate up by resellers and people looking for free paperweights.

>> No.9654591

>go to philosophy section
>Obligatory Nietzsche spam
>The Philosophy of the Big Bang Theory
>Introduction to Karl Marx

The philosophy section is one shelf, and it's extremely depressing. I'm not insulting Marx and Nietzsche, but they're just memes, and it's obvious that Barnes and Noble is trying to cash in on pseuds. I hope that they have the rest of the philosophers hidden away in that 'fiction' section where they keep Ayn Rand and Dostoevsky, and it's just my fault for not looking hard enough.

Although they really need more good fucking Christian /lit/. Do they even have Aquinas and Augustine there?

>> No.9654797

this one hurt

>> No.9654816
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>can't go to B&N anymore because of the no-singles-policy

>> No.9654980

You'll be fine, but remember, dont drop the soap.

>> No.9655007
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>walk into Barnes and Noble
>go to attached Starbucks and order a tall (small) coffee and a croissant
>that'll be $20 plus tip

>> No.9655047

Surefire hit, will be on the lookout for your next masterpiece.

>> No.9655057
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>go to b&n and grab some feminsit books to impress cute cashier
>she's more awkward than me and says nothing
>mfw i spent 15 dollaridoos for nothing

>> No.9655091

you deserve to be alone

>> No.9655096

happened the other day
>walk into B&N to see if they have the classics the other store was missing (big sale on them, $5 each)
>qt girl looking at me through window
>make eye contact
>grab Paradise Lost, The Inferno, and the first volume of their Complete Sherlock Holmes
>head to the back to see if they finally have Junji Ito's Uzumaki in
>they do
>reach to grab it
>same girl walks through my path to grabbing the book
>"excuse me"
>say, "oh sorry"
>she puts back an art technique book and leaves
>buy my books and leave

how bad did I fuck up

>> No.9655106

>go into B&N looking for alien abduction books and other spooky shit
>religion, spirituality, and new age section
>Sunday school kid appears from the shelves and begins talking to me about Jesus

>> No.9655159

>be white American
>am immediately intimidated by black men because I am physically inferior to them
>carry a gun everywhere to make up for my tiny penis and huge, frail ego
>hire security to protect books I'll never bother to read because black people will steal them or something
>go back to my gated, all white community and bemoan the black menace in my country
>elect a retarded nationalist as president because he said mean things to non-whites
>still think I live in the best country in the world

>> No.9655213

Why were there books on the floor?

>> No.9655219

to be fair, black men are intellectually inferior to the other races.

>> No.9655273

Fuck off, r/the_donald

>> No.9655321
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r/the_donald bans you for race realism

>> No.9655483

>be black American
>ooga booga
>collect welfare
>kill other black Americans

>> No.9655497

>hear an employee yell "awww fuck!" as I leave the store

>> No.9655519

>walk into b&n
>sit down on bench in the magazine section while friend looks for book he needs
>stare at the magazine covers for seven minutes
>friend walks up and says they don't have the book
>walk out of b&n
>walk into mexican restaurant for lunch
>they only take cash
>friend pays for my meal and says i don't have to pay him back because i drove

>> No.9655547

tao lin

>> No.9655764

EXCELLENT post tbqh

>> No.9656487

>emoji translation

>> No.9656567

>go to B&N
>looking for a patrician book
>scanning the literature section but it's getting close to the romance section
>spot my book but it's too close
>pace around waiting for people to clear out
>too many people
>leave B&N

>> No.9656568

>tfw my city is constructing a building that contains a kinoplex, gym, and B&N all in one building
unfortunately they're also surrounding it with a manlet moat, and I'm only 5'9"

>> No.9656570

James Watson, the man who pioneered genetics research and discovered the structure of DNA literally came out and said black people are genetically predisposed to being less intelligent than whites. He now lives in obscurity after this comment made every organisation on the planet distance themselves from him.

If we all pretend a fact doesn't exist, does it become false?

>> No.9656579

And Hitler said he loved strong, black cock up the ass.

>> No.9656584

Now we're getting somewhere

>> No.9656591 [DELETED] 

>tfw buying a copy of Barely Legal from the high school girl working the counter at books-a-million
Is anything more patrician than flagrant perversion?

>> No.9656608

Reminds me of Elliot rodger's book
Well done anon, well done

>> No.9656756


Well I just feel that diversity is important and people like Watson make it more difficult for us to like, all get along you know?

>> No.9656812

>tfw forgot to bring change for the plate dispenser

Shit wrong board.

>> No.9656817

Pretty bad just because she saw you reaching for manga and her vagina instantly became the Sahara

>> No.9657095
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>> No.9657101

America is like 25% darkie now, so we need the protection

>> No.9657140
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>> No.9657155
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>> No.9657188

>only read on my Paperwhite
>find any .epub I want through LibGen and BookFi
>actually own very few physical books
>Barnes & Noble is on the way to the Aldi that I buy groceries at so I'm often tempted to stop by
>gf and I wander around and make fun of fatties and fags and fishmouth forty year old ladies
>won't read anything unless I've heard about it on /lit/
>totter through the three tiny aisles of actual books, picking up titles I recognize and telling gf "ah yes this one is on my list"
>end up at the "collectibles" and laugh at how ugly Cowboy Bebop pop figures are
>visible disgust on our faces when some pansy popfolk music comes on at full blast and we leave, groaning about how we should stop doing that to ourselves

Every single time. But all memes asides I'm genuinely sad at what B&N has become. Just five years ago it was a nice place to sit and read with little distraction. I have fond memories of my mom and I sitting in the cafe, me slurping a frappucino and reading manga while she thumbed through decorating magazines. Now it's just yet another filthy bed of consumerist nonsense. If there's anyone in the store that even reads book they're almost always a pseud.

>> No.9657234

>This infograph that doesn't detail anything about anything surely will prove me right!
That's not how it works dipshit.

>> No.9657239

>literally came out and said black people are genetically predisposed to being less intelligent than whites.
But did he prove it? And no, "academia" rank dropping doesn't count as proof.

>> No.9657275

Nigga how does a lifetime of researching DNA and recording the findings not prove it to you

>> No.9657298

Elsa Jean.

>> No.9657311

Because, first and foremost, genetic predisposition means squat when it comes to behavioral outcomes. Far more important aspects are how you were brought up and how structured the environment you were raised in. Second, because scientific proof comes from evidence, not from people that discovered things related to those claims. His racial deterministic ramblings never were back up by the scientific community at large and he himself never presented any satisfactory evidence to his claims.
As far as I can see it, those were simply ravings of an old coot and should be treated at such.

>> No.9657321

>the mental gymnastics egalitarians go through to shield themselves from what was a commonly accepted fact for thousands of years

>> No.9657337

>mfw I just get to read funny stories handcrafted just for me

It's really not that bad at all

>> No.9657339

>the mental gymnastics these round-earthers go through to shield themselves from what was a commonly accepted fact for thousands of years

>> No.9657345

>he doesnt know that ancient man knew that the earth was round

christians and modern day egalitarians are both equally retarded, that we can agree on

>> No.9657349
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>its nurture not nature

>> No.9657353

I genuinely despise people like you. You have no idea what you're talking about, but you'll ramble on in circles for hours just because you refuse to accept that your entire ideology might be wrong. It doesn't take a genius to figure out that blacks are, on average, less intelligent than white people. We have all the data and statistical evidence that we need. Sadly, we can do no further research into this topic, or even talk about it, because anyone that does will be politically executed. And no, before you come out and say it, accepting facts does not make me a racist.

>> No.9657370

>christians and race "realists" are both equally retarded, that we can agree on

Nietzche sure wanted to nurture his sister though :^)

>> No.9657377

>another egalitarian who doesnt acknowledge his christian based morality

>> No.9657399

I have more of an idea than you, that I know for sure. Also, what you call "ramblings" is your bullshit being called on for what it is. If it goes for hours, you got only yourself to blame for lacking any sort of conclusive evidence to present it. Prove better, faggot.

It also doesn't take a genius to see that that claim holds no water whatsoever. And maybe not, but taking shoddy science with no conclusive evidence and no general acceptance in the scientific community to somehow justify bigoted opinions, does.

>> No.9657403

>tfw to smart to accept that niggers are dumb

>> No.9657408
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>> No.9657411
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>> No.9657412
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>tfw too retarded to come with an argument

>> No.9657419
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one random image begets another

>> No.9657427
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>> No.9657432
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pic related is what happens if the egalitarians win

>> No.9657456
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>one of her favorites is Vonnegut's "so it went"

>> No.9657458

That's a lie. See George Orwell's narrative essay "Shooting an Elephant."

>> No.9658037

>James Watson
>On the issue of obesity, Watson has also been quoted as saying, 2000: "Whenever you interview fat people, you feel bad, because you know you're not going to hire them."

>> No.9658182

Using phrases like "calling people on their bullshit" is a pretty reliable indicator that you're not from around here.

>> No.9658188

>ironically shit anti-smuggie posting
delete yourself

>> No.9658693

You're either a white person that's never met a black person, a white person that has met black people but is of low enough intelligence to be functionally black, or a black person.

>> No.9658968
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I'm not going to go through all the evidence and rebuttals to make a case for hereditary and racial intelligence disparities since you will never accept it.

Suffice to say, there is a preponderance of evidence supporting the theory and the counter-arguments are generally weak and easily rebutted.

>muh igbo
>muh Flynn effect
>muh false claims that training significantly effects test results
>muh radical nominalism
>muh surgical nihilism

>> No.9658983

>no general acceptance in the scientific community
Aside from this being an egregious appeal to authority, it's also not true. There's a general consensus that race doesn't real in western Europe and the western white diaspora ONLY. Asia, eastern Europe, other scientific communities recognize race and the attendant differences.

>> No.9659022

>tfw people like you probably do more damage to bookstores than thieves
>tfw thieves are the ones who are punished

Not just bookstores but other businesses

Oh well most of my literature nowadays consists of comics and junk on the internet

>> No.9659692

Pretty sure a book store like B&N will have retard customer insurance

>> No.9659774


lmao, based.

Any particular reading material of his you'd recommend?

>> No.9659894

ouch ouch ouch

>> No.9659899

fucking pro

>> No.9659901

>he thinks Nietzsche believes in biological racism
>he thinks race means the same now than it did in nineteenth century Germany ('Rasse')
shiggy diggy donatello

>> No.9659909

just because it costs 150 dollars doesn't mean it's worth 150 dollars

why would someone steal such a worthless item

>> No.9659937

haha I love this post

>> No.9659975


gtfo you mean

>> No.9660006

Oh, it's the racial """""RE4l1zm""""" meme again

Please, can someone present me ONE paper that compares all different types of intelligence measured in an undeniably objective scale between races who have been controlled for all the different environmental variables that can influence said traits?

Fuck off from my sphere of existence, intellectually bankrupt brainlets

>> No.9660168
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>> No.9660200

Leni Riefenstahl

>> No.9660415

is this a joke?
cause everybody keep's saying that and i'm getting tired of correcting the whole interwebs

>> No.9660514

I guess there are security guards in all Southern Californian locations now? Santa Ana has them (of course), I'm pretty sure Costa Mesa does, and even the Irvine location.