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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 36 KB, 500x500, poemobject.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
952563 No.952563 [Reply] [Original]

I can't write poetry
But I would like to read yours
Improvise, good luck

>> No.952567

oh sandwich
you are
so funny

>> No.952574

inb4 endless poetry about speakers

>> No.952575

Roses are red
Violets are blue
Ayn Rand is dead
And had nothing to do with Dostoevsky--FUCK YOU


>> No.952577

Arrow points long ways, don't pick speaker as subject

>> No.952586

mountain explosion
your yellow-green liquid
off brand
but still delicious
i saved 20 cents

>> No.952589

A green cup... Next to a white paper napkin.

Mmm. A poem?

Green, greenie cup
I drink from your mouth
Sipping the gold, I stop
Wipe from north to south
Napkin, stained is now.

>> No.952590

I'm not writing a poem about a mtg deck. There a depths even I will not sink to.

>> No.952592

travel the world
have sex with strange men
cut it all up
and put it back together again

>> No.952615

baked and branded, naked scales,
but not the sea, it was made for sails
a cousin to familiarity, a child hoods friend
in one side, out another end

in rigor frozen, it floats, not swims
and tastes of coated toppings, and holy lids
in green and white, in tan convex
parmesean goldfish are in the text.

>> No.952618

My hand is hairy
It is also white

haikus are the only poems I know how to write.

>> No.952643


not a haiku. Haiku's go 5,7,5; your poem is 5,5,5.

>> No.952652

Do it faggot

>> No.952682

keeping safe
by combination
guarding things
with fascination

Hardened steel
stronger than rock
thank you always,
my master lock

>> No.952689

You sick

You nursed
me all
telling me
it'd all be

But when
the pain comes
you sit empty,
mocking me,
making me
do this on
my own.

Fuck you.
I'm getting

>> No.952691

Ah fuck.
Oh well.

>> No.952699 [DELETED] 


aS_PRevIOuslY menTIONed, tHeSe MesSsagES_WIll_contINUe_uNTil_yOU PeRMAnently stoP aTTaCkinG_ANd FuCKiNg_WitH www.aNoNMooOOtALK.Se_(RemovE_THe_CoW_SOUNd), REMOvE_aLL_iLlEGal_ClONES OF_It and_LIEs abOUT_IT and dONate_AT lEasT A mILLiON uSD tO sYsOp_As_cOmpENsatIon FOR_thE mAssiVE DAmAgE yoU reTArDS hAVE_CaUsED.
avsfwkwvygkkcfab fggd taambamugy eurjbctu

>> No.952727

I am not writing a poem about The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion. No

>> No.952742

I'm a computer
and I'm working
and I make noises
and I go like
beep boo bop beep ba be

I'm a computer


>> No.952954

Doooo it

>> No.952959

Brownies taste good,
they are my favourite food.

If with it I could get away,
I would eat them every day.

>> No.952968

write a poem about my thingy?

>> No.952975





>> No.952983

My mom put some games on it for me to play.

>> No.952984


>> No.952985

rattle rattle rattle
rolling the dice
yay i rolled a twenty
wait, is that good or bad?
i don't understand this game

>> No.953027

Is it a headphone
or a phone-head?

>> No.953042

I hate how chewy you are
but you are still delicious
if only your bones weren't
so goddamn malicious

>> No.953047

Ann's Leg
A leg of Ann
The curvature of leg
The leg of curvature
A yellow white yellow
Thick band of gray
What mysterious does the body contain
If the real world is only comprised of values
Not lines -

When I don't want to write a poem I wind up writing crack

>> No.953056


>> No.953067

This is the best work of literature I've ever seen

>> No.953073

Ember to vapor
Blue fills my lungs
Nauseated choke
On back my tongue
Just a little cooler now, just a little nice
These cheap cigs, do suffice

>> No.953090

My dick plays the double feature screen,
Yo dick, got the HIV

>> No.953100

In them, i can write my books
Yeah, books, not fucking nooks

>> No.953111

It lies there, everyday, a forgotten Relic, though necessary
It's presence only known, recognized by it's limitations
Does it dream of being the computer, the star, Jacob instead of Esau?
It does not. It remains warm and calm, knowing that it's importance
outweighs the construct it supports
its spends its life supporting, giving
life to the Computer
content to work from the floor.

>> No.953117

Action montage mash-ups flash up on
the screen; 30-second narratives of
supercool powerhouse fantastic
splendorous finality of value:

Snowboarding, kayaking, doing kickflips,
backwards roundhouses and supercool stuff.
They punctured my puerile brain with this crap.
I don't do that shit; yet I Do the Dew.

>> No.953121

I got teary and hugged my computer.

>> No.953128

I'm an idiot,
Bought you on a whim.
Will probably never read you
And if I do
I won't understand you,

>> No.953184

a rock sits right there
about the size of an egg
pale greenish white; cold.

Found that shit while hiking about a state park.
Want to tumble it smooth but am afraid it'll disintegrate.
Just like many other relationships, this one.


>> No.953191

Mug, holds my coffee,
The drink of eternal life,
oh, how I love it

>> No.953198

With a glee in my eyes
I cut around his head
A face in the magazine
"You're mine", I said

He's a bald politican
Atop my speaker
Is he on a mission?
I'm still a seeker

Now he just rests
With a lifeless gaze
Sees my masturbates
A smirk, I may have his praise

>> No.953203

slurp o slurp o slurpee cup
you never will give me enough
delicious ice cold
that I desire

It's never enough

>> No.953210

my leg in denim
not covered by my lap top
like the other one is.

>> No.953250

I post an arrow onto /lit/,
It points to earth--I have no wit;
For so shitty is my attempt to meme
That I suck cocks, asses I rim.
And yet I try and go for it.

I breathed a song into the air,
It fell to earth, I knew not where;
For who has sight so keen and strong,
That it can follow the flight of song?

Long, long afterward, in an oak
I found the arrow, still unbroke;
And the song, from beginning to end,
I found again in the heart of a friend.

>> No.955035

Safeway brand Mountain Freeze
Makes like pepper and has sneeze

>> No.955045

Peace of paper
I cut off from a bag of popcorn
For easy access
The only thing I can think of is porn

>> No.955064

water bottle how you quench my thirst
i might just have to make you my first
you look so seductive, in your plastic guard
oh Dasani you make me so hard

>> No.955075

best poem ever

>> No.955137

Bought from a bookstore
Folding open, full of rust
You're just an armchair

>> No.955149

My laptop case
a tight embrace
on my laptop's face

laptop + case
like a jack and an ace
a guitar and a bass
a vacuum and space

>> No.955187

My blue wall, my sole protector
Or the protector of my soul?
If you should not exist for me
Down the stairs I'd roll
For behind your supple skin
and beyond your bones of wood
there I should find a staircase
and fall down it if I could
And so my darling bluest wall
which beside me nightly sleeps
I'll remember all your friendship
and my safety that you keep

>> No.955213

Rachael Maddow
You so crazy

>> No.955215

Blank cd case
You are as empty
as my heart

>> No.955223

Oh instructions for playing poker card,
what a queer kind are thee,
in the deck you stand alone,
while the other cards have a family of three.

>> No.955271

4chan frames
without you the website seems so empty
lost in an abyss of 1080p.
You aid my navigation and
render these threads with arrows moot.

>> No.955280

A plush Prinny doll
That came with Disgaea 2
It is a rad game

>> No.955281

The dark down blanket
How void and depressed
Inky blue sprawled across my bed
Yet never quite touching

The times underneath
Staring into your face
Your sweet embrace
All now buried

The dark blanket
Depressed into itself
Unable to rise
Staring back into my eyes.

>> No.955284

empty coin wrapper
never to be filled up
pennies are worthless

>> No.955287

until you get 10 dollars in pennies! im 3 penny rolls short

>> No.955289

I need to go outside more
To get away from these
Loaded dice and character sheets.

>> No.955291

Oh clay bowl I made back in Freshman year
Your shitty design brings me to tears

But yet I do not fear
Because fuck you

>> No.955294

supposed to go



I love me my Robert Frost.

>> No.955300

Any thoughts?

>> No.955301

I filled up a bunch of wrappers and deposited $100 in quarters today. My sister sometimes pays her half of the rent with change cause she's a bartender.

>> No.955307

My friend has 100$ in quarters in his car for those days where you REALLY need to beat Metal Slug 4. Oh, and we have before...

>> No.955308

Grinder, made in ages past
In a factory in Mexico you were cast
You have served me at many a repast
My weed I gave you, buds in whole,
You returned it shredded, ready to roll.

>> No.955324

haha I remember saving up $20 or $30 in quarters and dropping them on ninja turtles and the simpsons at the arcade

>> No.955340

Crisp as an apple, plucked fresh from a tree
Salty as seaweed from the depths of the sea
If having to choose, my favourite food would be
Bag of Doritos, oh how I love thee.

>> No.955396

Cup once filled with joy
now only emptiness
my soul relates
my heart just breaks

Cup filled with liquid
water is my vice
shits all gone
now only ice

>> No.955406

You are on my arm
You bend when i tell you to
You are an Elbow

>> No.955430

right speaker
you served me well
till you broke
now I'm throwing you out, just like that bitch dumped me

>> No.955440

marker lying on the desk
was it my hand that treated you best
though it only followed track
of the mind's thought and movement pact
to do the work sans the reason
for the wise head the hand leaves that
though mine in sophomore year
colored up the bathroom mirrors
as well as the walls
hoping for a legendary name i scrawled
because i was not the sports Dan
nor the the drummer in the band
i was not the learned calculator
i hid in the crowds from the Homecoming paraders
like my fathers, with this stick i made fire
turning my earnest name to foolish desire

>> No.955454

sees my masturbates! hahahahha

>> No.955456

Tender sweetness
A gentleness on the tip of the tongue
Delicious fruit of the gods

>> No.955463

come on all you lurkers! get in here and dare to disturb the universe.

there will be time for visions and revisions, but for now post your shit

>> No.955465

>arrow points left
>"right speaker"

>> No.955466

right speaker if you're facing the same way as it.

>> No.955472

come on e/lit/ists

>> No.955478

Glass candy jar, thank you for holding my M&M's, the end?

>> No.955482

what is a picture of the sky but dumb
if it sits at the level of the city horizon
and never sees its god again
sitting in desks- no garden of eden

what is the adam
who never saw the lake-bed of clay
from which they were shot and made
a picture says a thousand words
and this one of the sky has not one bird

sorry to you then finally my photo
you are as thin as an empty envelope
i meant to hang you, like God does the sky
but for now you lean and inanimately cry

>> No.955494

The pipe is at rest.
Still smoldering, and very hot
Take that burning into my chest
Out of your mouth, the smoke is shot
Falling, falling
The pipe is at rest.

>> No.955499

stray card from a greasy deck
taken away from the greasy rest
that were thrown away
no proof could have been left that day

you were in few games in a restaurant
and there men drank like fresh-landed astronauts
thought your maker made you seemingly true,
the games you played in did depended quite on you
a hot man lost his mind and money
all because his hand was dealt funny
he got up and threw his plate through a table top
and some had to call the local eager cops
and when i, the dish washer, found your state there,
i took you home and made a bookmark your new occupation

>> No.955507

Reclining in the uncomfortable office chair
My attentions on a Sprite can.
My tired eyes burned dully
stationary things shimmered
and the harsh light threw up absurd reflections in the metallic grey aluminum.
I'm too tired to remember geometry
or prose.

>> No.955508

that was awesome

>> No.955518

Old Spice Antiperspirant
The stick that helps me circumvent
The rather nasty, dirty scent
Which comes throughout my day.

>> No.955523
File: 21 KB, 631x354, Isaiah-Mustafa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Old Spice

>> No.955534

Monkey fist
ohh monkey fist
how I love you so.
There is a steel ball in you
so i can throw you where you want to go/

You'r a great cat toy
and a great companion too.
Monkey fist
Oh Monkey fist
I need no other
I love you.

>> No.955544

You're so enticin'
You pack a punch just like Mike Tyson.
Upset stomach is the price I pay
for taking 1 capsule, twice a day.
Make this sinus infection go away
I don't want this stuffy nose to stay.

Avoid prolonged exposure to bright sunlight,
and this medicine should treat you alright.
Make sure the child-proof cap is on tight.

I'm way to fucking tired to write anything other than a grade 2 style poem

>> No.955551


>> No.955577

I am a little teacup
Quite petite and a good deal fat
I am a little teacup
With a handle sharp and pointy
Here for you to hold
And here's a little opening
To pour into your mouth

>> No.955584

Speaker on my desk,
Filling my world with music,
Play on and soothe me.

>> No.955595

You're fucking right,
it doesn't matter.
I don't know that I'd say
that you're half empty.
I only know that
you're not all there,
and I barely care.
You and I were once
something more, than now,
and, yes, I still do recall
how you stayed when
I pressed my lips to you
promising to give me
all that's within you,
and I did. I left you dry,
and now you've nothing left,
and I've barely gained.
Also, I'll ask you this,
don't get my feelings confused.
I might soon thirst
for more from you,
but I'll only leave you used.

>> No.955597

What is it?

>> No.955599


A glass, moran.

>> No.955604

I think my candle can be summed up simply:

I'm burnin'
I'm burnin'
I'm burnin' for the dissipation of your spell of protection from unwanted energies.

>> No.955618

You hold my life together
Binding regent of cohesive stickiness
You are my rubber cement

>> No.955645

blah blah

>> No.955662

the plastic, it clicks
under my swift fingers
turns force into signals
that know what I think

Without me it's nothing
but buttons and cables
lays dead on my table
'til I wake it up
but under my fingers
it sends beautiful fables
down through it's cables
and into the marvelous world

>> No.955814


>> No.955824

speaker, speaker, sitting there
twin thick discs, 'logitech' black
speaker, speaker, silent, bare
can I have my music back

>> No.955828

Oh, blank CD,
Why is the computer under the impression,
you are not blank,
because you are.

>> No.955833

motherfucker I'm thirsty
but you ain't full
go get some water
so i can pour it down my hole

drink drink bitch
all i want is a drink bitch

>> No.955838


how little
i have used

the day we

it was
always hello

then turn three

>> No.955840

Tuning fork
You rest, pronged and metallic
Your chime a small piece of a larger puzzle
A puzzle of symphonies, of orchestras
You are the ticking heart of a composer
The building blocks of a sound

>> No.955842

O Dear Report,
Feared of since times of semester's beginning
Your length is daunting
But at current you are short

In Progress

I Remain Lamenting
That you must be written
in a foreign language

>> No.955849

oh holy fuck i dont know why i laughed at this one so hard

>> No.955890


O, sound and voice
music and theatre

Without you to guide me
My triangulation would be hampered
Without you to guide me
I could not shoot as straight

Headphones, headphones -
the sound of everything
directly to the drums of my ears
headphones, headphones

>> No.955909

Battery Pack

You are a replacement
You are connected
Keeping me alive
My seconds ticking down
You heat up
You take the switches
You make it appropriate
I could ruin it all
I could bring back the original
It sits in my draws
It waits
To be used?
One day?
Not until I get it fixed.
You shall do for now.
You had to be fixed too.
You were free.
But not to buy.
What will happen when you die?
What will happen when I do?
Will you continue to charge?
Will you burn a hole in my bed?
Will you keep my body warm till I am found?
I probably should go to sleep...

>> No.956047

One of Kesha's albums.

Oh Kesha's CD,
However did you end up with me?
Your lyrics so dry, disdainful and dumb
That they make the core of my brain go numb

Men, drugs and sex your songs describe
No literary meaning can I derive
Layer upon layer is dunked on your voice
Buying your work was not the right choice

May I just say, you sound quite high
Could you jump off a building, and pretend to fly?
It would do the world a lot of good
If you'd stop pretending to be from the 'hood

And so this poem comes to a close
If only music would not reach such lows
To Kesha, I implore you, young lady, to mature
And listen to anon, from /literature/

>> No.956072

I want to have sex with your mom.

>> No.956083


>> No.956123

This is my drawer
I'll tell you what it's for
It's under my clock
And keeps my socks
And also shirts are stored

>> No.956137

Blue, blue is your color but black is your soul.
Dead have you lain underneath me in passionate
moments, and
Cold have you been against my pain.
Still I like to feel you take away my fever's heat.

>> No.956150

oh lifeless corpse of a 13 year old girl.
how lifeless a corpse you seem to be.
I think I'll rape the body later.
and then cut it up for ease of burying.

>> No.956156

oh post-it note
containing words that I wrote
to remind me of things that I haven't done
I'll throw you away
but until that day
on my desk is where you will lay

>> No.956167

I can't tell if 3/4 of this thread is intentionally doing it wrong to be funny, or if everyone is just untalented.

>> No.956169

thank you, sir

>> No.956175

Cola Glass, You've been there for so long
So long so much so that I wrote you a song
A poem of sorts, a Sonnot with warts
Something that is hopefully not wrong

>> No.956185

Cola Glass, Been here for so long
So long so much so that I wrote you a song
A poem of sorts, A limerick with warts
Something that is hopefully not wrong

>> No.956215

Rythym sticks
and irish pricks
drink an oaked thunder

with a clickity clack
and a whack
tea the the world asunder

>> No.956217

stray card from a greasy deck
taken away from the greasy rest
that were thrown away
no proof could have been left that day

you were in a few games in a restaurant
and there men drank like fresh-landed astronauts
though your maker made you for little games -true,
the games you played in did depended quite on you
a hot man lost his mind and money
all because his hand was dealt funny
he got up and threw a plate through a table top
an after-hours waitress called the eager local cops
and when i, the dish washer, found your state,
i took you home, now a bookmark is your new occupation

i revised it from how i posted it here last night

>> No.956281

Oh left computer speaker,
I pity your existence, meager.
For without controls or input are you,
In mono, whatever can you do?

A poor mimic to his every action and sound,
you lack all credentials to be unbound.
But wait! What is that?
Is that a stereo track?!

Cry out and sing!
Your most different thing!
Freedom at last!
Praise this stereo track!

For it has given you,
a few minutes or two;
of different, beautiful sound,
at last you are unbound!

From shackles of mimicry,
you are no longer one of mediocrity.
Though once the track ends,
and we return to mono again.

You are still you,
so what ever can you do?
Poor left computer speaker,
once again you live so meager.

>> No.956287

I love it. You gave a computer speaker so much depth and meaning. +1 internets for you, my good man.

>> No.956296


I was laughing when I wrote it; but yea surprisingly it worked well.

>> No.956332

PS Tripple
So much better than Xbox
Needs some dusting off.

>> No.956347

sheet of paper
blank, clean, ready to be written on
sharing information
just like this post
before it was made.

>> No.956662

My other LCD
If I mirror the image
Stuff may become by zero dividee

>> No.956666

ginger ale is good
i am going to drink it
you just lost the game

>> No.956702

oh, hypotrochoid art set,
why did i buy thee?
you lie yet unopened,
mournfuly pushed under the moniter.
When will you contents see daylight?

>> No.956741

you so so strong ... so black ...
flow down my Throat ...
burn me from Inside ...
enjoy your aids

>> No.956770

Coca-Cola Can Coca-Cola can.
How amazing you are.

>> No.956779

My studded flip-flops
With your peace sign, worn today
Cute and functional

>> No.956790

My ordinary glass
do you need a clean?
But I only fill you with water
so you be pristine

>> No.956798

Oh, Pyxis machine
Eat a dick

>> No.957001

My keyboard... I could probably actually do something some what decent with this, had I any talent that is.

>> No.957826

We don't have either, go ahead, babble something.

>> No.958203

There's not a lot to be said
Of a not-half-full glass;
Not empty it simply reflects
And when not full, it's full of gas

>> No.958219

Why require so many books?
I never read them.

>> No.958250

I fucking love you
keys to a fun night.
You don't know how
long I've waited
to have the chance
to write this.

You're useless until October
but I'm fine to wait.
I'll sit here singing
Wet Hair.

And though it
may be
in Vancouver

I don't give
a fuck.

Cause I get
to see

>> No.958260
File: 21 KB, 300x300, hamburgerboy..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cup noodles
nothing to satisfy my hunger
nice try though
i guess that's why they call you
much more than a soup

>> No.958271

oh knee
youve been with me since i was born
if only you could only run a little more
without that sharp pain that is common for thee

>> No.958277

fucking candle. youre too bright.
i hate that little shiny light
fucking candle

>> No.958302

im a beaner look at me
staring at my small tv
watching the futbol match between
a team thats brown and a team thats green
im a beaner, woe is me.

>> No.958309

LG, 'Life's Good'
The catchphrase of a company
that sells various electronic appliances
claims that life is good.
On this monitor made by LG I am watching Star Wars Return of the Jedi
Yoda has just died
The last Jedi of the Old Republic has just died
An old hermit spent his last days alone.
Yoda's death reminds me of the Old Republic,
The good republic.
Were an ideal society thrived
Alas it is only a work fiction
Life is not good, it will never be good
The good life doesn't exist.
Eventually we all die alone.
'Life is Good'

>> No.958317

My left speaker, black
Emits audible sweetness
But not this moment

>> No.958347

Remote control
with you in my hand
I turn the channels
Like pages in a book

>> No.958358

Plastic speakers, projecting sound
Sending waves of vibration,
pure musical pleasure.
Interrupted by Goodmorning America
When I accidently click
on /b/

>> No.958378

Zapper, Changer, Beeper
From Hell's Kitchen to Iron Chef
The amount of time that I invest in
Zapping, changing, beeping
Why have a strange name
When we change the same
Zapper, Changer, Beeper

I call it 'The Remote', by the way.

>> No.958396

My left arm
Is not as good for masturbating
As the right

>> No.958407

Purple controller
of the gamecube persuasion
You are so dirty.

>> No.958429

Glass of ice tea
You make me have to pee
I am writing this poem
Because I was told by OP

>> No.958708

CLICK* into place
The Crew is in your face
Got some cold, hard steel in my pocket space

Bronze Blade's his name,
bought him down by the mall
12 Gs well spent, gonna fight the law.

/v/irgins oughta know this...

>> No.958734

DVD player
Inferior to bluray
But fuck that gay shit

>> No.958762
File: 74 KB, 320x460, QMG1613267LR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My Ratty Tatty Bear

He's Valentine's Day
from an age far away,
his leg on my knee
stuffed and quite fluffy.
Speaking of peace without a voice;
sleeping beside me without a choice.
Roots of all evil convulse
down his throat (torn apart)
they give him a pulse
but not a heart.

>> No.959163
File: 52 KB, 480x640, as5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, Arctic Silver 5,
You keep my CPU alive.
Without your touch,
there's heat too much
for my computer to survive.

>> No.959197

Oh Fleshlight,
tighter than tight can be
shaped like a bum
im gonna fuck ya til i cum

>> No.959201

Im da realest niggA SO I BE LIKE ALL RAPPING AND RIPPING REAL NIGGAS. Yeah for the hoes i got lambos and i be doing my dougie fuckin any ho even if she udly imma nigga aint even funny i do this for the streets feel my nigga street poetry

>> No.959230

O heineken Its been a long time
We become freinds your sweeter then wine
Imma be drunk and im gonna shine
O sweet beer you are mine o mine
Your feeling is making me devine
Why do drugs beer is legal and way more hardcore
beer o beer you make every woman a whore

>> No.959271

Ring, my phone
Ring for me
Just once, my phone
Won't you ring for me?
I long for the sound
But it never comes around
And rings
For me

>> No.959405

Arch installer disk
You are so damn open source
Stallman would be proud

>> No.959446

This box that lies before me,
Its contents revealed and purpose unmasked,
You provide such delicious HD,
Oh cable behind my PC screen,
How a I love thee

>> No.959454

your screen is cracked
and your too old to be recognized anymore
update drivers, disable drivers
poor old mp3 player that my grandma bought
for christmas

>> No.959522

Full of wants to be given
Has the blackness of a leather jacket
Folded in a way to organize it self
Goes into the inventory of its clothing

>> No.959556

This car is reminiscent of my childhood/
hours spent outside in my own little world removed from reality/
Now they say this is a bad thing/
but fuck them

>> No.959564

OP tried to write
The haiku of OP fails
Therefore, this thread fails

>> No.959901

This bed
of white and gray
is soft
Must I now sleep on this
wonderful and

>> No.959910


No, its a basic free verse.

>> No.959924

Oh god my cellphone. Do you accept haikus?

Got it recently
Don't do much with it but text
My girlfriend all day

>> No.959987

This bed is about the fucking poem of the RAPE OF NANKING.

Bed is made in Japan or something. I get no pussy in it. One time I did. Now I mostly beat off. Suede beds are hot in summer. A summer with no pussy on a hot bed. Just like at Nanking and fucking Denang.

And I sleep too much, and I'll fucking snap RAD style. Masturbate. Pubic hair. Keyboard.

>> No.960001

Hey pillow
You so fine
You so fine
You blow my mind
Hey pillow

>> No.960015
File: 235 KB, 500x500, 1277646578344.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ps3 you make me sad
all the games you never had
you set me back a lot of money
im so broke it isnt funny

ps3 at first you seemed so right
a blueray disk of talledega nights
the neckbeards assured me with their claims
but in the end you still have no gaems

>> No.960021

O Remote Control!
O Ye bringer of joy!
why dost thou sit?
Rejoice ye god!
Rejoice in the spirit of television!
Let thine rays of pure gold strike,
changeth my channel!

>> No.960030


>> No.960042

the working of the artisan
knits purpose in strands of atoms
creating objects with a purpose to be used.

Hence comes a cup to my desk
shaped like the head of a stormtrooper.
Yet it holds no drink for anyone.
Is it frustrated, I wonder, that
the shape of its being has forever
denied it its purpose?

>> No.960642

Why do you text to your other phone?

>> No.960648

Post it
Write it
They are brightly coloured

>> No.960663

Porcelain tiger
Stare at me
See all
Horrors, joy, love, a silent overseer
Green eyes stare blankly at the world of the living
Wish and hope.

>> No.960665


>> No.960696

Skittish bubbles on the tongue
A sour kiss awakens
From house of black aluminum
If I am not mistaken
A drink of liquid energy
Laced with taurine and guarana
To fatigue you are the enemy
To the sleepy man, nirvana

>> No.960697

There once was a man from china,
Who wasn't a very good climber,
Slipped on a rock
and cut off his cock,
and now he has a vagina.

>> No.960700

An ashtray, clean.
Look up irony,
then ask me again.
I'm going to have a cigarette.

>> No.960704

Fuck, I like this one. Cool subtext, bro.

>> No.960735

Is There
A Knife
On my Desk
Oh Fuck
What did I do
Last Night?

>> No.961886

I don't know, food?

>> No.961979

Vol vic
Vul va
Something beautiful comes out of it,
that is life.

>> No.962025

oh door,
when i need you
you are wide open
a portal to the next room
how do you do it?
you never tell

I know I'm not always
the best door user;
my handle on reality
slips from time to time,
but yours is adorable

you stay indoors a lot,
i notice,

sometimes you seem a little flat
and wooden
and i'd just like
you to shut you up
and slam you into the wall
like an ex girlfriend

but i'm glad
that you are there
to save my
bedroom activities
from cold air
and my parents

>> No.962046

My Nalgene water bottle
Is black like a nigger man
And similarly, it can hold over 1,000 mL of water.

>> No.962818

Haiku time:

This weird toy I have
I don't know where it came from
Just like life on Earth

>> No.962967













>> No.963019

I once would slide my penis upon you
until orgasm
was it good for you?

>> No.963026

>Handle on reality


>> No.963036


>> No.963038

my WD external hard drive? no

>> No.963043


>> No.963048
File: 303 KB, 2700x2025, nintendo-ds_lite.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It used to be "fun" was in
The capture and kill
In another place and time
I did it all for thrills

Love me and I'll leave you
I told you at the start
I had no idea that you
Would tear my world apart

And you're the one to blame
I used to know my name
But I've lost control of the game
'Cause even though I set the rules
You've got me acting like a fool
When I see you I lose my cool

>> No.963050

I thought I was th only one who discovered masturbation in such an odd way...


>> No.963054

Pillow Pillow,
On my bed.
You are where,
I rest my head.

>> No.963056
File: 124 KB, 341x318, Picture 22.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tear my world apart

Good thing you weren't playing videogames on an Apple LIIIIIISSSSSSSSAAAAAA

>> No.963092


So did I. I always snicker when people talk about which hand they use.

>> No.964900

You don't use hands at all?

>> No.964906

Stack of music magazines
The people in you all wear jeans
Some of them prefer black leather
The Metal's lighter than a feather.

>> No.964932

oh, coffee table, how i love thee
hold my tea, cunt.

>> No.964942

Oh Cardboard Package from the mighty Amazon
Buying shit off the internet is kind of like Tron

>> No.964949

Pile of my underwear
I'll put you away, but for now stay there.

>> No.965057

Sure you will.

>> No.965073

Tabasco. Go figure.

Born from a desperate man's
Pepper and vinegar,
You are liquid fire.
I love your eager companionship,
Yet I'd never fuck you.

>> No.965083

Oh the oversized book on my desk
Was printed by the CRC press
No stories or fables
But figures and tables
Why I need it is anyone's guess

>> No.965093

Wii-mote in all its glory
remembering older times
when the poems and rhymes
were not part of its history

those days of heavy playing
awing boys, pleasuring girls
have passed because of console sharing
now a lonely control, as useless as pearls

>> No.965099
File: 10 KB, 300x226, mahniggah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually really enjoyed the shit out of this poem.

>> No.965111

Your edges delight me
Your stark contrast to my desk invites me
You are the sun, folded
into a crane

Innocent piece of paper that you are
I would love to lose myself within your folds
Would you cry with joy?
Or tell me that I have tainted you?


>> No.965123

Thanks. May you never look at a bottle of Tabasco the same way again.

>> No.965141

Empty milkshake cup,
I wish you were full
and delicious

>> No.965158

aluminium foil cup
you held the cake that i devour'd
are you free? a cakeless wonder?
do you pine for your lost cherry
bakewell, this night, finds you crumpled silver.

i foiled u foiled foil. etc

>> No.965169

That is my pillow
It is very soft and squishy
God, my haikus suck

>> No.965193

a tablet laptop
is slumbering on stand-by
it is slow as shit.

fuck yeah.

>> No.965197

On the floor there is a desk
On the desk there is a bucket
In the bucket there are pencils
Don't need pencils to type

>> No.965200

Electric Pencil sharpener
you can
my graphite pencils,
but you cannot sharpen my wit
You make writing no easier.


>> No.965208

Gone are the days I'd take this magazine
And seek a calm retreat within my bower
To catch up on the vidyagaming scene
And study maps of dungeons, trails, and towers
To find elusive treasures. Now my spleen
Doth swell with anger at Nintendo Power.
(Though NP's quality left in a hearse,
Ol' Game Informer's grammar is still worse!)

>> No.965224

Only on /lit/ would
You find threads that are this old
Praise be upon it

A poem about this thread in general because I could not be bothered to write one about my external HD

>> No.965227

Oh blanket that has been dumped to my side lately,
Your tassles dangle below.
You belong to my mother, who calls you a throw.
The stain in the middle of you worries me greatly.

>> No.965233


So, STAGE right speaker.

>> No.965243

Oh cell phone, cell phone
You just wont die
With your nearly dead tone
I think I may buy

A new phone, a nice phone
Though the Droid's price is quite high

>> No.965275


I think I speak on behalf of all of /lit/ when I say that your poem would have been much more interesting to us had you concentrated on the cause of the stain in the middle and why it worries you

>> No.965283


All very nice but I'd bet my right pinkie it says left speaker or L on it, probably on the back

>> No.965292

Mad Men DVDs
Writing a haiku for /lit/
I miss Don Draper.

>> No.965293

bath mat, oh bath mat,
what shal we do?
what shal we do when i shit on you?
you are cream and blue,
on which i wipe my brown goo,
bath mat, oh bath mat,
what shal we do?

>> No.965312

Cereal bowl, oh cereal bowl
Thou art mine only ally
mine to love no matter how droll
Lets kill those fucking plates.

>> No.965376

Indoor allergies
Flower curtains aren't helping
I'm taking them down

Hey, thanks /lit/. You gave me something to do.

>> No.965378

wildman's surplus store
sells stuff from the civil war
and he hates niggers

that object is a bookmark from his store

>> No.965397

O bowl!
Golden Graham
Crumbs strewn
Inside you
After many
Many months
And a strip
Of paper
From you for
Some Reason
Why, I ask
Are you still there?

>> No.965410

You look smooth and untouched, as your glaze hides your memories,

but on closer inspection




Your disguise is lifted, for under your exterior I see your true face, marked with scars and abuse.

Like a used whore trying on her charm, you hide it well, vinyl floor.

>> No.965486

The stain. It befowls the blanket to a gross yellow, alright.
God dammit mom, the fuck do you do at night?

>> No.965514

The long blue cylinder sits idly on my desk.
Why such laziness, I ask it?
How can you be so content and calm
when the world around is spinning like a wobbling top
Chaos, anger, death and bitterness...
And yet you sit there ever smiling, Nalgene bottle.
You do your job, and you do it well.
No one asks you to hold the tepid water inside
you just do it.
How do you do it, Nalgene bottle?

>> No.965525

round and clear, shallow pit
my lips, on your curving tip
liquid pours, down under

>> No.965526

There’s a flashlight sitting on my desk.
Looks yellow; kinda gay right?
Don’t worry, it’s pretty dead.
No homo.

>> No.965527

Open your eyes; I see
Your eyes are open.
Wear no disguise for me
Come into the open

When it's cold outside,
Am I here in vain?
Hold on to the night
There will be no shame.

Always, I want to be with you
And make believe with you
And live in Harmony, Harmony
Oh Love!

Ok, to be honest, I didn't compose this. The most masculine, non-gayest robot unicorn wrote this poem first.

>> No.965536


Nice try at Haikus,
But alas, one too many
syllables, it has.

>> No.965545


no no no no no
no no no no no no no
no no no no u.

>> No.967355

carpet, why so blue?
it is because
i chose you
from a thousand other hues
at walter wall
I sit on you
drinking coffee
you bitch

>> No.967372


>> No.967689

the fan
keeps my computer
keeps it from
breaking down

>> No.968218

It is more convienient to put the fans inside the computer.

>> No.968239

Browsing 4chan with frames;
navigation is made much easier.
But, alas!
It makes threads like this so much harder.

>> No.968280

oh pokemon blanket.
i slept with you as a child
and now again as an adult
the number of times I came
while some blonde twink
sucked my dick
starring into your eyes
I came into his mouth
The number of blonde twinks
impressed at my immature sheets
the number of times I came
Thinking of you

>> No.968298


will... will you marry me

>> No.968307


only if you're a blonde twink.

>> No.968310


surprisingly, I am.

my hair is currently dyed brown, but that'll be gone in two months. we'll have the wedding after that in Massachusetts.

>> No.968328

wow what are the odds.

>> No.968330


fairly high, considering how many blonde twinks are in Atlanta. that's why I dyed my hair brown.

>> No.968334

must go to hotlanta now. with pokemon sheets.

>> No.968340


I'm sorry, but saying Hotlanta is a dealbreaker. I will give you a blowjob when you are in town but that is all.

be sure to go to Jungle on Friday night. there's another 18+ night at Le Buzz, but that is where the trash goes so I recommend against that.

>> No.968348

I found my true love but then
he said Hotlanta. This crime
is unforgivable. I want to give
him a blowjob while he pretends
I am Pikachu, but my desires stop

Well, maybe he will also want
to fuck me and imagine I am Pikachu.
That would be okay too.

>> No.968352

to be honest not really a twink fan (therefore hate 18+ nights). that being said, the only ass i could get during the school year was ironically blonde twink ass, so i grew to love them?

>> No.968354

'twas meant ironically boo.

>> No.968364


oh. that makes sense.

is it bad that I'm a twink, but hate twinks and most of the people who like twinks? I think this is probably bad. I'm 24 and haven't aged since I was 16 so this is going to be a long term problem.

>> No.968376


twink nights fucking scare me. it's like 14 yr olds with fake IDs and 44 yr old married men trolling. it's basically the internet irl.

>> No.968388


I am in love with you again.

our love is going to die with this thread. I don't want it to be this way. hold me. I'm frightened.

>> No.968399

i'll just put you in my pokeball.

>> No.968409


keep me near your penis.

I will be with you forever and we will be happy.

>> No.968413


would give you my aim, but probs gonna get trolled.

>> No.968416


write it in poetry or keep it to yourself

>> No.968419


oh. you can have mine, I guess.

>> No.968421
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>> No.968427


gay hookup threads are
everywhere on 4chan, my sweet
dear anonymous. You should
learn to deal with it and take
our lines of conversation as brief
bits of poetry, fleeting lines aimed
directly for the heart; or maybe we're
just interpreting the American haiku in
a different way, filtering Kerouac's
unrhymed rhythmless triplets and distilling
them into a truer form, more expressive
of our inner selves and our deep
love of all things Pokemon.

>> No.968449

oh how the straight man
keeps me down
how he is smug
and applies his morals
to me
oh how he shuts my voice
how he cuts my words
how he judges me
let me burn with the light
of my faggotry
let me set fire to every
inch of this world
and let the world see
that i am the second cumming
that i burned the earth
with my faggotry and flames
that i burned it
until it was the second star
and i was saved.

>> No.968464

What's that, you cunt? This guy wrote you
a piece of quite respectable free verse
and you shit back this fucking piece of trash?
Ed Lytton might be bad, but you're way worse.
I'm not that guy, but reading through his lines
was like a breath of cool, refreshing air.
If I could write that well without iambs
I'd love to claim his rosy derriere.
But then you come and show me your own wind
and try to place it up with that guy's art -
but his was sweet, and short, and beautiful,
while yours was just some random faggot's fart.

>> No.968480

waitin' on that aim

>> No.968486


it's in the e-mail field, man.


>> No.968500

did not write that second poem btw

>> No.968515

Gays in a poetry thread. Who knew?

>> No.968518

who knew that rimbaud was teh fagit.

>> No.968690

unread book sits there
countless pages of a new world

>> No.968722

>Look at wallpaper

Plagiarism much?

>> No.970191

is cool baby

>> No.970202

I suck at haiku
can't write one to save my life
those are my headphones

>> No.970616

Oh dearest left knee
One of my favourite joints
My feline warms you.

>> No.970620

oh, left speaker
how art thou sound
if thy color was white
would thy words be black?

>> No.970622

My nostril plugged up

>> No.970624


Crap, I posted before finishing

My nostril plugged up
With snot and other bad things.
Give me tissues

>> No.970629

Scotch Transparent Tape
It is not as transparent
As it thinks it is.

>> No.970636

Oh lolita, sweet n tender
forbbiden fruit,
Oh lolita
your body is fragile, your soul is pure
let me cum,
in your face.. too

>> No.970638

Aleve equivalent
Oh how you do not work
I need real pain medicine


Dont care about poetry

>> No.970640

Oh lolita, sweet n tender
forbbiden fruit,
Oh lolita
your body is fragile, your soul is pure
Oh lolita
let me cum,
in your face.. too

>> No.970643

The empty bottle
Reminds me of my failure
To take out the trash

>> No.970644

speaker, speaker, bo beaker, me my mo meeker, fee fy fo feeker.

>> No.970646
File: 419 KB, 949x1400, 1276270624329.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

humbert gtfo plz

>> No.971131


>> No.971169
File: 27 KB, 258x567, sunscreen-proposed-label.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sun screen.
You protect me from the light.
The rays of death that rain upon this earth.
I cannot leave the sactuary of my room without you.
Sometimes I forget about you
and instantly regret it.
The world out there is so harsh.
I need you to shield me.

>> No.971206
File: 14 KB, 302x350, trumanissatisfied.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Purple and gold contain
a sugary delight detained.
I think I will savour
this twirl's flavour
until nothing is left but remains.

>> No.971226


I was expecting something slightly better from Truman Capote.

>> No.971261
File: 86 KB, 400x338, trumandealswithit2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


U just mad cause it's 2deep4u