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/lit/ - Literature

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9642585 No.9642585 [Reply] [Original]

How did you get into literature, anon?

>> No.9642597
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Books: My mom letting me stay up as late as i wanted as long as i was reading
Literature: Rome Total War loading screen quotes

>> No.9642608

Beethoven eat your heart out

>> No.9642613
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When I started to be really depressed

>> No.9642634

you have to be born a staggering faggot

>> No.9642641


when I got fed up with how hollow movies and videogames became.

>> No.9642648

i wanted to browse a new board so i started browsing /lit/

>> No.9642683

I read The Firm by John Grisham and I've been tying to find something as good ever since. Sadly nothing has come close.

>> No.9642708


>> No.9642720
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to live such a life...

>> No.9642721


Ive always enjoyed literature, its nothing new. In 7th grade, I would finish all of my English assignments long before class was over. My teacher recognized I read at a college level, and permitted me to openly read after I had finished my work; I took various selections from a bookshelf, where I was introduced to works of literature like Animal Farm. I was still in 7th grade, so I understood it at a surface level, but the story and implications captivated me. That was 11 years ago.

>> No.9642726

I came to this board and in real life was bored with school and had no friends. I also sat in the library a lot of the time already anyways, so I figured I would read.

I've been in this cesspool for 7-8 years now, but it is a comfy cesspool.

>> No.9642864

When I was a board highschooler and realized how vapid most videogames were, so I turned to other pastimes. The same reason why I got into film.

>> No.9642954
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kindergarten teacher gave everyone a giant plastic bag filled with fun books. I had trouble reading but when I got the hang of it i couldn't stop. i would spend my summer vacations watching nova and history shows on wttw prime cause i fucking loved history. when i was in second grade the teacher read to us the first magic tree house book, it blew my fucking mind and i got obsessed with the series. then the author started following up the books with fact checking companions. boi let me tell you now since my cheap ass dad felt like buying books were a waste of money my mom started taking me to the library. i would take my school bag and fill that shit up! i developed back pain because of how fucking heavy it was. i would check out 25+ books at once! the best memories of my childhood are the ones where i remember just laying in bed with the fan on and just reading nonstop. reading was a source of comfort and coping mechanism to get away from my alcoholic dad and sometimes physically abusive mother and brother. not to mention i was the middle child so no one really cared about me. when i read i could be someone new everytime or better yet, i could be my favorite characters. so yeah.

>> No.9642968

The Roman's what? Also, which Roman?

>> No.9643015

Dam the feels are real

>> No.9643028

met a /lit/ girl when i was 18/19 and started to put on airs to impress her. i always had a fascination with 'intellectual' stuff but never really tried getting into it until i met her.

eventually she left, but the books and wisdom stayed. so for that i am thankful to her.

>> No.9643032
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I've always been very interested in language and the aesthetic aspects of it. The starting point to that for me, as a young kid, was song lyrics. I've been reading books here and there during my adolescence, but after I had grown bored with watching films and basically anything else, and after I had finished Lolita, I really got hooked, which collided with >>9642613

>> No.9643079
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>> No.9643261

absolutely wanted to appear as an intellectual in high school, and intellectuals were known to read lots of books

>> No.9643339

I've been reading casualy from when I was 12 years old but I've started doing it on a daily basis in my last highschool year. It boils down to dissatisfaction with electronic media, depression, and a need for escapism. It really was a gateway to another world and gave me a purpose. Honestly, my life has gotten worse since then but the reading habbit never went away and I'm glad for that.

>> No.9644195

I've been reading and writing since I was a child. I enjoyed stories in general but I didn't seriously engage literature as a critical and life-affirming process until some kid on my cross country team said he was a nihilist, which prompted me to subsequently go home and discover Nietzsche and existentialism in general. I misinterpreted him for some time, but I was drawn in by his aphoristic style all the same.

>> No.9644208

I became really insular and lost most of my friends.

>> No.9644288

Star Trek

I ended up watching Generations as a kid, and realized two things: First, I loved it. Not just the movie itself, but the genre. I could instantly see that the possibilities contained within were immense. I was instantly a science fiction fan. Second, that it had been foolish to go by this pop culture image of "Star Trek is for nerds", which back then was still actually an insult, and not a way to announce that you're a well-read intellectual without having to prove it.

So I started reading science fiction, and naturally ended up with the universally acknowledged greats. Loved some of it, didn't love others as much. But it instilled me with a love for the (well) written word that hasn't faded, and that I've found effortlessly crosses genres.

>> No.9644291

I've posted this a couple of times already but here it goes
>mom literally paints me a bigass book with all the letters of the alphabet and pictures of items that start with the letter (often those were my toys or other things or people I was familiar with) so I learned how to read a few years before the other kids
>dad starts buying Mickey Mouse/Donald Duck and Garfield comics that I devour
>I regularly read Donald Duck to the other kids in the kindergarten
>sometime after I start going to school, mom buys me Harry Potter and gives me her copy of The Hobbit
>I get deep into fantasy (and occasionally other lit) for like 7 years, until the music obsession pushes it out
>go to high school, get a great professor
>the curriculum in this country is fucking shit, expects 15-year-olds to read Homer and Greek tragedies and what not, but the prof is really good, I'm interested in the books (after all, I'm into music already, I should explore the other art forms too) and through a year I really developed a taste for the "literary fiction"
>the philosophy professor is really good as well
>18 now, going to study literature and philosophy (probably)

>> No.9644292

You sound unbearable. Don't come back to this board.

>> No.9644294

Accelerated Reader Program at my school rewarded you with arbitrary points for reading books. Never stopped reading past that point and didn't give up even after I stopped getting "points" for reading

>> No.9644308

God, you sound insufferable.

>> No.9644309

Alexander Scrourby's audio narration of the Bible
Pilgrims Progress
Ben Hur
Last Days of Pompeii.

Someone mentioned a PC game. Civ II comes to mind.

>> No.9644329


Cool mate, you're a cunt.

>> No.9644346

My father is a painter and musician with a passion for art in general. He's amassed a small library of books ranging on a number of subjects, mostly philosophical, religious, and occult in nature. He never directly instructed me to read anything, he left me to my own devices and I happened to eventually take an interest in reading and the arts as well.

>> No.9644391

I had a similar experience. I always read and would even get in trouble for reading my book behind a textbook or under the desk. I remember reading Moby Dick in 6th grade (struggling), but being captivated moreso by the language. I retained most of the surface level comprehension, but again like you, I didn't pick up on any subtext.

>> No.9644405

Jesus, you sound unbearable

>> No.9644412

Based on...?

>> No.9644423

I've read books for as long as I can remember. At some point I just started reading more critically and became more aware of what I was reading.

>> No.9644429

Catholicism. In high school as i began to read older works i was unwittingly reading parts of the western canon.

>> No.9644453

I was half way through it when I realised I hated my degree (business). I decided I didn't want to abandon my degree, I just wanted to graduate as soon as possible in anything. Looked at my options and discovered I could graduate in half the time by transferring my major to literature and doing nothing but literature subjects. I figured it would be easy as pie but it was actually quite challenging, especially since I wasn't well read at the time and had to teach myself a lot of literary history and theory, which meant reading more books in my free time. So I went from reading one novel a year to several a week and I liked it. I still read roughly a book a week and live with my parents.

>> No.9644482

Take a (((you)))

>> No.9644499
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I've been reading since I figured out how to. Literally anything I could get my hands on when I was little. My dad used to read to me, and used to read a lot himself, maybe I just learned to want to read through osmosis. Later, I didn't have any friends, so I read. Then when I was bored, I read. Now I read whenever I have free time, and sometimes when I don't. I just love reading.

>> No.9644605

This desu

>> No.9645032

Escapism derived from pic related.

>> No.9645350

I bumped into a copy of Metro 2033 in a charity shop, read it and had fun. So then I bought a copy of brave new world and read that too. Then I came to /lit/ and got recommended a bunch of stuff, been hooked ever since.

>> No.9645361

I took an interest in movies and started watching art house films until I realized I hated them. I decided to read instead.

>> No.9645567

My father kinda forced me. Also, Crime and Punishment, and finally The Master And Margarita.

>> No.9645583

Being undergrad in philosophy. Read somewhere online about Borges' short, philosophical fictions. Got hooked on Ficciones, then his literary non-fiction which is just full of references and allusions to literature. Most things I've read since have inspired or been inspired by Borges.

>> No.9645624

i had a roommate and i coulnd't stand the fact that i had to share my space with somebody else i also don't like going out so i had to do something to avoid her and to keep her away from bothering me

>> No.9645649

my parents encouraged me to read. after reading me to sleep at night I just kept going on my own.

>> No.9645665

You're like a hetero foucault

>> No.9645667

Your example of literature is Animal Farm? Dear God..

>> No.9645675


I guess you missed the part where I said I was in 7th grade.

>> No.9645782


>> No.9645818

I'm introverted and want to live on my own, but I'm spiteful enough to refuse to do society a service with it, so I decided to become as amiable and attractworthy as possible while continuing on my autistic road of introvertism. Smart yet down to earth, intellectual yet plebly agreeable, accomplished yet relatable. Elitism is my drive, knowledge is my means.
My hate for society makes me a superior person, and my smug satisfaction from that solidifies me in my efforts.

>> No.9645838


Are you trying to create a caricature of me?


>> No.9645850

>y-yeah, same!
I'm no follower, don't compare us mate

>> No.9645872

I was reading Finnigans Wake in 7th grade.

>> No.9645880

In 2012 I was 15 and went here out of curiosity, felt insecure about not getting the memes, and started reading DFW Stirner and Pynchon

Dead serious, I became a pseud to fit in

>> No.9645907

You sound like a pleasant person

>> No.9645946


We can be two different juggernauts. Lets coexist.

>> No.9645949

I was writing Finnegan's Weak in 7th grade.

>> No.9645953

God, you sound insufferable.

>> No.9645965

You were supposed to smugly brush off my call-out, rise above me, don't just take it, damnit, fucking duds.

Today you disappointed an anon.

>> No.9645984


Trust me man, I don't just take it. There are people, powerful, wealthy people who will me to do something, and I defy them. I defy them to their faces and call them out for the crooks they are. We can be two different giants. Fuck the world, lets take back our destinies.

>> No.9646088

I just want to be an elitist.

>> No.9646120

My mother got me to read Harry Potter. Before that I had been reading short horror stories and every single tome of Lilli the Witch, one book every night.
Then when I turned 10 I stopped dead in my reading tracks and didn't grab another book till I was 14 and realized I was getting dumber and had trouble communicating complex ideas.
After that I devoured more than a few books, but I've halted once more. It really bothers me because I've been struggling with the same book for months now and I just don't feel the passion for reading anymore. Is there such a thing as "reader's block"?

>> No.9646130

Yeah reader's block is a thing. Drop the book your on and start focusing on short stories. Force yourself through them. Once you're comfortable with that then work your way up to novellas, etc.

>> No.9646140

The sad thing is that the book I'm stuck in is an analogy of every single written work of Edgar Allan Poe. Maybe I just crave an actual novel rather than a collection of short stories. But I'd feel bad if I just abandoned a book without finishing it.

>> No.9646141

do you actually speak like this in real life

>> No.9646148

I remember a time when I talked like that because I was afraid I was becoming dumber and wouldn't be able to write a book if I didn't constantly spoke in that manner.
Looking back now it's kind of funny, but back then it actually tormented me.

>> No.9646150

I spend a lot of time by myself and reading is something you can do by yourself. It's also the least intrusive thing you can do on the train to and from work. My commute is an hour and a half each way.

>> No.9646170
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My dad tried to force me to read when I was young, around the ages of I think 8 to 12 he tried, but it never stuck. Likely because I had videogames, which attract children like light attracts mosquitos.
I started reading passively around 14, but that was purely non-fiction. I kept reading passively, and very slowly. Around the age of 16 I developed this deep need to understand, so I started buying and reading various books written by philosophers, and even stated buying university books to read recreationally.

>> No.9646230

he doesnt sound half as bad as you nigga

>> No.9646240

t. /pol/ pseud

>> No.9646243


No you retard. What the fuck?

>> No.9646255

well why would you write like a moron unless you had no other way to communicate

>> No.9646259


nice opinion, faggot
you write like a moron, how about that?

making an assertion without citing examples of what you mean, just go fuck yourself

>> No.9646523
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If not the bible - the first book in the Narnia series, "The Magician's Nephew".

>> No.9646530

I was molested by a librarian with a strap on from ages 3-14.

>> No.9646537

picked up a book once

>> No.9646551

I just snorted it once, next thing you know I was shooting pynchon right into my taint and beneath my tongue, and blowing hipsters at coffee shops for a few pages.

>> No.9646557


You want to know where you all really fuck up? I'll tell you, its simple, and something I've figured out long ago. When you're out and about, you're completely self absorbed, in your clique, with your friends. But when you withdraw, and have some time to think... Well, you get to thinking. The world doesn't want me to be happy? So what do I do? Do I exert vengeful actions on those I deem responsible? No. I arrange my life so that others can be happy in the future. If I am dealt this hand by fate, where I am not permitted to be happy, then I will ensure there is a future in which someone I care about can. That's where you fuck up. Its not about revenge. Its about paying it forward.

>> No.9646865

Watching Harold Bloom interviews

>> No.9647026

To impress a girl, like some kind of fucking idiot.
Stupid, stupid, stupid me.
She wasn't into literature, she had read one book and insisted it was the best one, and it's writer, also the best.

>> No.9647044
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I was given a free scholarship thing to a teen creative writing camp when I was in high school and I realized that I knew jack shit about literature

tl;dr I didn't want to seem like a pleb in front of cute /lit/ girls

>> No.9647067

You have no friends and you don’t know the reason why, right?

>> No.9647861

I heard Hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy on radio, but couldn't be there for all of the reading's, so i bought the book and read it myself. it just went downhill from there.

>> No.9648040

Through politics: libertarian so i read 1984 and Animal Farm.

>> No.9648051
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>> No.9648080


I have a few and I know exactly why you're a little bitch, yeah. Someone pays you to be lol. Hey man I understand. My favorite line will always be:

Fuck you, pay me.

>> No.9648133


That was almost poetic

>> No.9648209


I know right? Might make a little rhyme outta that.

There are many phrases that we speak
But fuck you, just pay me


>> No.9648415
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>> No.9648442

My parents always pushed me to read all kinds of stuff. It wasn't until 9th grade that I went into a Barnes & Noble and found the classics section. I thought "I wonder why these books deserve so much praise," and I bought Gulliver's Travels. One of the great decisions of my life.

>> No.9648462

it's all i have left

>> No.9648463

When I graduated HS and fixed my life I wrote down what my bad and good habits are.
I put "reading" on the bad habit side and wanted to stop because I spent about 4-5 hours reading .I quickly realized how much impact it has on my life.

>> No.9648488

i started reading because i wanted to be smart, or at least stop being so dumb. it didn't help at all but i continue to read because i enjoy it.

>> No.9648510

Did you notice reading helping with your depression at all? Was there any effects you noticed?

>> No.9648528

Yeah that's where I got started too. When I was in fifth grade I overheard some girl saying "no one can beat me at accelerated reader". I took this as some sort of challenge and proceeded to autistically read every thick ass book I could my hands on and racked up a point total that dwarfed anyone else in the school and entire classrooms. Later I got into videogames for middle and most of high school but I stumbled upon House of Leaves my senior year of highschool and that got me going again.

>> No.9648563

I listened to history podcasts and understood how little I knew about the world and how horribly sad that is

>> No.9648564

Same! I won 1st place every quarter for all three years.

>> No.9648596

I've always loved stories and would read these little abridged versions of the classics (there was an illustration about every 5 pages as well) in second and third grade.

After that I sort of dropped reading, I do believe know why. I didn't start again until senior year lf high school (3 years ago now) when my mythology teacher had us select from a bunch of different books to do a report on, one of which was Dune. It blew my mind and from then onI haven't been able to stop reading. Also got heavily into non-fiction (mainly philosophy and politics) once I got to college mainly because I smoked too much weed back then and had way too many questions.

>> No.9648600

I got into /lit/ because I was fed up with the increasing nonsense over at /v/ before Gamergate and after. I grew up with video games and had never been able to point out what was beginning to bother me about the hobby until then: a bunch of dilettantes pitching fits because it wouldn't pander to them even though they didn't care about it the way that I, and others like me, did. Then I realized that all vidya is mostly just a distraction from the stuff that really matters and saw that literature was just the opposite. Once I realized that books exist to cut right to your core I never looked back.

>> No.9648709




>> No.9648833



>> No.9648877

Ironically, your post made you more so than him.

>> No.9648894

I got into lit when I was in highschool. I loved reading books like catcher in the rye, huckleberry fin, and the great gatsby. And when they had us read slaughter house five I was blown away. I didn't know that literature could be so experimental, I didn't fully realize that art could be that way too and that I could enjoy it. It was awesome.

>> No.9648979

What's the difference between fantasy and " real literature?

>> No.9649011


>mfw some punk outwits me and i'm left paying him like he won a settlement

>> No.9649014
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forgot pic

>> No.9649021


seems like you are eternally btfo

cheers mate

>> No.9649052

been reading since before I was sentient so I have no idea.

>> No.9649055

Trying to stop playing vidya, I needed something else to autistically spend my money and time on.

>> No.9649074
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Eh, I read about it somewhere

>> No.9649149


ouch m8

what happened? how did some punk outwit you? and how do you owe him money now lol


>> No.9649155

Coping with my lack of german skills, despite living here since 2011

Books helped me coordinating but I still suck at grammar

>> No.9649156



>> No.9649170

My fifth grade English teacher introduced me to Carpentier's Kingdom of This World.

>> No.9649175


well, i thought i could break a few laws and put him in a rough spot by offering him a phony job then pressuring him to quit instead of me firing him, but he's just ignoring me and still working, i'm bleeding money like crazy and i have no legal recourse.

i think i may have to actually start to threaten this kid, but he probably won't give a shit about that too. he knows how bad he's got me. all i wanted to do was be all big and powerful, i thought he was a racist sexist piece of shit but he's actually extremely moderate and a meritocratic. i feel so stupid but i don't know what to do.

/retarded decisions general/?

>> No.9649184


Shit man, that's too bad. I hope you find some way to figure it out. In the future, you should probably try and learn a bit more about the person you're going to try to fuck over before you try it. I dunno what to say, you have no legal recourse you said so... if anything it sound like he could sue you if he wanted. You're fucked. I almost feel bad but yeah that was a hugely retarded decision.

>> No.9649195


one time i forgot i put rum in my gatorade and projectile vomited all over my steering wheel when i tried to pass out in my car. i don't really remember too much but i woke up outside the car. pretty retarded

>> No.9649209


one time i genuinely thought heelying was a sport and tried to showcase it. pretty retarded

>> No.9649216


Well you can't start a general with very possibly THE most retarded decision that will be in the thread. You've already beat everyone with you degree of stupidity.

>> No.9649217

Yes, now I have goals in life.

>> No.9649359


i know, i feel stupid as fuck, my business, my name, my reputation are all challenged by this one stupid decision. its really hurting me. i feel like the kid might have even quit if i hadn't called him a pedo, a rapist, and a sexist racist. i think he got pretty angry about all the slander, so he's just holding me down. i try and make his life hard but he seems to not care. its not fair anons, i have so much money!! why cant i bring down some little fucking punk?? is it because i'm objectively in the wrong? legally and morally? im also super fucking worried about the future, he will eventually grow older and learn how law works in a way that will allow him to /lit/igate against me. fuck /lit/, what do i do?

>> No.9649372


Why did you call him all those things? I would be fucking pissed too. Is any of it true?

>> No.9649379


absolutely none of it, i just didn't like him because he dated my daughter

>> No.9649387


I can only assume you're above the age of 30 or something. How can you possibly be so fucking stupid? I mean seriously, you didn't ever consider any of that? You deserve him screwing you over.

>> No.9649450

Nothing. Fantasy is a genre. Literature is artistic merit.

>> No.9649453


i dont know, i thought he'd get scared and run away. ive got all my friends on this too now, we're all trying to put the nails to him but there he is, every FUCKING day, showing up for work. he gives us this big fucking grin I HATE IT. but we can't actually do anything to him, he knows he's safe. we can't beat him, because then he could fuck us over legally. we can't kill him, because that would not only be the most embarrassing thing to deal with in my upper circle of high society, but the kid also doesn't even fear death. the way he sees it he'll be dead and we'll be the ones who were known to make such a huge mistake that we had to kill a young kid, a disgrace that will follow us all our lives. i started this shit and its already brought me so much grief, that im afraid disgrace is already starting to follow me. maybe i really do deserve it. there's also heavy over and undertones of divine intervention in all of this. he's TOO lucky. almost like he's got someone on his side. fuck /lit/. im an old guy, and this is my legacy? fuck.

>> No.9649513


Im sure he's not unreasonable. Make him an offer and he might go away. He must have some sort of reason to keep fucking you over like this. Does he have a certain qualm with you particularly, besides all the slander? Maybe a family member that you wronged somehow? Maybe you're still wronging him? Make the kid an offer. Is your pride really worth so much to you that you'd be willing to put yourself through all this public scrutiny?

>> No.9649520

Lost a pregnancy, so I turned to books for escapism. Ended up reading several classics and finding a lot more than escapism in them. Those first few years after that I was reading around 200 books a year.

>> No.9649550

I still haven't, really. I just have all the titles from /lit/ that I've collated of books I should be reading, along with a few memes.

>> No.9649613


that would be about on par on the embarrassing scale as having to kill him. i have to figure something else out but there's really nothing but trying to demoralize him and its not working at all.

>> No.9649674

Oh my God. I don't have any kids whatsoever, but I couldn't imagine what that must feel like. I'm so sorry that happened.

>> No.9649703

The former exists only as artistic enjoyment, the latter exists as part of the core canon agreed upon by top intellectuals.

>> No.9649729

my wife got a jeep

>> No.9649751

we went to disney world

>> No.9649772


You'll have to reach some sort of compromise if you can't beat him into submission. Which is sounds like you've tried very hard to do. Some people you just can't crack. Make peace, or is your pride some precious thing to you?

>> No.9650598

Why the fuck would you do something so fucking stupid? I have no sympathy for you- if you want to fuck someone over, don't offer them a fake job- that's insane! what is WRONG with you? How did you ever even come up with such a lunatic idea? For fuck's sake, murder is less insane.

>> No.9650605

I got into art film and then people kept calling me a pleb so I read some dostoevsky

>> No.9650657

I was heavily invested in comics since a young age. Then I got into Bob Dylan in high school and became obsessed with everything related to him, including his influences, which meant I was reading Beats, Rimbaud, Blake, etc.

>> No.9651129

I grew to hate living in the deep south among grease monkey rednecks and fatasses that only cared about their government check, so i started reading in hopes of becoming more than just another hillbilly

>> No.9651147

and then u found /pol/ and became an alt-right e-hillbilly

>> No.9651245

t. jelly cunt

>> No.9651351

Basic training was super fucking boring.

>> No.9651372

Yea, this is pretty much the best way. Find something you like, read whoever influenced him etc. and keep going.

From Ginsberg you find Whitman, Blake, Rimbaud, then Baudelaire etc. Essays that author's / poets have written often contain good information like that.

>> No.9651448

I'd be happy with a Jeep also.

>> No.9651533

Made me remember when I was 8th grade, I was reading the Divine Comedy during my maths class, my brain burnt out and fell asleep, no one can woke me until the teacher pulled my chair away, almost got a heart attack when I fell on the ground, I had similar experience when I read the Faust, I dunno why I burnt out that easily at that time

>> No.9651554

I never understood why I like literature, one day I found my old bookshelf have sth like introduction to quantum physics, astronomy for kids, my dad insist that he bought them for my 11 years old birthday and I loved those books. However I completely hate STEM related shit right now

>> No.9653134


You deserve it. Also, it seems like he doesn't habe much of a choice either. That of course meaning you deserve it all the more. He's not even at fault if YOU extended phony employment. Out of a vendetta? Holy shit I'm 100% positive you did not run the idea by everyone in your business. Did you?

>> No.9653183


i did not. this is such a mess for me. I have to resort to coming here

>> No.9653851

since childhood i always had thirst for knowledge which i found on books

>> No.9653869
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My mom left a copy of morte de arthur out when I was in first grade and I tried to find where the sex was. I found a lot of other shit.

>> No.9653875
File: 165 KB, 777x656, argoominr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

everybody here sounds insufferable

>> No.9653905

But anon, light doesn't attract mosquitos, uric acid does :^)

>> No.9653907

you know you have to be at least 18 to post here right?

>> No.9653925

>and reading various books written by philosophers
And now that you're 17 you have a complete understanding of human nature and the world....Right, we get it, you are soooo deep, anon.

>> No.9654179

>first grade
>looking for sex
that's kind of early

>> No.9654991

I was smelling sweet Lenora's wet n dirty farts in the 7th grade.

>> No.9655002

>tfw read A Time To Kill when I was 13 years old and was blown away unironically.

I dont think it will be the same if I reread it today but back then that shit was bananas.

>> No.9655281

When I was 11 or 12 I read Harry Potter, then when I got older I moved on to Stephen King. Although I did read Lewis Carrol's "Alice" it was so bad it almost turned me away from reading entirely.

>> No.9655338

My mom and dad (especially dad) were always reading books, so they encouraged me very early, but I wasn't so keen to do it. I've read some short children novels but I was never hooked.
Then at the age of 14 I've read Harry Potter (yes, I'm that kind of guy) and I started to be a believer.

Nowadays, at the age of 28, I'm moslty enjoying - let's say - realistic novels.
I loved "To kill a mockingbird", "The Catcher in the Rye", "A Midnight Clear" (!!!!) and recently I've read "Slaughterhouse five" and left really impressed.

I love books about people who are lost in their lives. FUCK.

>> No.9655361

Read as a kid, but stopped until i left school and became a NEET. I had loads of time so started reading again and found /lit/ and it kind of snowballed from there

>> No.9655384

fucking kek!

>> No.9655416

>How did you get into literature, anon?
I read Donald Duck. Cool as hell! Kept reading about Mickey Mouse too. After that I decided to read some real books you know. The ones without pictures and stuff.

Found this awesome book about a young guy who gets invited to some school, but it's not a boring school but a wizard school and that's not boring.
I have cleared lots and lots of pages but there's still lots and lots of pages left. LOL! This will take forever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Currently he's trying to find some train or something to take him there. If I was him I would have called a cab for sure.

>> No.9655457

Bought a Kindle and started downloading free books.
Before that i liked reading but it wasn't a habit. I remember the first book i read on the Kindle was Heart of Darkness, which i didn't like at first, but re-read some time after and loved it.

>> No.9655538
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Here ya go! Welcome to the elite part of /lit/.

>> No.9655612
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This is a great post. I know you're a nerd now but I can't even feel bad for you

>> No.9656022

I started reading Enid blyton novels at a young age, the local library set out reading lists for children that had some short classics, although I don't remember what they were. Then I started reading 'interest' books like animal husbandry, cars, military vehicles. In addition to these I read a lot of the 'horrible histories' books and related things to do with that sort of thing, had a keen preference for anything with geography and maps. After that I read Harry potter and burnt out, only reading the odd ya novel series here and there. Spent a lot of time consuming video games, film and television shows after that until maybe a year ago when I started to read more worthwhile stuff again.
I'm enjoying my second wind.

>> No.9656397
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It's a hobby, and along with writing, a passion to pursue.
So at the very least it's a step in the right direction.

Also on certain days it's a good alternative to drinking myself to sleep.

I'm >>9643032

>> No.9656422

Now what did we learn about collusion, class? Did we learn that if you stick your neck out, it might get your head lopped off?

>> No.9656451

books: my mom. she is very good reader
reading habit: with encyclopedias. esspecially when i was 13 years old. I was bullied so i did hiding from bullies in library.
liteature: Highschool. My math was terrible, after i did guaranteed 0 or 1 (means FF in here) in my report, i did give up and reading books instead of listen the lessons.

>> No.9656585


>For fuck's sake, murder is less insane.

Uhh lol. I think you'd get about the same jailtime or even less than murder and no one would consider you a murderer, just a fraud and a cheat, and a failure at exacting your vengeance. All are much less dire consequences than being convicted of murder.

>> No.9656588
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Good on you for escaping into something arguably worthwhile, anon. Stave off that dementia and all the other stuff.