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9636335 No.9636335 [Reply] [Original]

Out of Nietzsche or Jung:

Who has had more impact on you?

Who would you recommend be read first? Why?

Are there any other authors / works which you believe will help those miserable, insufferable Buckos out there?

>> No.9636337

read nietzsche until you realize life without god is meaningless

then read jung

>> No.9636362

or i suppose you could go the other way and read jung until you realize god doesn't exist, then read nietzsche and be a nietzsche-quoting tryhard

in the end though you will eventually go back to thinking about god. mainly just depends on how you get there

>> No.9636402

You don't need to read Jung, just watch The Shining

>> No.9636436
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nietzche was a faggot. "muh will to power" is stupid, life has shown that if a man is in tune with nature, has a wife and is generally happy then he wants no more than that. "muh power"
jung was right though. wotan shall rise, the third reich was wotan rising once, and he will rise again.

>> No.9636456
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>> No.9636465

I don't see any appeal in Jung whatsoever. Why would I need him?

>> No.9636471


because you haven't yet realized that you have no idea what you're talking about

>> No.9636478

>muh bait

not a fucking argument. Please explain to me how the will to power exists. Protip: it doesn't.

>> No.9636483
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>> No.9636486

>explain to me how wtp exists
>i'm right you're wrong

you just proved it yourself you faggot

>> No.9637009

not an argument

>> No.9637011

you used a molyneux maneuxver tho


>> No.9637018

molyneux is a degenerate. My argument of you not having an argument is still right though.
prove to me the will of power exists, because it DOESN'T.

>> No.9637034


>> No.9637046


you realize everything we know comes from axioms of thought right?

i always understood the will to power essentially a structure of thought and human will to be as self-overcoming as possible to reach a true, pure self-actualized version of who all of can be (aka the ubermensch).

amor fati and eternal recurrence are concepts to allow yourself to keep the existence you have in check for what you truly want your existence to be carved as.

>> No.9637094

i'd rather hear more of how you came to the astonishing conclusion that the will to power doesn't exist tbqh

especially when you're talking about wotan rising and a bunch of vikings standing around with spears

i'm okay with mythopoesis but how on earth you are going to persuade me that nietzsche is wrong after all of that i have no idea

>> No.9637818

Well Jung is basically a Nietzsche that didn't drown in his own mind

>> No.9637827

that is a wise statement

>> No.9637910
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Close enough, I don't think Nietzsche ever got into the occult as much as Jung did.