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/lit/ - Literature

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9633456 No.9633456[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>those HOURS upon HOURS you spent mastering word-smithery as your peers cavorted outside, enjoying their youth

Now you see picrelated and have five seconds to say something charming or else she will instinctively judge you to be an inferior male. What do you say?

>> No.9633460

Go back to /r9k/, weirdo. You're on the literature board

>> No.9633463

wtf spee

>> No.9633465

Studying hard and reading the cannon allowed me to get a nice job where I can afford a few luxuries, such as pants

>> No.9633468
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I don't

>> No.9633474

"stop phoneposting on /pol/ you dumbass baka"

>> No.9633476

I want to wear what she is wearing.

>> No.9633478

>you will never sniff her asshole

>> No.9633488
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i bet it smells like vanilla

>> No.9633489


Jesus that should be a crime.

>> No.9633491

I beg your pardon, madam, but are you perchance versed in the trade of archeology?

>> No.9633495

it is, women just get away with it because they're women

>> No.9633498

I-I'm currently reading H-Herodotus

>> No.9633499

3d women are not important

>> No.9633507

What's it like being so beautiful and then feeling it slowly slip away, day by day, for years?

What does a girl like that feel like when she's the 23 year old version of herself, and new 18-21 year old versions are walking around, just a bit younger and fresher than she is? And then when she's the 24, 25, 26, 27 year old versions of "used-to-be-perfect," but there's a fresh crop of 18 year olds every year?

I get some kind of vicarious existential crisis whenever I look at beautiful women. It seems like it's so much fun to be young and beautiful and at the center of everything, and then not only does it go away, but you have to watch it wither. You START OUT as a gold medalist and have to fade into silver, bronze, and then obscurity.

>> No.9633509

>disliking hot women who show off their goods

stop taking 'redpills'

>> No.9633513

women should not get a pass just because they're attracted you simple minded moron

>> No.9633514

It's very easy to impress women younger than you if you're at least mediocre. The OP doesn't resonate with me. Also take this to r9k

>> No.9633520

>You START OUT as a gold medalist and have to fade into silver, bronze, and then obscurity.
We all fade out.

Also, she'll marry a guy who has a decent career and decent genetics. She'll have pretty kids and will live comfortably

>> No.9633526

>women should not get a pass just because they're attracted

Fuck off, you SJW 'we should all be treated the same' cuck.
There are differences between men and women and it should reflect how they're treated, and what they feel compelled to do

>> No.9633530

>calling someone an SJW because they don't want women treated better than men

literally retarded

>> No.9633535

>implying women objectifying themselves constitutes being better treated


>> No.9633537

She is young enough to be my daughter. I don't say anything to her, and don't care what she thinks of me.

>> No.9633541


Get in the car or this puppy dies. Eyes up here. Don't scream. That's it, you don't want Snoopy to get it do you? Well, get in the car.

Oh! You thought I was serious. Haha. Just kidding. Haha. I'm sorry.

Want to meet my dog?

>classic PUA cocky pretend rape pick up switch to self-entertained "funny-guy"

>> No.9633545

most american women will experience this more keenly because modern society is based around death

we have yet to see the harvest of this generation and the final phase of this sort of society

>> No.9633556

people are young, and then they get old. and then they die, and worms eat them


they and we will all get old and die. everyone you know, everyone you see on the street will die, soon. the last thing you should waste what little time you have on is "fear of missing out"

miss out on what? the festival of the executioner on the way to the place of death?

>> No.9633567

People shouldn't have active sex lives when I can't. Is that so unreasonable? We must get women back in the kitchen where they belong

>> No.9633576

the universe owes you nothing. be grateful for what you already have and stop bitching

>> No.9633579

>tfw you will never read a book of pessimistic aphorisms written by a formerly beautiful woman

>> No.9633580

Please more please

>> No.9633583

She probably doesn't even go to church regularly. Do not want.

>> No.9633584

get thee self to church, ye harlot, or at least don yonder pantaloons

>> No.9633585

This wtf
I have a very active sex life but sometimes I travel and go weeks or months without sex, that's life
It's like if you're trying to eat well and you see someone eat a cake and you get upset, wtf
Just live your fucking life nobody else's matters

>> No.9633589

theres equal cause to be resentful towards the universe

>> No.9633590

what is so fascinating about this video/girl? can't seem to point out, but by the amount of times it's being posted all over, it's clear other people feel the same

>> No.9633595

I just smile and say hello in passing. I never presume anyone I don't know necessarily wants to talk to me.
If she's at a bar alone or with a group of women i might attempt to talk to her at some convenient point, however. (That's what spaces like 'bars' are for). Especially if i could make eye contact previously and get the right feel. Isn't this pretty much always how it happens? I won't even try to move in unless being given an opening to do so is felt, i.e. IRL.

>> No.9633599
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this is the last, a set of 4

>> No.9633607

There's five

>> No.9633608

>everyone you know, everyone you see on the street will die
How can you be so sure?

>> No.9633609

>Just live your fucking life nobody else's matters

>> No.9633611

cus da west is degenerate and all the boards need to know

>> No.9633618

hope you get prostate cancer from your stds

>> No.9633635

with this kind of woman, I don't even bother to say a word, or even pay a glance.

>> No.9633640

there's million other degenerate stuff that can be posted, it's not a concerted /pol/ effort, that's paranoia.
The image is fascinating, point. Now tell me why or shut up.

>> No.9633641

we must redpill all boards to degeneracy and turn them towards white nationalism and advocate for women to cease their civil rights and liberties. This nonsense has gone on for long enough

>> No.9633650

Is there anything worse than one of these "i'm cool. i'm hip. i'm with it" lowercase-typing weird tumblr over-the-hill hipster faggots, trying to seem like he's still IN THE KNOW about laissez faire youth degeneracy?

>baka just let these kids enjoy themselves lmao. like, grody, totally as if *watches wil wheaton play boardgames on youtube*

Stop it! You're 31 years old now! You're not cool on the Internet anymore and you aren't a spokesperson for seventeen year old sluts inhaling cum as a ritual act in high school. Your subculture is not continuous with theirs. You are an old bald man. People are allowed to criticize the shitty behaviors of the youth. Stop typing in fucking lowercase you bald worthless faggot.

>> No.9633661


I guess because she is very close to the definition of perfection aesthetics+youth, its impossible to look at her without wanting to get inside in every possible way. I think even women would think like that.

>> No.9633662

She's hella fine which evidenced by this thread makes certain people uncomfortable.

>> No.9633672
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>all the /r9k/ crossposters ITT

>> No.9633678

>virgin detected

you forgot to attach an angry frog

>> No.9633680

I wish we had more street criminals stealing phones like the good ol days. The decline of our society will come from cellphone addiction.