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9630437 No.9630437 [Reply] [Original]

Whats the key to writing rape?
male rape
By a female\

Like I don't want it to be on some fetish I want to get you aroused level either.

I know about the loss of power theme anything else I should go for?

>> No.9630441

Talk about how she shoves something up his asshole against his will

>> No.9630454


in order to get people to understand that this is an actual rape (most people laugh at the idea of women raping males) you have several options:

>male is gay
>male is straight, but has a girlfriend, girlfriend breaks up with him because female on male rape doesn't exist and she interprets it as cheating
>male is asexual
>male impregnates girl against his will
>male acquires and STD from the experience

>> No.9630455

i believe there is a book that tackles this theme, Disclosure by Crichton

>> No.9630457

Or wraps rubber bands around his dick to force an erection

>> No.9630470

This. Rape is about penetration. It isn't understood this way by normies but anyone with a smattering of critical theory knows it to be true

>> No.9630477


Female rape on men is not possible. Unless you're talking about if she ties him up and shoves a dildo up his ass. But if you're talking about penis-in-pussy rape, no, not possible. No matter how you try to present it, it will come across as ridiculous. No man is going to say "Woah, this chick is fucking me? This sucks!". Unless she is a 500 pound ugly landwhale, he would not hate it.

>> No.9630507


>> No.9630524

Here use mine writing as a template:

The bountiously bosomed harlot had huge hands from which I could not escape. She slapped me over and over as I cowered in fear. I finally relented and she gobbled up my wee-wee in one go. I had no wee-wee left and was trapped by the vice grip of both her hands and vagina.

>> No.9630532

Please no

>> No.9630533
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>> No.9630551

>ywn rob that store

>> No.9630586

Loss of power and power itself is actually bullshit cooked up and largely only spoken about by women.

Bit of truth to chew on:
>Men don't actually go around with a fucking DBZ scouter/HUD measuring everyone's relative power levels and plotting to max themselves out.

Rape is desperation. It's the same frustration released when you see a person freak the fuck out and start (figuratively) WW III over a shitty meal or a spilled glass of wine. The difference is that a rapist associates that release of violence with sexuality, conscious or subconscious.

If a man rapes a woman, it's because he feels something way down deep that he can't deal with and thinks he "needs" to get out. Woman just won't stop nagging, keeps poking a man in the chest, and he's already on that precipice? Rape.

If a man rapes a man, it's very rarely 1-on-1. It's almost always older male raping younger male for metaphorically fucking with him, or in the case of children, because the older man's a fucking shitlord. The other scenario is one guy feels emasculated, humiliated, embarrassed, or like his toes or territory was violated, and he's going to either rape the other guy after he's half-dead or half-conscious, or it's going to be a group ass-kicking and then rape.

I can't presume to know too much from a woman's perspective, but I know women feel more than men and they let emotion overtake them more often, as a release. The few female rapists I've known anything about couldn't believe they'd raped a guy, even though in one case the woman cracked the guy with a tire iron before going down on him. Or maybe she knew what she did and thought the playing dumb thing would work, I can't know for sure. I've a feeling they just let the passion run through them and go by instincts, which explains the grunting, screaming, hysterics, and the (often physical moreso than sexual) violence when they freak out.

Either way, if you don't want it to seem like eroshit you'll have to show or tell the consequences, and definitely note how the person who was raped felt before, during, after. How did it affect their life, their wellbeing, could they even go to their shitty job, would they feel anything positive about sex afterward, how did their social/support circle react (who is their social/support circle afterward, as that can change dramatically).

>> No.9630621

focus upon how he feels and what it makes him think instead of the act itself

that's where the horror of it lies

>> No.9630632

Very stupid assertion.

What if, per say, an 8 year old boy is molested by some old neurotic woman? Let's suppose she's going through the onset of Alzheimer's and is becoming rapidly more and more debased in her old age - lacking in proper hygienic care. She has these long, curled, jagged fingernails with dirt clearly embedded inside. A loose mane of whispy, gray, greasy hair running down her curvy, age-crumpled back and multitudes of liver-spots adorning her sagging skin. She is, for all intents and purposes, a monstrous hag.

What if, in assailing this little boy; by her lunging and grabbing him, engaging his utmost terror as her fingernails cut into his soft skin, by beginning to rip off his cuffed jeans and spider man tighty-whities and feeling all over his largely unexplored and little understood winky with animal-like drive, something happens. By stroking over his small prepubescent cock with gnarled claws and roughly weathered age-old hands, she somehow manages to get it hard: in a few pathetic minutes she has him experiencing a very premature yet wholesale erection and resultant orgasm, all in a process he cannot even yet begin to comprehend. This is something this boy was never, ever prepared for.

Let us suppose, in the horrid event and aftermath, that something inside this boy is broken: more accurately...taken. Taken in a sense that no matter how he or his family and friends may try to see otherwise, can never really be reclaimed. This horribly effective remembrance of what happened will haunt him for the rest of his days, it will stunt his ability to communicate and empathize with others, it will eternally dour his self-image, and he will never be able to communicate compassionately with a woman again - let alone sexually. It may even lead to him molesting children in the future.

Is this not rape?

>> No.9630881

Interesting post, but I honestly think it's much simpler than that. In most cases, rape is about sex, nothing more, nothing less. Humans are animals. You don't need to come up with some labyrinthine psychological explanation for why a chimpanzee would rape. Why should it be different for humans? Rapists are mostly just weirdo losers who can't attract women, so they resort to force. That or they're black or Middle Eastern or something. Or maybe they're rich, good looking, and super successful and just figured they could get away with it.

Most people would rape if they could get away with it. The Ring of Gyges is a little dated, but every guy growing up has been asked, "If you could have any super power, what would it be?", and what do they all say? Invisibility. And why? They don't call why they fantasize about doing "rape". They don't think of it as rape. But it is, and they would do it if they could. Good thing we have laws, and most people are too dumb to think critically about morality.

Maybe some guys are super bitter and fucked up and for them there's a strong undercurrent of revenge and degradation. In that sense, rape can be about power to an extent. But you still kind of need an erection, so divorcing sex from the equation, as many people like to do nowadays, is absurd. The whole reason the whole "rape is about power, not sex" thing started is because feminists figured that if rape is about sex, women might be encouraged to take proactive steps to decrease their chances of being raped, such as wearing more conservative clothing when going to unsafe areas or taking along a male guardian, and if they don't do these things and something bad happens, they might be accused of "asking for it". Whether this was well intended or not, the irony of it is that feminists have probably contributed to some women being raped who could have otherwise been educated about preventative measures they could take that would have stopped it from ever happening.

>> No.9630889

>Whether this was well intended or not, the irony of it is that feminists have probably contributed to some women being raped who could have otherwise been educated about preventative measures they could take that would have stopped it from ever happening.

>> No.9630911

Lol. Are you really pulling the "show me a peer-reviewed study" routine? That seems like a pretty noncontroversial statement. Do you honestly believe that a women who takes responsibility for her safety is as likely to be raped as a strong, independent slut walker who goes through the hood in booty shorts?

>> No.9630939

uretral insertions are always awful to even imagine

>> No.9630958

>a women who takes responsibility for her safety is as likely to be raped as a strong, independent slut walke
Why is this mutually exclusive?

>> No.9630977

You can be strong and independent and take responsibility for your safety, but walking through bad neighborhoods dressed provocatively is an objectively dumb idea.

>> No.9630984

Why is being dry mutually exclusive from being wet? Walking around niggers and criminals in revealing clothes is the opposite of taking responsibility for your safety you low information kike.

>> No.9630992

You seem upset

>> No.9630997

read udinass's rape in malazan.

>> No.9631340
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Men and women are fundamentally different.

You're basically asking how to make water scary to a fish.

>> No.9631353

what the fuck is water

>> No.9631586

It has to be unpleasant, unwanted, and unexpected. It's still not really going to carry the same sense of "woe is me" victimhood as man on woman or man on man, but the idea is that it's disgusting enough for whatever reason to not have been something he would've chosen.

>> No.9632895

It doesn't need to be unwanted. If the woman is taking advantage of the male in some way, it can be rape. Ie if she is in a position of power over him, and leads him to believe he wants the sex.

Or if she takes advantage of the fact the man is a bit drunk and can't judge his actions properly.