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/lit/ - Literature

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9625734 No.9625734 [Reply] [Original]

>talking to a girl on tinder
>her bio says "she likes to read"
>doesn't even know who Dostoevsky or Nietzsche are.

Is it even possible to have that type of conversation with them? I thought girls were supposed to read more than guys on average.

>> No.9625741

Dude she just pretended not to know them so she didn't have to listen to the pseudo-philosophy of some edgelord.
Sounds like a real catch, shame you were too pleb for her

>> No.9625750

I've talked to middle-aged male authors who don't even know who Joyce is, so it's definitely not something exclusive to females. That said, expecting a millennial female to have read anything beyond 50 shades of grey is absurd. You'll find one that has maybe read Wuthering Heights and some other entry tier stuff every now and then (and likely for a class) but those are definitely rare cases. I had one of those rare girls as a girlfriend for a year, and while she was very well read her opinions on literature definitely made me rethink things every now and then. I wouldn't really expect too much. Just find a girl that at least appreciates literature, and shows some interest in learning more about it from you.

>> No.9625751

Talked to girl yesterday who was writing her master's thesis on Proust. She spoke French too.

You meet shit people on tinder, probably.

>> No.9625759

>Is it even possible to have that type of conversation with them?

yes. like most millennials, regardess of gender, most don't read "serious literature". my literature class was about 65% female

>> No.9625762

A girl told me I should stop reading Henry MIlelr because "He doesn't understnad life."

Obviously she thinks he is some old days, sexist pig who only objectifies women and therefor she doesnt like him. But still couldn't come out and say it...

>> No.9625763

I didn't ask her if she knew them. I just asked if she read any of it. And instead of saying she hasn't read them, (which would have to be the case for your resentful beta scenario to be true) she straight up just said she doesn't even know who they are.

>> No.9625764
File: 42 KB, 1035x555, IMG_0033.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>speaking to women in any format
>for any reason

>> No.9625779

I swear, phone posters are basically the leafs of non flag boards.

>> No.9625781

Same shit man

>> No.9625788

You're just an idiot

Most people dont read.

Even more dont read literature.

If being anywhere near a university is some form of proof for a claim about this, then women overwhelmingly read literature compared to men in my experience. More women are there period, and more of them are in the humanities. Like someone else pointed out in this thread, most English majors are women.

If working in a bookstore is any source for proof, what I just said also happened while working at the bookstore. More women period came in, and about half of the people buying literature were women.

>> No.9625789

I'm an extremely misogynistic millennial, and I can confirm that neither men, or women read anything other than Harry Potter. I know school teachers with bachelor's degrees who haven't even heard of Nietzsche. It's honestly kind of depressing; people just live in a world of immediate instant gratification, and how soon they can have fun. Women are more susceptible to this than men are, but the illiteracy is across the board.

>> No.9625791

>I thought girls were supposed to read more than guys on average.

The question you should ask is: What do they read? Reading more doesn't necessarily imply reading a quality piece of work.

>> No.9625792

>Le funny phone poster meme
>/lit/ is for patricians
>go away frog posters and pseud autists
>hah anyone not constantly browsing from their desktop is invalid
Of all boards, /lit/ should be most receptive to having people who aren't career indigents posting. This one never fails to amuse me. Which should I be today, faggot?

>> No.9625796

You don't belong here dipshit

>> No.9625800

>/pol/ memes on /lit/

>> No.9625803

Discussing anything with girls is painful because women think "having an interest in ______" means "I enjoyed briefly and passively encountering that once, three years ago," because women literally have no concept of passionate interest.

A woman saying she "loves video games" really means that she's played one, at a party. A woman saying she "loves cars" means she watched her boyfriend look at car parts online once.

Once you learn this as a generalized phenomenon, you stop being annoyed by particular instances of it. It's not that every woman is uniquely and individually lying, every time she says she has some interest, and then proves she's full of shit ten seconds later. It's that she doesn't understand the difference between "really" having an interest and just saying you do.

They literally don't understand. They don't have that way of interacting with things, so they don't know that they're not doing what men do. They think life is a sort of fluctuating sensorium of various activities, and people engage with the activities insofar as they passively allow it to flit into their focus for a few moments. They don't understand that hobbies, to men, are more like wrenching skill and knowledge out of raw matter and getting the respect of other men.

>> No.9625805

I'm a woman and definitely more well read than you OP. I'd still rather fuck a chad though ;)

>> No.9625807


Women are simply inferior to the white man

>> No.9625809

I've never worn a cardigan you little cuck

>> No.9625811

Your soul is wearing a cardigan.

>> No.9625813

out of all boards you would expect /lit/ to have the least larpers.

>> No.9625814

>start off my post with saying I hate women
>I'm a feminist

What did you mean by this? I want to strip women of most of their rights and destroy international Jewry. How in God's name am I a feminist?

>> No.9625816

Point is women can't do anything authentically, and any attempt to argue otherwise is futile. Women are inferior of mind, they are not as ontologically 'there' as men, not as inscribed into the symbolic order. They are barely more conscious than rocks.

Try fucking reading Schopenhauer, Weininger, and Elliot Rodger if you want the real redpill of objective truth

>> No.9625817

This is good b8

>> No.9625818

Touch a nerve there, anonymo?

>> No.9625824

Yes, clearly I'm a nu-male because I accept the fact that most people from both genders do not read or know anything about literature. The real redpill is accepting that most people in general are barely above animals, not that women alone are inferior.

>> No.9625825 [DELETED] 

Fucking praise Hitler, white brother. We must get women back in the kitchen to serve the white man and breed white children.
Reminder to praise Lord Kek. Deus fucking Vult

>> No.9625826

>t. hands shake and voice trembles while speaking to women

>> No.9625837

what a good thread

>> No.9625839

>board entirely built around anonymous intellectual posteuring for twenty-something humanities undergraduates and MFA candidates
You're joking, right anon? Sounds at least as bad as the political conspiracy theory [1] board or the video games board or the board for hideous celibate men to me.

1. /pol/ is right though

>> No.9625841

I would never touch a modern woman as they are all worthless whores who have taken 400 dicks before they leave high school.
They have been brainwashed to not see the value of a rational and logical white man, but instead debasing themselves with apes and brutes

>> No.9625845

Let us vent you tourist shitter

>> No.9625846

You're supposed to craft her into a patrician reader dude

>> No.9625860

From my personal experience females generally read more than males but they read a large amount of YA. I've seen more than a few grown woman who's bookshelf is full of Twilight and Harry Potter.

>> No.9626051

Books are for idiots. You can learn everything you need to about life from movies and tv.

>> No.9626070

sexual frustration the post

>> No.9626083

I'm gay. My sexual frustration is that there's too much of it.

>> No.9626117

bet youre one of those "gay out of desperation" fags

>> No.9626146


There is nothing wrong with wearing a cardigan if done right

>> No.9626154


When a girl on tinder says she likes to read what she really means is that she read (more likely saw) Fifty Shades, and is keen on getting tied up and gagged on a stranger's cock.

>> No.9626165

Why do people like >>9626070 instantly attack someone's sexuality, when they make a non-positive remark about women? Is it white knights who think it's an easy way to attack someone, but aren't able to actually debate? Is it actually women making these posts? I know that it's certainly a go-to card for women. It makes sense that they'd bring this up as it relates to relationships with women, and thus can be used as a grounds for attack. But it seems like it's used by people who both want a cheap cop out ad-hominem, and have a personal obsession with suppressing any negative discussion about women.

>> No.9626184

read a book, virgin

>> No.9626725

found the phone posters :^))

>> No.9627170

>I thought girls were supposed to read more than guys on average.
Yes. But a larger group reads more garbage on average. That's just simple logic.

>> No.9627250

women respond to any criticism by attacking social status because it's in our nature to do so, literally it's like an instinct for us. if a man is doing anything "bad" (annoying, frustrating, which you feel on an emotional level) the first words that come to mind are, just for example, "pathetic" "loser" and things like that. all emasculating. its all about causing drama, causing the group to turn against him, causing his friends to tell him to stop displeasing you, which is power, which means you're right, which makes you feel good again

it's just how we're taught anon. our categories of thought are given to us by a society that sees us as sex objects to be protected and fought over. it encourages juvenile behavior, makes you see all of society as a big social competition

it's very rare for a woman to wake up from this, and basically only happens through pain and shock. you have to form a stable self, and keep it stable long enough to ask questions about it like, Do I really want people to agree with me just because Im sexually available to them? either way though white knights come across as currying favor, i wouldnt be surprised if the original term white knight was thought up by a woman because its very accurate & very disparaging, they seem like theyre groveling for approval

>> No.9627276

Stop pretending to be a woman online

>> No.9627277

Wow, she sounds like she was really missing out.

>> No.9627295

>t. Elliot Roger

>> No.9627320

Nice collection of buzzwords bro, mind if I borrow a few?

>> No.9627337

has it ever occured to you she reads, but not authors like edgesche and that other faggot you mentioned

maybe she's into science fiction

maybe you should stop being so fucking pretentious

maybe you should stop looking for a litfu on fucking tinder

god I hate you

>> No.9627379
File: 14 KB, 394x373, B8CE29AB-96B0-4D9A-9A77-2EE6C0470012-15466-00000BB8C1DC4242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek, this is fucking hilarious. Brilliant stuff my man.

>They don't understand that hobbies, to men, are more like wrenching skill and knowledge out of raw matter and getting the respect of other men.

>> No.9627380

>go to Ivy League school
>talk to girl who says she "likes reading"
>she actually has a good overview and understanding of the development of literature over the last 2000 years and which books are the seminal ones
>it's alright
Man outside of here people are fucking retarded though

>> No.9627384
File: 27 KB, 494x331, 1495620341976.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i can't tell if this is a woman or white knight

i'll just say it's pussy shit and leave it at that

>> No.9627401

Haha nice pic john.

Mind if i save it?

>> No.9627410

so defensive lmao

>> No.9627533

>Reading big boy books is considered pretentious.

The absolute state of the arts is disgusting. Where did this stigma come from? Institutionalised laziness and contempt for the arts, the type we think of when we are referring to "the classics" and other "high art", is a symptom of how much we have regressed since the 18th and 19th centuries. Before literature was a work of art that was the product of the author's own genius and passion, and years of studying, thinking and labouring at their works. Now, because of people like you and other normies who are unable to understand and appreciate great works, modern art has degraded to the point that it has the same barriers to entry as hobbies like binge watching TV shows or playing video games.

Great literature nourishes the soul and provides men with an outlet to synthesise profound concepts and ideas. It helps us confront reality, not escape from it, like the average sci-fi or cookie cutter "who dunnit" novel - and sadly, women are simply unable to grasp this.