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9624675 No.9624675[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

is sport necessary for literary life? I have sudden deisre to run, is running sufficient?

>> No.9624678

Do it on a treadmill, a hamster needs its wheel

>> No.9624679

Not necessary at all. Running is very good though.

>> No.9624694
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running is white as fuck, determining wether that is good or bad is left as an exercise for the reader

>> No.9624699

running is bad for your knees.

>> No.9624705

what if i buy some running shoes tho

>> No.9624707

yeah, sure, that's what all the fatties say

>> No.9624712

swimming is better.

>> No.9624715

exactly, ppl that fuck up their knees are usually one or a combination of these: trying to run in some low to the ground ass casual shoes like vans or some shit, don't know how to run properly and just spam their legs like they're running to catch the school bus, and/or are obese and the weight of mantits and bellyflab hammer up and down with every stride

>> No.9624717
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I play Tennis

>but swimming is propably patrician as well

>> No.9624718

no, it is not. you never put your bodyweight on your legs, so they remain weak and pathetic. i know at fat camp they made you get in the pool, but for not obese ppl running is superior.

>> No.9624720

running is bad for your balls, believe it or not.

>> No.9624721

what the fuck are you doing with your life? seriously?

>> No.9624728

that's why you do strength training, too, you moron.

>> No.9624730

does anyone have the pasta about ancient greeks?

>> No.9624736

is this the kind of gay shit the homos in /fit/ teach young kids?

>> No.9624745

isn't it amazing how these murdered joggers are almost always killed by hispanics from central america? whites always assume it was a black guy, and jews always try to say it was a white guy she was having an affair with, but then in the end it's always some undocumented guy from ecuador or whatever, kinda makes you wonder what the fuck is going on

>> No.9624746

make footnotes

>> No.9624766

I run and I write. And no it's not because that one guy on here told us to.

>> No.9624772

....murakami-san? o.o

>> No.9624774

fuck off racist cunt, also how do you deduce this? there are literally non-white tribes still running to hunt their food and don't have the tech to travel around, so they run/walk. In any case it's a very human action, long-distance bipedal running that is.

Mythology, it strengthens your entire body including knees, though if you already have issues it might contribute to them emerging more rapidly. Swimming is fine though.

>> No.9624795

No one here has names, guy. It was in one of those threads where OP was another godless person contemplating suicide. If he was smart he'd take the Anon's advice and START RUNNING.

>> No.9624809

but i must pay for swinning, and cant do it everywhere

>> No.9624862

Alan Sillitoe- The Loneliness of the Long Distance Runner. A book. I assume //you know what that is.
Anyone out there dig being lonely? What's weird is when you hit your 30's and thoroughly bored Stacy begins knocking on your door. Don't let her in, anon. Even if she *isn't* married. Do not!

>> No.9624981

I run, I lift, I'm learning a sport.

It's awful but I don't want to be fat and worthless.

>> No.9625002
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cycling is the most /lit/ sport....actually any lonesome endurance endeavour is; cycling, outdoor swimming, running, hiking.

>> No.9625039
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If you want to consider that a sport, it should definetly be included as a lonesome endurance activity.

>> No.9625223

>Anyone out there dig being lonely? What's weird is when you hit your 30's and thoroughly bored Stacy begins knocking on your door. Don't let her in, anon. Even if she *isn't* married. Do not!

debating this myself at the moment, isn't it kind of petty like cutting off my nose to spite my face? it's a lot more complex than some gay "redpill comix" makes it out to be, when you were in your 20s did you really have something to offer? did you have the same confidence that you do now as grown adult? also, don't you want to have kids? all the 1488 shit is kinda gay, but retards and religious wackos are reproducing way too fast, literate people need to put a few genes back in the pool, u feel me

>> No.9625256

being sedentary is bad for your heart and a multitude of other essential bodily organs.

>> No.9625260

cycling because its so quintessentially european

>> No.9625282

fishing isn't an endurance sport.

this is a sport thread not an activity thread........soon you'll have /v/ claiming that playing computer games is a sport.

we must have standards

>> No.9625297

Learn a combat sport

bjj muay thai judo boxing wrestling take your pick

>> No.9625334

>fishing isn't an endurance sport.
So, you are one of those "Hemingway is not real lit faggots" I see.
Just because you only went fishing in your uncles pond doesn't mean real fishing isn't an endurance sport.

>> No.9625349
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Sport is necessary for everyone's life.

>> No.9625354

its not a sport
ewwwww no

>> No.9625372
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>> No.9625380

Sport not necessarily but exercise is essential to be a reasonably well functioning human.

>> No.9625384

e-sports aren't a sport either....neither is big game hunting (unless you're using a bow and arrow).

Martial arts aren't an art.....especially MMA

>> No.9625393
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After a failed suicide attempt I came to the conclusion that the only thing that makes me happy is an autistic devotion to self-improvement in every form. I feel like shit unless I go to bed at night knowing that I made myself better that day. It's probably not healthy, mentally, but it gets me to run about 5 miles a day, eat healthily, and read maybe 50 pages a day. It lead me to pick the most difficult major I could find at the most difficult school I could get into to prove to myself that I could do it, because I do like it but if I went for another, simpler interest, I'd feel like a little bitch.
I apologize for the blogpost but the point is that running is great, endorphins fight depression, and the confidence boost from seeing yourself get better and physically become more attractive is the shit.

>> No.9625399

>whiney shit about MMA

>living in the great renaissance of combat sports since classical antiquity
>not participating

wow pleb

>> No.9625405

>ewwwww no

I will choke you while I fuck your ass pussy

>Martial arts aren't an art.....especially MMA

most prefer term combat sports

>> No.9625407
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someone's a neet faggot I see

>> No.9625411


>> No.9625416

I'm like you except for the part about picking the most difficult major, I decided to to study something I'm legitimately interested in instead.

>> No.9625427

also the idea of "difficult major" is a bit spooky, since a lot of majors that people say are "difficult" are actually cop outs...like people who major in math to avoid writing papers, or people who major in electrical engineering hoping to avoid writing code, etc. i've been around long enough to know a cop out when i see one

>> No.9625446
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its overcoded with capitalism and advertisement to a disgusting extent and lacks the grace and dignity of olympic approved combat sports

>> No.9625455

are you stupid? mma became successful because it was a "pro" outlet for greco-roman wrestlers who had no where to go after the olympics, also ronda rousey was an gold medalist judoka, seems to me like you're just looking for excuses because you're a pussy, which is fine, most people are, but just keep it to yourself ok

>> No.9625463

I picked physics. I do have a legitimate interest in it, but a large part of the reasoning was forcing myself to do something challenging. If I was dodging something with it, it was unconscious. It's still not as difficult as I expected, people at stem schools just constantly reinforce the "OMG MIDTERMS STAY UP FOR THREE DAYS STRAIGHT ON ADDERALL" retarded shit when it's unnecessary. Although now I expect some /sci/ math phd candidate to come in and call me a pussy

>> No.9625469
File: 91 KB, 1200x877, olympics-day-6-judo[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they sold out. the sport has no dignity. its like WWF except they really fight each other. IT's a perverse spectacle. disgusting.

>> No.9625475

enjoy ending up as a code-piggie like every other physics major 10 years from now

>> No.9625479

do you realize how fucking commercial the olympics are? you seem stupid, again it's fine if you're too much of a pussy to compete, but just keep it to yourself, your excuses are embarrassing

>> No.9625481
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>mfw I unironically start playing tennis because DFW did
>mfw I'm finally healthy after years of sedentary reading
Thanks Dave :')

>> No.9625489

physics is what stupid people think smart people major in, not a good look

>> No.9625508

All I care about is taking it to a phd to prove I'm capable of it. I don't give much of a fuck about job prospects or I would've been some engineering pajeet gobbling up cock at job fairs like I'm sure you are.
If my options are code monkey or nothing, I'll either finally kill myself or fuck off to a third world country and be a spartan hermit for a while.

>> No.9625513


How does one get into tennis? Like who do you start playing with?

>> No.9625517

you'll never finish a phd, just look at how stupid and angsty you are, doubt you'll even finish the bachelors

>> No.9625522

I started playing with my dad at a public court. If you don't have any friends/family to play with, you might want to start with lessons.

>> No.9625524
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My original point was that martial arts aren't an art and fishing isn't a sport. I view these as objective facts.

I don't give a fuck how you enjoy your leisure time. just don't expect me to respect MMA. its a disgusting spectacle that appeals to the lowest common denominators in the human race. It used to have a modicum of respectability and honesty in the early UFC events where they took fat fucking russian bar brawlers and stuck them in a ring.

I'm sorry you feel embarrassed.

I bet you watch joe rogan's show you fucking brainlet

>> No.9625533
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Thank you for fueling the fires of self-loathing and anger that make me get up and do what I do, anons. You're doing god's work :^)

>> No.9625535

Man, I recently moved to a new place and no one I have become acquainted with yet plays Tennis.
I am having issues trying to figure out how to find a partner to play with just like >>9625513

>> No.9625545

>it used to have a modicum of respectability and honesty in the early UFC events where they took fat fucking russian bar brawlers and stuck them in a ring.

the fact that you think that part of the ufc was "respectable" shows you are actually the kind of person you claim to hate, i.e. "lowest common denominator spectacle" but even then were too stupid to realize the early ufc days was actually a big advertisement for gracie jiujitsu until the fertitas bought it and made it into a legitimate sport, you're definitely trash and claiming to hate the ufc isn't fooling anyone

>> No.9625549

LOL definitely, the majors themselves are actually cop outs. There is no reason anyone would be interested in them other than to circumvent the horror of writing.

>> No.9625558

i've literally had people tell me they majored in math because they "thought it would be easier than having to write a bunch of 20 page papers", but the ones that are the most annoying are the kids who major in eletrical engineering hoping to dodge having to write code, i'll hire an english major to do coding before i'll hire one of those code-dodging "stem" majors

>> No.9625559

>not running and reading at the same time

>not being /fit/lit/


>> No.9625564

>doesnt seem to know who murakami is

>> No.9625565

>you're definitely trash and claiming to hate the ufc isn't fooling anyone


>> No.9625568

yeah hill billies definitely trigger me, we need to replace you with hardworking mexicans as fast as possible

>> No.9625571
File: 47 KB, 600x338, CMO-p0DUcAAm9jQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys, please refrain from posting gay porn here (no matter if it's modern or antique).
Those pics clearly belong to >>>/hm/

>> No.9625577

I do. And I should have written 'alone' and not lonely. I DO have a kid, a 5 yr old son, who I take care of far more than his mother, an okay person, does. I actually enjoy it, he's super bright, and I wdnt mind it at all if his mother was completely out of the picture, but she's not and I do what I can to respect her (she's a librarian ten yrs my jr).

>> No.9625585

oh, well if you already had a kid or two, then fuck it, you don't need any stacy's hanging around your door, but then again why not get a few nuts off if they're hot and not retarded, idk, u have to judge them on an individual basis

>> No.9625592

Honestly, and I know it sounds cliche, but don't listen to them. Anyone who focuses more on how a career choice makes you "look" is a trendy, insecure shithead. Do what makes you happy.

>> No.9625593

b...b...b...but im not even american I knew you were one and as such impervious to the disgust a normal person would feel at the level of advertisement and bare-faced capitalism on display during MM"A" events

stay angry

>> No.9625596

anyone who picks a major because they think it's "hard" is even more of an insecure shithead

>> No.9625602

oh it's an anti-american thing, but why so salty considering there have been as many brazilian champs? not to mention they are the only mainstream sport where both men and women compete in the same event with equal prestige, is that you're problem? is ufc too "sjw" for you? or are you from a country that struggles with nutrition and so has failed to produce competitive athletes? anyways, hating on capitalism in the 21st century is a stupid way to live

>> No.9625608
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>> No.9625615

Insecure, maybe, but at least there's hints of genuine ambition and will to better oneself with him.

>> No.9625619

oh wait, anti-american, anti-capitalist, still put the olympics on a pedesta as if the cold war is still onl, yeah, you are from a failed eastern bloc country, well, if you haven't noticed the dominant female champion is from poland, so maybe you can stop crying since slavs are successful in ufc, or are you still salty that fedor couldn't pass a doping test and had to pass on ufc? lol

>> No.9625624

better himself by running and majoring in physics? he's still an angsty baby mad about having to grow up and get a job

>> No.9625633
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>> No.9625637

lit is nigger free please refrain from using niggers in posts.

>> No.9625645
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>> No.9625651

And your comments, which are obviously designed to tear into him, are going to assist him? Are you projecting? Do you have some kind of agenda? What is there to gain?

>was trolling just pretending to be a stupid asshole xD

>> No.9625672
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of course.
Nigs can't read. What was I thinking.

>> No.9625680
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>> No.9625689
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he already ran out of nigsdidnt read to post

>> No.9625703
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>> No.9625708

Running is good for you. The alone time is great to. Nothing like being by yourself on a trail with nothing but you and your thoughts. It's something I would recommend everyone does at least 3-4 times a week

>> No.9625736

Trail/outdoor > treadmill

>> No.9625745

Can confirm. My sister and her husband both have bad knees. I'm the one laughing now.

>> No.9625769

Running's great, OP. Other exercise too of course, but I like the purity of running. Reading-wise I recommend Born to Run, by McDougall (although I don't fully subscribe to the minimalist shoe stance he endorses). Also a great longform article you can find online titled 'Duel in the Sun' (also a book, but I haven't read it).


Being sedentary is also worse for the knees than running is