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/lit/ - Literature

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9622658 No.9622658 [Reply] [Original]

Time to get pretenious. What are we reading and drinking Tonight?

For myself, the Count of Monte Cristo, and a Sweet Dornfelder Red

>> No.9622667

youtube comments on top 40 pop songs from 2004
leftover juice from my pickled jalapenos with a splash of vodka

>> No.9622677
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reading pic related and drinking bottled water

>> No.9622681

This guy fucks.

>> No.9622687

nasea and finishing this bottle of cab sauv. the wine is alright but nasea is great

>> No.9622689
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>> No.9622695

Do people actually drink fucking wine here? Are you women?

Drinking some water and playing CSGO here. Might play some TF2 later.

>> No.9622698

Brothers Karamazov and a cab sauv.
The wine is alright but the book is great.
my nigga my nigga

>> No.9622699
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Tumblr-tier faggot pulp and a cheap energy drink.

Have never felt like a bigger pleb in my life pls no make fun :(

>> No.9622704
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Reading pic related

Choking on whiskey and cigarettes

>> No.9622705

You're drinking a fucking $10 bottle of wine in your atomized sleep-cublicle in front of the cum-stained monitor you watch hours of television and browse discussion boards with daily, reading a book you visibly haven't opened, and feel you should post this on /lit/ to signal cultural capital.

The Count of Monte Christo is a shit, plot-centric demonstration of the worst trends of 19th century novel writing. It's the literary equivalent of A Cecil B. DeMille film. Taken to by pseuds because it's old, despite being popular dreck even at time of its release.

I'm reading Nazi Literature in the Americas and drinking cheap whiskey because I'm an alcoholic who has compulsively read ~5 hours a day since I was 9. Stop appropriating my culture you STEM fucking prole

>> No.9622707


>> No.9622718
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>The Count of Monte Christo
>mfw you to try to insult someone else

>> No.9622725
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>I'm reading Nazi Literature in the Americas and drinking cheap whiskey because I'm an alcoholic who has compulsively read ~5 hours a day since I was 9.

holy fucking pretentious

>> No.9622728
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umm... okay bro


>> No.9622729

Are these threads for real or is it just some kind of meme? I really can't believe these are real folk.

>> No.9622735

Currently reading The Iliad while drinking some beer and listening to The Smiths

>> No.9622738

Sody and Chekhov, but i'm really just watching Yes, Minister, so i can adopt the accent. it's a great show. sure do love it. 3rd time i've seen it. gonna try watching porridge next, but i doubt it'll be as good. i'll have to rely on fawlty towers or some shit to feed me. Chekhov is interesting enough, but i feel like i'm a hose with something lodged in it, i need a writing orgasm, i'm stifling under the pressure, i need to push this brain baby out of my gooch and reveal my sub-par mind to all who i can expose the hideous waif to.

the sody is dr. pepper mixed with pepsi and lime syrup.

>> No.9622739

There is nothing inherently wrong with a 10 dollar bottle. While the best wine Ive had was Chateau Margaux, I enjoy 10 dollar bottles frequently.

>> No.9622742

wtf is so 'unreal' about them? Reading a book and drinking some form of alcohol. How is this anything ground shattering?

>> No.9622743

do people actually play fucking video games here? Are you children?

>> No.9622746
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wew fucking lad

>> No.9622750
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oh please.

>> No.9622753
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Please jump off your nearest cliff at your earliest convenience. Reading this.

>> No.9622762

The reading and drinking part doesn't surprise me, it's the part where you try to boast about it in a vietnamese knitting forum. Who are these people trying to impress? It just strikes me as an extremely vain thing to do, it's like most of them never really bothered incorporating in their lives any of the philosophy they so vehemently discuss. They might be different people though.

>> No.9622763

Most people on 4chan play vidya, bro. It's fun. You should try it one day. Or you a casual, bro? You a fucking casual?

>> No.9622768

hard samefagging in this thread

>> No.9622774

Just imagine this complete faggot sipping his wine as he pauses to "muse" over the page he's just read, page 1 that is, because that book has clearly never been opened, and it never will be after tonight's little attention-seeking post. This is no doubt a man who thought Monte Cristo was cool because there is a prison, hence he thought he would be able fulfill his childish escapist and good guy tring to get out of a bad situation desires by reading it + the wine could only make it more real amirite... also the basic as fuck Penguin edition just goes to confirm everything I've just said.
You won't be able to get past the fifth page my good man, so put it away, get rid of that wine and go back to Dungeons & Dragons or whatever you basic as fuck people do.

>> No.9622788

why are you so upset over this person's literary decisions? your ass is so chapped that you could grate cheese with it, son.
i read Monte Cristo. shit was good. yeah, it's a simple romp of revenge, drama, romance, adventure, but it easily usurps a vast number of utter goatshit books written by faggots such as yourself. if you could ever bring yourself to write anything besides mincing posts like this where you bash people with some sense of superiority, as if your bland hobby is somehow indicative of some triumph over the spirit of humanity or some equivalent drivel you would come up with in defense of your mild life choices.

>> No.9622790

honestly, i should have brought that to a conclusion, but i lost interest in shitting on a shitter. back to yes, minister.

>> No.9622796

>bottled water
You fucking scumbag.

>> No.9622821

top jej

>> No.9622827

A Tale of Two Cities and T.W. Samuel's. I'm a cheap date.

>> No.9622837

Well last night was Newfoundland rum (AKA Screech) in large quantities so tonight, water and The Death of Expertise by Tom Nichols.

>> No.9622878

Drinking Jai Alai and reading the Phaeto

>> No.9622882
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>> No.9622890


i lub u

pls ignore pseud hate responses you will be getting

>> No.9622897

>my culture
>can't write a proper sentence
>writes like an uneducated child
>rants like an uneducated child

>> No.9622898

>so i can adopt the accent
Do you live in England? I have an Australian friend who's affected an English accent despite never having actually visited the place, and it's the most insufferably pretentious thing I've ever heard.

>> No.9622901

nope, i'm an american, and it's not for speaking, but for writing.

>> No.9622911

Oh well I guess that's excusable. I tried the same but with P.G. Wodehouse's Psmith novels, though I gave up in the end -- a prose style like his is just inimitable.

>> No.9622920
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fucking NICE

>> No.9622925

can't find myself entertained by wodehouse. i like saki alright though.

>> No.9622931

Smoking weed and reading White Noise

>> No.9622939

This has been sitting on my kindle for months, should I start it?

Trying to get into "Pride and Prejudice" we'll see what happens. Drinking... tap water
>flouride, chlorine and lead FTW

>> No.9622942

Just downed a vodka and tonic, thumbing anxiously through pessoa's book of disquiet.

>> No.9622947

Just finished off a $15 bottle of wine. I'm not reading anything. I know I have a Larkin's collected poems in my mailbox, but I don't have a key, so I can't get it.

>> No.9622956

Well, you certainly nailed down the pretentious part. I give you that.

>> No.9623071

Pepsi and second edition of Norton Introduction to Literature (1977).

>> No.9623097

I was lying in bed reading Dhalgren (it's pretty good so far, definitely better than Babel 17) and a food description made me hungry, so I got up to reheat some leftover blueberry pancakes and decided I might as well fry some eggs as well. Went with 4 over easy. Drank a can of LaCroix while I was cooking. Inadvertently ruptured two of the yolks in the pan. Dipped the pancakes in the mixture of runny yolk and maple syrup puddled on my paper plate. Right now I'm about to have an 8 ounce cup of coffee. It's 4:30 AM.

>> No.9623130


>> No.9623137

Tap water in a tall glass.

Poetry, at random, and in mass.

>> No.9623170

Food description in Dhalgren? Was it the bread without salt? That's the only food I remember in the novel.

>> No.9623234

Beer. It's not 12 yet.
I'm reading Finding a Form by the Gassmaster. He is a genius, but nuts in a scary way too.

>> No.9623256

Good post, lad.

>> No.9623324
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Right now I am eating lunch but I spent last night drinking cheap Fischer beer and reading Ulysses sitting next to the Seine. It was pretty great. Hopefully tonight I will do the same exact thing.

>> No.9623332

the most recent edition of the paris review, a bottle of Chilean pinot noir + 5mg diazepam

>> No.9623355

>War and Peace
>Honey Bush Tea

>> No.9623358

Red wine actually raises testosterone, so it's definitely a manly drink, unlike beer.

>> No.9623361

My dude Larkin is great when you're drunk just use a crow bar on your parents mail box.

>> No.9623364

game over, this guy wins

>> No.9623475

just finished a pint of bourbon by myself
too drunk to follow narratives but just the right amount of drunk to read some beat poetry

>> No.9623554

look at all the fucking pseud posers this post triggered

>> No.9623584

ABC Murders

>> No.9623662

The Bible and Pepsi MAX.

I am here to end your pseudy ways, old man.

>> No.9623666

jimmy pls

>> No.9623768
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If this guy congregated in socialist circles why was he such a staunch supporter of de Gaulle and constitutional monarchy?

also general Lacan thread

>> No.9623928


Finishing up All Quiet on the Western Front. Drinking Beer and some Vodka afterwards.

>> No.9623992

Reading Words of Radiance with Coke Zero.

>> No.9624001

Reivers by Faulkner
4 euro bottle of wine

>> No.9624003
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actual quality posting
in reality I'm stoned while drinking and watching Dota 2

>> No.9624015

Thatchers Gold cider and My Life by Sir Oswald Mosley

>> No.9624039

I actually marveled at how clean OP's shit was, there's no way anything there is cum-stained. You're projecting. also, what's wrong with STEM?

>> No.9624376
