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9619205 No.9619205 [Reply] [Original]

What would Epictetus think of this book?

>> No.9619208

Was this recommended to you on /lit/? If so, that was me. How are you liking it so far?

>> No.9619212

They recommended it on /pol/. Very interesting read, the non conventional point of view of the author is thought provoking about the subject of what drives a man. The only thing I didn't like was the pretentious, almost edgy tone of the writing, but I guess it's part of its strategy to present itself in a certain way.

>> No.9619218

>cover mentions that that the author has a PHD


>> No.9619219
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Yes. I think it is strategic in some ways, only because I've read other work by the same author and the style dips into that tone but also into others. In pic related he also openly discusses the change in style and prompts the reader to guess why the writing style would change between sections.

In some ways I see his work more as shining a light on what is already in the dark recesses of our behavior, making it conscious, rather than creating something new. Then the reader has the choice to go with it or not.

In other ways I don't think that is what is going on at all.

>> No.9619221
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>literally judging by the cover

>> No.9619224

How good are his other works?

>> No.9619240

Undoing Yourself is the best in my opinion. It's mostly strange ideas with some suggested practices thrown in, similar to Prometheus Rising. It's the one with the least focus but the most frantic results, a swirl of interesting ideas, activities, anecdotes, and poetry. It is mostly focusing on self knowledge, and comes at it from a lot of angles simultaneously.

Psychopath's Bible takes a different angle and focuses more on interpersonal and societal forces.

Sex Magic, Tantra, and Tarot takes a different angle again and focuses more on archetypal forces.

I've enjoyed all of them but Undoing Yourself has been my favourite. It's been years since I've read them, though.

>> No.9619245

I'm going to check it out then. Thanks.
Also, do you have an answer for the question in the OP? I'm just curious about what others would say.

>> No.9619266

Yeah you can't judge that kind of book by the cover. They always pick that pulp thriller kind of aesthetic for books about serial killers or criminal psychology, any of that stuff. No matter how good they are, they always look cheap. It really says nothing about the quality.

>> No.9619428


Epictetus here, I'm sure I've been psychoanalyzed enough at this point to know my archetypes and beliefs, motivations, etc. This thread is pointless, the information is already known.

>> No.9619456

Honestly, I don't know enough about Epictetus to really answer the question directly. However, the Stoics don't seem to be a good comparison with this mindset and I don't think they'd have dug it, insofar as they were about letting go of things outside your direct control.

Psychopath's bible is opposite to that. It's more about embracing the natural will to power, and exploiting the futile desire for control that everyone has. That way you can appear as powerful to other people (which then translates into real power), by just catering to their need to feel in control. You can also train yourself to feel in control even in situations when you are not (which then translates into real confidence).

>> No.9619474

Thanks. Good observation