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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 24 KB, 220x329, Master_&_Commander_cover_by_Geoff_Hunt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9617094 No.9617094 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else ready this absolute gem of a series?
I'm on the 11th book and it keeps getting better.

Sad that it's only had 1 film so far.

>> No.9617096

Huh, didn't know the movie came from a book

Are the books as comfy as the movie?

>> No.9617100


They're phenominal, the accuracy is fantastic and the characters are very human.

>> No.9617105

how much buggery is involved?

>> No.9617171

but are they comfy?

>> No.9617201

I've read them.

Frankly, Patrick O'Brian is better than most mid to late 20th century writers that /lit/ reveres.

>> No.9617507


Very comfy

>> No.9617665
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Personally I prefer pic related

>> No.9617721

POB is awesome. Take genre to the levels of kino

>> No.9618368

Actually on recently watched the film. Probably the only film I've ever seen that I'd consider worth the effort to get and watch.
>those books though
>holy fuck


>> No.9618391


Somebody write a gay self published one called, "Master & Assmander"

>> No.9618430
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Why do women profess a belief in feminism but secretly (or not so secretly) want to get dominated by big, strong, men? Like why is The Handmaiden's Tale considered a nightmare scenario when that's what many (most?) women would actually prefer so long as the patriarch was hot and not some pasty nerd from r9k?

>> No.9618435


"Asster and Man Commander"

>> No.9618438

Why do men believe women are inferior creatures but (not so) secretly fetishize every pore on their body and gladly put up with all of their bullshit for a chance to drool on them?

>> No.9618454


Why do women answer questions with more questions instead of an answer?

>> No.9618480

woman detected

>> No.9618760

I read like 5 of these but forgot what book I got up to. I love the fact that O'Brian wrote so many.

>> No.9618774


>> No.9618782

good book
not many books are good
but this one is

>> No.9618985

I've read a lot of nautical fiction and non-fiction alike. You name it: Moby Dick, Billy Budd, Lord Jim, Sea Wolf, etc.

Patrick O'Brian is just as good as any of them, maybe even Melville. Hopefully O'Brian will some day get the literary praise he deserves.

>> No.9619570


>> No.9619625

This is satire, right?

>> No.9619789

Is there a favourite in the series?

I only have a dusty copy of wine dark sea.