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9617383 No.9617383 [Reply] [Original]

Serious question - I've accepted that materialism is a terrible way of living and rejected the Enlightenment's bourgeoise, wasteful, selfish capitalism on an intellectual level but I struggle to do so on a personal one. How can I live a "post-materialist" life when every instinct I have naturally is to return to my middle class upbringing and acquire profit and material security at all costs?

>> No.9617393

All you have to do is give up all of your possessions, take up the weight of your own failings and follow your inner light.

>> No.9617411

>How can I live a "post-materialist" life when every instinct I have naturally is to return to my middle class upbringing and acquire profit and material security at all costs?
Good question. The short answer is dive right in and over time you become acclimated to your new standard of living. Your "instincts" are actually your programming. Over time your "instincts" will change. Turn your AC off, and eventually you will get used to the heat.

Try reading some Stoic texts and embrace the lifestyle of perusing virtue. This will help in your quest of less consumption. You don't need material goods in a virtuous life.

>> No.9617420
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>I've accepted that materialism is a terrible way of living
Just buy a hooker, lose your virginity and you'll get over it.

>> No.9617431


Sadly I already lost it and yet no change. Why is materialism so good Anon?

>> No.9617474
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It may be /lit/ but this is still 4chan.

Stop being a faggot. Acquire capital, besmirch wenches, cultivate influence.

You are but one link in a chain that goes back thousands of years, and if you're not a raging faggot, will continue for thousands of years more. It's your sole function in this life to not be the weak link that tears it all apart.

You're not Buddha. You can't always get back what you walk away from. And ultimately, your idiocy and selfishness will mean its a decision your own child will never get to make.

>Stop being an edge lord.

>> No.9617484

horrible post

no need to rush things, op. let your lifestyle slowly change and catch up with what you've learned. no need to do it all at once.

>> No.9618500

Buy used books, drink good water, walk, recycle, brush your teeth.
Make a rule, it doesn't matter what it is, just abide by it. Discipline.

>> No.9618514

post of the fucking century, post of a lifetime

>> No.9618521

sounds like you just don't have the intelligence and will power of your ancestors and are now looking for an excuse to throw it all away and become a fucking lazy bum, that's fine, but spare us your paper thin excuse, now go jack off and play some video games like you desire, leave us

>> No.9618541
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>Acts like it's bad to limit your future child's choices without its consent
>Promotes the grossest violation of a future person's agency (ie forcing them to exist)
>Forgets that while a future person may have moral value, a never person does not
Have kids if you want, but don't act like you've reasoned your way to the conclusion that reproduction is any better than morally neutral since you can't.
Don't listen to all of these insecure biocucks, op. Reproducing doesn't require willpower, guts or any essentially human positive quality, if it did, we'd be the only complex animal species on the planet.

>> No.9618828
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Financial stability and material wealth bring you true happiness up to a certain point. No need to fight it OP.

>> No.9619249
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Hear that sound? That is the sound of you being sucked down the genetic drain, only being temporarily suspended in this realm by your fedora and neck beard.

You act as if your decision not to procreate is a choice. In reality no one wants you and you've read just enough to put a quasi intellectual veneer around it.

Good luck deluding yourself and extra points for trying to suck others into your black hole of delusion m'lord.

>> No.9619262
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Something interesting i read about the industrial revolution was that at a time when tech was changing the way people lived back then there was also a big wave of spiritualism in order to fight against the way the world was changing.

When you think about all those smoky factories was like hell appearing on earth in material form.

And now, it seems as the internet changes our lives, people are once again searching for purpose and meaning. Isnt the internet not just another version of hell, you log onto twitter and its a non stop drip feed of people that are bored, in pain, dying, in fear, and it never ends.

The world we live in is completely atomized, no tradition, no family, no love, no nation, no people, we are all just interchangeable cogs in a globalist capitalist machine.

They tell you god isnt real, but they have no proof.
And if there is one place god is real it is in our heads.

>> No.9619267

>The world we live in is completely atomized, no tradition, no family, no love, no nation, no people, we are all just interchangeable cogs in a globalist capitalist machine.
Thanks to cultural marxism

>> No.9619283

If you were a right winger you would be pro tradition and family.
The capitalist live in their gated communities while they flood western nations with cheap 3rd world slave labor and destroy countries that were once held together by culture and race. They are now held together by money.
But what happens when the money runs out.

>> No.9619286


Japan is ultra-capitalistic yet doesn't let itself get invaded by third worlders. Europe's current demoralization isn't due to "capitalism", but is rather due to the marxism which permeates public opinion.

>> No.9619288

Isn't the passing your genes argument a senseless thing since humanity is going to end eventually?

>> No.9619294

I love sadness. I hate saying things that make me happy.

>> No.9619295

More like thanks to consumer capitalism you twat. Cultural Marxism barely has any influence in academia much less the world at large. What is a more likely scenario: 1. The profit motive is always innovating new ways of reaching people at the most basic level of desire, is amoral since it only exists to create new wealth and wealth is neither good nor bad, and the degeneracy as you call it is really just another way of describing the experiential commodities that we buy into or 2. Literal who economists and college professors are effectively and consistently influencing the market through sheer force of ideology to conform to their view of society
I love you m8 but you have to start thinking critically. Capitalism isn't a conspiracy, human desire is just bottomless.

>> No.9619296

these globalists have destroyed your nation and people in order so they can lower wages and not give you a raise. They tell you to tolerate terrorism, they tell you stop being racist. They are scared to death that trump would take away their maids and they might have to raise their own kids, or wash their own clothes, or give people a decent wage. They have no attachment to their people or land.

also japan isnt a western nation.

>> No.9619297

>Marxism permeates public opinion
Then why was trump elected?

>> No.9619298

The Japanese people are worked to death, isolated from each other instead. They created their own cheap labour. We just import ours. The people at the top profit either way.

>> No.9619304

You aren't exactly right either. The left and right have been laboring under this misconception that people are ideologically driven when in fact the truth is more simple and more complicated (if you really look into it) Individuals are driven by their desires and society is a reflection of desire and wish-fulfillment. Ideology is really just an anti-nominalistic fantasy.

>> No.9619306

Everything dies eventually. The universe itself will die. But that's not going to happen tomorrow. Why hasten its end?

I intellectually understand your point, even though it borders on nihilism. Life may be meaningless in the grand scheme of things, but on the local level it has meaning. If that's the only meaning that exists we owe it to ourselves to continue it for as long as possible.

>> No.9619309

It's a bit more complicated than that. It's true that the cultural marxist ideology is being exploited by capitalists to open more markets, but capitalists are not responsible for this cultural marxism (just as they weren't responsible for imperialism a century ago).

Capitalism is not the originator of this affliction, it merely stuck to it like flies stick to shit.

And where do you think these globalists stand, politically? Think Bernie Sanders is anti-immigration?

Also I know that Japan is not western, but it is ultra capitalist, showing that the problem lies not in capitalism itself but in current western culture.

>> No.9619315

I like to think that since children are generally positive nihilists and bringing them into the world influences society for the better as such. . .

>> No.9619320

I completely agree with you.

>> No.9619321

In case you missed it Trump didn't get a big share of the urban vote.

You're exaggerating.

And anyways what's your solution, not work and live like Thorg the caveman? You commies always make me laugh, supposedly being part of a worker's movement, but too lazy to work.

>> No.9619325

It's not even Cultural Marxism, it is Bernaysian public relations and it works in the same way but by different means. By saying the capitalists are wrong I don't want you to think that I believe Marxists are right--both are detestable forms of technocratic control. What I try to do is find common ground with people so that we can get out of this hopeless left/right paradigm

>> No.9619327

>You're exaggerating.

>> No.9619331

Yes but trump did get a big share of the overall vote.

>> No.9619343

Right, "correct" public opinion is always stronger closer to the centers of ideology.

>> No.9619353

People aren't ideological. The left promises them some wish fulfillment and the follow it. You are assuming a lot about why people choose what they do without even considering the most simple explanation i.e. they are acting on their desires. What is stupid about these arguments is how people like to construct elaborate fantasies about a better world without considering that in so doing they are complicit in the same anti-human life-denial of their enemies. Our world is merely the sum of all desires. There is no better world possible. There are Marxists and anti Marxists and at the bottom of it all, beyond all the bullshit and outright lies they want the same things.