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9613897 No.9613897 [Reply] [Original]

What are some books that can educate a former Trump supporter on basic politics? I repent for being so retarded.

>> No.9613902

just forget politics. it's as temporal and meaningless as celebrity rags. begin with the greeks, become an interesting person.

>> No.9613905

Why do you guys dislike your president so much? He's the most American option you could have taken, he's a literal personification of how we all see you.

>> No.9613907

you need less thought mediated to you desu if you believed in trumps shit. You need to start thinking with your own noggin

>> No.9613909


>> No.9613910

thats the problem

>> No.9613913

If you were genuinely convinced by Trump at any point, then there's no hope for you

Please go back

>> No.9613917

Hello, bernout

>> No.9613921



>> No.9613925

>triggered by first level 'former Drumpf supporter' bait
>not retarded
Pick one

>> No.9613926

>If you think Trump is incompetent and a joke, then necessarily you must be for Bernie Sanders
I'm not even American

>> No.9613927

that's not a lit opinion. If you can't see why someone would sympathize with trump there's no hope for you being able to comprehend most of literature's archetypal mainstays.

>> No.9613931

I'm going to dislike any American politician just on principal but I'm glad you said what I've been thinking. It doesn't matter that Trump is the President because he was already the King.

>> No.9613932

>>If you think Trump is incompetent and a joke
Bullet points needed

>> No.9613936

It's easy to sympathize with stupid people. It's an entirely different matter wanting them to lead the 'free world'.

>> No.9613937


>> No.9613942

I think you're the stupid one for giving this much of a fuck.

Refer to the first post of this thread.

And as you've said you're not even American, so double ouch.

>> No.9613947

I think you're stupid for thinking I give a shit. All I've pointed out is the stupidity of some retard who allegedly was seduced by a fraud like Trump. I would have said the same if he'd said Bernie

>> No.9613954

>Well he said, you’ll be the greatest president in the history of, but you know what, I’ll take that also, but that you could be. But he said, will be the greatest president but I would also accept the other. In other words, if you do your job, but I accept that.

>> No.9613955

You had no choice. If a woman had been elected president, men would never be allowed to watch movies in theaters again.

>> No.9613958

>seduced by a fraud like Trump
This is the type of juvenile discussion I'd expect from Facebook.

... #lockhimup

>> No.9613960

Go 'praise Lord Kek'


>> No.9613963

I never browsed Reddit. I came from Gaia.

And I'm not even a Trump supporter. What point are you trying to make here again?

>> No.9613970

Facebook and Reddit are the same

>> No.9613972

I don't browse Facebook either.

>> No.9613973

I don't think he represents America that well since most Americans aren't billionaire reality tv show 2scoopers

>> No.9614017

>Takes more scoops than anyone else
>Does the complete opposite to what he says
>Pushes other leaders aside
>Doesn't listen to allies
>Stinks of shady business
>Loud and just seems to keep talking

These are not traits of the ideal American?

>> No.9614028

Mostly correct, although there are plenty of good and rational Americans as well. They just aren't represented anywhere, for obvious reasons

>> No.9614041

Think before you do. It's that simple. Oh, and stop being racist. Just grab that racism by the pussy, and throw it in the garbage can.

>> No.9614051

I'd recommend reading an introductory macroeconomics text.

>> No.9614062

Trump is basically a businessman and a showman, so his politics are all derived from marketing and business negotiation tactics.

I recommend reading Influence by Robert Cialdini and the 48 Laws of Power, which is a slightly posturing but basically sound book about the kind of power plays Trump uses.

Haha, yes, this is true. President P. T. Barnum. President Dale Carnegie. When he first started running, I didn't know him very well, and mistook him for a Rockefeller.

>> No.9614068


>Think before you do. It's that simple.

lol @ this sanctimoniousness.

are you leftist? if so you're as rube as he is.

protip: there is no bipartisan divide at the highest levels. not anymore. it's all a ruse.

>> No.9614071


>stop being racist

Why? I look at what's going on in Europe and their problems with multiculturalism, and it's only going to get worse. Besides, it's clear that many people on the left have given up on the white working class and just want to have them gone as a voting bloc as soon as possible.

>> No.9614074


>> No.9614078

Read the Art of the Deal.

>> No.9614085


I love Trump. MAGA!!!! Build that Wall. Islam is a death cult. 1776 not 1984

>> No.9614090

>that prose
are we going back to the telegram? is that what twitter did? genre fic must be about to get awesome again. stop.

>> No.9614098

>first African-American President will forever be overshadowed in the history books by an orange iconoclast
Laughing out loud.

>> No.9614102


>>that prose

not that anon but you are a legitimate pseudo-intellectual.

>> No.9614103


I write for my audience and that is what the majority of the parrots here can understand

>> No.9614108

telegraphic prose. google it, shit for brains.
read some ellroy, son. you can go far.

>> No.9614109

I think you have the wrong board, retard.

>> No.9614112


I think you do or you don't understand this board at all.

>> No.9614121

Explain then. Was there some post-irony infused in your post or are you genuinely under the assumption everyone's a Drumpf supporter here?

>> No.9614132

anon, i'm sure anon wasn't calling you personally a parrot. i'm sure anon would never call you any kind of tropical bird, or other kind of avian, in fact. birds are, after all, important.

>> No.9614135

If you didn't vote for Trump then fuck you. You almost prevent us from having 4 entertaining years of him as president. Everyone loved when Arnold was governor of California because that was fun and entertaining but for some reason when Trump was a candidate people voted against entertainment. Seriously, the democrats are the no-fun-allowed party.

>> No.9614144


>> No.9614149

good double, nice question :^)

>> No.9614151

That's what I'm saying. >>9614098

>> No.9614152

has humanity ever been more cynical than it has now?

believing that people are motivated by self-interest; distrustful of human sincerity or integrity.
"her cynical attitude"
concerned only with one's own interests and typically disregarding accepted or appropriate standards in order to achieve them.

>> No.9614156

Who are you

>> No.9614174

That is precisely what the "masters of suspicion" - Marx, Nietzsche and Freud taught (and the whole intellectual millieu that spread from them, Foucault, Lacan, et al), and now you have the gall to complain that the thinking the academia marinated themselves for almost a century in has become mainstream in society. Don't complain about the dish you ordered.

>> No.9614193

Because they aren't living up to the American standard.

We have subsisted and flourished throughout history primarily because regardless of how hypocritical, naive, and idealistic the men in America may be: we still have the gumption and individualistic drive (reigned in ever so slightly by constitutionally-grounded freedoms, and the thoughts of our much wiser forefathers) to get shit done. Even if it's horrible for everyone involved, even if it's a fucking mistake glaring us in the face - you best believe we're the ones that will be doing it, and doing it handily.

>> No.9614197

>the dish I ordered

I'm only on Kant to be honest, I haven't ordered anything other than concepts as of right now

>> No.9614208

Trump is basically the Platonic idea of American success. Sad!

>> No.9614251

just nuke this thread

>> No.9614256

It's not that complicated. He was elected because of uneducated, simple-minded people who didn't go to college. We are now in a post-truth era where scientific fact isn't seen as important anymore.

>> No.9614259

The Origins of Totalitarianism by Hannah Arendt.

>> No.9614263

Shut the fuck up, you fucking pseud

>> No.9614265

Is politics a meme in the grand scheme of things?

I figure no matter how I vote, if I voted the exact opposite way my entire life, the result would be the same since no election is decided by a singular vote. So why bother even thinking about it or getting upset over it like normies do?

>> No.9614267

Fuck off back to /pol/, faggot.

>> No.9614277

Hmm, my Jewish psychology skills are informing me that you believe this because you secretly want to fuck animals. Sigh, how banal.

>> No.9614289


Democracy is a meme. There is not a single decision that is best made democratically. Imagine if the CEO of McDonalds had to get the votes from all the burger flippers and cashiers about top level corporate decisions.

>> No.9614300

So thinking about other people fucking animals is a totally normal thing in your world. "Hmm", indeed.

>> No.9614328

Unfortunately, deviance is rarely seen as that by deviant. To the deviant, he is no pervert or sexual radical but merely following the orders his commonplace impulses urge upon him. His perversion is...unexceptional. Now kindly tell me that I'm a genius for giving you this winning insight and get the fuck out my thread.

>> No.9614348

Hey, you're the one who brought it up. I'm sure it's reassuring for you to know that the next time someone challenges your ideas you can just calm yourself with thoughts of bestiality rather than address the issue. I'm still not sure what that has to do with me.

>> No.9614362
File: 10 KB, 640x480, Mastermind.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this is your best response to being exposed as a furry
How banal.

>> No.9614382

>defending yourself with an ad hominem when told to fuck off back to /pol/
How typical. But now that we're on the subject I'm genuinely interested to know what this has to do with Freud, since I believe it was HUMAN sexuality he was obsessed with. Also I've clearly hit a nerve by mentioning Hannah Arendt, and you've already mentioned "Jewish psychology". So let me guess, this is all da joos fault. "How banal", indeed.

>> No.9614438

>no response
This is how all of you Trumpfag cowards are, all bark and no bite. You just insult people and think that you'll intimidate them into not arguing with you, because you don't actually have any ideas, other than "US GOOD THEM BAD." So yeah, fuck off back to /pol/, and get fucked by the animal of your choice while you're at it, because something that Freud actually did discuss, and quite a bit, is the idea of projection.

>> No.9614449

yo, >>9614289
is a garbage response. the answer is that yes, it is a meme. it is a complete waste of time to care about like normies, especially since modern political discourse is just materialists squaqwking about capitalism vs communism. search for permanence

>> No.9614505

Have you ever met an interesting person in your entire life? I've met lots of interesting people. What makes someone interesting is being able to talk about lots of relevant subjects that would actually come up in a conversation. There is nothing interesting at all about talking about bland, irrelevant dead dudes from 2000 years ago. Pretty much anyone is going to be desperate to get out of a conversation with you and talk to an actual human being.

>They all walk away because I'm too interesting and it intimidates them
No, it's boring as shit. Chad is interesting. If no one is interested in what you're talking about it is by definition not interesting. It's only interesting if people are interested, if people actually seek out conversation with you.

This board is so fucking pathetic.

Chad talks politics:
>My ex-girlfriend died because she was screwed over by her insurance company forcing her to take an older, less effective medication. It's a fucking shame. There was a really important regulation which only went into effect when it was too late to save her, but he was part of a trial for a really exciting technology which I'll have to tell you about later. What's amazing is my brother and my best friend both interned for the Congressman's chief of staff who drafted the regulations and they were able to use my friend's case to push the regulation against the half-billion dollar lobbying effort and they kicked ass getting it through. I really miss her and gained a lot of perspective going through the breakup and I can't tell you how much--

Interesting /lit/ person interrupts about pulitics
>and then Socrates said if I corrupted the youth, I would be worse off because I would be surrounded by corrupted youth, therefore it makes no sense to say I corrupted the youth

>> No.9614548

Let's be honest- you haven't read Nietzsche, Freud or Marx. Don't write a Yelp review if you didn't go to the restaurant :^)

>> No.9614561

Both Chad and the /lit/dude as you've laid them out could delve into pretty interesting conversations. What make a conversation interesting isn't the subject matter or the person's experiences, but the way in which it is discussed

>> No.9614579

>how banal indeed
got eem

>> No.9614582

Just brun the country to the ground and start over

Your first mistake was not all becoming Amish

>> No.9614586
File: 44 KB, 508x438, 1495296911871.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The more you learn about the US military industrial complex, containment, why countries are allied with each other, and why certain nations are intervened upon and deliberately destabilized, you will have no reason not to be one of the following:

A socialist
An anarchist
A libertarian
A cryptocurrency investor

>> No.9614599

True but without the anarchist part, and by libertarian I hope you mean actually libertarian not the AnCap meme

>> No.9614609
File: 135 KB, 725x729, 1494849381882.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've brought up PT Barnum, HL Mencken, Machiavelli, and Boss "Tweed" Tammany many, many times when discussing him with other people. Libs underestimate the fuck out of him because he plays a bombastic and oblivious character to the public. But inside his head he is as cutthroat and underhanded as postwar boomer Capitalists come.

I am an (ideologically unaligned) far leftist and I hate three things from Dems right now:

>Red baiting and Russia bullshit when the real sauce is his 100 billion deal with the Wahabist Terror State Saudi Arabia.

>Under estimating the intelligence of Fascists

>Alliance to the massively corrupt deep state and intelligence community.

On the right I hate:

>Rampant and hypocritical religiosity

>Hatred for the "deep state" while having a massive boner for the banking-military-surveillance-investment-industrial complex.

> Pretending to hate political correctness while simultaneously pearl-clutching over race mixing, vulgarity in media, "degeneracy" etc.

> Pretending to love ideological freedom while having a huge boner for containment and blacklisting

>> No.9614614
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I meant one of the following, not all of them.

Those are just the typical directions I see people go when they start paying attention to foreign policy history or start to "follow the money."

And no, I do not meant the ancap meme. Ancap is Utopian.

>> No.9614620



>> No.9614627
File: 47 KB, 487x432, jacko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Michael Parenti.

This guy stopped being bros with Bernie Sanders because Sanders sided with mainstream democrats on Yugoslavia in the 90s.

>> No.9614639

> I repent for being so retarded
Drumpfkins only just realising hillary was the better choice lmao

>> No.9614762


Just watch this video if you're feeling down.

>> No.9614765

>i continue to believe mr trump will not be president
>looks away

he saw some secret dnc polls and knew hillary was losing bad, if you watch hillary in the debate when trump says "i'm polling well in michigan" or w/e she has this look of horror on her face, she knew, she knew she was losing bad, otherwise she would have had that smug face the clintons always have, but she couldnt hold it together

>> No.9614775

what is this guy? an off-brand noam chomsky? he's not bad at giving the standard american foreign policy atrocities surveys. do you think chomsky got more famous because of judaic networking? the publishing industry didn't want to promote a gentile when they could make chomsky into a star instead?

>> No.9614799

You think they're interesting because your standards are shit.

Peope who can talk about 'lots of relevant subjects' (unless they're gifted or really old), can only talk about them in formulaic and superficial ways, and the fact that you find such people interesting means you can't tell bullshit from actual substance.

>> No.9614812

i just saw something today saying that although no official IQ test has been done, trumps estimated IQ is around the 156 area. One of the highest IQ presidents in history. please tell me why you think he is stupid without using the phrase covfefe

>> No.9614832

Not gonna lie, former Trump supporter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Trump crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes.

>> No.9614866
File: 176 KB, 500x524, 2923447.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hobbes Leviathan
Machiavelli The Prince
Adam Smith The Wealth of Nations
Karl Marx Manifesto and Capital Vol. 1 (or the Abridgment by Otto Ruhle)

Mandatory Philosophy: Descartes, Hume and Kant


Just take the the StirnerPill if your too lazy

>> No.9614872

It's okay, anon. At least you're trying.

What made you support him to begin with? I hated both candidates, but Trump naturally seemed like the more volatile one.

>> No.9614889

Obama's legacy is hardly saintly, he'll be remembered as more considered than previous presidents but essentially the same and absolutely not the change he promised, also drones

>> No.9614904

Tankies love him, that should say enough

>> No.9614926

Just play Metal Gear Solid 2

>> No.9614929


>> No.9614941

this might actually work

>> No.9614974
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>thread went from actually recommendations to pol pretty quick

>> No.9614988

Why do people hate Trump?
He is doing miracles on the US economy. Murricans don't realize it because he is not gibbing free burgers for minorities.