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/lit/ - Literature

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9611288 No.9611288[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Post feel

Anons recommend book

>tfw seems like everyone is too damaged and healthy relationships are impossible
>I want to believe

>> No.9611294

This is gay.

>> No.9611301

pls no bully

>> No.9611308

Sorry senpai.

>> No.9611339

Norwegian Wood

>> No.9611356

I recommend Tender is the Night by Fitzgerald

>> No.9611372
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>Become a writer because I have no skills or talents
>And I'm not even good at writing

>> No.9611615

Have you read Stoner?

>> No.9611622
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>tfw you're a 20 year old alcoholic and everyone around you brags about how "wasted" they get on the weekend even though they don't even drink a fraction of the amount you do

>> No.9611633

Bergman's "Winter Light"

>In unmasking the certainty of religious faith, Bergman ends Winter Light with the almost unfathomable image of a godless reverend conducting a service for no reason other than his own sense of religious responsibility. Tomas’s final gesture suggests neither a reconciliation with God nor a turn toward self-parody, but a Sisyphian struggle in coming to terms with the absurdity of life. Marta’s prayer calls for the aspects (affection, truth, belief) still missing in the lives of damaged souls, while Tomas’s prayer confirms the ability to continually search for them, not through hollow ritual which made the first church service a theater of the grotesque, but through a personal, austere dedication to challenging and helping oneself and others in the face of meaninglessness. If God exists anywhere in Winter Light it is in that “absurd image,” as Tomas calls it, of Jesus on the cross questioning God as to the purpose of the Passion. The anguish of doubt, magnified in the cavernous, nearly empty church, proves that God need not exist for us “to be of use.” Instead, it proves that communication of that doubt—even absurdities like Tomas’s prayer to an empty church and a dead god—renders the silence bearable, makes it know that we are not dead in life, that we are constantly rediscovering ourselves in the midst of chaos and inertia, in the brilliance of that winter light which casts itself upon the valley of woe.

Why can't I hold all of these feels?


>> No.9611646

>life is gross
>Im already tired
>I've already become a bitter old conservative
>drink and smoke cigarettes compulsively
>so tired

>> No.9611663
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>> No.9611676

My dog wasn't home to greet me when I got home today. She gets out of the yard sometimes but always came home, but today she didn't. I walked the bush for four hours calling her name and continued after dark with a torch, but for nothing. It's cold and wet tonight and if she isn't already dead she is likely dying I type this, she is too old to survive for long. I hope that someone has found her and that's why she hasn't come back

>> No.9611699

Look guys, this is a pretty eclectic feel, I'm not sure if you guys have ever actually experienced it, but I'd really appreciate a rec for it.

tfw no gf

>> No.9611701

please give me the strength to end it all, please come with me

>> No.9611704

hah! doesn't change at 25

>> No.9611736

t. Batou

>> No.9611742
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Many of us know this feel.

>> No.9611745

The alcoholism or the bragging?

>> No.9611746
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she was my only friend and I cannot reveal weakness to anyone else in my life

>> No.9611749

I stopped drinking and taking effexor a couple of weeks ago. Feeling extremely numb now. Only things I manage to do is read a bit and jog. Other than that I just stare out of the window. I got used to my rhythm of excessive mood swings when on the juice and the meds. I've also begun to dislike my friend intensely. He's a fat, shivering nutjob with nothing to say but youtube videos. But I owe him a couple of big favours so I can't quit him yet.

>> No.9612372
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> just got a job in a field that I like
> Immense dear of fucking up and getting fired

>> No.9612686
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The Metamorphosis and Other Stories

>> No.9612715
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Pic related

>> No.9612724

>desperately searching for hope and answers when you feel there may be none

>> No.9612756

>i want to feel unceasingly loved

>> No.9613128

thomas pinecone

mainly, crying of lot 49

>> No.9613239

Sympathizing with conservative values while lamenting globalization and the promulgation of progressivism to an increasingly complacent populace

>> No.9613260

unlimited fun by dave 'fuzzy' walters

>> No.9613488

my diary desu

>> No.9613496
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I like to pretend I'm an intelectual but in reality I'm shit.

>> No.9613610
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pic related

(gay thread anyway)

>> No.9613623

I want to fuck girl missionary and as we cum together I punch her face till bloody

>> No.9613640

I want to fuck girl missionary and as we cum together I lick her feet till slobbery

>> No.9613658
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>> No.9613682

Seriously though, I quite liked After the Long Goodbye by Yamada which is essentially your story

>> No.9613694

>tfw male grad student with serious romantic feelings (not just lust) for a female professor


>tfw you struggle with anxiety, and have felt weak for having trouble with things that others find so easy, but recently read The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time, about a boy with autism, and seeing him overcome his fears that you would normally find silly, but being proud because he's facing something that is hard for him and overcoming it, makes you feel a sense of pride when you're able to overcome your own anxieties, rather than feeling weak


>tfw you secretly have a waifu but also date 3d women

>> No.9613724

>tfw you abandoned all moral strength and betrayed all your principles pursuing a career that makes you feel like miserable lowlife scum.
>It was all due to fear of being unsuccessful doing what you really love.
>You might eventually kill yourself
Any books for this feel?

>> No.9613731

Save some money and switch careers. It's hard, but not impossible.

>> No.9613746

I'm currently doing that, but theres no real assurance I won't be scared to death of actually going through with it.

>> No.9613751

More scared of it than of eventually offing yourself because your job makes you feel like a bad person?

>> No.9613758

I didn't say it wasn't stupid.
Suicide is easy, living is hard.
Anxiety is weird like that.

>> No.9613762

I know. But I believe in you, anon.

>> No.9613828

Who's your waifu?

>> No.9613858

>tfw all the magic was sucked out of the world when formal education made you a fedora tipping empiricist
>tfw coming to terms that this world view isn't gonna cut it in the long run
Pls recommend a book for this feel.

>> No.9614015
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> Realized my little sister was likely molested in her early childhood
> There's a very good chance that i'm becoming schizophrenic

>> No.9614621

Cheryl Tunt, from Archer. She's fucking insane, burns down buildings for fun, once said she wanted to adopt a child so she could abandon it at the mall, likes to be choked and sniff glue, enjoys being subjected to physical and emotional violence, and more recently is implied to also like inflicting them. I'm not sure why I like her so much.

>> No.9614638

Mere Christianity by CS Lewis

>> No.9614643

Skylark by Dezso Kostolanyi

Maybe not so much answers, but the hope part definitely. 10/10 book btw

>> No.9614645

I can see it, but i got to say i'm dissapointed.

>> No.9614670


"The myth of disenchantment" - jason josephson-storm

>> No.9614753

Not a book, but Suicide Squad

>> No.9614756

i better not get a cold, this bitch at my work was all "oh gosh my throat is all dry and painful i wonder what's wrong with me, cough cough" i'm like omg will you fuck off, hopefully she's just trying to set up an excuse to take a day off and not actually sick, but it seems like when a new cold goes around women are always the first to get sick, so annoying

>> No.9614763
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>strike conversation with three qt3.14s
>they study classical literature in my college
>the rest of the day I think of having a literary gf

>> No.9614868

>despair and depression around/after college graduation
>struggle to find purpose/ease in life
>doubting all previous life choices

>> No.9614915

>Murdered my best friend accidently
>did other shit I don't remember
>ran out of chocolate pudding

Too many feels today.

>> No.9615004

This made me angrier than it should've.

>> No.9615088
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>finally start being responsible for my own life
>catch up with uni
>don't worry anymore about things out of my control
>dawns on me that my culture is going to be destroyed during my lifetime
>realize I'm responsible for its survival
>can't sleep anymore
>lose appetite for a while then start putting on weight
>can't convince myself I'm not responsible

>> No.9615178


If you have half a brain don't read this jewish garbage

>> No.9616277

>still live with my parents
>no job
>highly anxious
>only good at web development but I don't want to be an untermensch working in a soul-crushing office, witnessing the ugliness of the modern man

>> No.9616309

>friends are no longer talking to me
>supposed "best friend" walked by me pretending not to notice and wont return any texts or msgs
>no job
>anxiety at an all time high
>no longer in school so routine or drive is gone

>> No.9617828

I think I'm incapable of love

>> No.9617867
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>Everything that could go wrong does, even when things work out they eventually fail

>> No.9618171


a girl i love is coming to visit me in a few days and after that she moves home and ill most likely never see her again

>> No.9618247


>> No.9618251

Catch 22

>> No.9618265

The Idiot

>> No.9618267


>> No.9618270

Ferdydurke by Gombrowicz

>> No.9618276

Against Nature

>> No.9618285

Read the classic Greek plays and tragedies to understand archetypes, hero's journey, mentors, statue women coming to life.

>> No.9618291

Anything by Herman Melville.

>> No.9618300

I'm a literary genius but too sad to care

>> No.9618317

Thomas Bernhard, Hamsun, Gogol novels

>> No.9618321

You exemplify said ugliness, or at least one facet of it

>> No.9618322

I've ruined my reputation around everyone around me by appearing to be insane. But later feel relatively normal yet I still feel as though I appear insane, due to the people around me bringing me down by acting as a constant reminder to my previous self. I just need a break and a relatively clean slate but am worried that I'd fuck that up too.

>> No.9618401

>my previous self. I just need a break and a relatively clean slate but am worried that I'd fuck that up too.

... Zarathustra
(again) The Idiot
Memoirs of my Nervous Illness
No Longer Human by Osamu Dazai
works by Robert Walser, Kafka, Bruno Schulz, Anna Kavan, Janet Frame.

>> No.9618414

>tfw 4 years since gf left you after you got back together
>tfw haven't gotten laid in a year
>tfw no romantic prospects

>> No.9618425

Oh and
>tfw lightly crushing on a deaf philosophy student but probably never going to act on it
>tfw no heideggerian gf

>> No.9618431

Woke up and had transformed into a bug

>> No.9618434

Men without women

>> No.9618436

Oh, man, have I got a bridge to sell you!