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/lit/ - Literature

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961058 No.961058 [Reply] [Original]

Guys, I'm two thirds of writing an MA thesis on Bret Easton Ellis.

I'm looking for any ideas about the ghost of Jimmy Doheny, the boy meant to live in apartment 1508, in Imperial Bedrooms. I'll bump with what I'm thinking so far...

>> No.961062

Ok, something I have written so far -

Ellis ensures that we do not write this off as a strange coincidence – after Clay finds pictures of the boy on the night of his death, he notices “the same tattoo that Rain had seen when she dreamed about him – a dragon, blurred, on his wrist.” (IB, p. 167) When Rain dreams of the boy, she seems him as a vampire, who calls himself lucky before disintegrating into dust. The reader is presumably unsure how to read this – there is little doubt that the ghost is ‘real’, but he is a loose end that is never tied up. His presence is overshadowed by the death of Julian, and we are mostly left to attribute his appearance to one of the ‘enthralling moods’ Ellis finds so intriguing in Raymond Chandler’s novels.

>> No.961067

Now I'm spitballing -

however, it's also tempting to read JD as a version of Clay/Ellis who never had to live the life that they did; dying young and 'pure'..but he dies high on coke and wanting to be an actor, getting it all wrong...

>> No.961071

> writing MA thesis
> on Bret Easton Ellis
> coming to /lit/ asking for "ideas"...


>> No.961074


there must be some significance to the dragon tattoo, the name 'Jimmy Doheny' and the number 1508 - I refuse to believe that Ellis drops this stuff in and we're not meant to piece something together...

I also mention the way in which his presence is overshadowed by
Julian's death
i.e. the real is now more frightening than the Gothic...

>> No.961076


hey, i figure why not; there are some smart guys on here, and I'm interested in getting some opinions about a very marginal figure in the text...

>> No.961077

If you're writing an MA thesis you have now spent nearly 5 years studying English or Literature. And you are doing your thesis on BEE? For some reason I am finding this hard to believe.

>> No.961082


This is my fourth year, I wrote on one of Bret's novels for my BA dissertation for which I got a solid first.

I think BEE is an incredible writer who I really enjoy writing on, and my supervisor is like the God of blank fiction criticism..?

>> No.961083

Who would spend that amount of time on Ellis? Jesus.

>> No.961085


I've written around 12,000 words like working a couple of days a week in a month? not that bad at all i think...

>> No.961091


for future reference....

[ spoiler ] text [ /spoiler ]

without the spaces in between [ and "spoiler" and ]

>> No.961098
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>You think BEE is an incredible writer

That's cool, man.

>> No.961101


ah thank you, i figured it wasn't too bad anyway as you find out...the thing i said within a few pages of the book anyway

>> No.961117


haha, i know his style is...non-existent, but he tunes into something that i haven't found many others to do (except dennis cooper) without it being trite.

>> No.961120
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>This is my fourth year
>I think BEE is an incredible writer

>> No.961127


ehh, i really don't have time for anything before 1945...

>> No.961149

Then you have no business reading and writing about literature. But that's not even the point.

>> No.961155


Honestly I'm glad to be done with it this year, haha.

I don't know if you can say that though - I have READ a lot of the classics, and the theory, I just don't necessarily get into them

Although A Diamond as big as the Ritz is one of the most incredible things I've ever read..

>> No.961161

>A Diamond as big as the Ritz is one of the most incredible things I've ever read..

Yet you fail to remember its title. Retard. Thesis on BEE..what the shitfuck is next, PhD dissertation on Voldemort?

>> No.961170


A/The, whatever, I read it like 6 years ago...

Really? No-one thinks there's any merit to lit crit of something that represents like a zeitgeist of the 80s? and then 90s with Glam, and I guess '10s with Bedrooms...

>> No.961171

Don't give him any ideas.

>> No.961173

Bret Easton Ellis sucks big time, can't he write other stuff other than stories involving motherfucking yuppies, seriously it gets pretty old. No, yuppies are not deep nor intelligent and writing a story around them is completely fail. Fuck you.

Lolol look at me I'm a yuppie that kills people, lolol now look at me I'm a yuppie in some terrorist organization, lolol now there's this other that's a yuppie in a school, BUT WAIT there's this other one which is a yuppie in Los Angeles, shit's so cash.

>> No.961178


There's your motherfucking thesis.

>> No.961186
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>> No.961192

Haha, you guys kinda got him there. But like...I don't know. He just has something. Maybe not to you guys, but I think so :)

>> No.961198

Cheers for trolling us unintentionally and then sticking to your original guns, OP. Anyway, I don't think you're going to get much help here. Besides American Psycho, which is standard reading material for all channers, we as a whole don't enjoy him.

>> No.961202
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>> No.961204


I see that, haha. Honestly, I think a lot of the stuff he's written has more to talk about than American Psycho, especially Lunar Park.

LTZ is kinda mtv fiction, i get that, but that's ok with me. Rules and Glam are kinda crap.

>> No.961221

Rules is crap?

Thanks for letting me know. I have a coworker who just lent it to me. I got through American Psycho flipping between being bored, chuckling, and repulsed. I don't really care for Ellis at all.

I'll see about Lunar Park in the future.

>> No.961232


yeah, in my opinion anyway...just rent the movie instead. better by miles, and that's coming from OP the Ellis fag...

>> No.961392

I think if someone wants to read something controversial and/or not exactly politically correct that borders one the surreal should look out for Philip K. Dick. Bret Easton Ellis is just a faggot.